helping run a tavern was relatively stress free
coin was easy to come by in a port town
trade was prosperous and that in turn brought in customers of all walks of life
the owner of your tavern clearly saw the opportunity that lay before him
he was a merchant sailor before this
hence the name
Three Sheets to the Wind
he thought it was funny
a bar and inn in an industrious and relatively new port was sure to swim in gold
he was right
you'd move stock and clean
usually kept out of sight of the customers
socializing with a gaggle of drunks wasn't a great deal while sober so you could not complain
you have traveled here from across the seas yourself
nothing but a runaway with nothing to his name but the shirt on his back
being a human was a rarity in these parts
multiple beast folk had commented on it
you were eyed with suspicion, curiosity and sometimes other feelings
that led to another part of your employment
the owner was not blind to the proclivities of sailors
the giant graying sea wolf was well aware
when he came to a few of the barmaids and you he had a proposal
some extra coin under the table so to speak
surprisingly he expected you to be a big of a money maker due to your novelty
some of the maids refused
you initially were taken aback by the idea
then later talked it over with old Pete
he said you could set your own terms but he would get a cut of every transaction
a few of the maids agreed
it was all behind closed doors
the extra coin was tempting and Pete had promised control
you began to think of it more like a bonus
the wolf's intuition was right
it started slow
beast folks of all types were interested in satisfying their curiosity
part of your deal with Pete was doing it through a hole in the wall
the mystery helped make it feel more… clean somehow
Pete would check the customers out and you'd trust him
you had never done anything sexual like this before
let alone with beast folk
over the course of a year you sort of lost count of how much you had given to strangers
you would make sure you kept clean and Pete even paid for doctor visits for you and the girls
you were making more money off man whoring than stacking barrels by now
you had noticed more than once you had a few regular customers
most of your customers were content to suck on your manhood
you didn't know who was who as part of your deal and you did not ask Pete much more than if they were reputable or not
you knew more than a few were men
you were not one to judge by now
a mouth was a mouth
you were just shocked to hear some wanted to go further
and even more shocked when Pete told you it was the men
particularly a group
you started trying to focus
putting a face on a blowjob
harder than it sounded
most of your customers enjoyed the privacy aspect as you had and the fact they usually had their mouths full meant voices were hard to place
soon enough some of that group Pete mentioned grew bolder
you ended up entertaining two of them at once
then later three
then a small group on the other side of the wall
they paid more and more
you were outgoing the maids after a while
not that you let that be public
while it was hard to place faces it was easier with this group
judging by how they had to work your cock you knew their mouths were different
soft clicks and the texture of their hands gave you a better idea as you focused
they seemed to enjoying being regulars
Pete said they were loaded
had to be for how often they requested you
they'd seemingly vanish for a few months then every other night they'd keep you drained for a solid month
you heard murmurs occasionally on the other side
you had enough coin to do whatever you wanted
but you still hung around the tavern
free room and board was amazing
plus you were sort of growing addicted to this job
it was such easy work
everyone still seemed satisfied blowing you
that was until one evening Pete let you know your fan club was there
a few of the barmaids eventually figured how much you pulled and jealous was an understatement
you didn't know what you were doing but you weren't about to stop doing whatever it was
at this rate you might be able to buy a house
Pete was damn near rolling in gold now
they were even bribing him for special access to you whenever
you didn't know that night they had a surprise for you
you stuck your dick through the wooden hole as usual
then something wet, warm and tight as fuck clamped over it
you realized
this wasn't a mouth
someone was fucking themselves on your dick
you almost pulled out
but goddamn that was too intense
dick won out against brain
you'd never fucked before despite all the blowjobs
some had tried but you'd wanted to minimize risk from being a working… boy?
ad yet here you were
you growled and gripped at the wall
all the while some bird slammed on your dick over and over
it was actually frustrating not to be able to grab and fuck
ok if this was fucking you might give them the exception to your usual rule
soft moans reverberated through the meat you had on your cock
you could barely last for a minutes considering everything
your first step into manhood was claimed by a stranger on the other side of a wall
you pulled out with a groan
your dick felt cold the second the room's air touched it
whoever was on the other side sighed then softly giggled?
