previous part:
You managed to fall back asleep asleep some how despite Minute being in the same bed as wake up to the sound of your bedroom door opening your eyes crack open, instinctively turning to see the see Minute bringing a tray to you.
“good morning Minute” you call out to her. She looks happy to see you for a moment but it seems she catches herself and forces a stern look on her face.
“I see you're awake, I was just about to wake you but you were nice enough to save me the trouble” she blurts, preserving her image you sit up and she sets the tray on your lap while you're in bed. The tray carried a plate of Omurice, the ketchup spells out “I ♥ U MASTER” surrounded by several little ketchup stare blankly at Minute...her face turns a shade of pink for a moment
“D-DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA! SECOND WAS THE ONE WHO DID THE KETCHUP” her lips quiver before waving her arms dismissively. She stumbled back and nearly slips on a dis guarded shirt...
She glances around, seeing that your room is a little messier than she originally thought. She scoffs and shoots you a smug smirk
“Seriously, Master. You aught to clean up after yourself a little better.” she teases before crouching to pick up your clothes.
“y-you don't have to do all that, Minute. After I'm done eating I'll get it done myself” you call out to her. More feeling guilty that she's working while you're sitting in bed eating a piping hot meal. She smiles warmly at the thought, but just like before, she seems to catch herself and her face turns stern once again.
“Nonsense master, I'm a maid. It's my job to do housework for you.” she reminds you in a flat tone. Picking up all of your clothes and tossing them in your full hamper. She then lifts the hamper up and makes her way to the exit, but not before turning to you.
“Once you finish, please bring it down stairs and I'll clean it for you.” she mentions before exiting the room, shutting the door behind her.
You look to the egg covered rice dish. The wording and the heart shapes made with the ketchup. The whole thing looked too good to eat...but you were too hungry to just let it sit here forever.
Least to say, the entire dish was perfect. The rice was thoroughly covered in tomato sauce, the chicken wasn't too dry, Minute out did herself.
You bring down your dishes, still in your sweatpants and the shirt you fell asleep in. Stretching out your legs with each step.
“Master~!” Little Second happily calls to you, fully dressed in her maid uniform she runs up to you and clamping onto your leg. You crouch to her and give her a head pat and a little scratch to the back of her ears. To which she greets you with a big smile and a little rose color to her cheeks. A sight that instantly warms your heart and prepares you for the day...
You feel the plate in your hand get snatched away.
“Thank you Master!” Minute strolls away with the plate in her hand, which she diligently cleans off. Minute spends all day cleaning the things she hadn't got to yesterday...the windows, the ceiling fan, the bathrooms. Just like yesterday it was quite the sight but you felt bad making her work so much...
“Hey Minute!” you call to her. She turns to you. Her eyes sharp and her face filled with determination and a feeling of purpose...Despite all that you grin at her
“Second and I are going to play some games...the games in question are up to 4 players...would you like to join us?” you ask her, almost timidly...she looks touched by your offer, but her mind floods with things she needs to get done. She still needs to clean the cabinets, scrub the floors, clean the mirrors...
“I don't know...” she mutters grab her hand, which snaps her out of her thought and her face consumed with red.
“Come on, take a break you've been working all day.” you lead her to your living room. She tries to resist but can't bring herself to pull her hand away, nor can she protest to his offer.
When they enter the room Second is happily playing around in the Mario Cart 8 menu. Laying on her stomach with her feet kicked up, pushing up and down on the menu options to the rhythm of the song. You pull the first player controller away from her and hand her the layer 3 controller. While you hand Minute the player 2 controller. She looks at the hunk of plastic with hesitation
“come on, have a little fun.” you offer to her with a grin...she sighs and takes the controller from your hand. A pink hue spreads across her face.
“Alright fine. But only a couple races alright?” she stubbornly pouts looking to the screen.
The first race was at Mario stadium You're playing (your main) Second played as peach while Minute played as a blue shy guy. Between the three of you it was clear that only you and Minute knew what you were doing. Second was just happy to play a game with you and her sister. The three of you had a good race, Second coming in 9th place, tossing around items. While you and Minute were neck and neck. But you came in 1st and she came in 2nd... Minute gleams at you with frustration in her eye. This meant war. You lose track of the time. But the three of you had to have been playing for hours. Minute was enjoying herself more than she expected. And you grinned at the two girls. You can't remember how long its been since you played games like this with someone else...
Before the three of you knew it it was already getting stand in your room stretchering grabbing a towel and making your way to the bathroom. Second, clean from her bath and in her pajamas sleepily walks down the hall to your room.
“you're sleeping in my room again?” you ask her. She doesn't have the energy to respond other than a smile and pat her head once more...
