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This Rentry is a work-in-progress! I will slowly be adding onto it overtime with new information.

All information you see has been written by us with the help of sources such as wikis, games and videos, we just prefer to describe them in our own words. This also means we might be adding our own personal interpretations to this, but we will not change anything drastically.

All sources that we use for specific sections will be list below the section and can be clicked on, to which they will send you to the original link.

Being worked on by @error.sans, @naomomimo and @xk4nz on Discord. Thank you two for helping with this!

‎ ‎ ‎ Sections ‎ ‎ ‎

" ‎ ‎ If ‎ you're ‎ not ‎ careful ‎ and ‎ you ‎ noclip ‎ out ‎ of ‎ reality ‎ in ‎ the ‎ wrong ‎ areas, ‎ you'll ‎ end ‎ up ‎ in ‎ the ‎ Backrooms, ‎ where ‎ it's ‎ nothing ‎ but ‎ the ‎ stink ‎ of ‎ old ‎ moist ‎ carpet, ‎ the ‎ madness ‎ of mono-yellow, ‎ the endless ‎ background ‎ noise ‎ of ‎ fluorescent ‎ lights ‎ at ‎ maximum ‎ hum-buzz, ‎ and ‎ approximately ‎ six ‎ hundred ‎ million ‎ square ‎ miles ‎ of ‎ randomly ‎ segmented ‎ empty ‎ rooms ‎ to ‎ be ‎ trapped ‎ in. ‎ God ‎ save ‎ you ‎ if ‎ you ‎ hear ‎ something ‎ wandering ‎ around ‎ nearby ‎ . . . ‎ because ‎ it ‎ sure ‎ as ‎ hell ‎ has ‎ heard ‎ you. ‎ ‎ "
- ‎ ‎ Anonymous ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ May 13th , 2019

‎ ‎ ‎ What ‎ ‎ Are ‎ ‎ The ‎ ‎ Backrooms ‎ ‎ ? ‎ ‎ ‎

" The Backrooms "are a popularly known concept of a supposed other world hidden outside of ours, the idea originating from an anonymous post made on 4Chan on the 13th of May in 2019. The concept of the Backrooms has been heavily built upon over the years, with multiple users across the internet contributing to the creation and adaption of new levels as well as other fan-works or interpretations, all of which are accepted by the Backrooms community, more commonly referred to as a fandom at this stage.

It is said that unfortunate souls enter the Backrooms via ‎ " no-clipping " ‎ out of our reality, where they will then be sent into a seemingly endless maze of various different ‎ " levels " , each of which containing their own unique characteristics and contents. No-clipping may occur when an individual makes the wrong move at just the right moment, allowing them to phase through solid objects and surfaces, similar to a glitch in a video game. It may also happen when an individual forms impact against a surface, like a wall, at such a quick speed that reality is unable to keep up with the action, causing said individual to phase right through the surface. These no-clipping occurances will allow someone to enter the Backrooms.

Despite any initial thoughts that the Backrooms are an intriguing, or even ‎ " cool " ‎ place, this lengthy labyrinth of infinity is not something to be laughed at if an individual were to find themselves inside it. The Backrooms are a very dangerous place, threats and hazards of all kinds being extremely common encounters in the vast majority of the levels one may come across, one of these dangers that are more prevalent and known being ‎ " entities " , creatures that roam different levels within the Backrooms, commonly known to be on a constant search for unsuspecting prey; wanderers. Every entity is unique, and although not all are dangerous or pose a threat, it is certainly a must to be cautious while around them.

Residents of the Backrooms commonly refer to Earth, or their ‎ " original reality " , as ‎ " the Frontrooms " .

Do not try and enter the Backrooms yourself, the Backrooms is an entirely fictional concept and trying to enter may potentially cause injury.

‎ ‎ ‎ Survival ‎ ‎ Difficulties ‎ ‎ & ‎ ‎ Classes ‎ ‎ ‎

Each individual level of the Backrooms has a different unique classification depending on its contents. These classifications may list the level's safety, stability, or if it contains active roaming entities. Levels are also assigned classes that determine the survival difficulty and chance if a wanderer were to find themselves within it. These classes range from numbers 0-5, with additional classes that also have their own individual meanings.

A level ranked as Class 0 typically means the level is entirely safe, containing no threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards. These levels are extremely easy to traverse. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Safe, Stable and Devoid of Entities.

A level ranked as Class 1 typically means the level is mostly safe, containing very little threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards. These levels may be slightly harder to traverse, but still relatively easy. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Safe, Stable and Minimal Entity Count.

A level ranked as Class 2 typically means the level is quite unsafe, containing present threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards. These levels may be harder to traverse. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Unsafe, Stable and Low Entity Count.

A level ranked as Class 3 typically means the level is certainly unsafe, containing common various threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards. These levels may be extremely difficult to traverse. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Unsafe, Unstable and Moderate Entity Count.

A level ranked as Class 4 typically means the level is extremely unsafe and dangerous, containing large various threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards, especially in big numbers. These levels may be impossible to traverse if one is not equipped with necessary items and skill. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Unsafe, Unstable and High Entity Count.