your thoughts were interrupted by a clatter on the floor
whoever it was pushed a small satchel through the hole
you picked it up
the finest gold coins you'd ever seen
the bag was tied with a tag
with a cartoonish heart drawn on it
you peaked down through the hole but they were gone
that was the first encounter with then since they came back into town
you were honest with Pete about the sack of money
it only felt fair
he took a smaller cut than usual and told you to take care of yourself a little
he pointed out your attire
also pointed out that party talked about coming back that night
you got the hint and spoiled yourself a little
a nice hot bath with new soap, new shirt and boots
even got a nice roast for lunch
the beef was falling off the bone
fresh bread and butter
just something amazingly
best meal you'd had since you had come to town
you were taking it easy today
what Pete had mentioned about a return visit tonight had you wanting to keep your strength up
last night they'd taken you completely by surprise
your curiosity was getting the better of you
just who were these patrons
for the first time you decided to break your usual routine
you had to ask Pete
heading back to the tavern, you pulled him aside
his laugh was hearty
you asked what was so funny
"it's just, it took you long enough to start asking."
he was amazed you'd gone this long without asking what you stuck your dick in
he did have a point
but the new blankets on your bed and food in your stomach really didn't make that matter before
repeat customers that came in a group and only wanted you
it was unusual
so Pete came clean
"sailors, men, if you'd believe it."
you sort of figured a few me were customers
it wasn't a turn off considering the pay
especially considering how they paid
he went on
"at first I thought most of them were lasses. the captain is definitely a man for how colorful he is."
so they were birds right?
"right. a bunch of seabirds. gulls, an osprey and their captain was a parrot."
yeah you definitely felt beaks before
and they were coming back?
"they seem pretty enthusiastic about you, boy"
you went about your evening
another hot bath
a small supper
you were halfway through a book when Pete called you down
your fan club was here and they'd apparently made a proposition
you had the call
"they want to be in the same room with you"
Pete eyed you, not trying to push you one way but you bet there was a bunch more money involved now
you didn't press that issue but given you'd been fucking them for a while now, you doubt they'd do any harm
you gave it some thought for a minute or two and finally agreed
but not before kicking back a mug of ale
you had to get ready in case they were kind of gross
you did put your foot down though, that if this went south that was it
"fine fine"
the old man lightly pushed you in the direction of the room
you exhaled deeply
when you turned the doorknob you did not expect to be yanked into the room
hands all over you pulled you into the room before you could shout
you were stripped before you could react and smothered in soft feathers
"he's perfect," a parrot boy cooed as he ran a finger over your exposed chest
his fingers walked up your chest as he had the smuggest grin in his eyes
it was hard to move with other guys on your sides
you were pressed against the wooden door by bird
this was nothing like what you prepared for
they smelled faintly of seawater, they must have cleaned up since coming to shore
Pete was right
an osprey pressed tight against your right
white and brown feathers were drab compared to the parrot
however the guy was almost two heads taller than you
a black bandana covered the top of his head
thin as a rail
he eyed you past a hooked beak
yellow eyes narrowed on you
his gaze was judging
leather breeches seemed to be his only attire
three or four gulls excitedly buzzed around your left
you could scarcely figure out which was which
they were decked out in matching white uniforms, blue hats and they seemed identical
they definitely looked girlish
for bird folk at least
all the while they'd push and shove to be closer to you
with all the enthusiasm of a bunch of schoolchildren
one would try to curl against your arm or side and then get yanked back
then another would replace that first one
the parrot had the air of someone in charge
his outfit was almost formal
very much a captain
the feathers on his head fluffed, giving the illusion of slicked back hair
was this flirting?
you had no prior experience to go with here
they were guys
they'd paid handsomely for you repeatedly
one of them had rode your dick last night
you were very confused
it must have shown on your face because the parrot put on the charm
"very nice to finally meet the man. oh where are my manners."
he directed the other men to allow you a wide berth
right to the bed
the intent was clear
you were curious
couldn't say you weren't
his voice was surprisingly smooth and confident
he stood slightly shorter than you, which you noticed when he wrapped an arm around your shoulder
"see, I had this little proposal… a small inkling of an idea."
you were hesitant about that grin
"a business deal"
you sat down on the bed and he surprised you by sitting right in your lap
the confidence he oozed was amazing
your bare skin against his clothes gave you an uncomfortable amount of friction
you were trying not to get hard
"we really picked a winner here didn't we boys?"
the other five took places on the bed
you were not really sure how to handle this
if they were going to rob and kill you they were going about it strange
"oh how rude. Pete gave us your name but we haven't introduced ourselves."
he twirled his hand with a dramatic flair before pointing to himself
"captain Bermuda. you got to know me… intimately last night."
well that solved that mystery
he pointed to the lithe osprey to your right
"my right hand man Montego," then pointing to the gulls he continued, "and Ko, Ko, Mo and…"
the last gulls outburst made you lean away from his voice
well that part matched up with a seagull
well now that that was out of the way you asked about the proposal
you knew full well it had to do with why you were stripped
but why not get it out of the way
"I suppose we've been playing coy."
