
Fun walks the streets of the City with her coffin in hand. Most of her days were quite simple. As the dead and suffering cried out, she followed and came to their aid. She mended their bodies, she mended their clothes, and she gave them a final farewell. This only changed when she was carrying out duties as a member of Blue Dragon Office, or when she carried out services for those who shared her grief. However, today was different for another reason.

"Want to grab a bite?"

At her side was a new acquaintance, a cheery woman who reminded Fun a bit of her sister. Brown hair tied into a ponytail falls between wide, wild eyes that seem to invite whatever may come. The perpetual grin conveys a kind of pure joy that makes Fun's light smile a little wider. The City brought people low and callously decayed their spirits alongside their bodies. To see one so unbothered was always a small miracle.

Theo was this miracle's name.

She sets the coffin down at a table as they enter HamHamPangPang. Since eating was something she only did socially she would allow Theo to choose for her. It was a nice way to gauge someone's impression of you, and Fun found that simply watching someone eat may not be a pleasant experience for them.

"You'll love this!" Theo excitedly hands a sandwich to Fun as she sits down.

The distortion takes the item and carefully examines it before taking a small bite from one corner. Theo gives a somewhat nervous look as she awaits a reaction. Fun hums thoughtfully "It is quite good."

"Told you." Theo beams at the positive response and swallows a bite herself.

She had such nice expressions. They were so loud and animated. Despite herself, Fun cannot resist silently watching her companion and falls into a kind of trance. Her mournful soul felt soothed by the excess of life.

A slightly redder Theo coughs, breaking Fun out of her trance and causing her to shyly avert her gaze.

"Uh, you looked great. Back there I mean! When you did the..." Theo makes a quick slicing motion with her hand. "Anyway, you must be a Fixer?" Her eyes linger on Fun's distinctive blue and gold coat.

Even without it, the assumption was only natural. There were many Fixers with all kinds of strange abilities. Of course, there were many more lacking, but they didn't last long. Someone extending a scythe from their arm certainly fit the strangeness associated with the ones who did.

"Ah. I suppose I am." A small crease in Fun's brow forms as she considers how much she should say. It was unwise to disclose her true nature, yet she was not fond of deception. If she wished to know someone, then mustn't they know her as well? "I have recently registered with Blue Dragon Office. Perhaps you have heard of them or their leader?"

Fear and skepticism were what people usually felt. Naturally, plenty of citizens did not care what happened to the monster terrorizing their neighborhood as long as it was gone. The general attitude of those who could and would care was that they were both foolish and dangerous. Few believed them to be foolish, but kind.

Fun falls into silence and her eyes widen slightly as she waits to see how much of a fool Theo found her to be.

The cheery woman lifts her shoulders and shrugs "You round up Distortions and try to fix them, right? It's a nice idea. Don't know if it'll work out."

A pleased hum leaves Fun as her dainty hands reach across to grab one of Theo's. There was no wrong answer, but the shimmer in her eyes and the way they softened into a kind of motherly affection could certainly make one feel there was. Her hands are slightly cool to the touch, yet not in an unpleasant way.

"Wonderful. I am content to know you find it nice." Fun closes her eyes and gently squeezes Theo's hand. "Perhaps it will not work, but should that stop such a nice idea from being pursued?"

"W-Wow. Thanks. That makes total sense." Theo almost chokes on her last bite, caught off guard by the sudden action. "Can't let stuff get you down. Haha..."

Affection blossoms into concern as Fun leans in. Her companion was doing that thing again. A thing she couldn't quite place, but which made her both worried and confused. It seemed to her that Theo may be unwell yet the way she fidgeted and smiled told her that she was full of even more energy than she was a moment ago. Most of all, it made Fun want to protect the miracle she had found all the more.

"Is something the matter? If I have done anything to upset you then please allow me to correct it." The Distortion's voice takes on an apologetic quality.

Theo vigorously shakes her head. "Nope. Not at all. You're good. Great. Just uhhh...happy I ran into you."

"Our meeting was quite fortunate indeed." Fun's blue eyes stare into Theo's for a while before she gives her hand a parting squeezes and finally releases it.

Fun resumes her meal as Theo slowly calms down. As she does, Fun's mind drifts to introducing Theo to her sisters and Alma. She was certain that they would get along now, and it would be a convenient time to explain her own nature. However, the corners of her edge downwards for a moment as she has a realization.

"Pardon me, but might I know more about you?" Curiosity fills Fun's eyes as she gives Theo her full attention. "I would like to know what you do when you are not fishing."

Theo exudes pride and confidence as she speaks. "Mostly create. Have my own Workshop to craft my babies."

"I see. Is that blade you use of your making then?" The fleshy weapon was a curious sight. It felt as alive as Theo herself.

"Yep! It's my pride and joy!" Each word sounds more enthusiastic than the last, the Atificer'f fervor being shown.

For now, "How?" is a question that slips Fun's mind. Theo's passion was too delightful to not take in as she explains some of the weapon's functions.

And as she speaks, she changes. She becomes a sort of flesh flower in bloom, skin flayed and strange designs intricately engraved. The petals pulsate as red overflows from them. Fun is enthralled. Even like this, she's still so full of life.

"How beautiful." The words leave her mouth without any thought. She did not wish for anyone to distort, but she could not help being charmed by someone who seemed to have such a love for life.

Theo lets out another nervous cough. "Hah. Yep! My magnum opus! Could still use some improvements though."

Fun chuckles softly. Today was quite different, and she embraced the change. She looked forward to spending more time with her brilliant friend. The grimmer parts of her mind knew that this would pass. That this lively Artificer may suddenly depart. But it was wrong to shun attachment because one feared the pain of loss. If this was her second life then she would live without fear.

Edit Report
Pub: 14 Jun 2023 16:26 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2023 18:27 UTC
Views: 311