Chapter 3, Day 2.1 The Swim
The Gryffindor's Fifth Year Dormitory was almost completely silent, the moonlight's pale glow illuminated part of the room, dawn was creeping slowly but Margaret was wide awake, comfortable in her bed, feeling like a big, toasty cinnamon bun. Her pet matagot Margot, loudly purring on her chest and kneading her right arm to shreds while sucking on the quilt.
Yesterday had been thankfully exhausting, both mentally and physically and she was lucky enough to fall asleep right away, slowly caressing her dear friend's fluffy coat, her mind was running wild, thinking back to every gaffe, misstep and blunder she made the past fifteen years while another part of her mind was looking forward to her first Saturday at Hogwarts and all the marvelous things she could do or encounter.
Finally satisfied with the attention, the black cat-like creature jumped off the bed to lay on its coarse bathrobe "bed" under the moonlit window, half sad and relieved, Margaret started getting herself ready for her daily morning routine, her mind still racing "It seems you still haven't made any friends" she recalled Professor Fig gently "lecturing" her, a worried look on his face as they bumped into each other last evening "With your talents I'm sure you could be very popular, I know you're a caring girl with a lot to offer to others, and there are a lot of lost lambs around school, especially during the first week." he said, with a wink. She remembered the conversation vividly, but her mind's eye was utterly incapable of recreating the kind old man's face.
Now all dressed up and combed, she made her way down to the common room, grabbing a deliciously fresh apple on the way, hints of sunlight shining shyly through the beautiful stained glass adorning the windows of the lobby "Hmmm... A notice board? This could be interesting." she thought, approaching the almost bare board.
A poster was advertising- more than that- begging for players to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team, she shivered at the thought, another asked for information about a missing girl Margaret was convinced she saw in Potions... Odelia? Maybe. The last one was from a fellow fifth year, embarrassed he didn't know how to swim, asking for help.
She quickly scribbled a note on the board, offering her services solving problem, nicknaming herself "A Detective" and quickly left the lobby, excited, anxious and looking forward to the results of her gutsy, brash action.
As she arrived at the lake, the sun was now a little warmer, and the morning fog was starting to disperse, she quickly changed into her swimsuit, her delicate, goose-bumped pale skin getting warmer under the pleasant light as she carefully stepped into the water, a little under knee-length.
First, she was going run in the cold water until her body was accommodated to the morning's biting embrace, then, she would swim until it hurts, before finally paddling back to shore, on her back, enjoying the full warmth of a risen sun.
Once back on the beach, she began her "after" stretching, meticulously performing the strange motions while the increasingly warm sunlight dried her drenched body.
Most students were now having breakfast in the cacophony of the Great Hall, she was relaxed, at peace, alone with the singing of birds and buzzing of bees, her stretching done, she produced her wand, cleaning herself from the sand and the unpleasant odours of lake water and sweat, turning it into a pleasing and very discreet hint of lemon, she then produced a blanket, laid it on the beach and began another set of exercises.
The relaxing quiet of her morning yoga was interrupted by the crunching sound of shoes in the sand, a male student approached, a strange look on his face, obviously very interested in what he had stumbled upon.
"Hey, you're... Uhh... The new fifth year, hm?" he asked, bending a little on the side, wondering what in Merlin's beard she was doing.
"Indeed." she answered, eyes still closed, not interrupting her exercises, half annoyed her tranquility was ruined.
"Yeah, Magmamelons, right, fitting name, you're hot." he said, grinning.
"Not really, the water is cold, and it's windy" she was starting to pack up her things, getting ready to see if her note had any responses on the notice board.
"What? Haha, anyways, I'm looking for someone to teach me how to swim, could you help me? I've never seen a body in such great shape, you're not a mudblood, aren't you? H-hey...Can you show me your belly..?" the boy was getting bolder, visibly blushing.
"Sure, I could teach you." she paused, her emotionless face was stirring strange feelings inside the obviously disturbed boy "I'm a Pureblood." she slowly pulled her shirt, displaying her chiseled abdomen. "My tummy's normal, why do you want to see it?" "MERLIN'S BEARD! Is this girl an idiot?!" he thought, his hands now visibly shaking, he couldn't believe how strange this whole situation was.
"Get changed and meet me on the pier, I'll teach you the basics but you'll have to practice on your own." she said, a bit too quietly for an outdoors conversation, her back turned on him as she made her way to the designated area.
The cold water had quickly cleared the earnest boy's mind, and under her expert but awkward tutelage he quickly managed to get the basics, and soon after, the boy made his way back on the beach. "Good, now if you keep practicing diligently you should be able swim in no time. One last thing, please close your eyes for a minute." said the mysterious white haired girl "Oh god what's going to happen now..?" the boy started getting excited as her light steps in the sand creeped closer and closer to her. "Obliviate." she whispered, a sad look on her face, as the excited boy started forgetting how he managed to learn how to swim, who taught him, her emotionless face started to fade from his memories, her short white hair, her pale green eyes, it was as if the sand was blowing it all away, his body relaxing in her arms as she laid him on a towel. "I'm sorry." she whispered, almost to herself, all that remained were the instructions.
The rest of the morning would be pretty uneventful, offering the pit of her juicy apple to an interested critter while admiring the trumpetflowers on her way to the castle.