Jurard T Rexford(ホロスタEN)によるメン限内のEXPOの話、野うさぎ煽り、ホロライブ・ホロスタの隔離の詳細
《元動画:https://files.catbox.moe/uv2ob9.mp4 》 (English transcript follows after the Japanese)
ホロバス これだ これだ これだ(道路の写真)
この写真は えーっと・・・ホロバスの内側から撮ったやつ
んで、マジでクールだよちなみに それだからよ
で、俺たちが その 楽しい時間を過ごしてたよ
これってその大学のような体験 そう思って えーっと・・・
すげぇ 修学旅行だぁ!
そう 交通ない ここ交通ない
ただ、スムーズだよ スムーズ スムーズ スムーズな移動
その えっと スムーズに進んでる
俺たちスムーズに進んで、交通がなくて、着いた時間は えーっと・・・早かった
失礼します ちょっとげっぷ
はい 俺Ruzeの隣に座って、前の関はOctavioとGibby(Goldbulletの愛称)
後ろの席はリュウ 違う、燐央 リュウってww 燐央先輩と封魔先輩と烏有先輩
三人揃ってた それでそれで
先輩はね 先輩は 先輩は「ジュラージュラー~」って(笑)
くれたの ぬいぐるみくれたの
彼らのぬいぐるみくれたよ 燐央先輩も
おれww それ見て
これ膝の上に並んでて それで俺が えっと その写真撮らなきゃダメだったな
その ダダダ~ン
俺が、彼らが 皆さん、俺の先輩たち膝の上に並んでるんだぞ
膝の上 それ信じられるのかよ?
ぬいぐるみが ぬいぐるみが
だから うらああああああ
そう 殺す殺す
そう ガンマ先輩は えーっと・・・その 俺たちが えーっと・・・
封魔・・・封魔さんと燐央さんは俺の後ろ、そして えーっと・・・烏有さんは彼らの隣いて、そしてガンマさんはどこかにいた
ど、どこか分からんけどそうだった どこかにいた(笑)
三人、三人が自分の縫いぐみ持って んで俺が「イェイィィ!ありがとな!」って そしてしゃ、
そう それ、それ楽しかったなぁ
そう それで・・・んで、こん時はRuzeと俺がちゃんと話してたエピソードでもあったよ
その 俺たち話を互いに・・・違う 実はほとんど彼の話か
その サウスエリージアム(設定)に残した奥さんの話を聞いてたな そんな事
そして俺たち、俺たちトラウマ共有会になったわww バスの中で
そして一緒に歌ってた 『Country Roads』歌ってた(笑)
俺たち『Country Roads』一緒に歌ってたわ
他の皆が黙ってた一方、俺たち『Country Roads』歌ってたよ えーっと・・・会場に行く途中でよ
Country Roads~♪ Take me home~♪(笑)
そう 訳わからん事やってたわ
そう 俺たちARMISの男子以外皆黙ってたんだ
そう そう そう
それが それが それが楽しかったよ 楽しかった
はい これって その 男子と一緒にまた修学旅行的な体験をする機会だった
俺のダチと一緒にね そんな体験
オーケー 他に何かあるかな・・・
そう ARMISの男子はバスの後席に座ってるガキどもみたいで(笑)
Octavio、Gibby、Ruze、俺・・・そう『Country Roads』(笑)
いるいる 俺たちが
はい 俺、俺そん時痛みを感じてたけどよ
まだ痛み感じてたけどぉ 俺たちの幸せで埋められたよ
こん時は、えーっと・・・えっと 俺たち・・・
はい 俺たちが最も楽しんでた時間だった 何故ならここのもんが大抵サイン可能なんだ
そして、まあその・・・そう ツアーを通じて俺たち大体サインすべきところをサインしてただけなの
何故というなら えーっと・・・うん、ファンたち絶対盛り上がってるからね
えっと 「そうか Jurard T Rexfordここにいたんだ!」みたいな
はい そう 俺たちのサインの位置の競争が故に仕方なく喧嘩がww生じたんだ
