Welcome to the AngelRegister web directory! puter


Last update: 04.03.2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
233 websites and counting!

Some descriptions might be slightly inaccurate
Please read the warnings in bold
Contact me if additional warnings are needed,
Or if you want to share a website I could add! additions are welcome and loved ^_^

Cobalt - A free video downloading website for downloading videos on websites with that function locked (e.g. Twitter or Youtube)

Neocities - Free gigabyte for a webpage. 656k websites and counting

Scarecrow Video - One of the largest and most diverse video collections in the world, located in Seattle.
Infoage - Over two dozen museums and exhibits located in New Jersey, focusing on technology & military

Wiby - A web browser that only shows simple HTML+CSS websites, both old and recent
Curlie - An old-style search engine, old simple websites
Marginalia Search - An independent search engine that focuses on non-commercial content
Million Short - Search engine that allows you to remove a certain amount of results from the top to see the most obscure results

Gemini Portal - A portal/search engine for Project Gemini (internet protocol) webpages
Gemini Circumlunar - A mirror of the official Gemini Project webpage. Basically modernized Gopher
Gemini ArchLinux - More information on Gemini

Escargot - a revival of Microsoft's MSN Messenger/Windows Live Messenger service. Works with all MSN/WLM clients from 1.0 to 9.0.
Phoenix - a revival of AOL Instant Messenger. Works with all clients from 1.0 to 6.0. Also supports Yahoo! Messenger and ICQ.

Bitview - Old YouTube clone, has some good stuff and active community but lots of website ads

Fediverse - Micro-socials, communities. Includes Mastodon and Misskey!
Mastodon - Decentralized, self-curated microblogging service

Tilde Club - The original tilde-style webring/user directory, similar system to Gemini above, but it doesn't require a custom proxy
Other Tildes - More tildes, some don't work anymore and some require different operating systems and proxies
Tildeverse - Even more webrings/user directories

Tiddlywiki - A personal wiki for storing information in a wiki format, can be personal, can be published
TiddlyHost - A host for all TiddlyWiki published pages

World Wide Web - First Ever Website

404PageFound - Active vintage websites, old webpages and web 1.0

VCFED - Vintage Computer Federation Mission website
CHM - Computer History Museum website

MAL - The website of a digital media lab

VeryOkVinyl - A company distributing game and movie soundtracks with a focus on smaller, less-known games

Flashpoint - Flash player archive Download Required
Ruffle - Same thing, but is less widely used, albeit has a browser extension option Download Required

Aarinfantasy - Yaoi focused forum
Lemmasoft - Visual novel production focused forum

Metazooa - Animal guessing game

PetitTube - Website that shows videos with low views each time you refresh

Global Map of wind, weather and ocean - Interactive maps of winds, weather, waters etc.

Nukemap - What if you dropped a Nuke on a City (factual)
White House Launch - Drop a Nuke Now!!! (sillyfunny)

Earthcam - Live streaming of places around the world
Explore - Livecams, from youtube predominantly, categorized

Winamp skins museum - Winamp skin museum

Wacup - Unofficial winamp re-make Download Required

Old Computers - Steve's Old Computer Museum archiving the evolution of old computers
Soviet Digital Electronics Museum - Images and collecting guides of Soviet digital electronics
8-bit Computer Collection - Information about old computers, their parts and peripherals
Vintage Apple - Information from the early Apple era
GUI Gallery - A collection of various desktop computer Graphical User Interfaces and operating systems
Obsolete Computers Museum - An online museum of old computers
Web Design Museum - A museum of website design from the 90s to 2000s

CARI - Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute, an institute developing a lexicon of consumer ephemera

ARPANET - Not the original ARPANET, but worth to look at

Zymoglyphic Museum - Junk art museum in Poland, Oregon
Zine World - A, now unfortunately defunct, directory and review page for hundreds of zines. All issues available for free in PDF on the website
Present & Correct - A paper dedicated to objects, typography and stationery, started in 2009

Wolfman Museum - A museum of everything

Bad Game Hall of Fame - A blog dedicated to shitty games

Anarchivism - A small archive wiki, interesting stuff

Audio Textfiles - An archive of audio files

Every Noise at Once - An interactive genre map/music artist database
Color Names - A collective effort to name all the colors

Taiko Web - Taiko no Tatsujin in a web browser Taken Down, Try Archive.org to Access
PICO-8 - Online console with user-made games
Lain Game - The Serial Experiments Lain PS1 game in-browser

MS Paint in browser - Old MS Paint in browser

Windows93 - sillyfunny Eyestrain, Audio Autoplay, Epilepsy Warning

Death Generator - A website allowing you to put custom text over old videogame images in style
Oregon Trail Tombstone - A website allowing you to generate a custon Oregon Trail tombstone
ACME Heart Maker - Make your own digital candy valentine

The Cutting Room Floor - A wiki dedicated to the preservation of cut content from video games
Hidden Palace - A wiki dedicated to the preservation of video game development media
Gaming Alexandria - Scans and archives of old video game magazines
Flyer Fever - Arcade flyer scans
VGMusic - Video game music rips
VGMRIPS - Same as above but with a focus on older games
Noclip - Website allowing you to explode old videogame maps

Wooden Periodic Table - An informational website on the periodic table elements

507 Movements - Illustrations of 507 different mechanical pulleys, gears, cogs combos

Ian's Shoelace Site - Different shoelace styles

The Phontistery - Compiled word lists and language resources
Fun with Words - Lists of interesting words and phrases to learn and use

Kate Monk's Onomasticon - A collection of names and their origins

Jewish Contribution to World Civilization - An online resource that describes the Jewish contribution to the cultural, scientific, and technological evolution of civilization Eyestrain Warning
Sefaria - A massive database of Jewish texts

