Foxxy x Canna | Xenivari x Remote Kid
Failing to grasp the meaning of a structurally optativified literary support sentence for sonnetic expression, Foxxy let out an annoyed sigh as he dismissed the new chapter of novel dad gayscapades as ESL rambling. "Man, I ain't reading all that shit.". Foxxy tucked his dick back into his pants. Cooming to fiction had lost its magic after a couple dozen sessions, what he needed was the real deal. Foxxy cranked open a can'o beans while wondering who's next on the list, the pool of top namedads were getting smaller and smaller. Although he was embarrassed to admit it, he wished he could read a fantasy involving him already. Foxxy's breathing got heavier as he imagined his possible matches, could he be paired with *? ***? Could he be on top? Or maybe he would be a bottom, either thought turned him on. "Haa... I don't wanna wait for a whole fucking book to drop. Maybe... Maybe dads wouldn't mind getting a bit close. I could ask DJ for mutual masturbation he's probably into that. Ah but he's probably in the cage right now.". He was barely ashamed of indecent thoughts at this point, all the dads were doing it right? And what if there are some dads who desired him? The thought of being the object of dads' fantasies made his heartbeat faster. The idea of simply going up to a dad and asking to fuck had gotten stuck to his head. Foxxy stroked his cute penis as he entertained the ideas, when he got close to cumming he slowed down instead of releasing. "Haa... Edging to thoughts like these is dangerous... But it feels too good..." after the threat of pushing himself over the edge faded, he picked up the pace once more. His body craved a dad, he had to come up with a plan. Looking around in an attempt to get ideas, Foxxy's eyes locked onto the half-eaten can of beans. "Canna... I bet he has similar fantasies; I could do it." Foxxy kept edging and building up lust throughout the night instead of sleeping.
Canna was decorating the Christmas tree along with Moe. Slime dad's shape shifting abilities, while limited, were very helpful with the process. Canna burned a drawing of Risuna and Beatani on the tree and painted it together with Moe. "Looks like we're finished." Dads took a step back to appreciate the fruit of their labor. "It's missing one last thing" Moe said and took a mistletoe out of his pocket(?). "You... do know what this means right, Canna-chama?". Canna's face flushed, "I-I... I do...". Canna picked up Moe and gave him a loving smooch on the lips. Their lips parted after what felt like half an hour. "Don't tell anyone about this ok-". "Well well well, what are you two lovebirds up to?" Foxxy approached the now shocked dads with a green while he held up his phone, indicating he had proof of their forbidden love. "This one's going on the very tip of the dad iceberg.". Canna dropped Moe "F-Foxxy?! P-please delete that, w-we were just...". Foxxy cut him short, "What if Max saw this Canna-chama? He would be quite upset, no?". "W-We are on a break!" They were on a break. "Tell that to Max. Unless... you do a couple favors for me, then I'll delete the picture and we'll pretend this never happened.". "W-what do you want?" Canna asked in fear. Foxxy took out a mini skirt sailor fuku for Canna and a cute pink bow for Moe from his bag with a vile grin.
"Hey janny! You missed a spot!" Remote kid spilled his soda on the newly cleaned floor the dad meetup room right in front of Xenivari. "This brat... He needs correction..." Xenivari grunted to himself. He picked up his mop again and started mopping the floor he had polished for the 30th time on the same day just 15 minutes ago. "I ought to smack that little brat with this mop! Or maybe a broom would be better." then Xenivari had a brilliant idea. The tool he would use to put Remoto in his place would be a brush instead.
Later that day Xenivari went up to Remote kid with a bottle of soda. "You spilled your soda today, right Remoto? I thought you would appreciate this.". "Eh? I was playing a prank on you." Remote kid said, confused. "It's all good Remoto, it's my job to clean anyway.". Remote kid couldn't hold back his laughter upon hearing this. "Pffft, it's your job? And how much do you get paid again?". Xenivari was annoyed by this, but he wouldn't let a joke deter him from his master plan, he was going to end Remote kid's shenanigans once and for all. Ignoring the joke, "Remoto, you like comics, don't you? I have a few that might interest you." said Xenivari. Remote kid was too poor to afford comics, so he was excited to hear this. "Eh? You are actually a real nice guy janny-tama". As expected, janny would have no trouble grooming this poor, innocent little boy. Xenivari grabbed Remote kid by the hand and led him into his room.