ちょっと待って・・・それ探させて 探させて 探させて
そして、他にも、いや待って それって その前か いや後だ後だ
ごめーんねー ごめん
お前たちが、お前たちが撮れたと思ったよな 他の連中より先に
いやいや 汚す、汚すんだから
それはその それって金塊に唾を合わせるみたいなの
いやだ ダメダメダメ
それ、それ比べられなっ 絶対しない、俺
だからそんなの 写真を撮るしか出来なかった それだけ
野うさぎ今泣いてる 一番先に彼女のこの絵の写真撮ったのはこの俺なんだからね(笑)
いや、会えなかった 会えなかった
いや 彼女ら、彼女らは 彼女らは えっと、先に到着したんだ
そう それに比べて俺たちのスケジュールめっっちゃ遅かった
んでさ 俺たち えーっと・・・俺たちめっっちゃ暗ぇ夕方に来なきゃならなかったさ
つまり えっと、そう 彼女らは朝で、俺たちスケジュールの午後とかでね そう
俺たちは その・・・隔離されたようでね
その ホロスタは まあ スケジュールじゃ別の時間帯で云々
何とか そう、そう
それでまだ他にもあるよ まだサインある
まだサイン まだサイン
彼女らには自分の時間あるし 自分のやるべき事もあるし
俺たちも自分のやるべき事あるよ 分かった?
だからそう 残念ながら俺たちは えーっと・・・みんな出迎えられなかったのは残念だった
でもさあ 将来とか会えるかも知れないよね
まあな 彼女ら会えなかった
見てよ!俺本当のファンだぜ!へん、ファックユーみんな 俺一番先にに着いたよ!(笑)
ザ・カベ ザ・カベ
はぁ 何でこんな事を
まあ えへへ 特権かな
会社で働いてるんだ だからその立場利用するんだろ
ね これの見て 見てこれの(はあちゃまのサイン&落書きの写真)
レア、レアなww はあちゃまの写真ww
でも大丈夫 大丈夫
はい 次次次次(ころねのサイン&落書きの写真)
そして、これはころね先輩の えーっと・・・その とても有名で、そしてとても えっと、個性的な絵(笑)
かわいい めっちゃキュートな絵(笑)
はい かわいい かわいい絵 かわいいかわいい
そして えっと、次は
そして えーっと・・・
えっと、まあ えーっと・・・読めねえ が、えっと はい はい はい はい
かわいい かわいい かわいいから
はい これだ(ホロスタENのサインの写真)
はしご見えるかな はしご見えるかな
そう これは その後、俺たちサインをしに行ったんだ
なんか喧嘩したよ 最高の位置とか奪い合ったんだ
はい そう 最初はCrimson Ruze そしてAxel 続いて・・・
そうだね 簡単に言うと俺たちが喧嘩して俺がはしごを持ってきてまで盛り上がっちゃった
んで えーっと・・・[聞き取れない]は仕方ない事だった そう
ほら 勝ったと思っちゃったよ!もう勝ったと!ああああああああああ(笑)
はい Flayonが勝った
はい 残念ながら
えーっと・・・えっと あいつ、あいつ不正しちゃった メカを出したし それで俺たち、俺たちもう続けなかったよ
そう もう空いてるところ無くなったので移動せざる得なかったな
んで 皆の反応はさ えっと、JP先輩が呆気にとられたのよ
俺たちの事態に笑った 共に笑った訳じゃない
恥ずかしかった でもよ それ、それ、それっていい印象だった 俺たちが、俺たちここにいて嬉しいだって
見れない 見れないわ そのサイン
メッセージを送る事 それこそ大事なのだ
ここでメッセージを送るんだ 俺が皆の上にここにいるんだ
へん、しらない しらない 続けよう続けよう
はい えーっと・・・
オマイガオマイガ はい そうそう これ、これ見せなきゃ 見せなきゃならないな(でかいぺこらぬいぐるみの写真)
俺一番先に着いたね 俺が一番先に着いたの(笑)
お前たち知らせておくわ 俺が一番先に着いたよ(笑)
お前たち 誰一人
ほら人いなくね 列を作る人とか誰もいなかったんだね?