A level ranked as Class 5 typically means the level is to be avoided at all costs, containing extreme serious threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards as well as practically imminent death. These levels may be impossible to traverse, no matter if a wanderer is equipped with necessary items and skill or not. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Unsafe, Unstable and Entity Infestation.

A level ranked as Class Undetermined typically means the level has very little information known about it, normally due to a lack of exploration or documentation and resources required to do as such. These levels are certainly mysterious and it is best for wanderers to stay cautious and on edge whilst traversing levels of this nature. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Mysterious Properties, Unknown Information and Undocumented Entities.

A level ranked as Class Variable typically means the level has multiple individual sections or areas, each of which containing differing varieties unique threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards. These levels are a gamble of luck in terms of whether a wanderer may face life or death, their course of traversal depending on what routes they take within the level. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Varying Safety, Heavily Unstable and Diverse Enity Count.

A level ranked as Class Hazbitable typically means the level is extremely safe and wanderers may be able to form stable long-term settlements within, containing no threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards. These levels are suitable to live in, containing helpful resources for wanderers to hold onto and use in the long run. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Safe, Sustained Communities and Devoid of Harmful Entities.

A level ranked as Class Deadzone typically means the level contains excessive and significant threats or dangers such as entities or environmental hazards, with death being a consistent result of these factors in most cases for unfortunate wanderers. These levels are known to be impossible to survive and should be avoided at all costs, whether an individual is prepared to traverse it or not. Levels in this class may be commonly seen paired with the additional labels; Numerous Hazards, Strictly Unhabitable and Presence of Lethal Entities.

The icon used to display levels ranked as Class 0. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class 1. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class 2. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class 3. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class 4. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class 5. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class Undetermined. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class Variable. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class Habitable. The icon used to display levels ranked as Class Deadzone.
Sources Used ‎ ‎ :

Backrooms Fandom Survival Difficulty Guide

‎ ‎ ‎ Entities ‎ ‎ ‎
- ‎ ‎ Smilers

" Smilers " , also commonly referred to as " the Smiling Things " , are horrifying entities that can be found in various levels of the Backrooms. They appear as nothing but a floating face with two white glowing eyes and an extremely wide and toothy grin, hence the name, " Smilers ".

Smilers are normally seen residing idly in dark and shadowed areas of random levels due to their immense sensitivity to light. They can sometimes be found in groups, in which they would be a more significant danger to wanderers, though they usually nest alone.

These creatures are mostly passive to wanderers, however, can be very easily aggravated as a result of light sources, wanderers getting too close, or being stared at for too long. Whilst attacking, Smilers are quick and known to bite wanderers with their sharp rows of teeth, leaving deep wounds that are recommended to be treated at once. It is possible to outrun Smilers, though likely not without being injured first.

Smilers are also reported to be vocal entities, but not so often. If one of these creatures were to talk, it is rumored that they mimic the voices of their previous victims. They also have the ability to form markings and mysterious writing on walls, presumed to be drawn with blood.

An up-close image of a Smiler's face. An image of a group of Smilers huddled in the darkness taken from the popular Backrooms fangame, " Escape the Backrooms ". An image of a Smiler staring out from the doorway of a dark room.
Sources Used ‎ ‎ :

Backrooms Fandom Smiler Wiki

‎ ‎ ‎ Items ‎ ‎ & ‎ ‎ Objects ‎ ‎ ‎
- ‎ ‎ Almond ‎ ‎ Water

" Almond Water "is a normally uncommon beverage found in random levels of the Backrooms. It has a flavorful taste of vanilla and almonds, and is the most helpful resource when it comes to staying hydrated and healthy during a wanderer's travels. The drink has many benefits, often said to cure symptoms of illness and wounds or any other negative effects, especially if inflicted by entities.

Almond water can only be discovered as one on its own at a time, never able to be found in plural groups. Despite this, almond water can be found in various different forms, such as bottles, cans, or cartons of different materials. It is unknown how this resource is provided around the Backrooms, nobody having reported instances of it appearing nor an individual putting them there. The distribution of almond water is entirely random, as there is no coordination or way to determine when or where one may appear.

Although these are extremely rare to discover, different variants of almond water can be found aside from the regular, three to be specific. Each of which have different rarities, values and effects on the consumer. Blue almond water is common, and said to increase the consumer's stamina, strength, energy and immune system. It can also reduce insanity and clear the mind. Green almond water is also relatively common, and said to increase energy and awareness to one's surroundings. Red almond water is the rarest type, extremely rare, in fact. It is said to increase healing processes and blood circulation.

An image of Almond Water, an uncommon resource found within the Backrooms.
Sources Used ‎ ‎ :

Backrooms Fandom Almond Water Wiki

- ‎ ‎ Cashew ‎ ‎ Water

" Cashew Water "is a rare beverage that can typically be found amongst a specific category of levels of the Backrooms, more specifically" Negative Levels " . It is rather uncommon otherwise. Due to the almost identical taste, smell and appearance, wanderers may accidentally mistake cashew water for almond water , however, the effects are nothing of similar nature.