Internet Pioneers - Profiles of ten individuals whose work has contributed significantly to the development of the Internet

SEBHC - full set of documentation and software for use with the Heathkit H-8 and H-89 computers

ISTA - The most comprehensive collection of books on religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric
Theoi - A site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art
Twilit Grotto -- Esoteric Archives - An archive or Western Esoteric works
Biblioteka Arcana - Collection of Pagan texts

Lileks - An archive + stories of 50s American media

Whole Earth - Nearly-complete archive of Whole Earth publications

Story Bytes - The Internet's (and the world's) shortest stories - fiction and non-fiction ranging from 2 to 2048 words
JumpJet - Free informational website, offering unusual, informative, and thought-provoking documents and resources for downloading
Annarchive - A collection of game media, archaeology, and artifacts
w2krepo - Software preservation project
The Bitsavers - Document and software archive/directory

Worlio - A small archivist community intending to preserve as much as possible of early internet age

Vimm's Lair - Emulators and games
Voleflix - Movies, primarily old ones
Emulation General Wiki - Wiki on emulation, emulators and relating resources

Monoskop - Book and video archive
Monoskop on Mastodon - Above's Mastodon link, more active
UbuWeb - Large archive of various texts and other arts

Neglected Books - Articles on various forgotten and neglected books

Bloomsbury Collections - EBook archive Subscription Required for many
MetPublications - 681 Archived Book Titles

Handheld Underground - A file dump of bootleg GB/GBC games Download Required
AiboHack - Downloadable hack files for Aibo Virtual Pets

Pong Story - The history of pong
Soviet Calculators - The history of development of Soviet Calculators

Acme Widgets - A collection of a multitude of gifs and interactive games
Sources - A collection of graphics masterlists

Funky Chicken - HTML website from 1999

PicoCAD - A low-poly 3D software Download Required

Kuadro - Keeps images onscreen, good for references Download Required

Muscle wiki - Select (a) muscle(s) and it will show you an appropriate workout

My 90's TV - 90s TV programs
My 80's TV - 80s TV programs
My 70's TV - 70s TV programs

AAAAAA.... - The opposite of TinyUrl

Million Dollar Homepage - $1 per pixel

Zusie - Relay Computer - A website about the creation and information on a computer made only out of relays
Nailing jelly to a wall - An experiment consisting of trying to prove it's possible to nail jelly to a wall
Cube Prank - A story documenting a group of people decorating the Astor Cube as a prank
Jet Beetle - A log on creation of a jet-powered Volkswagen beetle

Postbox Garden - An image board in which you have to directly mail the webmistress your post
Special Fish - People everywhere :^] public scratchboard for links and textposts
Post Office - Really small forum, mail/post-box themed

Epicdewfall - Rank paintings by Epic Dewfall. Some really touching and beautiful stuff

Vascular corrosion casting - Description of the practice of injecting a plastic polymer into blood spaces to get an accurate cast Graphic Imagery ?
HORG - The Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group
David J. Peterson's web thing - Languages created by David J. Peterson
Opening and closing doors and drawers - Doorknobs on doors and drawers and observations Eyestrain Warning

Helicopter Aviation Homepage - Informative website of an aviation instructor, last updated in 2009

Theology in a Digital World - Personal writings on theology, religion & computer science

Kids' Space - An overview of the achievements of the 1995 kids' website "Kids' Space" Eyestrain Warning

Super Mario 64 Original Website - The original Super Mario 64 page on the Nintendo website
Sonic Adventure - Movie Download Original Website - The original Sonic Adventure Video Download page on the Sega website

Computer Space Fan - A fanpage/archive of the arcade game Computer Space

Onlyshojo - Shojo/Shoujo fan/shrine website Italian Only

Alf's Room - Alf's personal website, includes information on trains/railroads, tech and more Eyestrain Warning
Diabella Loves Cats - A personal website dedicated to cats
Allen Bukoff - A very nicely designed personal website Eyestrain Warning
Gin's Refuge Hut - Gin's personal website, last updated in 1996
CDP1802 - CDP's personal website! Some personal writing about computer systems, video games, photography, etc.

Jim Pallas - Big website with many links to click around

Koh Ueno - bjd socks + gloves by Koh Ueno

Arkndesign links - A very old web directory, some of the links are dead or moved but worth to look at

The very best weird and trippy videos on the internet - A MeFi thread with exactly what the title says Potentially unsafe/NSFW/NSFL
Weirdest movies ever made - A list of the 366 weirdest movies

Vampire Website - A guide to those wanting to become vampires
The brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humankind - Theories and writings on "the importance of the Three Kingdoms" Possible Eyestrain Warning
Realm of Myth and Fantasy - Unicorns
Kimba's Angels - Angelology website (archive only)

Unsolved Codes and Ciphers - A list and links full of information about famous unsolved ciphers

Plane Crash Info - A database on plane crashes

Twilight Headquarters - Unknown, could be related to an ARG or something similar Possible Eyestrain Warning Possibly Unsafe
Angel9oh7 - Archive of a website, has a few graphics, broken in some places Audio Autoplay

Planetocopia - A group of model worlds supporting intelligent life
R.D.D. Nickel Atlas - Maps of colonized planets
Exitmundi - Theories on the end of the world

Made by Corey
Will eventually be moved to either a section of a personal or its own separate website
All graphics used belong to their respective owners

Thank you so much for visiting!

send this page to a friend! ^_^

Pub: 24 May 2022 00:19 UTC
Edit: 05 Aug 2024 10:40 UTC
Views: 1327