"So you say you found him in the alley?"
Anon fidgeted as the veterinarian looked at him, clearly still unused to being touched by Furs other than you
He always clung to your side, after all, avoiding others around him, preferring to stay within arms-reach of you at all times

"Yeah, I'd seen him around there for a while now, and one day I just decided to bring him in. Far as I could tell, he didn't belong to anyone and he doesn't have a chip so it seemed like the best course of action was to talk to someone about him. How's he looking?"

The vet moved to lift Anon's gums, planning on inspecting his teeth, and with the way Anon was staring, you could tell he was seriously considering biting
Reaching your paw out, you squeezed Anon up against your side, causing him to relax immensely, his back slouching again
He was still very obviously hesitant, but at least he decided to squeeze against you for reassurance
It didn't take very long, and the vet sat back, most of his inspection done
"Well, for a Human who was living on his own for about a month, quite good. I can tell you've been feeding him a steady diet and none of his teeth look damaged or diseased. Of course, it'll take some time to check his blood for any complications, but otherwise, it seems like you've been taking good care of him."

"Well that's good to hear. With all the table scraps he manages to mooch off me, I've been worrying about OVER-feeding him!

The vet laughed at that, turning to Anon, gently patting his head, letting him calm before he ruffled Anon's hair
Anon, for what it's worth, patted at his head, trying to fix his own hair, though he always had trouble setting it how you did it, so you adjusted as well
One of your paws was still wrapped around him, keeping him close, but your other hand was stroking his head like you were some kind of Bond villain, albeit one that was currently adjusting their Human's hair
"Now there are two things to consider. The first, is getting him chipped in case he does try and run. The second, is if you want him fixed or not."
You couldn't help but wince a little at that, trying not to imagine the sight in your head

"While I'll get him chipped, I'm not going to get him fixed. Anon's a good boy, and I couldn't bear the thought of him going through that. Besides, what if I wanted a bunch of little Humans sometime down the line, huh?"

The vet seemed to understand, nodding, and then getting up, heading over to his supplies
"That's fine by me. Human females take so long, it's not really too great an issue. As for the chip, it'll be quite a simple process
Drawing back, he pulled out the "device", if you could call it that
It was really just a needle with a microchip in it that'd be slipped under Anon's skin, but it looked fancier with the extra, you supposed, packaging, around it
Anon though, quickly grew nervous about the stranger approaching him with an unknown object, your poor little Human beginning to whine in protest
He tried to scramble away, but you pulled him down onto your lap, stroking his back again, claws gently scratching in those spots that always seemed to itch on him
Really, the whole process hardly took any time at all
All you had to endure was a squirming Human on your lap, as well as a small yelp that hurt your heart, and then it was over
You quickly decided to get him some ice cream after this
"Okay, that should be everything, unless you have any further questions."
With none coming, the vet smiled, standing up and extending a paw to you, one which you took and shook
"Well then, just talk to the secretary out front and she'll let you know the rest. Thanks again for coming in with this."
You smiled, thanked the vet, and then carried Anon out of the office, the two of you waving back at them as you went

"Now, I think someone here deserves some ice cream for being such a good boy!"

"Ice cream? Yay!"

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:12 UTC
Views: 168