Consumption of cashew water may lead to results of illness, fatigue, extreme dehydration, anemia, depression and an immense fear of any water source. If consumed in greater quantities, it may also lead to insanity as well as the attraction of entities, hostile or not. Direct skin contact with the fluid is equally as discouraged as consumption, as it is reported that wanderers experience extreme sensations of burning and prickling on the point of contact, the feeling unbearable enough to usher wanderers to injure themselves, in similar ways of tearing their skin off, in hopes of discarding the sensation.

Similar to its positive counterpart, cashew water can only be found on its own instead of in groups, the origins unknown. There is no way to determine where or when this unhealthy beverage may appear. It is said that entities are attracted to cashew water as it has better effects on them, meaning it is best for wanderers to discard of the resource as soon as possible as not to draw any attention to themselves.

An image of a labeled bottle of Cashew Water. - DISCLAIMER : Bottles of Cashew Water are never labeled.
Sources Used ‎ ‎ :

Backrooms Fandom Cashew Water Wiki

‎ ‎ ‎ Level ‎ ‎ 0 ‎ ‎ ‎

Class 1 ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ Safe ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ Unstable ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ Devoid of Entities
" Level 0 " , also commonly referred to as" The Lobby " , is the first level that wanderers of the Backrooms will be met with upon entry. It is described as a vast, rumored to be endless, space of inconsistently formatted rooms of which resemble the looks of a commercial building's back rooms. All rooms found this ‎ " level " ‎ share the same common features; worn wallpaper of a mono yellow-green in nature, old and dull moistened carpet, destroyed electrical outlets, and randomly-placed fluorescent lighting emitting a consistent buzzing ambience. Despite the limited nature of these characteristics, no two rooms within the ‎ " level " ‎ will share an identical layout, maintaining a unique complexion.

Due to the complicated nature of Level 0, navigation is a difficult process. It is possible for a wanderer to walk in a straight line and end up in an area seen at an earlier time, or turn around and be met with a completely different area altogether. All devices and navigational items prove as useless, ultimately failing to work within this level.

Documentation and reports regarding Level 0 have mostly described entities as an unpresent threat, the only common danger prone to cause death within the level being dehydration, starvation, or exhaustion due to the extreme lack and scarcity of necessary resources. Some claim to have spotted entities within the level, or even have been chased and injured by such, although this could simply be a result of wanderers losing sanity whilst they traverse; the significance of the isolation wanderers may experience for this extended period of time may very well be a cause for insanity, as one is consistently in a lone state as long as they remain in the level, with no variety in the surroundings to keep them sane or in a stable mindset.

Despite the scarcity of necessary resources, it is possible for wanderers to occasionally come across bottles of almond water, although this is extremely rare. This is the only known resource to have been found in Level 0.

Exit points of Level 0 are certainly uncommon, although not impossible to find no matter how much it may seem so. These exit points may display themselves in various different ways, all leading to different levels. These range from discoloration in the wall that may allow a wanderer to no-clip, tears or holes in the walls and floor, blatant exit doors built into the walls, or walls fading as the surroundings gradually change to such of another level. The most common level that wanderers in Level 0 may be sent to upon discovering an exit point is Level 1.

An image of Level 0 taken from the original source, a 4Chan post from 2019, that created and brought attention the Backrooms creepypasta. An image of Level 0 taken from a Roblox Backrooms fangame, " Backrooms Unlimited ", created by user " Lolbit757575 ". An image of Level 0 displaying the fabled creature, " The Howler ", taken from a popular and well-embraced Backrooms fan interpretation on Youtube created by user " Kane Pixels ".
Sources Used ‎ ‎ :

Backrooms Fandom Level 0 Wiki ‎ ‎ - ‎ ‎ Backrooms Unlimited Wiki ‎ ‎ - ‎ ‎ Backrooms Wikidot

‎ ‎ ‎ Level ‎ ‎ 1 ‎ ‎ ‎

Class 1 ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ Safe ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ Stable ‎ ‎ : ‎ ‎ Minimal Entity Count
" Level 1 " , also commonly referred to as" Habitable Zone "is the most likely level that wanderers may be sent to upon exiting Level 0. The level resembles a large run-down multi-floored warehouse, mainly constructed with concrete and solid materials. Large puddles are commonly found around the floor due to the condensation of fog, of which comes from an unknown source.

The level contains several open areas that hold a vast amount of aimlessly lettered pillars, fluorescent lights lining these as well as the walls. However, parts of the level may also branch off into hallways, seperate rooms, staircases and even fully-functional elevators. Crates and boxes can be found in most areas, containing necessary supplies such as food, Almond Water, light sources, batteries, clothing and other items that may prove as useful to a wanderer's journey. Following this, the level seems to have an endless supply of these.

The level does have a seemingly infinite source of electricity, although lights may unexpectedly flicker and even turn off for a random and undetermined amount of time. This is the only gateway that will allow hostile entities to appear within the level, and it is said that even some supply crates and other useful items may unexplainably vanish whilst the lights are off.

Sources Used ‎ ‎ :

Backrooms Fandom Level 1 Wiki

Pub: 07 Nov 2021 02:36 UTC
Edit: 08 Nov 2024 10:07 UTC
Views: 740