=CHAPTER 1: Heading South on the Road to Nowhere=

When you awoke, it wasn't to the pleasant warmth and comfort of your bed
Instead it was the cold and wet embrace of dead, decaying leaves and dirt
Shooting up, you looked around your new forested location in confusion. All around you the trees stood closely together, their trunks forming a wooden curtain that obscured your vision in every direction.
'The fuck?' you muse, looking around for any signs of civilization, only to be met with trees as far as you could see.
You begin to question how exactly you got to this location in the first place?
Did you take drugs or something?
Maybe you sleptwalk for the first time in your life?
You would have time to muse on it later, you needed to get out of this situation.
It was winter, and while you were naturally resistant to the cold, you were not dressed for it at all.
You were also terribly thirsty
You swallowed your apprehension, and began to fox-walk through the crowded forest, the last thing you needed was to cut your feet to ribbons.
The woods around you were dark, their clawed canopy of twisted boughs and bare branches choked out the pale moonlight from above. Leaving you to creep forward, barely able to see 40 feet in-front of you.
You continued to walk, eventually stumbling an overgrown patch of grass and other vegetation breaking the trees apart in a wide seam, the dead blades of grass waved and rustled against each-other in the light breeze.
Taking the opportunity, you gazed upwards to the unobstructed night sky. It was clearer, and brighter than any other you had seen before. Even the strong light of the moon could not choke out the sea of twinkling lights that stretched over your head.
While beautiful, the lack of light pollution had you worried. You were either far out in the country, or the power-grid was out. Neither scenario would be particularly helpful for your cause of finding civilization, and warmth.
With nothing else to go by, you began to observe the positions of the constellations, and the moon to determine what time it was, and just what latitude you were at. Orion's bow was just starting to peek from the gnarled treetops, and the tail of Cygnus was ducking down to the west. It was early November, if you had to guess, same as it was back home. The moon was nearly full and hung above your head, a slight sliver of darkness hung along its leftmost edge. It was sometime before or after midnight, give or take a half hour. Finally, you located Polaris, the faint star a most welcome sight. It was much higher in the sky than you remembered.
Strange, what could cause you to move so far north of your home?
With nothing else to gain from stargazing, you turned your attention back towards the sea of dead grass, noting that the shape of the clearing was far too straight to be natural. You began to scour along the field and soon enough you found proof of your suspicions: a decrepit wood and barb-wire fence. Strangely, it stood twice as tall as any fence you had seen before. Nearly towering over your head.
You trailed along the fence up until you spotted a dilapidated path snaking through the grassy tide. The path was gravel, and was in a poor, sordid state. The road was little more than bare dirt in some places, and great fissures crossed the foundation; where water had carved its own path. You walked up to the massive gate, and grasped the rusted metal in your hands, giving the freezing a medal a strong tug. To your relief the gate swung open, accompanied by the chorus of screeching rust.
Stepping through the opened gate, you began to gingerly tread the eroded path. You would stay crouched, using the grass as some form of cover.
You were likely trespassing, and a bit of caution never hurt anyone.
After a long while of walking down the featureless, veiled path. You came upon another gate, and beyond its overgrown edifice laid a large yard of browned lawn-grass. Just beyond the poorly-maintained lawn, lay the faded monotone grey of a concrete road.
You breathed a sigh of relief, the road led somewhere, and anywhere was better than here.

As you trek across the field, your feet crunching the moistened, dead grass, before lightly sinking in the cold, damp earth. You make out a farm-house in the distance.
You turned your head, and stared at the structure. Soon deducing that it was abandoned, judging by the sections of collapsed roof, and the plant-choked outer walls. From this distance, it looked to be the largest one-story house you had ever seen, but from this distance you couldn't be sure of your judgement.
At least you didn't have to worry about trespassing as much.
When you made it to the road, you stopped to curl and move your toes about. Checking to see if hypothermia was starting to kick in. They were starting to feel a bit sluggish, unresponsive. It was not a good sign in the least, you needed to find something to cover your feet, and quickly, but your only options for doing so would be to remove your shirt, or your pants. Neither of which you wanted to do.
Soldiering forward, you continued to powerwalk along the rode, eventually making out the silhouette of multiple cars stopped on the road.
You feel a sinking feeling growing within your gut, people just didn't abandon this many cars for no reason. Especially when they didn't look like part of an accident.
As you stroll closer, the feeling intensifies as your hypothesis was proven true.
The vehicles looked as if they had been through a war zone. Numerous bullet-holes cratered the cars, their glass laid as a thick carpet around their ruined bodies, glinting in the pale moonlight. From your position, the interiors of the cars were splattered and stained with brown-stains. Again, these cars were on a massive scale, similar to the house and fence you had seen earlier. The Sedan roofs were level with your own head, and you didn't even clear the window of the SUVs.
It was a grim sight that drove great shivers down your spine. Nothing good could come from hanging around here, you thought.

Unable to simply move through the sea of splintered glass, you move to go around through the left-hand ditch, where there were no cars piled up at.
You make it halfway down the slope before a putrid scent smacks you in the face, instinctively backing away from the source.
The smell was a horrid combination of rotting meat, potatoes, and something else you couldn't quite place.
Whatever was the source of the foul smell was obscured by your shadow. You stepped off to the side, and felt a bit of that apple you ate before bed come up as you gaze down in the ditch.
There in the ditch, was the bloated corpse of a humanoid feline, definitely male judging by his birthday-suit. His fur was in tatters, little more than fuzzy patches scattered about his fetid, discolored hide that looked ready to pop. Going by his muzzle, you figured he was a cougar of some sorts. You noticed that despite his nudity, he still had on a pair of tan combat boots. The footwear still clasping the dead shins of their owner with gusto.
You contemplated taking his boots, he wasn't going to use them anymore. One one hand you wouldn't feel clean for the next month, on the other hand you were a few minutes away from the start of frostbite.
Eventually, you caved in, and took in a deep breath. Holding your breath to save you from the horrid stench of the decaying Cougar. His hide was slimy, and stretched taut as you loosened the boots from his feet. It took nearly all of your willpower not to open your mouth and gag.
You flung the first boot up and onto the concrete, before quickly throwing the other corresponding boot in the same general direction. You scrambled up the wet embankment, and let out a strained, explosive sigh as you released the stale air from your lungs. Breathing in for a few moments as you recollected your breath.
You rose up to your two feet, and strode over the road to collect your scavenged footwear. You picked both up, and turned the waterproofed leather boots over as you shook them violently. Satisfied with their apparent cleanliness, you placed them onto the cold asphalt, and slid your chilled feet into them. The interiors were dry, and seemingly free from debris. You thanked whatever deities may be above for this boon.

You turned your attention back to the cars, with your new boots, you could walk across the glass no issue.
You weren't going to open any doors, or go poking around.That might set off alarms, and the last thing you wanted was to attract attention. Whoever shot these cars up might still be nearby.
You walk up to one of the sedans, and peer in at the blood-stained and torn interior for anything of use. Grimacing as you noticed the crusty pools of dried blood laying about the floor. You peel your eyes away from the grizzly sight, and continue to search.
You quickly find what looks to be a poly-whatever lunchbox, although to you it is the size of a small cooler. Carefully maneuvering your arm through the splintered window, you grasp the strap of the lunchbox, and begin to pull it up and through the window
Clutching your prize in one hand, you quickly undid the zipper, and flipped open the over-sized box. What you saw within had you dropping the cooler shortly thereafter. There was no food or water inside, instead only the mangled hand of some unknown furry resided within. Sitting in a pool of its own dried, stale blood.
Whatever jackass had done this also scribbled "Need a HAND?" with a black marker on the inside of the lid.

After that unpleasant experience, you would quickly scurry away. Walking down the moonlit road.
You came upon another house, this one was your standard colonial affair. The yard had a few trees, and didn't appear that overgrown. You would walk up to the door, and knock loudly. Only to be met with overwhelming silence. You pressed your ear to the door and listened closely. More silence, not even the faint hum of electronics pierced the door.
No issue right? It was just one house.
You strolled down the road, to a similar house on the opposite side of the road. This one looked to be slightly better condition, and there was even a car sitting out in the driveway. You walked up the asphalt driveway, and to the car. You noted that it looked untouched aside from the flat tires.
You hopped up the stairs to the porch, and knocked on the thick wooden door
Once again, you were met with silence.
Feeling defeated, you once again walked back the way you came, and onto the road once more.
Every house you came across was silent, and apparently empty. A few had unlocked doors, but the thought of there potentially being someone inside, and being mistaken for a burglar quickly shot down your thoughts.
As you continued to walk, you noticed what appeared to be the start of a small town in the distance. Amidst the silhouetted buildings, you couldn't make out a single light. It was likely no more populated than the empty homes you had encountered on your way.
You begin to ponder about the car massacre, and the abandoned homes. Clearly something wasn't completely right here, and you debated if going forward was a good idea.
It beat heading the other way, and potentially freezing.
Shrugging, you continued your march towards the seemingly abandoned town.