Bermuda laughed and snuggled up to your neck
his beak definitely made things difficult
was he attempting to kiss you?
hard to tell
then he pulled back and pulled his shirt open
the other guys were stripping as well
yeah this was going where you had expected
but six men?
what followed was a blur of sensations
each of the men seemed enamored with you in some way or another
tongues and hands all over you
bird folk had strange armored and clawed hands yet all of them deftly explored you
"humans are a rare sight to behold, you see."
Bermuda whispered next your ear
"so we just had to see the human man"
you were well aware of the parrot's generous ass on your bare lap
he seemed to catch your reaction and ground down on you
"such a comfortable perch"
the osprey, Montego, laughed behind you
"see, Pete is an old friend. used to serve on the same ship actually"
wait how old was Bermuda?
he didn't look as worm down as Pete
the parrot caught your look
"oh I'm betting you think I'm some pervy old man now. I mean… you'd be sort of right."
the parrot's vibrant plumage and his pear shape didn't betray his age in any way
if it weren't for the formalities you'd have never guessed his age
"oh relax. honestly, human dick has been the only thing I broke a life long dry spell for."
he rubbed down again for emphasis
your groans brought a grin to his face
you were in their able hands
and this proposal was getting better and better the more they pitched

Bermuda chuckled softly as you found your hands digging into his thick cheeks
"you didn't even ask what the proposal was"
you weren't paying attention
the gulls took your cue when you lifted your dick free picking up Bermuda
familiar tongues started bathing you manhood behind the parrot boy
Montego behind you started licking at the back your neck
the group hadn't taken long before they overwhelmed you
you had to admire the skill they had to not completely scratch you up with beaks
true, it was a little clumsy
but the enthusiasm made up for it
you decided to throw caution to the wind and you started kissing along the parrot's neck and then shoulders
he was noticeably thicker than his compatriots
you wondered if that meant you had free reign go as hard as possible
you were holding ample cushioning in your hands
his green vibrant feathers had the smoothest texture against your mouth
he must use some sort of coconut based oil to keep them shiny because you picked up the taste immediately
the gulls murmured behind your new friend's ass and you were confused until one of them surprised you
your dick was just immediately engulfed
you had no idea what was going on down there but they'd begun bickering about your dick
the large bean pole behind you was running his clawed hand through your hair and murmured something vaguely French into your ears
judging by how he was moving he was stroking himself as he indulged
Bermuda was content to let you take charge and explore him
he definitely wasn't fat, but you could tell it all went to his hips
the way his tail feathers twitched when you gripped him harder was cute
he spoke up after a while, towards the gulls
"that should be enough for our… gifted friend here"
you saw his cock had appeared
that was the best way to describe it
because beast folk didn't tend to match up to your anatomy
the pink spear looked needy as it bobbed and swung around, the color contrasting with his vibrant plumage
the parrot was smug as you grappled him over your dick
he knew you wanted this
the you from a year or so ago could scarcely imagine wanting this
his hand felt strange guiding your dick
the texture was like wood bark
yet he was gentle with it and those talons
you realized the gulls had just used their mouths the whole time
they didn't even grab your dick, just licked and gobbled it
speaking of, they managed to resituate around you
Montego refused to leave your back
the seagulls pressed their feminine bodies against your sides, vying for your attention
the birds had defeated any sliver of self control you had left
when your dick pierced the parrot boy his smug confidence faltered too
he cried out your name as he sunk down
his soft arms pulling you into an embrace
he took a second or two before he spoke again
"you are worth every piece of gold. the crew will have to excuse me for being greedy."
something you noticed that would definitely come into play
as thick as Bermuda was, he was so light to pick up
you were so using that to your advantage
once Bermuda gave the word go you asked
how hard did he want it?
"he's got his dick in my ass and he's asking me for permission."
he spoke that to the group intently gathered around you
the lithe osprey was grinding against your back and the seagulls were taking turns kissing you, each other, Bermuda and Montego
the frenzy hadn't even started and the room was already awash with the smell of pheromones and sex
Bermuda ruffled your hair in an almost parental fashion and laughed
"I'm sure you've already figured out I'm a big boy. Now come on, show us a man."
you decided
he felt amazing right now
it really was him last night
except now you could set the pace
and you did so
if he was fine with it
he might regret that though
you slammed him up and down on your dick without warning
the squawk he made could be heard downstairs in the tavern
Montego continued his worship of your neck and shoulders without pause but the gulls tittered and giggled like school girls
he spasmed and groaned as you stopped as quickly as you started
he looked into your eyes, those strange yellow pupils
his brow was furrowed
he spared the gulls on your left a glare that shushed them all up
"I was surprised, I didn't say stop."
