New Work Announcement
Nikako: Is it almost time?
Iruru: Yeah. Two more minutes.
Nikako: Oh, I'm starting to get nervous!
Shigure: Nikako-senpai, you're getting too nervous about everything.
Shigure: If you keep doing that, your heart will explode!
Daikoku: Nikacchi has a very straightforward and rich sensibility. Unlike some twisted brats.
Shigure: I'll tell you something good. It seems that twisted people see even straight things as twisted.
Tetra: What are you guys doing here instead of going home? I heard rehearsals finished a long time ago.
Hatsumi: There'll be an announcement for a new performance on the Eden website today, remember? It seems they want to see it in real time.
Tetra: I see......
Nikako: Ah! It's here! The announcement for ‘The Demon's Friend’!
Iruru: Seeing it announced like this really gets me pumped.
Shigure: ......Why don't you make this announcement more spectacular? Not just a little bit on the website, but maybe a commercial?
Iruru: In the past, we used to do it on a pretty big scale. But ever since Hatsumi came and everything happened, it's been like this.
Hatsumi: Eden is fine like this.
Hatsumi: The priority above all else should be to deliver a genuine performance.
Shigure: I think the idea that the audience will come if the content is good is pretty outdated now, though.
Hatsumi: Even with the current method, the audience for Eden is growing. I have no intention of changing the way I do things.
Hatsumi: If you have time to think about such things, you should be working on your own acting. Shigure's Asmodeus is still not very polished.
Shigure: Hmph! I know that without you telling me!
Nikako: Haah~, Shigure is still as amazing as ever. She even complains to Ren-san so much.
Iruru: Despite how she looks, I think she's really motivated.
Iruru: The comments about why she doesn't advertise are probably for the sake of the play.
Iruru: She must have been really happy to be chosen as Asmodeus.
Nikako: I see...... So Shigure-chan is really motivated too.
Nikako: I can't let myself be outdone......!
Daikoku: ......
Iruru: ......Daikoku, you've been quieter than usual lately. Are you nervous after all?
Daikoku: ......But since my Lord wishes it, I'll just do my best......
Nikako: It'll be fine, Da-chan! If we do it as usual, I'm sure it will go well!
Daikoku: ......But I was......the worst......
Nikako: Eh?
Daikoku: Excuse me. I'm leaving now.
Hatsumi: Yeah, thanks for your hard work. See you tomorrow.
Daikoku: Yes......
Nikako: I wonder if Da-chan is okay......
Nikako: Maybe she's feeling the pressure of being the lead......
Hatsumi: ......
Daikoku: (My useless, to be honest. There are almost no moments when I can use it......)
Daikoku: (If I write the name of someone I have a grudge against on my body, my abilities will increase only when that person comes to see my performance.)
Daikoku: (For example, if I write Panda's name somewhere on my body, if she comes to see my performance, I will shine even more than usual.)
Daikoku: (But it's impossible for Panda to come to see my performance every day. In other words, there are almost no days when I can use my Sense.)
Daikoku: (If it's a supporting role, it's still fine. Even if I can't use Sense, I can manage to cover it with my acting skills.)
Daikoku: (But as a leading role that keeps attracting attention......that's not going to happen......)
Daikoku: (......I don't know if Panda will come to see the next performance, and even if she does, it will probably only be once or twice......)
Daikoku: (The performances will continue after that.)
Daikoku: (It's meaningless if my acting improves just once or twice......)
Daikoku: What should I do......?
Daikoku: But......I was chosen to play the leading role......
Daikoku: I’m.....I’m......!