The town, and surrounding suburbia was just as dead and abandoned as the houses further out. The houses were in surprisingly good condition, suggesting that they had not been left for too long a time. You wagered that no one had lived here for about 4 months, and they all of left at roughly the same time.
Further supporting your theory, were all the cars sitting at odd angles on the streets, crashed into buildings, ditches, and streets. Many of their doors wide open, as if their occupants left in a hurry.
You are now approaching the town proper, and decide to have a look through the window what once used to be a bakery.
The inside is dust-laden, and in a moderate state of disrepair. Contrasting the weathered, but unharmed exterior.
Chairs and tables lay scattered about, thrown aside from some rush, or by the callous hands of looters
Half-decayed lumps of mold lay in stingy pools of dried, blackened sludge. These sad lumps were probably fresh bread at some point, left to rot in their maker's vacancy.

Something bad had to have happened here you thought. People, even furred ones didn't just up and leave everything like this, especially vehicles. Since everything seemed to be intact for the most part, it might've been some form of chemical, biological or radioactive attack.
The thought drove you away from the buildings, their sheltered interiors could provide refuge for whatever cleaned this town out.
However, you still needed to find shelter, or something to layer over your thin pajamas, lest you freeze over.
You decided that you would search the town for a clothing shop, hopefully find some bottled water, and scram.
You wandered the unkempt streets, its pavement and sidewalks cracked from neglect. Thick rivers of leaves choked the gutters, their peaty, cloying odor rising from the depths, only to be dashed by the cold breeze that whispered through the narrow road.
Eventually your search proves useful, as you press your hands against the chilled glass of a building and glance inside. It was a small-scale clothes store, around the size of a mall outlet if you were furry-sized.
You reach above your head, and grunt as you creak open the door, flinching as a bell clangs above you, and the musty smell of ruined carpet washes over your head. You mulled in the door-frame as you debated going in, but the cold breeze made the decision for you as the door slammed shut on your heels.
You were already inside, so you began to sort and scour the many racks and stands for something to wear.
After a few minutes of searching, you eventually found some woolen trousers and sweaters in extra-small that fit you well enough, and a nice, if over-sized hoodie that hung to your knees.
You gave them a through dusting and beating before putting them on. You couldn't help but shiver from the feeling returning to your frozen limbs
Your enjoyment is cut short however, as you hear muffled chattering from outside. You were going to have company, and soon.
Heart pounding in your chest, you scrambled towards the massive wood and stone counter near the back of the store. Cramming yourself into the kneespace under the register with a vengeance.
Cowering behind the thick construct, you perked your head and listened closely. While much of their conversation was obscured by the thick paneling, and numerous clothes in the way. You were able to make out such words as: stake-out, abandoned, super-aids, and raiders. One was definitely masculine in tone, while the other was more of a challenge for you to discern.
You decided to do something incredibly stupid, but necessary
You slowly leaned over, and peaked out from the side of the massive counter

You could see the tall frames of two individuals. Their shadows were facing you, obscuring many of their details. One of them had a roundish muzzle, and rounded ears. While the other possessed a rotund face with what appeared to be small horns sticking out from their head.
You were quickly brought out of your thoughts as you heard the double doors creak open, and the bell jangle.
"S-H-I-T!" You thought to yourself. Gazing around the store rapidly for another exit, or somewhere you could hide from these unknown individuals
You had gotten on your knees when you heard the rustling of fabric, and soft breathing coming from outside the kneespace you were hiding in
You froze, and turned your head to the side. Painfully aware of your own creaking vertebrae.
Beside you were two, digitigrade legs clad in thick, brown camo pants. The paws were sealed away inside thick-leather boots, and multiple strips of dirtied cloth decorated the soles like garland. More than likely to prevent the rubber from squeaking when it came into contact with the floor.
The legs began to bend outward, as whoever owned them squatted down to your level.
The person wore an over-sized camo jacket similar to their pants, the top being of a lighter shade than the bottom. You noticed that the fabric bulged around their chest. Finally, your eyes met the shimmering emerald pools of a vixen's eyes. Her vulpine muzzle twisted into a sly grin of amusement. Her fur was a light, snowy white, with the underside of her muzzle and neck covered in dark greyish-black. Contrasting against her otherwise pristine figure.
You made to say something, but the words were quickly gulped back down as your gaze fell upon her lap. She had her Kalashnikov rifle pointed directly at you

=Chapter 2: Planet of the Furries=

You stood there, still as a statue. You didn't want to make any sudden movements, for fear of her being liberal with the trigger. The feeling that you could die at any moment was physically painful, your heart pumped so fiercely you swore it would soon break free of its bony trappings.
The fox smiled warmly, as she quickly pointed the barrel of her slung rifle away from you.
"Hey there little guy." She cooed, arcing her head as she tried to get a good view of you huddled within the kneespace. "Can you speak?" She asks, cocking her head at you.
"Yeah, why do you want to know?" You reply, arching an eyebrow in confusion at her question. Was she alright in the head? Of course you could talk, you were a human after all.
"Oh! Just wanted to know if you're one of the smart ones. Not much you little guys left anymore, not here at least." She states, her face turning glum for a moment. She probably had a few bad memories resurface with those words.
"Smart-ones?" You questioned, just what was she going on about?
"Y'know. You're one of the smart humans, the others can't really talk... and they're pretty dumb." She concluded, reaching her gloved paw out to you, scratching your scalp through your thick mat of hair.
You would have recoiled away from her hand, if you had the space. At least it felt quite nice to be petted. Even if it was somewhat demeaning. "Do you have an owner?" She inquired shortly thereafter, rubbing circles into your scalp with her warm digits.

So it was true, your kind were pets of some sorts... or slaves. Both possibilities were troubling, but you could potentially game this to your advantage.
"No I don't have one. I haven't had one ever." You replied, faking a glum, saddened frown as you stared down at the floor. Hoping the Fox would buy your feigned sadness.
The vixen's expression softened, further pressing her warm paw upon your head. "Well... in that case would you like to come with me? I have a bunch of friends, and you won't have to be lonely anymore." She spoke, voice low and soothing as if she were speaking to a scared child. "Does that sound good little guy?"
"Yeah." You state. The decision wasn't hard, if you refused you would more than likely be boned one way or another. You had nowhere else to go, and nothing to survive with.
The Vixen's eyes become alight with excitement as she sticks her paw out for you to take.
You grasp ahold of her gloved hands, and with her support rise up and onto your two feet once more. The vixen rising from her squat shortly thereafter. If your face wasn't currently frozen numb, you might've blushed at the height difference. You only came up to her upper abdomen just before her rib-cage.
Those emerald pools were cast your way once more, and once again your head was battered with loving scratches and rubs. You could definitely get used to this sensation, a small pit of longing for more contact formed in your chest.
"My name's Alice. Do you have a name little guy?" She asks, gently squeezing your chilled hand in her palm.
"Yeah, it's Anon." You reply, huddling up against the woman's side for more warmth.
Alice let out a content 'Hmph' and began to walk back towards the entrance of the shop. With your hand firmly held hostage, you quickly fell into step with her.

As Alice pushes open the door to the cold, dark streets. You are able to get a better look at the other two anthros you saw near the entrance.
One is a slimmer horned owl, his body draped in an old, dingy blue jacket that was tucked into his pants. Above that sat a combat-vest with some form of armor inserted into it. Multiple pouches were pinned to the cloth, each filled with magazines, bullets, or whatever he may need. He wore drab olive fatigues, shin and knee guards strapped and wound tightly around his skinny legs. His feet, or talons in this case were enclosed in heavy-duty rubber boots. The traction on them so severe he was actually lifted above the pavement by the hardened protrusions. You noted that instead of terminating in a heel, the boots extended backwards to make room for his rear, grasping talon. He cradled some Kalashnikov to his side, the gun was wrapped in all manner of cloth bandages; likely to serve as makeshift grips on the weapon.
The other was what you assumed to be a female opossum, judging by the softer features of her muzzle, and the slight bulge of her chest. She was clad in a thick, ankle-dusting overcoat. Its formerly pristine evergreen surface stained and weathered; becoming a dusty brown in certain areas from the constant use. You could see the tips of her feet sticking out from their clothed shell. Clad in what appeared to be minimalist boots with soft, textured rubber. Likely to allow her presumably prehensile feet to grasp normally. Her thin hands were covered with fur-hugging, black finger-less gloves. Her pink digits hanging along the side of her filthy coat. The nape of her neck was swaddled with a black scarf, above which sat a mass of scraggly and fluffy fur. The off-white sheen giving way to a darker gray on the back of her neck. Her face was relatively normal for opossum's you figured, but you couldn't help but notice that she was missing a small chunk of her nose, and her ears had been deprived of their tips, ending in a harsh line. Multiple holes adorned the undersides of her ears as well, giving them a rather tattered appearance.
Both of them looked down upon you in near unison. The opossum-lady's smile and eyes grew wide as she backed away from you and Alice. Owl-man on the other hand, stood firm. He made to reach out and pet your head, but quickly drew his hand back.
"Well. When you're right you're right." The owl remarked in a baritone voice, leaning against the wall as he looked down at you with those yellow and black saucers embedded in his head.
"I'm impressed Alice, you haven't come back bitten to pieces like that Keeseville incident." The marsupial teased, ruffling your shaggy head.
Alice growled, and quickly pushed the woman's paw away from your head. "You know better than that Heidi! What if he bit you?"
Heidi laughed, slinking away from the two of you. "Just messin' with him Alice, get the stick out of your vag. I've lived long enough to know when they're feeling toothy."
Your new vulpine owner let out a sigh of frustration, before giving you a few scratches on the back of your head. "Anon, meet Albert, and Heidi." She stated, pointing to the owl and opossum respectively. You raised your hand and waved at the two. You would have simply said 'hi', but your throat was currently parched and ragged from the cold.
Albert waved back at you, gently extending his hand out, and slowly petting your head. "Hey bud, glad you're joining us. If you ever need anything, you let us know, alright?"
You nodded, and noticed a canteen perched upon his utility belt. "May I have some water?" You asked, your voice having an audible rasp to it.
"Sure!" He chirps, reaching for the canteen's pin. He quickly unclasps, and slips it into your outstretched palms. The metal canister was large enough for you to use it as a plate, and had a fair heft to it from all the clear gold it contained.
You raised it up to your mouth, arms trembling as you took deep, messy gulps. Excess water dripping and flowing down your neck, and into the fabric of your shirt in thin streams.
After filling yourself to the point of near sickness. You hold the container out to the owl. Albert grasped the drained vessel and chuckled to himself. "Good heavens boy, where'd you fit all that?" He jokes, screwing the cap back on and clipping it to his hip once more. "Well, we'll see you two here after a while. We're going to look around more, and head back to camp later."

