The sun was shining, the sea was roaring in the distance. The wet sand was cool beneath their feet, and the gulls cawed overhead.

"Urrrrrp!" belched Shinji, waddling along. He smiled fatly, his hoggish cheeks giving him permanent dimples. "I can still... taste that seafood pasta."


"Ahhh," he sighed, farting.

"I know you enjoyed it, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, gently stroking his enormous belly. "After all, you did have three helpings."


"Ngh," grunted Shinji, tugging at the waistband of his swimsuit.

They had gone on vacation. Kaworu seemed to have infinite resources; money was no object for him, and there seemed to be no limit to his capacity to satisfy Shinji. All of Shinji's desires were met: for food, for comfort, for pleasure, for luxury. So, when Shinji had mentioned that he'd like to go to the beach, Kaworu had booked them a trip to Florida. He had paid for everything, including the two full-sized plane seats needed to accommodate Shinji's big body. The flight attendants had had to bring out the seatbelt extender and stretch it all the way to fit around Shinji. Shinji hadn't cared. He'd happily eaten three bags of McDonald's on the flight.

Now they were on the beach. Kaworu was wearing a swimsuit and a linen shirt. Shinji, meanwhile, was clad only in an enormous pair of swim trunks. Kaworu had playfully suggested that he wear a speedo, but sadly, there didn't seem to be any that were made in 8XL sizes. As it stood, Shinji was wearing a swimsuit that at least three normal-sized boys could have fit comfortably inside of.

And yet... "Ngh," he grunted, tugging at the waistband again.

"What is the matter, Shinji-kun?" asked Kaworu gently, stroking the soft, pale slope of Shinji's belly.

"Ngh... hff, pff..." Shinji gasped a bit; it was warm, and he was sweating, and he was starting to get tired. He was horribly out of shape as it was; they'd only been walking for about twenty minutes, and already he was thinking of a cool seat in the shade. But also: "Kaworu-san, I... this suit... it's a little..."


"Snug, Kaworu," Shinji said. "It's a bit... ohh, it's a bit tight."

Kaworu playfully walked in front of his feedee. Shinji was spectacularly fat. He weighed over 280 kilograms; in fact, he was closing in on 300 kilograms, slowly but surely. His huge belly jutted in front of him, a big, pale swell riddled with stretchmarks. It wrapped around his back in a colossal spare tire, which became a hill of back fat that rested on Shinji's enormous ass. Shinji's huge boy boobs bloated and sagged to either side of his belly's slope, big hooters with dark nipples. His fat thighs rubbed together and gave him his hefty, luxuriant waddle. His upper arms were sacks of lard. Even his forearms and his calves were big. Shinji was huge. And it wasn't hard to see why, when Kaworu had watched him eat enough food for five people at lunch.

Kaworu chuckled. "Shinji, dear, you were the one who wanted the swimsuit with the palm trees on it, and that was the biggest size they had. There were bigger suits, but none with the coloring you wanted. I only wished to please you." He reached in and tickled Shinji's big belly. Shinji giggled.

"Hehe, hee, Kaworu-san," Shinji said, whole body rippling and sloshing like liquid. "I-I mean, I know... yeah, this is my fault. But still... I wish I had a new suit."

"Well, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, "you could always take it off."

Shinji's fat face flushed. "T-This isn't a nude beach, Kaworu-san!"

"No one is around except that girl coming towards us," Kaworu glanced over his shoulder, "and she seems to engrossed in her ice cream to mind."

"Ice cream?" Shinji suddenly sounded excited. "Ice cream?" He smacked his lips a bit and wiggled his chubby fingers. "Oooh, I could, hmm, I might like some ice cream."

"Ah, but Shinji-kun, if you eat too much ice cream, your swimsuit will be truly tight. So if we are going to satisfy your cravings... it might be best to discard it now."

Kaworu's gray hair billowed in the breeze. His red eyes were bright and inviting. Shinji's own brown hair blew also, and his blue eyes twinkled. They had a kind of waxy, piggish glint to them these days; they'd grown a bit beady as well.

Kaworu smiled again. Then he walked to Shinji and knelt down. "There we go," he said softly, pulling Shinji's swimsuit down his legs. "Doesn't that feel better?"

Shinji breathed out, and seemed to very faintly expand. "Ahh," he sighed. "Yes, Kaworu-san, it does! I'm not pinched any more!" He looked up. The little girl was right before them, licking an ice cream cone with two scoops of strawberry. "Oh! Oh, mmm, ah, hello!" He stepped away from his swimsuit and waddled her way.

The little girl looked up. The fattest person she'd ever seen was rippling and jiggling his way across the beach towards her. She wondered if she should run for her parents. But he seemed harmless. He was huffing and puffing, he seemed very out of shape. He was naked, too. Fortunately, his privates were completely covered by his huge belly. It drooped past his knees, even.


She wrinkled her nose at his massive fart.

"Oh, uh, um, h-hello there," said Shinji as he stood in front of her.


"S-So, um, your... your ice cream..."

"Pardon me, young miss," said Kaworu, coming up to Shinji and tenderly touching his shoulder. "We didn't mean to alarm you. But we were curious: where did you get your ice cream?"

She pointed over her shoulder. "There's a stand just up the beach." Then she walked past them, and resumed licking her ice cream cone.

Kaworu put his hand above his eyes to shield them from the sun, and he peered off into the distance. "Ah! I do believe I see it. A short ways fom here, on the left."

Shinji looked himself. Sure enough, there was a blue-painted shack with a shaded patio, a decent ways ahead on the beach.

"Oh, mmm, ohm, yum yum," said Shinji, licking his lips. "Mmm, mmm, oh, I could get a sundae, a banana split, a, a peant butter fudge sundae..."


His belly gurgled in a way that Kaworu could hear, and Kaworu chuckled.



"Ungh," grunted Shinji, feeling his innards churning. His greed and gluttony had woken his stomach, which was having an effect all through his guts. He could feel...


"Uhn," he mumbled softly as a big, thick log of poop began to ooze out of his cavernous ass crack. His bowel control was almost nonexistent these days, a side effect of Kaworu making love to him so often.

Kaworu chuckled. "I knew that would happen soon enough. Fortunately, your swimsuit won't be soiled."

The turd plopped itself onto the wet sand.

"Kaworu-san, mmm, the ice cream, the ice cream," said Shinji, eyes glinting as he stared at his boyfriend.

"Yes, Shinji-kun. Let's go. We will get you all the ice cream you can eat."

"Mmm, ohhm, oh, ohhh, yummy, mmm," muttered Shinji, excited by the thought of a treat. He began to waddle forward.


Another turd began to ooze from his ass as he moved up the beach.

Kaworu paused a moment, just to watch him go. Shinji was stark naked, his huge, oozing, rippling fat body jostling, jiggling, and sloshing as he waddled along. He was pumping his arms and hauling himself forward, his massive belly sloshing from side to side, his huge butt cheeks jostling up and down, back and forth. He was pooping as he moved, oblivious to it in his greed for ice cream, his ass emptying turds onto the beach behind him. Shinji waddled along. He was naked, fat, and helplessly taking a shit. And he was so greedy for ice cream that he noticed none of it.

Kaworu smiled, proud of his work. Then he began to walk after Shinji, careful to avoid the piles of poo.

Pub: 15 Jul 2022 21:53 UTC
Views: 506