
I remember it clearly as a day, it was on the twenty sixth day since she took me in.
I never really was one of those easily petted humans, I would shy away from touch, especially on head
My mistress was talking about this evening for almost three days
she was supposed to meet this white wolf whose name I never really cared to learn
it was 19:33, and he was late, for three minutes already.
She prepared a feast for them, just the smell made me salivate.
Whenever I got close to the Dining room that day however,
"Hush Anon, this isn't for you!"
and I quickly left the room, not wanting to press my luck that day.
I lied down on my bed next to the armchair, and closed my eyes.
realize someone sat on the armchair
open eyes again, and look at my mistress.
she's obviously in distress, look at the clocks
The dude is super late.
This cannot stand! Making my mistress sad is unforgivable.
I place my hands on the armchair's hand-rest
She looks at me "What is it Anon?"
I pull my face to her side, and watch her intently.
she puts her paw closer to me like she always did when she wanted to try to pet me "what is it boy? "
this is it, I'm going to get over my fear, for her, who shown me nothing but kindness, and offered me save haven
She looked me in the eyes, and retracted the paw a little, keeping it in mid air. she was about to say something, but it was now or never.
But how do I do it? If I just tell her everything will be alright, the gig is up, and she'll freak out, and then god knows what will happen to me.
Get a bright idea, reach for her paw and grab It, and then just hold it.
"What has gotten into you Anon?" She's more puzzled than weirded out by my sudden contact.
Before, I actively tried to avoid contact, because of the way I was treated in Lock-up. She knew this and didn't try to pet me that much.
This is the first time I actually touched her voluntarily. I looked her in the eye, she looked directly back at me.

While touching her paw in mid air, I craned my neck and put my head directly under her raised paw.
She wasn't doing anything, she just froze and intently watched me.
let go of her paw and nuzzle with it, for the first time willingly.
"wow" she whispered, as if not to startle me. I may have been a shy pet, but now I actually requested attention.
she actually starts to pet me, and I push back to her hand.
She has completely forgotten to worry about the date.
The weather looks bad outside, no wonder the wolf decided to skip on the date, but not to tell her was a dick move
Telephone Rings
I turn towards her iPaw which is on the table.
before she can react, I quickly dart off toward the table, and bring it back.
"Thank you anon!" I've did this before so its not that surprising to her anymore.
She spends some time talking on the phone, apparently, the wolfy guy had a car accident
'No skin off my back' I thought
She insists on visiting him in the Hospital
Ends the call with "You can't stop me"
She went to dress herself into her room, meanwhile I decided to take a look at the table, what did she prepare for the wolf dude?
My eyes widen as I see actual food that I used to eat back in the normal world
"Nuh-uh!" I hear her, and I turn around, to see her already dressed.
She's dressed in waterproof, she must be serious about going in this horrible weather
"Its not for you Anon, and you know that"
Of course i know that, but then again, that 'human pockets Deluxe' stuff is without any salt, I need nourishment!
"I guess I need to take you with me"
'You what?' I think. Oh well, there's no turning back now as she already holds the overalls I'm supposed to wear.
In four minutes I'm dressed, with some unnecessary help from my mistress, not forgetting to leash me
We get out and enter the car. Meowda CiviC the very old model.
I'm placed on the back seats and she buckles me in.