The owl and opossum waltzed away deeper into the town, meanwhile Alice began to lead you in the opposite direction towards the suburbs and beyond that the woods.
"So... where're we heading?" You piped up from beside the vixen, admiring the suburbs that had become even creepier with their abandonment.
"Our camp. We don't have a home, not anymore. So we're driving south." She replied, a grim look washing over her face as she spoke of home. "You're a lucky boy, you know that? If I hadn't noticed you, we would have left you alone in this town come morning."
You grunted in acknowledgement, before deciding to ask another question.
"What happened here? Why is everyone gone?"
"That's a long story Anon, I'll tell you all about it when we get to camp, and have a warm fire to sit beside. That sound alright to you?"
You two were silent the rest of your journey, neither of you had much else to say.

After about an hour of walking, Alice led you on a detour through the nearby woods. The vixen instinctively wrapped an arm around your shoulder, just to ensure that you would stay with, and close to her.
You leaned into her warm embrace, you were starting to feel tired again. Your body yearning to return to the sleep that you had been so rudely pulled from
Alice giggled at your reaction, and patted your shoulder. "You know, for not having an owner. You're awfully cuddly."
"You're just really warm." You retort, not wanting to sound too approachable. You had to play the part of a 'smart' human who's never had an owner.
"That's half the reason." Your new owner mused, gently squeezing your shoulder
As before, you two went silent. Merely enjoying eachother's company as you trekked through the dark, wind-swept woods. Alice had positioned herself to take the brunt of the chilling force, something you were very, very grateful for.
You could see orange light dancing at the top of the hill, the hot odor of wood-smoke, and the crackling of distant embers. The camp had to be just over the crest.

As you crested the hill, you were undeniably right. There lay a campsite before you
In the middle was a fire-pit around the diameter of you. While it may seem excessive to you, it was more than reasonably sized for these giant furballs you found yourself amidst. Around the fire were various chairs of differing material (you pitied whoever had to sit in the metal one), and a few tree-trunk sections filling in the gaps. Further out the camp was surrounded by a small convoy of cars, 2 trucks, 3 SUVs, 3 Sedans, a coupe, and a van. Each of differing manufacturers, models, and states of repair.
Your attention was drawn back to the seats, someone else was already sitting down here.
Upon a section of log, some form of primate-girl sat. Her black-furred body was swaddled in a thick, black-shelled parka, brown and grey synthetic fur forming the edges of the hood, sleeves, and bottom. Her legs were clad in two different layers of fabric; blue skin-hugging leggings under thick, heavy-duty jeans. Unlike the opossum, her prehensile feet were crammed into traditional boots. She wore white saucer earrings, a larger saucer followed by a smaller saucer roughly half the diameter of the first. Atop her rowed dreadlocks, she wore a beanie that stretched over a knot of loose hair, and partially covered her scalp. However, the locks on the side of her head were left to hang freely.

She smiled wide, and waved the two of you over. "Where'd you pick up the stray? He's a real cutie!" She called out to Alice. Her voice a thick, matronly alto.
"Found him freezing in a clothes store, he's one of the smarter ones though. Say hi Anon!"
"Hi!" You exclaimed as ordered.
"Awww! That's adorable! My name's Joslin little guy. In case you're wondering."
Alice sits down on an opposing log, and pats her lap.
You walk up to her, not knowing if she was serious or not. You were a grown man, but then again that lap did look comfy.
You eventually caved in, and sat down in her warm embrace.
Before you knew it, her jacket quickly expanded to cover the both of you. Your body bathed in the delightfully warm air radiating through her and the waves of heat wafting over you from the fire.
This was the life, and before you knew it you were leaning back. Only to stop as your head came to rest upon her soft bosom.
You blushed furiously, but she didn't seem to mind at all. Quite the contrary, she began to pet your uncovered head.
Your eye-lids were like sheets of lead, and keeping them open was a battle you were decisively losing. As your consciousness slipped away into the night, you figured you could just ask about the town later.

=Chapter 3: New Blood=

Your sleep is disturbed by a strong tickling sensation around your neck
Your eyes slip open as your chest convulses in silent spasms, fully rousing you to attention
Infront of you is the form of Albert, slowly backpedaling away from you. His tall lanky figure backlit a warm orange by the fire behind him.
The sensation of cloth around your neck interrupts your thoughts, and you quickly move to feel around your neck
You grasp ahold of a circular piece of cloth and attempt to pull it off. The motion ending abruptly as the back of the material was pressed against the back of your neck
You had been collared!
A warm pat to the head, and a rumbling 'ssssh' from the vixen behind you quickly put an end to your struggle.
"It's alright Anon, just a collar. Don't want anyone thinking you're stray." Her arms wrapped around you, pulling you even deeper into her embrace. It was an incredibly becalming sensation and likely the reason why she did so.
"Is it too tight? I can loosen it if it is."
"No, just... startled me is all."

You take the time to glance around the campsite, finding it to be much more lively than before.
A total of 8 are now situated around the fire, not counting you and Alice.
Three of them you know, ALbert the Owl, Heidi the Opossum, and Joslin the Monkey. Sounded like the lineup to a children's cartoon, yet here you were.
The other 5 were completely new. The females of the group consisted of a hyena, a massive brown bear and mare. The other two were males, and quite massive compared to Albert. One was a brown horse of unknown breed similar in stature to the mare and the other was a tiger. Siberian if you had to guess.
The hyena appeared to be of the spotted variety, and was currently shitfaced if the bottle in her paw was anything to go by. Her long locks of grey hair were swept to the side, they looked dishelved as if disturbed by headgear of some sort. Beneath the fluff of her neck, she wore a thick and light-brown woolen hoodie. The padded look of the clothing made you think she was wearing multiple layers under the thick fabric. Her bulky black sweatpants also seemed to hide other layers beneath their fleece exterior. Her feet were surprisingly bare, splayed out as she presumably warmed her pads near the fire.

The sow was at the least 11 foot and built like a tank. She wore light winter attire consisting of a thin hoodie and denim jeans. Her jacket was slightly bulged around what appeared to be a combat harness wrapped around her form. The cold probably wasn't difficult for her, given her thick carpet-like fur, and the protective layer of fat that hid her muscular interior. You gazed over to her head, noting her icy-blue eyes, and flowing locks of golden hair. You sniggered to yourself over the coincidence.
Your gaze had not gone unnoticed, and the sow flashed you a smile as she returned the glare. You sheepishly looked away, and dug into your vixen cocoon even further. You could almost hear the bear's heart melt.
The crunching of dead grass underfoot alerted you to the sow walking over to you. Noticing that she had nothing covering her massive feet. Each toe was capped in a dagger-like claw that could rip you open like some game hen. You looked up to her imposing frame, and gulped. Even though she wasn't likely to do any harm, a little voice in the back of your head was scared shitless by a potential predator looming over you.
"So, who's this little cutie?" The sow asked, gingerly extending her paw out to you. Like one would greet a dog.
You gingerly set your own hand in her paw. You weren't going to sniff it, that would just be weird.
"Found him out in Norwich over there, in a clothes shop. Poor thing was freezing."
The bear gently squeezed your hand, rubbing your comparatively small palm with her thumb. "Does he have a name? Or does he need one?"
"Anon. That's what he said his name is. He's one of the smarter breeds, though he's got a good amount of heft to him. I'm thinking he might be a mutt." Alice monologued, scratching you under the chin as the bear's fingers worked your scalp. While the affection was pure heaven, the whole breed talk had you worried and intrigued. Had they bred your kind like dogs, or other animals?
"My name's Olga, little guy. Can you say my name?" The bear cooed.
"Olga. Nice to meet you." You reply, sighing as her fingers scratch the back of your head.
"Would you like to come with me, and meet the others?" She stated, gesturing to the group of new faces behind her.
"Sure, just let me get out of-"
You are abruptly cut off as her paws hook under your arms, and pull you free of your warm, vulpine cocoon. Cradling you in her massive arms. You blushed furiously, both at the indignation and your own smallness. At this point you were considering that you had merely shrunk, instead of everything having gotten bigger.