はい えっと、ぺこら先輩、俺お辞儀します(ぺこん)
VIP VIPの撮影位置を占められたんだ
また 封魔さんと一緒に写真撮れたよぉ!
封魔先輩!ふう うううう うらああ クソ
見せられない 見せられない
でも彼と一緒に写真を取れたよ 分かった?
唯一の誇り お前たちサノバビッチ
はあ 監禁されてる
待て待て まだあるまだある
はい これも これも
そのめっちゃうまいドリンク えっと(切り抜き終了)
Bus ride with other members of HOLOSTARS (0:00)
Holobus here it is, here it is, here it is (picture of the highway)
This is like um... from the inside of the holobus
So we were inside the holobus
So um... we were on the way to the venue
Like, this is so cool by the way, because y'know
All of us, like, all of us were inside
And we were like y'know, just we were like having a fun time
We're thinking like, this is like a college-like experience where um...
OMG we're going on to field trip!
Yeah no traffic, there's no traffic here
It's just y'know smooth, smooth, like smooth, smooth travels
Like uh, smooth-going
We went in smooth, there's no traffic and we arrived um... early
In our destination
Excuse me I had to burp a little there
Yeah I was seated next to Ruze, in front of me was Octavio and Gibby
And behind me was Ryu- no it was Rio- Ryu (lol) Rio, Fuma, and Uyu-senpai
They were all three of them and you know what? You know what?
They gave me their plushies!
They were like, they were like, they were like, "Jura Jura~" (lol)
Fuma was like, "Jura Jura mite mite~"
And then he gave me, he gave me the plushies
Chotto matte chotto matte
Here it is, here it is (picture of plushies)
He gave me their plushies, Rio-senpai as well
I- (lol) Look at that
They gave me
This was on my lap and I uh, I had to like, take a photo of that
Like, dadada~
I- They- My senpais are on my fucking lap, everybody
On my fucking- Can you guys believe that?
Look at that! Look at that
They were all at the palm of my hand at one point
They were, they were
Which is- Urrraaghhh
It's giving me cute- I- I'm having aggressions right now
I wanna punch them! I wanna punch Fuma-senpai's face
Uyu and Rio's like, "Rrragh! Rrraaaaagh! Rrraaaaaaagh!"
Yeah, I'll kill 'em, I'll kill 'em
Yeah, Gamma-senpai is in like, a different seat, unfortunately
Gamma-senpai is like, um... because um, we're just like um...
Fuma... Fuma and Rio were behind me and um... Uyu was like, beside them, and Gamma was somewhere
I don't- I don't know where but yeah, they're somewhere (lol)
They're somewhere
But these three, they got their plushies with me (lol)
They got- They got their plushies and I was like, "Yeaaa! Thank you!" And I take a ph-
I took a photo and then I posted it on Twitter
Yeah that was- that was fun
That was very very fun
I had a lot of fun in that bus
Yeah and um... and, this was like, the episode were Ruze and I auc- actually talked as well
Like um, we shared our- no, mostly him
Like um, I was like, hearing about his wife in- in uh, South Elysium like that
So I asked him like, questions and everything
And we- we gave trauma dumping sessions (lol) on the bus
And we were singing, we were singing Country Roads (lol)
We were singing Country Roads
They were all silent and we were singing Country Roads like, um... on the way to the fucking venue
Country Roads~♪ Take me home~♪ (lol)
Yeah, it was so random
Yeah, everyone was silent except for us ARMIS boys
We were- We were just like, having a good time
"Friendship formed" (viewer comment)
Yeah, yeah
"Peak field trip" (viewer comment)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
It was- It was- It was fun, it was fun
Yeah, this is like the closest I could get to like, having um... another field trip with the boys
With my homies, like that
Okay, what else, what else, what else
Yeah, the ARMIS boys are the kids at the back (lol)
We- Ruze and I traumadumping
Octavio, Gibby, Ruze and me... yeah, Country Roads (lol)
Chotto matte chotto matte
EXPO talk (3:54)
Um... here it is, here it is (picture of ARMIS on a big display monitor)
There we are, there we are
And here we arrive at the venue
Okay, I was- I was still feeling pain here, but y'know?