he clasped his hands on your shoulders and moved himself on your dick
that was your cue
his feathers were slick with that coconut oil, meaning a death grip on his hips just to make sure you had him
he bounced along with you
"there's the man, there he is."
he grinned best he could with a beak
years back you'd consider all this alien from your home
now you were too balls deep to ponder philosophy and instead used the guy as a sex toy
the lighter weight of the parrot made you feel like you were a circus strongman
he just felt so easy to throw and grab
you wondered if they were all like that?
would you be taking them all?
you didn't know if you'd survive that marathon
but you were going to try
Bermuda was babbling now
it only took a few minutes bouncing on your dick
at least these guys were an ego boost if anything
you wondered why they never just played with each other if they were this inclined
maybe it was you being human that fetched their eyes
they seemed obsessed with your bare skin and kept commenting on your face
it bordered on worship
more than once the gulls ran their clawed black hands over your cheek or your chest, just sweet cooing
very different from their loud normal voices you'd heard earlier
you wondered if they'd sound like that during sex
might need hearing protection
if they intended on sex
given how things were shaping up you'd be with everyone of them today if you could
that had to be the proposal
Bermuda was barely able to hold on as you kept abusing his poor ass
he'd orgasmed across your chest with not warning
the pink member twitched as ropes of seed shot out
"damn," he groaned, "I didn't expect you to make it that easy."
you'd paused to let him catch his breath
that's when he leaned in close
"come on, give me an encore of last night. I know you want you. I can feel it twitching."
well fuck it
Bermuda wanted you to cum and you wanted it
so he was getting his insides rearranged
the gulls cleaned the cum off your chest between excitedly making noise
Montego murmured into your ear, this time in a language you spoke
"you're mine next."
so they did intend to share you tonight
you slam fucked the parrot until he was babbling again
if he wanted to take it you'd give it
you were relentless
he cursed and swore words you'd never even heard before
sometimes you'd stop to make sure he was alright and he cursed at you for stopping
"don't stop fucking him," Montego whispered as he stroked himself
you made Bermuda cum twice more before you felt close
when you growled you were going to cum Bermuda found a second wind and rode back on you harder and faster
"come on. do it, fucking do it boy."
he clamped his hands onto your thighs for leverage and slammed down to meet your thrusts
"give it up. I know you want to~"
his tease was cut short as you grabbed down on his cheeks so hard your nails threatened to break the skin
you poured an unbelievable amount of seed into him and he came again, his own supply of cum tapped out after so many back to back orgasms
no sooner did he wearily collapse against you, did the other members of the crew decided to help him off
Montego wanted his turn and watched you eagerly
he didn't seem the most expressive but he was obvious
his dick was dripping with excitement
it was easy to read on his body
even if he didn't declare it
you had a feeling the seagulls would get sloppy thirds or whatever they had to settle for
you could tell they wanted to protest but Montego towered over all of you
he pawed at you
"I'm sure you figured out what we want by now."
his hard clawed fingers pushed your chin up to look him in the eyes as he stood over you
"we're not paying you to be gentle. I think you've figured that out"
Bermuda faintly spoke up, you looked back to him on the bed behind you
"front jacket pocket, Montego. he's going to need it"
you were confused
the osprey fumbled through the parrots jacket on the ground until he pulled out a… gold giant ring?