Olga sits back down in her chair, setting you down in her lap
It was a unique sensation. She was incredibly soft to rest against, but you could feel a firm, unyielding sheet of muscle beneath her chub.
As you sink into the warm embrace of Olga, you take the opportunity to gaze at the other three attendees.
The mare off to your left is only slightly shorter than the 12-foot ursine giantess you were snuggling into. She had a thick beige-colored coat under her casual dress. Her fur jutted out of her clothes at the collar of her white button-up shirt, the cuffs of her sleeves, and the ends of her brown jeans. You could see that she was wearing horseshoes, rubber of some kind. The rim of the material being painted and stylized with splashes of yellow. Complimenting the flowing golden locks of her mane and tail.
She seemed too busy reading her book to notice your stare.

The stallion to the left of the mare was even taller than Olga, with chestnut-brown fur, and a sable mane. He had on a relatively casual long-sleeve shirt of fabric you couldn't recognize. He wore khaki canvas plates, and appeared to have a rubber-boots that were molded around his hooves. Over his shoulder was a ballistic chest-piece. You could make out BPD emblazoned in white stitching on the chestpiece. He may have been a police officer, or he may have just simply scavenged it. You'd have to ask before you came to a conclusion.
He noticed your wandering eyes, and gave a friendly wave. You returned it not long after.
"You have a name little guy?" He asked, looking at you, and then at Olga and Alice.
"Yeah, my name's Anon. What's yours?" You reply
"Name's Cliff."
Your conversation dies out quickly thereafter, you don't feel comfortable engaging in long conversations with these people yet. You need to figure out how smart is 'too smart' for these beings.

You turn your attention back to the final member around the campfire. The siberian-tiger fellow
He stands just as, if not slightly taller than Cliff. Your theories about you being downsized seemed more realistic than everything being scaled up, but how would you know the difference?
You notice that he is absolutely ripped, his T-shirt bulging around the massive logs of condensed muscle that were his arms. His t-shirt was a deep navy blue, whatever logos it may have was obscured under the bulk of a Kevlar vest strapped around his torso and back. He wore long track pants, black with the three stripes of Adidas. His paws were bare, and digging into the snow.
He is currently sharpening a knife the size of your arm, the scraping of the metal knife and sharpening echoed and danced through the cold winter night.

"Who's the tiger, the mare, and the hyena?" You inquire, arching your neck upwards to look at Olga.
The bear scratches your scalp once again, and gently turns your head to each person as she recites their names. "The tiger's name is Tony."
You couldn't help it, you let out an involuntary snort of laughter.
You grit your teeth as the sow gave you a rough noogie, a low chuckle reverberating through her massive chest, rattling your head with each contraction.
"The Mare is named Elvira. She is not named after the song, despite what everyone else says." You repress a smile, trying to play the part of a talking ape. It wasn't that bad of a name, even if it was a good song.
"And the hyena's name is Patti. She loves humans... why don't you go over and see her?"
You know the whole shtick about female hyenas, this makes you both apprehensive and excited to go over to her.

You end up deciding to throw caution to the wind, and hop out of the sow's lap.
Patti notices your footsteps, and scoots to the side of her canvas chair. Patting the narrow channel, and her thigh. Clearly wanting you to nestle yourself there.
Seeing no other reason to delay the inevitable, you clamber into the seat with Patti. She lowers her hand to your head, and you reflexively shut your eyes. Expecting a rough petting. Instead, you get a soft pat on the head, and an arm curled around you.
"You're a good boy... not many of you left." She cooed, you could swear there was a quiver in her voice, as if she were about to laugh. She set down the bottle she was drinking, apparently having emptied it all.
"Not many of me left?"
"You remember the bombs right? The loud noises, and the lights?"
"No. What bombs?"
The Hyena doesn't bother to reply, she simply squeezes you tightly instead.

=Chapter 4: Calm=

Patti is squeezing you too harshly for your liking, so you squirm and wriggle your chest free of her arms
You can hear her apologize profusely under her breath, loosening her grip as she does so
"What bombs?" You repeat yourself, hoping you can pry some answer from the yeen.
She inhales sharply, as if she were doctoring her statement in her head.
"Well... A bunch of furs got real mad at eachother, do you know what a war is?"
"Yes." You reply bluntly.
"Oh, in that case. There was a war between the people who lived here and people elsewhere in the world. They fought alot, and many people got hurt. Then they ended the fighting by blowing eachother up. Some people got real sick from the bombs, others got burnt up, and some we don't even know about."
While being spoken to as if you were a child was annoying, you simply nodded your head in agreement.
"Is that what happened in the town?" You inquire further.
"Yes, the people there got real sick from a bomb. So sick there's nothing left of them now."

'So sick, nothing was left.' So some sort of chemical, or flesh-eating disease got dropped on the town. Explains all the seemingly abandoned cars in good condition.
"Oh, but there was this dead cat I found outside. What about him?" You can feel the hyena tense, clearly this wasn't good news to her.
"I don't know, don't worry about it Hun." She blatantly lied, you knew damn well she was worried. You decided not to press the issue however
You leaned against her, and let out an exhaustive sigh. "Do you have a sleeping bag or something I can use?"
"I don't think we have one, you'll probably have to share with Alice."
You barely know her, and you're already going to be sleeping with her. Atleast she was comfy.
You nod in response, and worm your way out of her grasp. You rub the sleep out of your eyes, before walking back over to your 'owner'
Alice sat up as you approached, setting her warm paw against your scalp as you leaned on her chair.

"Do you have someplace where I can lay down?" You inquire, closing your eyes as you tilted your head in the direction of her scouring paw.
"Mhhm. You'll be alone for a little bit though, 'til I come to bed. Will you be okay with that?"
You nod in response, prompting Alice to rise from her seat with a mild grunt of exertion.
You trail behind her as she walks over to a red SUV, a silver L emblazoned on the trunk lid. Maybe it was their version of the Honda H?
She pulls out a pair of keys from her pocket, and clicks the unlock button twice. The sound of locks disengaging ringing out with each click.
She opens the door, revealing that she had converted the trunk into a hybrid of bed and storage area. Tuper-ware containers hugged the car walls in an arch around the main bedding area
The 'bed' as it were was seemingly made of multiple cushions stuck together through stitching.
Multiple blankets were layered atop of it, most fleece and was topped by around 3 quilts. You could see a sleeping-bag within, trapped beneath two of the comforters.

"Well, there it is. I'll be joining you here later so get comfortable."
"Thanks." You reply curtly, placing your hands on the lip of the trunk to hoist yourself up.
You flop down upon the nest of fabric, stopping as your booted feet near the interior. "Do you want me to take these off or?"
You swear you can see a glint in her eyes from your display of common manners. "Please, just set them up on one of the containers."
You toss them up onto one of the bins, clattering briefly from their impact. By now you've crawled completely inside.
Alice gives you a wave goodbye, before closing the door. You let out an exhausted sigh as you lay on your back. Listening to the soft footsteps of Alice as she treads away from the SUV.
You're too far away to hear conversation from the campfire, and far too tired to care at the moment.
You crawl over to the sleeping-bag, and worm yourself into it, which isn't difficult considering it is nearly twice your size.
Sleep reclaimed you quickly, with only the wind and muffled fire-side chat to keep you company

You would wake coccooned in the dark, with something both warm and soft pressed against you.
You moved your head, causing the sleeping bag to shift and allow some of the morning sun through.
Alice has her arms wrapped around you, holding you close. Your head is resting against her torso, just underneath her breasts.
Gotta say, this is pretty comfy.
The vixen would let out a loud yawn, her body tensing as she stretched out in the bag. Lifting her arms off of you.
Her hands return to your head, giving your scalp some scratches before she pulled away from you.
"Morning Lil' Bud." She cooed, stroking you a few last times before she began to wiggle out of the sleeping bag. Forcing you out indirectly.
"You want to sit up front with me?" She inquires as you stretch out on the blanket-laden mattress.
"Sure! Can I take a blanket or two with me?" You reply, clutching a fleece throw in your hands.
"Mhhm. Are you hungry by chance?" She asks, opening the trunk door. A cool, midday breeze flows through the SUV. Alice sighing as she took in the fresh air.
"No, I can't keep anything down after I wake up. I need an hour or two."