I- I held- I held out, a little bit
I held out a little bit
I was still feeling pain, but y'know it was overshadowed by our happiness
This is BIG ARMIS moment
This is where um... um, we...
Yeah, we enjoyed the most, because we get to sign most of the things here
We sign, sign, sign
And, yeah, like throughout like the... yeah, the tour here we were mostly just signing places where we should be signing
Because um... mhm, fans would definitely love that
Like um, "OH, Jurard T Rexford was here!"
Yeah, and yeah, the inevitable fighting about the positions of where should sign our like um... our signatures (lol) has been born
Chotto matte... let me find that, let me find that, let me find that
And also- oh wait, was that- that was before- that was like afterwards, afterwards
Chotto matte
Taunting nousagis (5:03)
And I took a photo of this (Pekora's signature)
I took a photo of that
Ehehehehe (lol)
I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry
I had- I was the first person (to see Pekora's signature)
You guys were so late
Nousagis, get your game up! Alright?
I was the first person to take a picture of it
You guys weren't! I got here first! (lol)
I got here first!
You thought you could- You thought you guys could take a picture of it, like before any of you-
But no~! But no, I got it first! You guys are losers!
I'm the winner here! (lol)
"Did you kiss it?" (viewer comment)
No! I would not! (lol)
No, no, that would sully- that would sully it
Like, it's like- it's like gold bars to fucking like um, spit
Nope, no, no, no
It's- It's incompa- I would never
I'm like trash in front of Pekora-senpai (lol)
So I wouldn't- I could only take a picture. That's it.
I could only take a picture
Nousagis are crying right now because um, aww, I- I'm the first one who took a picture of this image of hers (lol)
Get on my level! Work for HOLOSTARS! (lol)
I win~! I win, I win, I win
Chotto matte chotto matte
Segregation between hololive and HOLOSTARS (6:29)
"Did you meet her?" (viewer comment)
No, no, no, no
No, they got- they got- they were here like um, first
They were here first
Um... I think they- they had different schedules
Yeah, our schedule is like very very late compared to theirs
So we had to like um... we had to come in like at the very very evening I think
At a very late time
So uh, yeah I think they were morning and we're at the schedule of like afternoon or something, yeah
So the holobus unfortunately isn't full of like the entirety
We were just like um... separated
Like um, HOLOSTARS, like, different section of time schedule and blablabla
Whatever that- yeah, yeah
And also, there's more. There's more signatures.
More signatures, more signatures
Nah, it's just us HOLOSTARS boys, y'know
Us- Us homies
We have our different schedules
They're a different branch after all, right?
So we have to like, respect the schedule
We can't like, suddenly merge everything
They have their own time, they have their own thing
And we have our own thing, alright?
So yeah, unfortunate for us that we weren't able to like um... y'know, meet and greet all of them
However, y'know, probably in the future who knows
But yeah, we weren't able to meet them
Jurard's "privilege" (7:42)
Uh... there's more here, signatures
There we go (picture of holomems' wall of signatures)
Look at this! Look at this!
Haha! More signatures from all the JP!
Look at that! I'm the real fan! Eh, fuck all of y'all I got here first! (lol)
I got here first~!