"Make yourself comfortable Remoto, I'll bring the comics." Remote kid sat on the bed, wiggling his legs back and forth in anticipation. Xenivari sat next to Remote kid, holding a few adult hentai doujins. "Let's read this one." Janny said as he picked up the shota x ugly bastard comic. "Eh?? I've never seen a comic like this before." the bizarre image depicting an embarrassed naked boy getting groped by big, swarthy hands from behind puzzled Remote kid who had never seen anything pornographic before. Xenivari invited Remote kid to sit on his lap, saying it would be easier for him to read that way, Remote kid didn't think of any ulterior motive behind his offer. The doujin had a slow build up where a fat, ugly old guy got an innocent little boy to explore his sexuality while corrupting him with degenerate ideas such as crossdressing and interest in dicks. "See Remoto, this is how boys like you are supposed to dress.". "W-Why would I dress like a girl janny-tama?" Remote kid asked. Creepy bastard ran his hand down Remote kid's leg, "When a boy's peepee is smaller than a certain length they are considered girls, that's why.". "Ehh?! How would you know how big my willy is?!" Remote kid's soft fur had risen up as he sensed danger. Staring at Remote kid's tiny bulge, "It can be clearly seen." said Xenivari. Remote kid let out a small yelp as he realized he had gotten an erection; he knew this was inappropriate. "It's okay Remoto, it feels good when you rub it doesn't it?" Xenivari stroked Remote kid's immature erection with his fox paw. "J-Janny-tama... T-This feels weird.". "Don't be shy Remoto, let's keep reading.". Xenivari kept molesting Remote kid tiny body as his mind was filled with images of sodomy. Janny's claws groped and massaged Remote kid's soft chest and legs and tugged his small penis. "Look Remoto, this is called sex.". Sex... Remote kid heard that word only once before, all he knew about it was that it's something inappropriate. Finally getting to know about such hidden knowledge excited him. Physical pleasure combined with the joy of learning about sex was too much for Remote kid's tiny body to handle, he felt waves of pleasure going through his body. He orgasmed but he couldn't cum as his body hadn't developed that much yet. Remote kid's very first idea of sex was a corrupt, degenerate one implanted by Xenivari. Janny kept sexually assaulting Remote kid while they read through the remaining pages. After they were finished, Xenivari put the comic away. "Wanna have sex, Remoto?"
Canna let out girly moans as his cock erupted like a volcano inside Moe's warm body. Bubbles of cum floated inside the soft matrix of slime dad. Foxxy had blackmailed Canna and Moe to crossdress, Canna was forced to wear a skimpy sailor suit and Moe was forced to take pink food coloring into his cytoplasm and take the shape of an onahole. Foxxy then forced the dads to wear masks and have sex on camera. After getting fucked over and over again by both Canna and Foxxy, Moe's body now contained more cum than gray matter, constant pounding by two cocks had scrambled his delicate nervous system and left the poor slime mind broken, his composition now consisted of more cum than native matter. He would eventually digest the cum and rebuild himself but his newly built systems would be marked with the DNA of dads for a long time, as if he had been branded as property. No one could analyze the genetic makeup of a slime with a simple glance but to him, it would be wearing a tag of ownership in plain sight. Canna on the other hand had already given into pleasure and forgotten about being blackmailed after Foxxy fucked him in every position imaginable. One would think doing all this wouldn't be worth just to get Foxxy to delete the picture he took but it turns out Canna was surprisingly easy to blackmail, or maybe this was what he wanted all along. Foxxy invaded Canna's mouth with his tongue as their dicks rubbed inside Moe. Unable to take the post orgasm torment, Canna's eyes rolled back, and he let out high pitched moans. Sensing the abundance of nutrition, Moe's body secreted enzymes to break down the "food". These chemicals would also lead him to engage mitosis, this meant ovulating for a slime. The chemicals hypersensitivized Foxxy and Canna, it was essentially a drug that would ensure the slime is thoroughly sated. Which meant in this case, it would suck out as much cum as possible from the dads. Moe's body bloated on its poles and separated into two in a grotesque manner. Foxxy commanded Moeichi and Moeniki -this is how he got his name, canon- to wrap themselves tightly around Canna and his dicks. Using Moes as condoms, Foxxy and Canna fucked for hours as the camera recorded everything.
After they all passed out at some point, Canna and Foxxy woke up in bed surrounded by dozens of baby slimes sleeping soundly, now they had truly earned the title of dad.
Xenivari's beast maw was dripping saliva as his long tongue caressed Remote kid's neck. Poor Remote kid had been deflowered by janny, his first time and innocence were forcefully ripped apart, tears ran down his cheeks as he tried his best to endure the pain. Xenivari's thick member ravaged Remote kid's unused, shut tight hole with relentless humping. Xenivari's claws held Remote kid's arms tight, and his sharp teeth treaded around his neck and ears. If an outsider were to behold this sight, they would think it's a predator tearing its prey apart without mercy, perhaps that would be a fitting description. Remote kid loudly cried and struggled to break free of Xenivari's grasp to no avail. Having enough of his prey's vain struggles, janny held Remote kid's neck and scruffed him, paralyzing the poor cub. Unable to even struggle, tears poured down Remote kid's eyes until they were completely dry. Tossing Remote kid after hours and hours of abuse, Xenivari took out a cigarette from his pocket. "You better behave from now on you little shit." he said after taking a deeply inhaling the nicotine. Remote kid's entire body was numb, and he couldn't move even though he was now free, he sobbed as it was the only thing he was capable of. Annoyed by the sounds he made, Xenivari forcefully pulled Remote kid's tongue out and put out his cigarette on it. Dragging Remote kid from his neck, Xenivari brought him to some alleyway at night and tossed him onto the cold concrete. "Oops, I took out the trash for free again.".

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:10 UTC
Views: 358