"That's fine bud, just let me know when you're hungry." She states, slipping on a pair of tennis shoes before hopping out of the trunk.
You decide to throw on your appropriated boots and follow her. Heading to the passenger-side door. Thankfully the foot-bar is low enough for you to comfortably haul yourself in.
You plop yourself within the fabric seat, and wrap the blankets around yourself after buckling yourself in. Thankfully the belts weren't that large compared to you.
"So. Where are we heading?" You ask, craning your head to gaze at Alice. The vixen busying herself with starting the car.
"We're going to a high-school to go and scavenge. The others are going elsewhere, and will meet us there. You want to help me look around bud?"
"I guess, I don't have much else to do." Is your honest reply.
The drive over to the school is rather bland, just empty houses and abandoned cars.
You arrived at the rather impressively sized building in around 10 minutes of driving. Turns out removing all traffic and speed limits made driving a quick and easy affair.
As you marvel at the size of the brick and mortar building. You wonder how you and Alice are going to scour this thing without taking all week.
"So, we're going to go in there. Look around until the others come here?" You repeat, just to affirm.
"Yep! Although Heidi, Tony and Albert will be joining us to look around before we leave though." She pipes, hopping out of the door, and beckoning you to follow.
You begrudgingly shed your fleece coverings, and open the door. Stepping out of the car and into the cool embrace of December winds.
Exploring an abandoned school for resources? Sure, what could go wrong?

=Chapter 5: Unease=

You and Alice approach the abandoned school, the building surprisingly intact despite not being maintained in several months, judging by the vines that had crept up the brick facade of the building.
You trail behind Alice as she walks up to the front doors, and attempts to open them. Unsurprisingly they're locked shut, their rusted hinges refusing to budge.
"Guess we'll have to find some other way in." Alice remarks, jiggling the handles to make sure they are truly locked
Alice blows air through her teeth as she steps away from the doors. Her head cranes to the side of the building, with its many unbroken windows.
"I think I found our way in Bud!" Alice calls to you, before procuring a crowbar from her pack.
You flinch as she smashes the iron bar violently into the window, completely destroying the glass panes.
She swipes away the glass shards with her gloved hand, before looking back to you
"Come on, I'll help you up."

You land on the opposite site of the window with a crash, you feet smashing the loose, broken glass even further.
You are in a classroom of sorts, an english class judging by the grammatical posters
There are backpacks, shoes and other articles of clothing around. Albeit heavily deteriorated.The whole place reeked of mildew
Oddly enough there is noone to go along with the clothes. This place is already giving you a few red flags
Alice has just dropped in, judging by the further cracking of glass.
She sniffs the air, and waves a hand infront of her muzzle. "This place has seen better days." She remarks, before striding towards the classroom door.
"Hey bud. I've got a task for you. While I go try and find the nurses's office, why don't you take a look around the school and classrooms. Try to find anything we can use. Do you know what first aid kits and cleaning supplies are?"
You nod your head.
"Good!" Alice hands you a backpack she had clipped to her own. "Just put those two in here when you find them! If the cleaning stuff is leaking though, don't put it in."
The vixen ruffles your head, before opening the door. Just before she leaves, she turns her head back to you. "Oh right!"
She procures a walkie-talkie out of a pocket, and hands it to you. "If you get scared, or need to find me. Press and hold the red button, I'll come as soon as I can okay?"
"Okay." You reply curtly, before giving Alice a goodbye-hug. It was comforting how much she appeared to care about you. Plus the whole school was giving you the creeps

Alice steps out the door, and heads down the hallway. You decide to go in the opposite direction, shouldering the backpack the vixen gifted you
The first couple of classrooms are rather unremarkable, nothing really of use besides the occasional bottle of hand-sanitizer, or package of band-aids
You do eventually stumble upon what appears to be a science classroom of sorts, judging by the expansive counters, sinks and gas valves.
The whole room stinks of stagnant water, and you can see a busted pipe hanging from the ceiling. Below it is a section of rusted pipe that had fallen out of place
You slink over and pick up the dry, rusted pipe. It would be a makeshift weapon if needed.
With a bit of cloth and some tape you found in a drawer, you had fashioned a grip for the pipe section. Didn't want to cut yourself and get tetanus
As you make your way over to what you assumed was a chemical cabinent, you felt your right ears involuntarily move as you heard a light scratching sound come from the hallway
You clutch your pipe, and the walkie-talkie in the other hand as you creep back over to the doorway.

You look out the doorway, back into the dim hallway. You scan down the hallway, and notice nothing out of the ordinary
'Probably just a mouse.' You rationalize in your head, as you make your way back into the room, and to the presumed chemical cabinent.
The cabinet is locked shut, however the wood it is made appears to be cheap. With enough force you could probably break the wood around the cabinet
You manage to wedge your fingers under the door, lifting it up to the point where you can wedge your other hand into the gap
You begin to pull backwards, the wood creaking as it slowly bent under the force
The wood gives out with a loud crack, as you fall and roll onto your back from the sudden lack of resistance
As you get back up from the dirty floor, you hear something move around on the floor above you.
Those footsteps were far too heavy to be the work of a small animals
Justifiably spooked, you quickly rise back to feet and shift through the now broken cabinet. Bagging some rubbing alcohol, different sterilizing chemicals, and whatever else looked valuable.

You clutch the walkie talkie, and bring it up to your ear. You depress the red button, and quietly speak into the mouthpiece. "Alice. Are you upstairs?"
It takes a second for the vixen to reply. She thankfully does so in a quiet manner. "No. Is something wrong?"
"I heard something big moving around upstairs." You reply, slowly growing more anxious. You can hear more movement as you tell Alice this.
Apparantly Alice must've heard it aswell. Her voice changing to a commanding tone. "Hide. What room are you in?"
"148." You whisper, and you silently cram yourself into a cabinent beneath the workspace countertops.
Encased by cheap wood, there is no light, and everything is muffled. So you wait for Alice.
A couple minutes pass by, and you can faintly hear paw-steps within the classroom. "Bud, where are you?" Alice calls.
You stay dead quiet, until you hear her continue walking. Her paw-steps fading into the distance.
A few minutes later you hear shoe-steps in the classroom, and Alice's voice comes through your device. "Bud? I'm here."

You open the cabinet, to be greeted by the sight of Alice standing in the center of the room. You hustle over to her quickly, as she sets an arm around you.
"You alright bud? You're paler than a sheet."
You explain to her about the earlier sounds, and that she had apparantly walked into the room earlier
You would be able to see the blood drain from her face, if she didn't have the mass of fur covering it.
She grasps your hand tightly. "Come on, we're leaving bud."
As she leads you out of the classroom, you can't help but look over your shoulder the entire trip back. Afraid of what might be lurking behind you.
Alice unceremoniously pushes you up and out of the windowstill, before following you outside of the building
You both walk back to the car, as you nervously look over your shoulder every other step. Until you enter the relative safety of the car.

Alice started the car, and drove away from the school. However, she didn't go too far. Just enough to be away from the building, but to still observe it.
You both sat in the car for what you presumed to be two hours or so. You passed the time by cracking open a book Alice kept in the back-seat
It was some sword & sorcery novel, it reminded you an awful lot of Conan.
Alice occasionally glanced at you, but didn't say much. Occasionally asking you generic questions such as 'How is it?', 'What chapter are you on?'
You don't know what appears to be 'too intelligent' to your furry companions. You figure you'll just deal with it later, let the subject come up organically
Alice perks up her head as she notices the rest of the group coming down the road, she opens the door, and quickly walks out to meet them. You decide to follow her, after finding something to wedge in the book.
You step out into the cold, and walk towards the convoy. Where Alice is discussing something with Albert, your resident owl.
You pick up bits of the conversation as you walk closer, about the 'Alice' that stepped into your room. You also overheard some talk about 'strange scratches' and 'awful smells'

Alice hears your approach, and turns her head. Beckoning you closer with her free hand. Albert merely waves at you.
"Hey Anon. We're just talking about the school. I'm going to go back in with Tony and Albert. We're going to leave you with Heidi okay?"
You nod your head, "Just stay safe for me."
Alice smiles and nods back, while Albert smirks behind her. "Don't worry Gilligan, we'll be just fine."
The two walk over to the truck at the front of the convoy. Presumeably Tony's vehicle. Both hopped into the truck-bed, and the trio departed. Heading back to the school to finish scavenging.
It was just you and the opossum. Said opossum was currently enjoying what appeared to be a bag of beef jerky, while she reclined against her SUV.
"Want some?" She remarked, rattling the bag towards you.
"Sure." You replied, plopping down on the dirt next to her. Taking a handful of the dried meat once you got situated.
"So I overheard Foxy and Houdini talking about something that spooked you. Want to talk about it?"