the osprey grabbed you by the dick, making you jump
you felt your manhood rising to the challenge again with his touch
when you seemed to satisfy him he slid the ring over your dick
it served to trap the blood flow in your penis
that felt bizarre
but that would help if they wanted more
so you found your balls
you wanted more and you would take it
the taller man yelped with surprise when you got up and grappled at him
these birds had awakened something in you
Montego was way taller than you
but even more light than Bermuda
so naturally you had wrestled him into a full nelson
his arms and legs splayed up in the air
his manhood dripped at the prospect
he was on full display for anyone
you impaled him in one smooth natural motion
the bird of prey seemed to be at a loss for words but you started hammering away without a care in the world
his soft feathers against your sweaty skin created a strange friction
he was a little less expressive than the captain but did fall back into swearing in French
the little flock watched on with amusement
the seagulls clamoring to be next but that noise barely registered in your senses
you were focused on fucking the hole hugging your dick
Montego was submitting to you completely and you wouldn't stop now
couldn't, honestly
your brain was not doing the thinking for you now
the gold pieces you'd get from this were a distant concern to how good it felt now
Montego was squeezing you so tightly you felt like every push into him was a fight
the giant bird boy was on the losing end of a wrestling match he had no intention of winning
for the second time today your manhood entered the fray
Montego's strong silent act had vanished as he was bounced around
you had about as much mercy for his prostate as you did on Bermuda's
your strokes into him were hard and deep enough that he arched every time you hit that button
you were getting better at this and you didn't even know it
you just ran off instinct and it was serving you well
Montego didn't have the slick feathers of his captain
he was more like the stuffing of a pillow built onto a limber frame
fluffy stick probably wouldn't be the most endearing descriptor but you weren't really thinking poetically at the moment
again and again you slapped your nuts to the hilt inside him
your arms had wrapped so tightly around him he had to just take it
when you fucked him through his first then second orgasm you hadn't let up
he'd made a mess of the floor boards below you two and you hadn't cum yourself
his voice was a soft murmur of French babble
the ring was impeding it
Montego was exhausted after rapid fire back to back orgasms though
his ivory white chest heaved as he tried to recollect himself
you however, felt insatiable
maybe because you had the time to relax today before this
you looked to the bed
Bermuda had seemingly passed out on it, content
however, the gulls were nicely lined up
asses in the air on the edge of the bed
almost girlish giggles filled the room as their anticipation grew
things kind of blurred together after
you gently laid Montego over his weary captain like a blanket
you weren't done
not by a long shot
the gold had been forgotten
hell, you'd do this for free at this point
a gull handed you a bottle over his shoulder
you didn't really know
you were laser focused on the pale white fluffy asses in front of you
the liquid inside the bottle was lube
you'd never used it before but you guessed it made entry easy
fair enough
you poured the entire contents on your dick, a sweet smelling oil coating the angry red length
then without pause you shoved it into one of them
again you had forgotten which was which
you just hammered a hole while the respective seagull clawed at the sheets
the other three eyed him hungry and envious
so you decided to hop between them
you randomly fucked all four instead of making them wait turns
none of the were getting a break
you'd pound one into the bed then switch without warning
keeping for seagulls on edge at once was starting to tire you
but you weren't quitting until you got what you wanted
again and again your slick manhood kept each one wanting
you edged them along only to jump to another
you could tell you were getting them all dangerously close though
their tail feathers tensed just right when you slammed in
you had only had actual sex twice before this but you were getting better at reading thier bodies
when the first one came you felt his hole clamp down hard
you couldn't initially pull out
he gripped you like a vice
a second followed
claws shredded the sheets
then a third
downstairs the tavern could swear a murder taking place
but you weren't balls deep in ravens
just noisy girlish gulls
when the fourth threw his head back and screamed your name you knew you'd accomplished what you'd set out to do
you pulled off the ring and with a final furious pumps you came across the entire quartet
cum splattered across pale white feathers and you felt light headed
you came to and noticed a few things
one, this wasn't your bed
two, you felt like the bed was gently rocking
it was confusing
you rose up and saw while the room was different, your small amount of personal belongings dotted the room
sea air filtered through the windows
your clothes were clean
someone had put you in new shirt and breeches
you got out of bed and stretched
your surroundings were definitely new
it was slightly better than your room
you decided to walk outside and see what was going on
you saw nothing but blue as far as the eye could see
the ship was at sea
the ship?
since when were you on a ship?
a call from up top alerted you
the sails billowing in the wind, the breeze smacking into you
you'd been on one boat before but this was nicer
you recognized one of the seagull sailors and things started to add up
you realized there was more sailors than the gaggle that showed up to the room
you had no idea what to make of this but went to the captain
Bermuda was relaxed in his own quarters
which you noticed where close to the room you awoke in
he perked up when you entered
"hey there sleepyhead. we wondered when you'd come to."
you had to immediately ask what happened
"oh that. it was the proposal. we bought you off old Pete."
how did you not have a say?
he saw your worry and got up to walk with you
"the way I saw it you were a runaway, right?"
"consider this a home"
his arm draped over your shoulder and his free hand gestured out to the ship
what about Pete
"oh he charged an arm and a leg. you were worth every coin though. now we get the chance for some exclusivity. we'll try to make you feel at home. just don't worry that pretty little head"
he grinned as he glanced over to you
"not many get to see the world"
this was unreal
he softly laughed and patted your ass before going back to his charts
"we'll have dinner ready in about an hour below deck. in a couple days we should be seeing shore for a spell. hopefully we can get you something nice."
so this was your life?
the sea
and birds

Edit Report
Pub: 13 Apr 2023 14:46 UTC
Edit: 19 Apr 2023 10:53 UTC
Views: 2999