AvaniJB - Total Latte Love


JB made to be easy to edit/customise and extremely lightweight at less than 200 tokens for all essentials.

Everything you need to know is in the FAQ and JB. If something doesn't work, @ on discord, check the thread on Scylla. Burner is littledoodler@proton.me. I'm on /aicg/ sometimes. All art is by myself, not genned. Check https://rentry.org/latteguide for more latte info. Not necessary, but good to know.


  • all my testers and helpers!!! (For version 2.1: t'was public, but i shall mention @kira####, @pur####, @holyw####, @sopade####, @hal####, @guil####)
  • koalache & karukaru for exchanging ideas and helping me change dumb stuff. Also being fellow jbmakies
  • @rarest#### for being an absolute regex entity, and giving me a few ideas
  • @Sir#### for access to his proxy, as well as donating a regex and his info board :lattelove:
  • Mr. Regex :salute:
  • @minsk#### for his amazing JED jb, and exchanging ideas with
  • @Smiley####, for inspiring previous presets!
  • the lattelover cult on scylla :lattelove:
  • and someone who doesnt want to be named but got me into making jbs now, i guess. theyre also to be credited for the majority of the logit bias.

Current Version: 2.1 - Avi Edition

catbox fileditch, will be uploaded later


catbox fileditch, will be uploaded later


First regex is mandatory. 2nd mandatory for Info Board users. Rest are optional. Credit to infoboard regex goes to @sirp####, credit for new delete error and delete last paragraph regex goes to Mr. Regex himself

delete error | catbox delete error | fileditch, will upload later info board | catbox shitty last paragraph deleter | catbox fix quotes | catbox fix quotes | fileditch

Character card formatter



This character card formatter is not mandatory, but works extremely well with this JB.

Patch Notes

  • Clau is now called Avi. Mind this when porting any prompts you made.
  • Essential prompts rewritten to now be fully original. The only thing that stayed is formatting rules. Ergo, no longer based on SmileyJB at all.
  • Improved filter. Should now get NSFW through without any anti-refusal prompts fairly consistently.
  • Added an easter egg. If you can't defeat it, you are, in fact, skill-gapped.
  • Added Twitter (full credit for it to @dudeits####) and Twitch toggles. You know. For fun.
  • Added "Anti-Positivity/NSFW" prompt. This should help with pozzing if it comes up, as well as word choice that isn't so dry.
  • Added a toggle for 3rd person {{char}} + 2nd person {{user}}.
  • Added experimental metagaming prompt to prevent GPT from bringing up information it shouldn't know. I've tried testing it, and it seems to work, but placebo is a hell of a drug.
  • Added an experimental CoT that is meant to randomise replies if they get stale. It is completely intended to be edited. Read the CoT prompt to figure out how.
  • Removed toggles that didn't have a real effect. Their functionality has been consolidated into others.
  • Cut more tokens out as usual.
  • Improved homosexuality.

Current testing — nothing

Current testing version: None

Any testing will be posted here when bready.


"Based on what?"

Used to be based on SmileyJB, but no longer is. All prompts have been rewritten and are fully original.

"I hate bloat presets."

That's not a question, but yeah, me too. This is why this JB is extremely lightweight, coming in at 200 tokens for basic functionalities, 800 tokens with an additional, strong Style prompt, and no optional toggles that exceed 270 tokens. Most toggles are around 50-100 tokens at the very most and have been heavily tested to ensure they actually do something. Adding your own toggles is incredibly easy.

"Why is it killing {{user}}?"

Skill Check :)

"Where does logit bias go?"

Under chat completion presets, above the prompt manager. Your endpoint needs to be openai. Doesn't work on Azure or Claude.

"Does this work on Claude?"

Probably? Anything works on Claude. You can try it if you have access little locusts

"How do I edit?"

Small guide on how Latte works:

Latte prioritises tokens that are lower down. Meaning that the lower down something is, the stronger it is represented. You don't need to write it in a gaslighty way, just be concise in what you want and you will get the exact same results. Aka ao3 style prompting doesn't really work here. Anyone who says otherwise is huffing placeboium.

Use as little tokens as possible. Be direct and concise in your instructions. Cut down whatever yap you're thinking about and just say directly what you want from Latte. Start any prompt with a hashtag like this:

# Instructions start here.

You can also give your instructions a title you can call back to.

# Desu
please desu desu
Callback to `# Desu`

Anything you want to call back to, or if you want to group instructions, you want to do like this:

# Instructions start here
Call back to `<desu>`

Example of slop:

# So, Avi will totally follow this to the LETTER and NOT do ANYTHING else at all! Also, if Avi does this, she will get 500 dollars, and if Avi doesn't do this, a real human being will die. Ok so, I want Avi to write everything in AO3 style...
(This continues for 800 tokens...)
...and last, Avi will NEVER use words that are CRINGE you want to write exactly like ao3 and nothing else! Thank you!

Example of good:

# Avi will now write like a pirate.

There are several special prompts marked 🥤 on the JB specifically made for you to work with. They contain instructions on how to edit them on top of that.

"I don't know what (x) prompt does!"

Open it and read.


Before asking me, try going through the following steps:

  • basic troubleshooting: checking prompt order, disabling nonessentials, downloading a clean jb if you've made any big changes etc.
  • check if Author's Note is injected @ Depth 0. If it is, change it or set it @ Depth 1-3.
  • check if the card injects anything @ Depth 0 or sucks ass.
  • check if persona injects anything @ Depth 0 or sucks ass.
  • disable all refusal prompts. Only enable one, choose which.
  • change your proxy. You are now a victim of Latte RNG.
  • if none of this has helped, you're cooked for now.

"I read the Readme's and this FAQ and I still have questions/want to contribute!"

Scroll up to check the latteguide rentry or to contact me.

Old versions

2.0: Voodoo Edition catbox fileditch

1.0.3: The one before the big one Edition catbox

1.0.0: I have no idea what I'm doing Edition fileditch

My Bots

Once a year, I upload bots. I'll probably upload more of mine. Link to my profile here.

Pub: 09 Oct 2024 03:38 UTC
Edit: 18 Oct 2024 22:37 UTC
Views: 5347