=Chapter 6: Tension=

"I heard something walking around. I asked Alice about it, and she told me to hide in the room I was in. Well, a few minutes later I hear someone step into the room. It sounded like Alice, but its footsteps were unshod. Unlike Alice."
Heidei nodded, and slowly stroked your scalp with her free hand. "Well, you were very smart Anon. Keep doing that squirt, paying attention to details like that. It'll help you, and all of us on our trip."
You nod in agreement, and relax against the car. Twiddling your thumbs with Heidei until your school-spelunking owners came back. Was owners the correct term? You technically were just hitchiking, although you did have a collar.
In what you presume to be an hour and a half, the other vehicles of the convoy roll up. Bringing up the rest of the anthros that went to go scavenge elsewhere.
You can see through a truck window that Cliff is speaking into a walkie talkie, his eyes narrowed, then relaxed as his gaze moved to you and Heidi.
A few moments later the stallion was out of his truck, and approaching both of you. "You two alright? Al & Al and Tony just checked in, nothing on their end."

You nod, grabbing another handful of the gargantuan jerky from Heidei's bag.
Heidei on the other hand, has much different response. "Oh boss, I'm doing just terrible!"
You see a faint smirk creep onto the equine's face. "Glad to see nothing has changed then. We'll hang around here for as long as the two take, then we're hitting the road. Barring any unforseen delays, we should be in Pensylvania by the end of the day."
"Got it boss." Heidi acknowledges, waving her hand dismissively as she wraps her other around around your neck. Resting her arm on your right shoulder.
An unexpected gesture, but appreciated, you soon find yourself resting your head on her arm in kind.
You manage to nod off into a short nap, before you feel Heidei shaking you back to the land of the living.

Your eyes creek open and the first thing that greets your vision is Alice, smiling warmly as she holds a first-aid bag.
"Come on Anon, we need to get going." She states quietly, bending down to usher you up.Her effort is appreciated, if unncesscessary
As you stand up, you can see everyone is getting ready to head out on the road. Packing up supplies, checking off lists, performing some last-miute checks on their equipment.
You lazily follow Alice back to her SUV, having to strain a little bit to get yourself fully seated in the passenger's side seat.
The vixen let out a low grunt as she hoisted herself into the driver's side seat, lightly tossing the first-aid bag into the back-seat. Glancing over her shoulder to watch Tony and Albert get in their own vehicles
She looks to her other shoulder, moving a hand to help buckle you in. Only to recognize that you had already strapped yourself in.
Alice gives a coy smile, patting your head before sounding off into a dashboard-mounted speaker.

A few seconds later, she's pulled the transmission into drive and the both of you are off. You pry an eye open to see that everyone else is driving as well.
You're third from the last in the convoy, with Tony and someone else driving behind him. You're guessing Joselin, but with the tinted windshield it's hard to tell.
"We're in for a long drive, so take a nap if you need to. Is it warm enough for you?" She asked
You don't have any fur, and she's probably taking that into consideration. Come to think of it, it is chilly in the car.
"Do you have any blankets?" You asked, stretching and getting up. Ready to fetch any if there were.
"Yeah, they're in the back. Go ahead and take a nap if you want Bud. I'll wake you up if you need it."
You proceed to take her up on the offer, unbuckling your seatbelt so you can crawl your way into the back. Where you promptly gather a mass of fabric to lay in.

You let the gentle rocking of the car and the soft heat coming from the vents lull you back into a slumber.
It was close to midday when you originally woke up this morning, and when you stirred from your rest, the sun was beginning to set. Roughly 5 or so hours given how it was Winter.
You immedeatly notice that Alice has her radio on loud. And that she is listening to some sort of commentator intently, if her furrowed ears are any indication.
You silently slip free of your fabric cocoon, and drag a singular blanket with you back to the front seat.
Alice acknowledges you with a glance, before she turns her attention back to the road and the radio.
You decide to listen in as well, it's hard not to with how loud it is.
"We're sorry to interrupt your usual programming, but there is some news that we can't wait four our bi-hourly report to share." The showhost spoke.

"Based on some reports we've gotten from the west state. We've got freezing rain headed in to the mainland, right towards us. Based on some calculation my co-host has thoughtfully provided. We have about 3 hours before it reaches us."
"If you're travelling, we'd highly reccomend for you to get your ass to shelter at least an hour beforehand. If you're staying put, bring in anything you don't want to be frozen and or ruined."
"We'll try and keep all you folks update while we can, but we're going to have to go dark so as to save our equipment. Until then, good night Post-Apocalyptia! This is Three-Wolf station signing off."
Alice grabs the walkie-talkie on her dashboard, and quickly speaks into it. "Did you all hear that over?"
She gets a response back lightning fast. "Roger, we'll keep driving up until we hit PA. We're just past Berkshire. Head south until we cross the river, and get to Little Meadows. There's a trader setup there we can stop at. Over." Tony's voice crackled through.
Alice sets the walkie-talkie back down on the dashboard, reaches over to pet you with a free hand.
You decide to pipe up for once. "Are we going to be ok? Do you need me to do anything?"
"Ah... Probably. Not right now though, but once we start you can help out."

You nod and lean back in your seat, picking up that Sword and Sorcery novel that you were reading before your sijourn in the backseat.
The drive for the rest of the trip was rather uneventful, with the sun setting night quickly set in. Thankfully the roads seemed to be clear of any ice, yet.
The car headlights illuminated several abandoned houses, some of them damaged by weather, others charred rubble, and some that seemed to be perfectly clear.
In the long, dark winter night, they took on an ominous quality. You felt as though they hadn't been fully abandoned.
You could have sworn you saw faint humanoid shapes on the fringes of the headlights as you passed by, and twinkling eyes in the dark.
You turn away and shiver heavily, eliciting a worried look from Alice. You exchange glances without a word said, perhaps you both felt it. Or she understood.

A few minutes later and you see lights in the distance. There was the soft orange glow of regular street lights, and the bright, luminous blue beams of spotlights and perimeter illumination.
A hodge-podge fence and wall surrounds the perimeter of the post. Near the roads it was built tall and strong, incorporating stone, scrap-metal and wooden stakes.
Off the road you could see that the Earth was torn open a bit, to slow any vehicle that tried go through the perimeter fence, which surronded parts of the post without roads.
Several wooden and metal towers stood tall. Ones facing the woods did not have searchlights. While ones facing flatter, grassy areas did. The towers closest to your caravan swiveled their lights towards you.
You would roll forward a hundred or so feet before stopping. Tony likely reaching the gates.
"Alright. I'll get us in, you all hang tight. Over." He spoke through the HT.

Alice cracked the windows, allowing you to hear the shouting conversation between Tony and whoever was at the post.
You couldn't make out much, but Alice with her superior hearing managed to make out more of it than you did.
You followed her reactions to gauge the conversation, her slowly relaxing demanor led you to believe it was going well
Soon enough you would get confirmation from Tony himself. "We can stay for a while, until the roads thaw enough for us to drive through. Pull in and head to the church lot, we can park ourselves there. Over."
Alice reaches down and shifts the car into drive, and a few seconds later you are rolling through the gate. Where you manage to catch a glimpse of the few guards the post had. Wearing heavy clothing, and weilding an assortment of rifles.
A short drive later and you are parked with the others in the church lot. Which has been made into a makeshift market place, with a cement attachment for non-vehicle based booths. Currently it's just your people and a smattering of other travellers hemmed in by the coming storm.

When Alice stops the car, she leisurely steps out. Stretching herself out along the way, you're quick to follow. You hadn't gotten out since you left, and your legs needed stretching.
You noted the time was 7:10, the sky was cloudy and black. Casting a deep, impenetrable gloom wherever the light did not fall. The wind was wet and cold, the storm would not be far off.
You and Alice swivel your head towards Tony's car, where there seems to be some sort of discussion with one of the locals. Not heated, but apparantly it was a serious matter.
The both of you ignore it for now, and just poke around to get an idea for where everything is. However, your meandering is interrupted by Tony.
"Alice. One of the watchmen on the towers has gotten sick. They need a replacement, but they don't have the manpower for it. I need you, or someone else here to go up there and-"
"Wouldn't Albert be the better man for the job?" She fires back.
"Yes, normally he would. However, he's already occupied. We can stay here until the road thaws, but we're going to have to help them out. Albert's preoccupied, so please Alice."

"Can I take Anon here with me?" She questions.
"Yes, so long as you stay up in the tower. Or you can leave him here with us, he'll be fine."
Alice looks between you and Tony, and makes up her mind. "Come with me bud, we'll keep watch together."
You doubted that you could do much better in the dark against a fox, but two heads were better than one you reckoned.
You walk over to a darker, wooden tower set in the southeastern corner of the post. Facing the dark, bare and untamed woods.
Alice motions for you to climb up first, you assume she just doesn't want to fall and hurt you.
'How sweet of her'. You thought as you clambered up the ladder rungs meant for people far larger than you.