I get a bad feeling about this,
Damn the trainer, who said that humans can learn a lot, if they practice, that's why she insists on buckling me in, in hopes that I will not learn how to operate the car buckle.
I wonder how would she react if I shown her that I am perfectly capable of driving her to the hospital
we live in smaller town, so we have to go to the hospital in the next town
She starts the engine and drives out, the thunderstorm is horrible.
No wonder wolfy managed to get into car accident, the water is almost flodding the street.
I knew this will be ugly
five minutes and we get out of the city, I could swear that except the animals having humans as pets, everything is completely the same. There are even some deers by the side of the road.
Wait, what?
I can see them clearly as day, but she's concentrating on driving and gets scared by them.
They were by the side of the road, but she quickly turned the wheel as if to avoid it.
Wet road + old wheels = Guardrail
First its guardrail that she hits, but the car starts spinning and ends up hitting the tree.
I'm visibly shaken, I have glass in my hands, and probably in face.
Everything's fuzzy, I open my eyes, see that the car is fucked, and someone behind the wheel knocked out, and bleeding.
Unbuckle myself, this isn't my first car crash.
the doors are in front, so I cannot get out normally.
kick the rear window, and climb out.
blood gets everywhere
run towards the front, open her door, and pull her out.
She's not breathing
Good thing I still know CPR.
After few moments, I get her to breathe.
I quickly search for the phone she had.
It works, dial 911.
"Emergency services, how may we help you"
"Hello? I had a car accident, on the Katzestrasse, between this city and that one, Mi...miss here is injured, but I got her out of the car"
"I'm dispatching an ambulance to you, make sure she's brea..."
the fuck ? did I lose signal?
I look at the screen, its all foggy.
I accidentally drop the phone

I didn't drop it, my hands are really shaky now
Everything is hazy, and I feel like I had one too many.
shake my head, trying to clear the sight.
Oh wait, wasn't I injured?
Ooh Shit you forget when dazed and confused. plus the droning engine and the horrible sounds the car is still making are making it hard to concentrate.
Wait, the engine is still running?
Turn the keys to off position
still running
suddenly, I feel another rush, even though I cannot see clearly, I hurry over to where mistress is laying, and start pulling her away from the vehicle.
I have no idea if it will blow or not but i'm not taking any chances. After about 12 meters My feet starts hurting like under the knee
I look at it
can't see shit, everything is foggy and I black out.

I only remember hearing sirens
then a lynx in red, trying to take my mistress away.
"Let her be!" I wanted to yell, but all i managed to do is make garbled noises
worst hangover ever, they put her on a stretcher and carried her away from my sight, and some bull picked me up and put me inside the ambulance.
as he carried me like I was a sack of potatoes, he brought me to an ambulance too.
as we passed around the Meowda, it was already in flames and firefighters were doing their best to douse it with as much water as possible.

everything was hazy from that point

I remember hearing things "I don't cure humans, I'm a doctor!" or "we might have to put him down" and then, nothing more.
I woke up in some bed, it wasn't my bed. While my bed was from general Pet store, and therefore there were thousands upon thousands beds with the same design.
This. clearly. wasn't. mine.
I open my eyes, they feel heavy, like really heavy.
I raise my head, and then put it back down, because of the headache
I drift to sleep once again
I wake up some time later
the headache is not killing me that much anymore, I look around.
first problem is the cone on my head
Yup, I'm in a cage, that means I'm not home, and this isn't my bed at all.
I remove the blanket and try to get out of the bed.
When I look under the blanket, I see my leg in a cast, and that horrible antiseptic stuff on my stomach, and on hands, there are stitches.
They actually saved me, stitched me together, and saved me?
"Anon!" I suddenly hear a voice, trying to turn around to see it, all I see is cone.
'First you must align the satellite dish'
I crane my neck to see, and I see the only person I wanted to see right now
My mistress, she's sitting in the chair opposite to my cage
"Oh thank god you are alright!"

She presses her face on the cage's door, and looks super relieved.


From what I've heard later, some mysterious man managed to get us both from the car, being a super cool guy to even save a human, then disappearing into the night.
probably some kind of koala, because of the fingertips. Never found him of course
The wolfy was angry at the mistress for all I've heard is "Reckless?..... fuck you....It's over!" over the phone when she got home.
And I ? I never told her a word, why would I ? would you believe that your pet saved your life and called an ambulance?
But! I got part of the chicken, you know, the one she prepared that day? She didn't want to throw it away, so she saved some for me.


Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:39 UTC
Views: 137