Young Nobleman in The Empire by anonymous

be young nobleman in the empire
some other dick head noble who wants your land/business/etc frames you has being in league with chaos
you're pretty much fucked
do only thing you can think of to save your hide
run the fuck away and join chaos since everyone believes you're already working for them anyways
end up running into group of skaven and/or beastmen
since you're dressed like a noble and have decent speaking skills from your teachings you convince them you're part of chaos
they also think you're more important due to your clothes
just from how you carry yourself and speak they start deferring to you
also because you're thinking how to survive you give good advice
and from a habit of petting furry things back at your estate you end up petting skaven/beastmen when thinking or subconsciously while standing by them
accidentally end up the leader through a mixture of common sense, your own desire to not die, lying/bluffing, and positive reinforcement/reward pettings
basically be fantasy chaos version of ciaphas cain
the skaven/beastmen are quite eager to please now since having a leader who tells them they did good and being pet are quite addictive to them
since you're out camping with your hoard and not used to living in the wilds you end up joining their sleeping piles to keep warm and from fear of being targeted by others if you slept away from the group
downside to this is getting full blasted with their musk, being rubbed against in the pile, and the nights you end up pressed against a big furry ass
speaking of, you're starting to get a bit stir crazy and needy
the beastmen/skaven walking around in little to nothing doesn't help and many have quite the nice figures and full ass
it's getting worse with your help in telling them what to target to get good food and it adding to their curves
pretty sure they can smell your desires building and some seem to egg you on from how they stand, move, and cuddle up against you at night
Over time, and without any real effort on your half, a group of Bestigor and Stormvermin bodyguards coalesced around you
They followed you around everywhere, and didn't really seem to understand what personal space was
Being both taller and more rugged than the average skaven and beastman, they had access to the best arms and armour
However, they always seemed to lack any form of rear protection
This meant that you were surrounded by muscular ass anywhere you went, almost 24/7
At night, the Bestigors and Stormvermin took turns standing watch, whilst the others stripped and cuddled closest to you in the sleeping pile
Their musk was greatly amplified by having to walk around in heavy armour all day, almost creating a haze around you
The guards either side of you practically rested on top of you, legs and arms strewn out over you
You could feel their dicks pressing against your thighs
Gods give you strength
something had to give someday
That night, you dream of skin and fur, warm breath and warmer bodies, tight asses, broad chests and hard cocks; all underpinned by a low, seductive laughter
It seems at least one of the Gods heard your plea for strength

You awaken that morning unusually refreshed, feeling as though you could take on the whole Empire
You reach out and gently pet the heads of the beastmen and skaven closest to you, slowly waking up the pile
Some of the braver, and bigger, of the group came over to nuzzle you before setting off for the day
You went about your day as usual, distributing food and resources amongst the group, planning the construction of machinery with the tinker-rats, plotting raids on the local villages, giving out head pats
But as the day continued, you noticed something peculiar
A dull throbbing sensation started growing, right around your abdomen. You felt as if each pulse gave you a boost to your senses, slowly making them sharper and faster
Your ears picked up on the grunts and groans of hard work and brutish entertainment, each one filling your mind with images of rough copulation, making it hard for you to think about anything else
Your eyes began to quickly dart between various skaven and beastmen as you tried to work; the lithe, twinkish body of a tinker-rat, his ass taut as he bends over to work on a machine
The pecs of a Stormvermin glistening with sweat, his blood-red eyes meeting yours as he smiles and gives you a wink
The powerful goat thighs of a Bestigor as he wrestles another, his limp cock-head and balls just showing behind the scant loincloth he wore
Your sense of touch was almost electric, even just grazing the smooth fur of skaven and beastman alike made your arm tingle from finger to shoulder
Sweat was pouring off you, shaky breaths left your lungs; you were trying with all your might to suppress your growing boner
Fourtunatly, you managed to make it through the day, and as night crept over the sky, you made your way to the large sleeping pile
It wasn't until after you flopped down in the centre that you realised your mistake
Several furry arms and legs made their way over your body, and with them
The musk
A scent of sweat, fur and masculinity hit your nose like a charging minotaur, and a large THUMP of energy emanated from your abs
You had to quickly pull your pants off, lest your raging cock rip them for you
Your mind was blank, filled with nothing but the thought of your dick slamming into the rears of both beastmen and skaven
This didn't go unnoticed, as you looked over to see the Stormvermin beside you leering over his shoulder, hands spreading his tight cheeks to allow you access
Wrapping your arms around his abs, you gently eased yourself into his eager rear, inch after inch, before finally resting you balls against his firm ass
The skaven let out a satisfying moan, and with that you began to thrust in and out, each time earning a squeak or grunt from him
By now the entire camp had become aware of what was happening
Hardening cocks revealed themselves from under loincloths as both skaven and beastmen started masturbating to the sight of your rigorous fucking
Another Stormvermin leaned over you from behind, turning your head towards his before giving you a deep kiss, his cock throbbing against your back
A Gor lifted your one of your legs, placing his head between them as he licked your taint, before moving up to suck on your balls
It wasn't long before you reached your limit, quickening your thrusts as the Stormvermin cried out, spewing rope after rope onto the ground and the Tinker-rat in front of him
His hole flexed and squeezed as he came, pushing you over the edge
You could feel each throb of cum as it travelled up your shaft, a rhythmic tick-tick-tick of sperm pumping fourth into the skaven
You held yourself inside for a minute or so, savouring the feeling, before finally slipping out and laying back on the ground
You breathed heavily, having experienced what could only be described as the best orgasm you've ever had
But as your penis slowly returned to being flaccid, another throb came from your abdomen
This time you noticed a flash of purple, and the symbol of Slaanesh
Almost instantly, your cock grew fully erect again
A snort caught your attention, and looking up you saw a cocky Bestigor straddling either side of you, slowly lowering himself onto you
This was going to be a long night


after all, how could you stand to be surrounded by such strong and caring skaven without falling for them
one night with your body against another skaven’s back, you loosen your undergarments
you’re already swimming in the heady scent of the unwashed rat men surrounding you
staring down at the closest skaven’s behind, you gently place yourself in between his supple cheeks
you tell him how good a boy he is, stroking his muscular back
his body buckles at your touch, letting out a moan of submission as you slowly begin to thrust with his rear enveloping you
other skaven notice your arousal and move to join in
one plants his snout against your rear, eagerly lapping at your taint before he decides to rim your hole
another gently holds you close, his desire throbbing against your back
and through it all the maleness of their musk made it an oh so delectable situation

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Pub: 28 Mar 2022 20:13 UTC
Views: 1702