You pull yourself up into the tower with a grunt, and Alice is not far behind you. Giving a soft exhale as she gets off her hands and onto her legs.
A HAM radio set on a table, near a chair would cackle to life.
"The volunteers from the caravan that just came into town, nice to see we got someone out here." The unidentified person spoke, it sounded like a man, his voice dark, low and whispery.
"You're going to need to listen. Got some things and rules that you need to learn well, and follow. Otherwise, there might be some consequences in it for you."

=Chapter 7: Sirens=

The anthro speaking through the radio took a long, ragged breath in the cold night air. "Now, you need to keep an ear perked. We sent out a caravan of our own, down south to trade and bring back some supplies. However, we've lost contact with them, and with the storm bearing down. We're worried."
He coughed once again, "There's a map of the surronding area, and should he contact you, you'll need to help guide him to safety. That being said, there are other things out there listening in."
You felt your blood start to run cold, and Alice's eyes seemed to widen. You'd experienced something you couldn't explain, and Alice was likely no different. "If there is something listening, you cannot lead it to our little place. Unless you want to put your own hide at risk."
"Now, stay safe and keep your radio on. If you're lucky, you won't hear anything tonight." The radio went silent, leaving you with Alice to stew in your own imaginations.
You feel the vixen wrap her arm around you for comfort. "Don't worry Anon, I'll keep us safe. Just keep a lookout for me, ok sweetie?"
You nodded in response, pining your attention out to the dark forest.

For a long time, it was rather uneventful. It was dark, and growing darker as you saw the freezing storm rolling forward in the distance. Streaks of lightning lit up the sky, and overcast was slowly consuming the starry blanket above you
That was when you heard the radio crackle to life, your stomach dropping down to your hips. "H-hello?! Can anyone hear me? Over."
You turned your attention to Alice, the Vixen just as shocked as you were. She'd pick up the microphone, and press down on the radio. "Roger, I hear you, Over."
The man on the other end of the radio would give a happy sigh. "Thank you! Are you with Mick's trading outpost? Over."
"Yes I am, are you with the caravan that we haven't heard back from?" Alice replied
"Y-yes, something happened with the cart, I'm-I'm not sure what, I don't know where anyone else is, I'm lost and something's chasing me. Over."

You would move next to alice from your place in the floor to comfort her. Wrapping your arm around her torso as you looked up at the map pinned to the wall. You noticed stringed thumb-tacks in a bin nearby, those could prove useful
"Okay sir, do you know where you are? Is there anything nearby, landmarks, trail-signs, road-signs? Over." Alice replied.
The man on the other end of the radio would begin to reply. "No, I-I'm in the woods, off a dirt trail. Can you turn on a floodlight or something for a brief moment? I-I N-n-need something to help guide me. Over."
Alice looked down at you, before flipping a switch nearby. The bright floodlights blaring out their lights before being turned off just as quickly.
"Thank you so much! I'm on my way, over!"
You two would sit there in the dark watchtower, your only lightsource being a small kerosine lantern placed on the wooden baseboards.
The radio would flicker on, and in the distance you could hear what sounded like an emergency alert siren that would play through the TV. "Do you fucking hear that, it's coming from- AA!"

Before the radio turned off, you managed to make out the sounds of crunching leaves and cracking branches. Suggesting that he was able to run before whatever it was got him.
You and Alice would sit there in a stunned silence, before the Radio turned on once more. "I-I think I lost it, I'm at a t-t-trail called Amanita Run, do you know where that is? Over."
You would scarper over to the board, taking out a thumbtack, and placing it down on the map over to the trail.
Alice looked at you, and mouthed 'good boy' as she went to reply to the panicking man. "That's good, now I'm going to need you to take the left path straight down. You should come across an old sawmill. Let me know when you see it, over."
"Flee, screaming." Alice looked at the radio in confusion as did you. You'd turn your attention back to the woods, and you swore you could see an odd-looking tree as a flash of lightning illuminated the distant forest.
You could hear the distant groan of a tree falling down, followed by the robotic voice of an emergency weather alert broadcast. "This is not a test. The National Weather Service has issued a severe ice storm warning for the state of New York."
The radio would turn on, the man on the other end seemingly about to lose it. "What the fuck is that! Do you hear that, get me out, please, please! Over!" He stated, his breathing quick and labored, as if he was running.

The storm was getting closer now, peals of thunder echoing and booming through the dead, leaf-bare forest. Your radios were starting to get some interferance from the electrical disturbances.
"She can't... save you." The voice of the man spoke through the radio, that definitely wasn't him, was it?
"H-hey, I'm... I'm at the sawmill. Where do I go from here? Out." His breathing was heavy and labored, the man having booked it again.
"You need to turn left, the trail there will lead you out to a large clearing. Keep following the trail then. Over." Alice replied, you dutifully went and placed a thumbtack on the map.
"Are you, watching the forest?"
Both you and Alice would stare out over the forest, and as lightning snaked across the sky, you could see that weird tree again. Followed by a loud, piercing inhuman scream that echoed throughout the trees. Before being drowned out by a loud thunderclap.

"H-hey. I need you to be clear with me, okay? This is.. this is actually the way over to you, right? You're not just messing with me, are you?" The man would reply through the radio.
Alice would move to respond, but you would stop her, shaking her leg to get her attention. "He didn't say Over."
Alice looked at you confused for a moment, but she soon connected the dots in her head. She'd nod silently at you, reaching out to pet your head and ruffle your hair.
"Yes, you are on the right trail, I'm not decieving you. Over." Alice replied.
"Good, good. Thank you, that's comforting. Out." Alice was now fully suspiscious as well, he used the incorrect radio terminology. Something told her this wasn't the man she was talking to, though her little humie had informed her to begin with

The storm was barreling down on you now, trees swaying in the cold wind as sheets of rain fell down. The poor man, if he didn't have a raincoat, was bound to be soaking wet by now.
The radio would cackle to life again. "Okay okay, i-it's freezing here, I n-need shelter. I'm at a fork in the road... which way do I go? Over."
Alice would once again reply. "Take a left, and follow the trail. You'll find a place, over."
A few minutes later, and the rain was starting to blow into the watchtower. You were already moving away from the edge, taking shelter behind your owners larger frame. You were listening on the conversation closely, having updated the map once again.
"Is this, some sort of sick joke? There's noone here, I'm going to freeze to death with noone out here. Just, please, show me where you are! I need you! Out!" Alice just sat there, not touching a thing on the radio.
A few minutes afterwards, you'd hear the radio pick up once more. "Oh gosh, thank you! There's a map here, I can find my way back after the storm. Thank you so much! Out!"

The tension had been severed, and both you and Alice would look at eachother with relief. By now the rain was really picking up, as was the lighting.
The radio would crackle to life, this time replaced with a younger male voice, not the man who had instructed you, or the lost one in the woods.
"Good job out there... Alice was it? Get down from there before we find you frozen stiff, your group is in the forestry service building."
Alice would sit up from her seat, stretching and getting limber as she offered a hand out to you. "Get up on back Anon, you'll be getting a treat for being such a good, smart boy!"
You'd take her up on her offer, walking into her grasp, and holding on tight as she draped you over her shoulders and back. She'd move to the ladder, and would slowly descend. Being careful not to slip on the soaked wooden planks
Alice would step off the final rung and onto the pavement, and you would drop down off of her and onto the pavement. Your shoes clicking against the concrete.
The two of you would run across the rainy trading-post interior, heading towards the large forestry service building. Alice would hold your hand the entire way, to help speed you along given your shorter legs.

Both of you would storm into the lobby, breathing heavily and nearly soaked. Alice was quick to strip down to her underclothes, leaving her in a modest white t-shirt and lyrica leggings.
She wasted no time after getting stripped in relieving you of your soaked coat and pants. Leaving you there in a long-sleeved shirt and your boxer briefs.
"Sorry 'non! Can't leave you in wet clothes, you'll chafe real bad!" You knew this already, but did she have to strip you away from your clothes?
You nod, unable to hide the blush creeping through your cheeks. You'd follow her into the staff lounge, where your party was currently lounging around and or sleeping
She'd lead you over to her sleeping bag, where several of her items were already laid out. Including a few duffel-bags stashed with both yours and Alice's clothing
You'd rummage through one of her bags, and pick out a pair of sweatpants for you to wear, they'd keep you warm throughout the night.
Alice was already clambering in her sleeping bag, you were quick to join her, worming your way into the bag so as to lay at her side.
With a warm cocoon of insulating fabric around you, and a large foxgirl next to you in said cocoon. Sleep caught you in its grasp quickly.

=Chapter 8: Studding=

You slept deeply, and with no issues. Waking up naturally to find that you were entombed in an empty sleeping bag.
You'd stretch your limbs, grunting and groaning as settled joints popped and relaxed muscles tightened. It felt wrong to move from such a perfectly warm spot, but you wanted to know where Alice went
You'd poke your head out from the sleeping bag, to find that most everyone was gone from the room. Except for the opossum, Heidi.
The marsupial girl would look down at you from the counter she was sitting on, dressed in a light, slightly tattered hoodie and old, dusty jeans
"Hey squirt! Alice went on outside. I think she was wanting to see you when you woke up, so get to it!"
You nodded and let out a grunt of acknowledgement as you clambered your way free of the sleeping bag

You'd shamble to the door and slip on your shoes, finding that they were unsurprisingly still damp from the rain last night. Not enough to chafe, but enough to chill the balls and heels of your feet
As you woke up more, you'd start properly walking, the late morning sun helping to disabuse you from going back and sleeping
As you neared the glass doors, you could see they were almost completely iced over. With a small amount knocked away from someone forcing the door open.
You'd push open the door, and were greeted to the sight of the world frozen over. Great piles of snow littered the area, with paths having been scooped out by the traders and laborers of the post
Trees lay stooped or broken under the weight of their icy varnish, icecicles and sheets of ice covered the roofs of buildings, with some individuals taking to the ice with mallets and spikes, chipping away so as to relieve the roof supports of their extra burden
Thick clouds were scattered and dotted throughout the region, with a solid grey mass approaching from the North. It was likely more snow, if you were lucky it'd simply be overcast.

You'd crunch through the snow, careful to step with your whole foot so as to avoid sinking too far, or getting copious amounts of snow in your shoes. You really wished you had boots right about now
On your way to the center, you'd come across Cliff shovelling snow, clearing a path to the buried cars from the rest of the fortified town. He'd notice you and give a curt wave, before focusing on throwing scoops of snow off to the side of the path
Walking up to Cliff, the stallion would put down the snow-shovel. He'd rest his hands upon the handle as he looked down at you.
"Do you know where Alice went? Heidi said she was wanting to see me?" You'd ask him, shrinking a little bit in his gaze.
His eyes would widen a bit, as if suddenly remembering. "Oh right! She's over in the Mayor's office, said she was discussin' something with you bein' involved in something."
You'd give him a friendly nod and salute as you turned around, heading to the large town-hall. One of the few two-story buildings in the town

After trudging through a cleared path for a minute or so, you'd step into the hall, kicking off your shoes near the entrance so as to avoid tracking in snow and meager amounts of salt.
Likely hearing you enter, Alice would appear from a hallway leading into the lobby, your owner would bound over to you. Giving you plenty of head-pats and hugs.
"Hey there Anon, you feeling alright?" She'd question, squatting down a bit so as to be at eye-level with you.
"Yeah, what were you wanting me over here for?" You'd question in response.
"Well, you see. We'd like to trade for some supplies, but we don't have too much to trade and bargain with." A slight bit of worry creeps over you, is she planning on selling you?
Alice must have noticed your thoughts running wild, as she shifts the way she tells her story. "So, I asked the mayor if there's anything we can do to earn some supplies. He has two girls in heat that he wants bred and-"
Your face was blushing bred red at this statement, you'd do it for Alice certainly, not like you had much choice otherwise.
Alice would grind and place a kiss on your forehead. "Don't worry about it Anon, you'll do well!"

Your owner would grasp your hand, and pull you along towards where you assumed your charges were at.
"You'll be staying with them for a time, at least until it thaws enough for us to leave. We'll still come by to visit and let you out at times."
Oh dear, you were going to be locked in there with them. While it was certainly a blow against your human dignity, your trooper was excited at the idea.
Alice would open the door to a lounge of some sorts, and immediatly you were hit with a feminine, musky smell that crept into your nose and carried a faint trace of nutmeg.
The vixen wasted little time in getting you ready, despite your light protests she stripped you right then and there in that room.
She'd move back towards the entrance, and shoot you a glance. "Take care Anon, remember to take breaks~!" She'd tease, before leaving. The lock clicking into place behind her.

It was just you now, and the two girls you were supposidly locked in here with. The smell was getting to you further, for whatever reason it was arousing to you.
Your shaft was swollen and engorged, your sack similarly so. Had they always been this large? You hadn't really looked down there since you arrived in this world, aside from the occasional piss.
You were in a reading lounge, the walls adorned with bookcases and old-timey paintings of landscapes and anthros. Antiquity furniture was scattered about, and a roaring fireplace on the far wall helped heat the room. The floor was littered with a vairety of cushions, each one could fit two to four humans on it. You could see a second floor, a large balcony that stretched along the inward walls of the room.
It was then that the two girls decided to make themselves known, the two descending down a set of stairs set along the back of the room.
You were worried about them being fugly, but those notions left your head as you saw the two of them in full.
The first girl was a pale red-head, with sparkling green eyes. She was shorter than her partner, only coming up to your chin. Her figure was busty and motherly, with large tits that would spill out from your hands, and thighs that men would die to motorboat.
The second girl was taller, with aquamarine eyes. Her blonde hair cut into a short tomboy fashion. She was noticably more muscular than her partner, with visible muscle stretching through her frame. Her thighs and rear were ample, concealing the muscle beneath with a smooth layer of fat. Giving her a wonderful, feminine exterior.

You were understandably a bit frozen, the two girls smirking to one another as they walked up to you. The blonde was taller than you were, with your face being level to start of her cleavage. The red-head would move behind you, pressing against you as she placed her chin on your shoulder.
The blonde would speak first, reaching a hand down to grasp your excited member. Her hand cupping over your glans. "Aren't you a looker~?"
"I uh~!" Your concentration was disrupted as the Blonde began to jerk and stroke your member, smearing your pre onto your hands so as to slick your whole member.
"I'm Sally, green-eyes is Abby. What's yours?" She asked, squeezing your cock in the process. You'd buck your hips into her clenched hand, a heavy breath escaping your mouth.
"Anon! I take it you just want to fuck?" That scent of theirs, it was stronger than ever. It seemed to creep into your very mind, making it hard to think about things that didn't involve pinning these girls down and fucking them.
"Smart man~" She'd reply, before wrapping an arm around and tilting backwards. Causing you to land ontop of her as she fell harmlessly onto a floor cushion.

The awkwardness and embaressment was slipping from your mind, you were too horny to give a shit about introductions, and so were they. A good dicking would be all the introduction they needed.
You'd press your turgid shaft against the thick lips of Sally's slit, grinding against it and simply enjoying the moment. She'd quickly wrap her muscular legs around your waist, keeping you from leaving until you did good on your promise.
She was completely soaked, with her thighs slicked and moist from her arousal. Pressing your head against her folds, you pressed forward. Sliding in easily given just how wet the poor girl was.
After going a while without stimulation, her pussy was a moist, hot heaven for your shaft. Her snatch was akin to warm, wet silk that was pressed all around you. You could feel her twitch and quiver around you as you bottomed out.
The tip of your dick kissed her cervix, and your fat, seed-filled balls were resting against her soft, shapely ass. You didn't want to pull away from this blissful position, but lust demanded you did so.
You'd wrap your arms around her back, and plant your face into her breasts as you began to hump, your hips meeting with soft, lewd and wet smacks that echoed slightly in the wooden lounge.

You'd continue to thrust, gradually growing faster and faster. Youd slip your cock out until only the tip was resting at her entrance, before slamming back into her. Her legs would bounce you along, pushing you back in whenever you pulled out.
The two of you were hot, sweaty and aroused. You'd begin to tongue and play with one of her nipples as you continued to breed the thickset and muscular woman. Prompting her to moan, and grab a handful of your hair to keep you there
Eventually, the pure missionary style wasn't enough to cut it. You'd unwrap your arms and pull away from her breast as you reared up. Your thrusting halting, she opened her mouth to protest, only to recieve a finger pressed against her mouth.
You grasping her by the back of the knees, and pushed her back. Until her pussy was facing directly upwards, with her knees at her sides. You'd quickly pounce on top of her, plunging your throbbing, aching shaft back into her wonderful, tight depths.
Now in a proper mating press, you'd continue to thrust and buck your hips. Letting out a throaty groan as your shaft twitched and throbbed. You were getting close at this point, and so was your mate.

You could feel her walls compress and squeeze around you, milking and begging you to cum inside her. With your newfound angle, your dick slid across her clit with every thrust.
The girl beneath you was a horny mess, moaning lightly and breathing jerkily as her toes squeezed with pleasure. You'd stare deep into those light blue eyes, your breathing and thrusts becoming erratic.
You could feel her walls spasm around you, constricting and pulsating around you. Her tunnel grew much warmer with that action, and that's all it took to set you off.
You swore your vision got blurry as you gave a few token thrusts as your dick exploded. Before finally slamming it home with an animalistic vigor you didn't know you had.
You stared deep into her eyes as your balls tensed against her asscheeks, your cock unloading spurt after spurt of thick, fertile jism into her womb. With the excess running out into her tunnel.
The two of you would stay like that for several minutes, riding out the afterglow in eachothers embrace. Sally would eventually move her legs to a more natural position, pushing you out of her and onto your rear.
Your shaft was still hard, though not as turgid as it could be. You'd look to her pussy, admiring your handiwork seeping out of her. Given the white river drooling out of her, you'd be surprised if she wasn't already knocked-up.
It was going to be a long, pleasureable thaw you thought. The red-head possessively sitting down between you and Sally. Already pushing you down and onto your back.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:19 UTC
Views: 325