Look at that, look at that
The Wall, the Wall
The Wall of Shame (lol)
No (lol)
crying Oh why did I- I'm cheating! I'm cheating!
Ah, why did I do this
Why did I do this
Well, ehehe privileges I guess
I work in the company, and I will take advantage of it
Hell fucking yeah
And look at this, look at this one (picture of Haachama's signature & doodle)
Exclusive- exclusive image of (lol) Haachama (lol)
Oh no! I think I faced this thing in Holocure before (lol)
Yabee Yabee
It's okay though, it's okay
Okay, next next next next (picture of Korone's signature & doodle)
And we have here Korone-senpai's um... uh, very famous and very um, identifiable drawing (lol)
Aww, it's such a cute drawing (lol)
"Who drew that?" (viewer comment)
It's Korone! You don't know?! (lol)
Hell yeah! Let's go~!
Yeah, that's cute, that's a cute drawing, that's cute, that's cute
And uh, moving on
And um...
And Fubuki! (picture of Fubuki's signature & doodle)
We have here a very- very cute drawing
Uh, I don't- Uh... I can't read it, but uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
It's cute, it's cute, it's cute
Anyway, anyway
Um, moving on...
Stars' signatures (9:49)
And here it is (picture of StarsEN signatures)
Can you see the ladder? Can you see the ladder?
Yeah, this- After that, we went to uh, we went to sign
We were like fighting, we're like fighting for the position of the top here
So yeah, Crimson Ruze first, and then Axel, and then...
And yeah, basically we were fighting and I had to like bring out the ladder
And um... the [unintelligible] was inevitable, yeah
Um... fuck you (lol)
Come on, I thought I won! I thought already! AAAAAAA (lol)
The famous ladder
Yeah, Flayon won
Yeah, unfortunately
Um... uh, he- he fucking cheated, he brought the mech out and we could not- we could not fucking do it anymore
Yeah, and there was no space and we had to move on
And everyone was like- uh, the JP senpais were like horrified
They were like mortified
Are these- Are these our kouhais? What the hell
What the hell is happening?
They were laughing at us, not with us
They were definitely laughing at us (lol)
That was humiliating, but y'know, it's- it's- it's a good impression that we- that we're happy, that we're happy here
"Can the guests even see those signatures though?" (viewer comment)
No they cannot (lol)
They cannot, they cannot see the signatures
It's- It's about sending a message, alright?
It's about sending a message, and that's what matters
I don't care if- if- if any of the fans don't see it
I don't care
I'm here sending a message and I'm here above all of you
And then Flayon just busting out the fucking aarrrghhh
Eh, whatever, whatever, moving on, moving on
Okay um...
Chotto matte, chotto, chotto
Giant Pekora plushie (11:37)
OMG OMG OMG okay, alright, alright, I got- I have to show it, I have to show it (picture of massive Pekora plush)
I was here first, alright? I was here first (lol)
I was here first
Just so you guys know, I was here first (lol)
None of you- no-
See no peop- There weren't any people like, falling in line, alright?
No people were like, falling in line, fighting over a picture
While ME... I got to like, take a picture of this without anyone in the background (lol)
Yeah, uh, Pekora-senpai, I bow to you bow
VIP- I got the VIP spot of like, actually taking a photo of that
And also, I got to take a picture with uh, Fuma!
Fuma-senpai! Fu- gahhh rahhh dammit
We can't show it, we can't show it
But I took a- I took a fucking photo with him, alright?
I took a fucking photo with him
But I can't show it because it's us! Arghhh! Grrr
My only flex, you sons of bitches
"You guys are lucky that idol culture is tying me down" (12:40)
You guys are lucky that idol- that idol culture is like um, tying me down
You guys are lucky (lol)
More and more photos, more photos
Sigh I'm being held
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!
Let me out of here!
Wait, wait, there's more, there's more
Okay, and this one, and this one
The very very delicious drink that um- (end of clip)