“I'll be there in a little bit alright?” you reassure her. She only nods and lets out a yawn, making her way to her room. You look down the hall and see the guest bedroom door is closed and from the crack under the door, you see the light is still on. You figure Minute must be getting ready for bed. You head toward the bathroom to take a shower.
You open the door to the bathroom and give out a stretch and a yawn. You instinctively close your eyes. Man Second yawning reminded you how tired you are...wait you feel steam hit your body. You open your see Minute, her back to you and turned looking right at you...a towel placed in her she was just drying her wet hair see her pale round but, directly above that is her black tail with a white tip, and you couldn't tell with her uniform...but she's flat chested then your eyes move further up...her face is a dark red. Tears forming in the corners of her eyes while her face twists in anger and bewilderment. Your heart leaps out of your chest. The sight of everything processing in your brain.
“HAHA, MY MISTAKE, SORRY MINUTE!” You try to laugh it off and escape, shutting the door and you try to run away. But Minute kicks the door back open, her body wrapped in her towel
“YOU LECHEROUS PIG! I'LL CLAW YOUR EYES OUT!” she shouts and jumps to you like a bat out of hell!
You sit in your tub. Scratch marks decorate your consider installing a lock for your bathroom to avoid situations like blush remembering seeing her naked body...but you should say sorry to her when you get the chance. She may not forgive you right away but it's the thought that counts...
you return to your room. Fresh shirt and sweatpants on and you see Minute laying in your bed, now fully dressed in her night see her eyes leering at you, like she had been laying like that the entire time, just waiting for you to see her...Second is on the end of your bed, already fast asleep
“...You don't have to sleep here you know.” you remind her, trying to be considerate to how upset she must be.
“I'm here to make sure you don't pray on Second while she's asleep, there's no other reason you perv!” she snips slowly lay in your bed beside her. Faced with the woman who glares at you...if a look could kill you're sure you'd get a heart attack right about now.
“I'm uh...sorry. I thought you were in the guest bedroom.” her facial expression softens slightly...
“Just forget about it... and get some sleep.” she rolls over no longer able to look at want to pet her head but you decide against it. You get some sleep...
Your eyes creep open, your body feels warmer than turn to see Minute, facing you...she's sound asleep. She looks so peaceful. You wonder if she's having a dream. You try to move but you realize that She's also holding your arm...why is she...she starts making a noise, shit she's waking up. You quickly close your eyes and pretend to go back asleep...
Her eyes slowly open, smiling when her eyes focus on your sleeping face
“Good morning Master~” she whispers cutely she contemplates giving you a kiss on the cheek but gets too embarrassed at the thought. You feel her get up moves over you and stands on your flood, doing her morning stretches. And walks out of your open your eyes...who knows what would have happened if she saw you awake while holding you like that...your arm still feels lay down for just a little longer.
Before long Second wakes up and you sit up. As soon as she sees you her face lights up. And she runs up and gives you a hug
“Good morning, Master!” she cheerfully shouts. You let out a small laugh ant wrap your arms around her.
“Good morning Second.” He greets her before picking her up and setting her down on the floor just before you stand up out of your bed.
The both of you stretch In unison. Second seems to just be copying what you're doing. The two of you walk down stairs to see Minute, not even out of her gown yet looking through the kitchen. She takes note to you and sternly turns to you
“Good morning master!” she greets with minimal optimism. “I'd have breakfast prepared but there's no more food in this house!” she continues...
“There's nothing?” you ask dumbfounded...
“No. A mouse could starve in here. Seriously how could you carelessly run out of food!” she continues to scold her...Second looks down at the ground. Forcing a smile while sweat drips down her face. Guilt setting in while not piping up about the fact that she's the reason you don't have let it slide. You wouldn't want Minute upset at Second.
“Alright, I'll get dressed and walk to the store. Thankfully it's not too far away. In that time why not prepare me a grocery list.” you request before walking back upstairs...
The trip to the store was stress free. What isn't too stress free is the trip back, both of your arms completely covered in bags of food. They're heavy and probably cutting off the circulation in your still got a while till you make it home.
With the amount of food Minute had you buy, you wonder if she had every meal for the next month planned stand still. Trying to get your breath back. Man these bags are slowly start walking back...that us until you feel a hand place itself on your shoulder
“Excuse me?” a woman calls out from behind you. Her voice sounds fairly deep and feminine. You turn around and see...Minute? Dressed in her maid attire. But for some reason it's covered in mud...wait is it you or does Minute seem taller? The woman pulls out a piece of paper and looks at you and the paper...
“Are you (You)?” she asks blankly. She has Minute's face but her voice is much deeper...and now that you take the time to examine her breasts are a lot larger...but she looks like she's spacing out while looking at look at her confused...
“Yes...?and who are you?” you ask. She sighs in relief
“Thank god, I thought I'd never find you...My name is Hour.” she looks to you relieved...there's another sister?
To be continued...
next part: