A New Dawn, by dawn_anon

Walkthrough by Writefuck

This is version 1.0 of this walkthrough.
This walkthrough refers to version 1.0 of the game.

If you spot any mistakes or even just typos in this walkthrough, please nag me about it in the Dawn general on /vp/. Mention my name (Writefuck) so I don't miss it. You can also email me at writescrew @ the email service provided by google.


First of all, when you start the game it will ask you if you want to turn lewdness on or off. And then it'll ask you if you're sure. Don't fuck this part up.

If you want to get the H-scenes, you have to get your dawn_affection stat to be HIGHER THAN 20. That means at least 21. I don't think it's possible to make the dawn_affection stat go down, as every option either increases it or does nothing. There's also a piplup_affection stat, but it doesn't change what scenes you get. It only affects some dialog and some minor details for how some scenes play out.

Winning the contest requires you to pick the right options, some of which are only available if you have a high enough pokeskill stat. Victory is actually determined by getting your cheer stat up to 10. It's possible to have a maxed out pokeskill stat, but still lose due to not picking the right options to increase your cheer stat.

As dawn_anon notes in the FAQ, money isn't really that big a deal in this game. Nothing terrible happens if you run out of money. You don't, like, suddenly get attacked by a ticket collector who throws you off the boat or anything like that.

If you want to cheat, you can set your name to Debug at the start of the game. (Be sure to capitalize the D, or it won't work) This will give you an extra dialog option to show your pokeskill and dawn_affection at most dialog choices. If you're going to do this, be aware that picking this option and then proceeding to the next menu makes it go away, and it won't come back. So make sure you click on "back" (down at the bottom) after using it, or it won't be available at the next dialog choice.

Unless I missed something, there are no other secrets involving your name. There's an incomplete easter egg for if the player sets their name to "hildarosa" but it doesn't seem to be enabled.

Do you want to REALLY cheat? Well I haven't tested this, but if you open up the scripts.rpa file (It's in the "game" folder) and search for "init:" you'll find a list of all the stats that the game tracks, which are initially all set to 0. I think if you set dawn_affection to 21 or more, pokeskill to 12 or more, and cheer to 10 or more, you'll get all the lewd scenes no matter what and win the contest no matter what. Do this at your own risk; you might render the game inoperable if you mess with this file. Oh, and don't set any stat to 99 or higher, because there's a bunch of "If so-and-so stat is less than 99..." conditions in this game, and I assume it'll break the game if a stat somehow goes above 99.

If you just want a quick version of this walkthrough, the following steps get you all the lewd scenes and wins the contest:

  1. Make sure lewdness is turned on.
  2. The mess hall's serving breakfast.
  3. Yes. (Do I offer to pay for Dawn's food?)
  4. Yes. (Pancakes for Piplup?)
  5. How about we walk the decks?
  6. The one on the left.
  7. Glameow.
  8. Wanna get breakfast first again?
  9. Well, what's your idea? (This is the only option available here)
  10. Swords Dance
  11. Quick Attack
  12. Can it wait until we get breakfast?
  13. We could go to that strip mall place.
  14. Rainbow Stars.
  15. Coordinator Monthly
  16. A groomer sounds like fun.
  17. Let's eat before we do stuff.
  18. Yes. (Pay for Dawn's food?)
  19. Tell me all about contests.
  20. Coolness
  21. Yes (when Dawn asks if you want to see her in a dress)
  22. I'd really like to hear more about your Sinnoh adventures.
  23. What about a coffee shop?
  24. No (Coffee and pastries?)
  25. In the city...
  26. Yes. (Hmm. Coffee for Dawn?)
  27. Feel like telling me about the grand festival?
  28. Let's go to the spa again.
  29. We definitely need to practice battling more.
  30. Let's battle against each other.
  31. Normal.
  32. Swords Dance.
  33. Dodge it!
  34. Quick Attack!
  35. Slash!
  36. Try something new!
  37. Kiss her.
  38. More. (Lewdness)
  39. I love you.
    From here you can either do the contest or spend the whole day having sex.

Contest route:

  1. Go to the contest.
  2. Slash!!
  3. Quick Attack!!
  4. X-Scissor!
  5. Just target Snivy.
  6. Counter Attack Snivy!
  7. What now, Dawn?
  8. Spend it on her.
    If you won the contest, you get an H-scene here. Blowing off the contest keeps you from getting this one.
  9. Can we just be lazy today?
  10. Hand up skirt. This is the final H-scene.
  11. Somewhere really nice.
  12. You.
  13. The future.
    The end!

If you want the detailed walkthrough, here we go.

Day 1

Literally no choices to make here. You spend the day on the deck with Dawn.

Day 2

When you meet Dawn on the deck you have three options:

A. How about we walk the decks? [+2 dawn_affection]
Dawn will ask you some simple pokemon trivia. I seriously don't know how you can be a dawnfag and not be able to answer these questions but I'll be thorough anyway.
Rocky Boy vs Fire Bun: Pick the "Rocky Boy" on the left, Larvitar.
Who's that Pokemon: Pick Glameow. [+1 pokeskill]
Getting the questions wrong doesn't really affect the scene. Then you have a conversation with Scyther.
Yeah for some reason only the second question here affects your pokeskill stat.

B. The Mess hall's serving breakfast. [+1 dawn_affection]
You will have the option to pay for Dawn's food.
Yes: Dawn is grateful. [+2 dawn_affection]
No: Nothing happens.
You will have the option to give pancakes to Piplup, which gives you [+1 pipup_affection].
You are then given the choice between the previous routes A and C.

C. We could just hang out here again. [+1 dawn_affection]
This causes Dawn to mockingly refer to you as lazy for the rest of the VN. Nothing else really happens here. Since walking the decks increases your affection more than this one, there's no reason to do this.

Let's talk about Breakfast. On most days you will have the option to start the day with breakfast. On every day except for day 4, you and Dawn will be able to take turns paying for breakfast. (On day 4 she pays for you automatically) First you can pay for Dawn, then she will insist on paying for you in return. This goes back and forth for a total of three breakfasts. (four if you count the one on day 4, which isn't part of the cycle) Every time you pay for her breakfast it raises your dawn_affection stat, so you should always start the day with breakfast when it's an option. If you're a cheap bitch, breakfast raises dawn_affection a little even if you don't pay for Dawn, and the rest of the scene is the same apart from her initial gratitude.

Anyway, the optimal route for today is breakfast first, pay for Dawn, give pancakes to Piplup, then walk the decks and don't fuck up the two trivia questions.

Day 3

If you did not pay for Dawn's breakfast the previous day, you will automatically spend some money on breakfast for yourself at the start of the day.
When you meet Dawn on the deck you have three options:

A. We could go to that strip mall place.
In short - don't do this yet. You can do it later, and you'll skip breakfast if you do it now.

B. Well, what's your idea? [+1 dawn_affection] [+1 pokeskill]
You will end up in a pokemon battle with Dawn with four moves to pick from. Razor Leaf is a joke option; if you pick it Dawn laughs and then you have to pick something else. Dawn refers to this as a dirty trick.
The battle lasts two turns, with Piplup using Peck on his first turn, and then destroying you with Whirlpool on the second turn. If you pick Swords Dance on your first turn, and then Quick Attack on the second turn, you will hit Piplup and Dawn will be incredibly proud of you. Every other combination of moves just results in Piplup dodging.
You get [+1 pokeskill] if you do Swords Dance and then Quick Attack. No other combination of moves increases pokeskill. (Razor Leaf doesn't matter either way)
It's not technically possible to win this fight, but that's fine.

C. Wanna get Breakfast first again? [+1 dawn_affection]
If you paid for Dawn's food on the previous day, she will pay for your food today. Otherwise, you will have the option to pay for her food today. Always pay for Dawn's food when it's your turn.
You will then end up back on deck, with only Route B available.

The optimal choice is to do breakfast first, and then "Well, what's your idea?" In the battle, use Razor Leaf, then Swords Dance, then Quick Attack.

Day 4

Begins with a dream sequence. The last line of text goes by really fast so if you're curious what it says, it's "I ran my hands down Dawn's shoulders and onto her cool back, pushing my tongue back into her mouth, her saliva running down my face"

When you meet Dawn on the deck, you can either do breakfast again or skip directly to Dawn's ideas. This is the ONLY TIME where breakfast doesn't matter. It doesn't raise your dawn_affection and you don't have the option to pay for her food. Whether you go to breakfast or skip it, Dawn tells you there's a tag team contest onboard.

If you've done everything perfectly up to this point, you should have 3 pokeskill and 7 dawn_affection. From here the game really opens up.

A. We could go to that strip mall place.
Doing this does not take up the entire day, so you can do this and some other option in the same day.

B. Let's go Pokemon-watching.
This takes the entire day. This will still be available tomorrow.

C. I'd really like to hear more about your Sinnoh adventures.
This takes the entire day. This will still be available tomorrow. If you do this today, tomorrow it will be replaced with C2. "Feel like telling me about the grand festival?"

D. A groomer sounds like fun.
This takes the entire day. This will still be available tomorrow.

E. We definitely need to practice battling more.
This takes the entire day. There are two sub-options: a team battle, and a 1 v 1 battle. Whichever option you pick today, the other option will be available tomorrow.

F. Tell me all about contests.
This takes the entire day. This will still be available tomorrow.

Between the six options today, plus the two extra options unlocked on later days from battling and hearing about Dawn's Sinnoh adventures, you have a total of 8 activities you can do. One of these doesn't use up a whole day, so it's really more like 7 days' worth of activities. You only have 5 days to do stuff before contest day. What you're really doing here is less "What do we want to do?" and more "Which two options do we want to skip?" and also "What order is the best order to do things?"

If you only want to increase dawn_affection, the order in which you do things doesn't matter. If you want to increase your pokeskill, the order matters a lot. Battling with Dawn can increase your pokeskill by a whole bunch, but only if you go into it with a high enough pokeskill beforehand. So basically you want to do everything else to increase your pokeskill first, then do the battle as late as possible. With all that said, here's a summary of the maximum possible stat increases you can get with each choice.

A. We could go to that strip mall place.
EITHER [+3 dawn_affection] and [+1 cheer] in the contest, OR [+1 dawn_affection], [+1 pokeskill], and [+1 cheer] in the contest.

B. Let's go Pokemon-watching.
[+1 dawn_affection]

C. I'd really like to hear more about your Sinnoh adventures.
[+3 dawn_affection]

C(2). Feel like telling me about the grand festival?
[+2 dawn_affection]

D. A groomer sounds like fun.
[+1 pokeskill] [+1 dawn_affection]

E. We definitely need to practice battling more. (Team Battle option)
[+1 pokeskill] [+1 dawn_affection]

E(2). We definitely need to practice battling more. (1 v 1 option)
[+5 pokeskill] and also unlocks X-scissor, which is necessary to win the contest. But you need at least 6 pokeskill beforehand in order to get everything here.

F. Tell me all about contests.
[+1 pokeskill] [+1 dawn_affection] Also gets you [+1 cheer] in the contest.

Looking at these options summarized, it's clear which option should be skipped. Going Pokemon-watching gives you the smallest stat increase, so if you really want to see it, make a safe file, watch the scenes, then load your save and proceed without doing this activity. What other option you skip depends on your priorities. If you want to both win the contest and get all the lewd scenes, skip the team battle or the groomer.

Here's what does what:

A. We could go to that strip mall place. [+1 dawn_affection]
Dawn will go ga-ga over Pokeball seals. You will be given a choice between three:
Pink Hearts: Dawn says she loves this one too.
Rainbow Stars: Dawn says this one is Piplup's favorite. [+1 piplup_affection]
Black Smoke: Dawn says "Yeah I thought you might like that one."
Whichever choice you pick, you end up looking around and picking up a fire seal.

Then you will go to a berry store. You can choose between three magazines to buy:
Adorable Pokemon: You end up giving it to Dawn. She says aww thanks. [+1 dawn_affection] [+1 piplup_affection]
Pokemon Handbook: No immediate effect, but gives you [+1 pokeskill]
Coordinator Monthly: Dawn says daaww thanks, says you got to see her in a dress, then punches you in the shoulder. [+2 dawn_affection]
Nothing: Literally does nothing, except for saving you money. Don't do this.

Buying Dawn the Adorable Pokemon or Coordinator Monthly will result in Dawn giving you a capsule and the fire seal you were looking at earlier. Having this capsule and seal gets you [+1 cheer] in the contest.

After shopping, you'll be given the same choices from the start of the day.

B. Let's go Pokemon-watching. [+1 dawn_affection]
You end up playing ping pong, then wind up on deck and talk about your hats. I choose to believe the avatar is secretly Brendan from R/S/E, since you are apparently wearing a beanie. The game also later mentions that you've been to Hoenn, so... prove me wrong. By the way, how the hell can anyone answer "What's Hoenn like?" without bring up all the fucking trumpets? Anyway the day ends with no further choices to be made.

C. I'd really like to hear more about your Sinnoh adventures.
You have to pick between several places to chat. If you've been to the groomer beforehad, you'll have the option to chat at the spa. This doesn't lead to an H-scene but it's pretty damn close to one.

All of the options will give you [+2 dawn_affection] and are basically the same, except for the coffee shop. The coffee shop can get you an extra [+1 dawn_affection] and more scenes/dialog, so go with that one.

At the coffee shop, you will have the option to buy coffee and pastries for yourself. (Dawn buys her own stuff, you don't have an option to pay for her) It doesn't matter if you buy food for yourself.

You will have to tell Dawn one of three stories about you and Scyther. It doesn't matter which one you pick. They're all hilarious, so I recommend saving and looking at the other options.

If you're somewhere other than the coffee shop, the day ends. If you're at the coffee shop, you will be given the option to give coffee to Dawn:
A. Coffee for Dawn.
You absolute madman. Dawn will run... somewhere, depending on where you've been on previous days. Exactly where she goes doesn't affect anything though. Eventually Dawn will run onto the deck and you'll end up watching the sunset together. Another [+1 dawn_affection].

B. No coffee for Dawn.
Day ends pretty much the same as if you had picked one of the other two spots to chat.

D. A groomer sounds like fun. [+1 dawn_affection] [+1 pokeskill]
Leads to you and Dawn in a sauna. Yeah, the sauna makes your Scyther stronger I guess.

There's another dream sequence that scrolls by quickly. Text reads "The naked girl softly leaned against me, wrapping her arms around me as I ran my hands through her hair and over her slick"

The day ends with no choices to be made.

E. We definitely need to practice battling more.
Leads to two sub-options:

A. Let's battle against each other.
Absolutely do not do this today. You can get a ton of pokeskill and unlock a new move for Scyther, but only if you have at least 6 pokeskill before going into this.

B. We should practice battling on the same team. [+1 pokeskill] [+1 dawn_affection]
You end up battling Dawn's Mamoswine. You can use Scyther's moves in whatever combination you like, but the outcome is the same no matter what order you do. Then Dawn suggests you try EXPERIMENTING!

Whatever choice you make, Dawn suggests using it in the contest later. All three options are viable in the contest. If you go with something Stylish, it will help you win a totally pointless battle the day after the contest.

You and Dawn practice your new moves until the day ends. The post-battle scene here is the same as if you had battled each other.

F. Tell me all about contests. [+1 dawn_affection] [+1 pokeskill]
You end up chatting by the pool. Dawn asks what Scyther can do, and you end up formulating a plan for your contest performance:
A. Coolness
Plan is to have Piplup use Bubble Beam, then have Scyther slice the bubbles out of the air.
B. Cleverness
Plan is to have Piplup create a block of ice with Ice Beam, then have Scyther carve it into an ice sculpture.
C. Toughness
Plan is to just make an ice cube and then have Scyther smash it. This one looks like Dawn's favorite, but doesn't actually affect anything.

All three performance strategies are valid and will get you [+1 cheer] in the contest. When you get to the contest, Coolness and Toughness will require a Pokeskill of at least 8, while Cleverness requires a pokeskill of at least 9. Picking Coolness will help you win a totally pointless battle the day after the contest.

Dawn then asks if you want to see her in a dress. Your answer doesn't affect anything.
A. Yes.
Turns to an embarrassed smile, then says maybe she'll show you some time.
B. No.
Dawn teases you and asks if you think she's pretty.

You end up falling asleep on the deck. End of day.

Day 5

All the options for today are the same as they were yesterday, except for the one that's a followup to whatever you did yesterday.

A. We could go to that strip mall place.
Same as before.

B. Let's go Pokemon-watching.
Same as before.

C. I'd really like to hear more about your Sinnoh adventures.
Same as before. If you did this yesterday, it will be replaced with:
C(2). Feel like telling me about the grand festival?
This takes the entire day. This will still be available tomorrow.

D. A groomer sounds like fun.
Same as before.

E. We definitely need to practice battling more.
Same as before.If you did this yesterday, it will be replaced with:
E(2). We've got some more battling to do.
This takes the entire day. This will still be available tomorrow.

F. Tell me all about contests.
Same as before.

As always, start with Breakfast. Pay for Dawn's food if it's your turn.

Here's what the new options do.

C(2). Feel like telling me about the grand festival? [+2 dawn_affection]
Once again you can pick where to have this conversation. Whichever option you picked yesterday will NOT be available today. Dawn will have a different story from yesterday, and you won't be asked to share one yourself. Apart from that, this goes exactly the same as the previous day's options. You can't give coffee to Dawn on both days.

F(2). We've got some more battling to do. [+1 pokeskill]
If you did the Team Battle yesterday, then today you will do a 1 on 1 battle, and vice-versa. If you go into this with at least 6 Pokeskill, you'll unlock a new move today.

Dawn asks you to guess what type Buneary is.
Normal: Dawn says "Yeah awesome!" [+1 pokeskill]
Fairy: This is wrong, although Dawn says she likes your answer better. (I'll admit, I had to look it up real quick to see if Buneary got retroactively made into a Fairy type, it seemed plausible)
Fighting: Wrong and you're an idiot.

This time you don't have Razor Leaf as an option. If at any point you pick Slash, Buneary will just dodge and use Bounce. If your pokeskill isn't high enough, you'll have an option called "Uhh..." where you do nothing and get hit with either Bounce or Ice beam. Yes, Buneary can learn Ice Beam. Did this come up in the show? I know Buneary can learn some crazy shit from TM's in the Gen IV games... anyway.

Start with Swords Dance. Buneary will follow up with Dizzy Punch. You can dodge or stand your ground. Dodging grants you [+1 pokeskill]. If your pokeskill isn't high enough, Scyther will stand his ground like a dipshit even if you tell him to dodge.

Now use Quick Attack, just like in the Piplup battle. You hit Buneary and get [+1 pokeskill] but Dawn says you've fallen into some kind of trap. Buneary then hits you with Ice Beam. We're not done yet.

From here, your only options are either "Uhh..." or Slash depending on your pokeskill stat. If you choose Slash, Buneary will dodge, which is fine. If you choose "Slash again!" you'll just lose. Instead go with "Try something new!" and you'll knock that smug bunny prick right out of the fucking ring, learning a new move in the process: X-Scissor. [+1 pokeskill] Dawn will be so proud of you!

Dawn will comment that you're getting better every time. The day will end.

Day 6

There are no new options today. As always, start with breakfast if you have the option and pay for food if it's your turn.

If you've paid for Dawn's breakfast for the second time, you will no longer have Breakfast as an option at the start of the day. I choose to believe you're simply having breakfast offscreen from here on out, whether you wanted to or not. No money is deducted for these mandatory breakfasts.

Day 7


Aahh! Somebody help me!

This is another dream sequence. Piplup's quick-scrolling dialog reads, "I say, good show, old sport! I, Piplup, do hereby bequeath permission to cum inside of my trainer over and over and over and"
That penguin knows what's up. Anyway what were we talking about?

Dawn's clothes are wet. Near as I can tell, this doesn't lead anywhere. There are no new options today, and you're out of breakfasts.

Day 8

You will comment that you only have so much money left. This comment is made even if you haven't spent any money on Dawn, so I don't think it's actually relevant to anything.

You have no new options, and no breakfasts left.

At the end of the day, if your dawn_affection is less than 15, you will have the option to admit to Dawn that your broke ass doesn't have a room. If you do so, Dawn will invite you back to her room tonight. If your dawn_affection is 15 or higher, Dawn invites you to her room no matter what. As cute and lewd as this seems, it isn't necessarily an H-scene unless your dawn_affection stat is at least 21.

If your dawn_affection is 21 or more, you will have the option to kiss Dawn. Do it to get an H-scene and [+5 dawn_affection]. You can tell her "I love you" or not, which changes some dialog but doesn't affect what scene(s) you get.


Day 9

If you got the lewd scene yesterday, you can choose to blow off the contest entirely and just spend the whole day having sex. [LEWD SCENE #2] This one is more of a lewd montage but whatever.

Otherwise... it's motherfuckin' contest time.

As I mentioned at the start of the walkthrough, victory in the contest is determined by your cheer stat, not just your Pokeskill. You need 10 cheer to win, and getting that much cheer requires at least 11 pokeskill AND picking correct options in the contest.

If Dawn gave you the capsule and seal back in the shopping center, Scyther's dramatic entrance will get you [+1 cheer].

If you pokeskill is at least 8, Scyther and Piplup will pose as a team because shit just got real. [+1 cheer]

You will now perform whatever strategy you came up with during the "Tell me all about contests." dialog. Don't worry, if you missed that dialog earlier you will use Coolness by default. (Slashing bubbles out of the air) If you went with Coolness or Cleverness, and your pokeskill is at least 8, you will get [+1 cheer]. Alternately, if you went with Toughness and your pokeskill is at least 9, you will get [+1 cheer]. I dunno why Toughness is slightly harder to succeed at, but I double checked the code and it is indeed harder. If your pokeskill is too low, Scyther will blunder through the performance and receive polite applause from the audience and no cheer.

After the performance, you'll go looking for your opponents for the upcoming battle. Surprise - It's Hilda and that Bun-headed protagonist from B2/W2 whose name I forget! Don't get your hopes up for lewd scenes involving these two. Hilda and Scyther do seem, uh... oddly attracted to each other, if I'm not imagining things. Also for some reason I couldn't help but imagine Hida's lines sounding like Wendy from Gravity Falls.

If you DID NOT get the lewd scene yesterday, you have one final dialog option to increase one of your stats.
A. Watch the Battle. [+1 pokeskill]
What this actually means is, "talk to Dawn about the battle." Seriously ignore those other two sluts, they're clearly gay for each other anyway. This game is called "A New Dawn," not "A New Hilda And Princess Bunhead"

B. Talk to the Girls. [+1 dawn_affection]
You and Dawn get to know your new acquaintances. They're from Unova and they'll give you some travel tips.

Then you will battle against Snivy and Tepig. You only get thee turns and there's no real advantage to doing things in any particular order.

Slash: Scyther and Piplup both attack Snivy, then high five. [+1 cheer]
X-Scissor: You must choose to attack Tepig, Snivy, or Both. Hitting both requires you to have a pokeskill of at least 12, and gets you [+2 cheer]. Hitting only one of them requires 7 pokeskill, and gets you [+1 cheer.]
Quick Attack: You will hit both enemies. If your pokeskill is less than 7, Scyther will trip. If your pokeskill is at least 7, you will get [+1 cheer]. If your pokeskill is at least 10, you will get [+2 cheer] instead.
Swords Dance: You get attacked by Tepig, and can respond thus:
Dodge: Basically, nothing happens.
Finish the move: Scyther just gets hit.
Dawn, do something!: If your pokeskill is at least 12, and you did the Team Battle with Dawn, Piplup assists and Scyther is able to finish the move. [+1 cheer] Otherwise, you'll get hit and get no cheer.

After your first move, Tepig will hit Scyther with Flamethrower. Nothing you can do about this.

After your second move, both Tepig and Snivy will attack and you have the option to counterattack Tepig, counterattack Snivy, dodge both, or "defend yourself."
Counterattack Snivy: Your team will hit both enemies, interrupting their moves. [+1 cheer]
Counterattack Tepig: Your team will get hit by both, and Dawn will remind your dumb ass how type advantages work.
Dodge both: Scyther will jump up, causing Piplup to take both hits. Dawn giggles as Scyther showboats.
Defend yourself: You both take super-effective moves to the face.

After your third move, a new option "What now, Dawn?" will be available. Tepig and Snivy will start charging up some powerful attacks. If your pokeskill is less than 8, you'll get hit and lose the battle. If your pokeskill is less than 10, all four pokemon crash into each other the battle ends in a tie with [+1 cheer]. If your pokeskill is 10 or higher, or if you did the team battle with Dawn previously, you win the battle and get [+2 cheer].

Losing the battle results in Hilda and Bunhead high-fiving, and your pokemon are sad. Dawn looks down at Piplup and hesitantly high fives you.
git gud u fkin scrub lmao

Winning the battle means Dawn attempts to strangle you to death. I believe on her planet this is referred to as "a hug."

After the battle the announcer totals up the points. If you got at least 10 cheer, you win the contest! Otherwise Hilda and Bunhead win, unless you managed to do so poorly that you scored less than 6 cheer. Then the victory goes to some other trainers named Sarah and Austin, who apparently had a Combusken and Aron. Yes, it's possible to do so poorly in the contest that you drag your opponents down with you.

Winning the contest nets you $5000. You can say you're going to save it, or say you're going to spend it on Dawn. Your choice doesn't actually affect anything.

Hilda will suggest a restaurant on deck 2, which Bunhead dismisses as serving "cheeeeeeeeeeseburgers." Then you'll be given a contest ribbon, and strike a pose.

If you failed to kiss Dawn on day 10, Hilda will suggest Dawn and Bunhead go off to collect your winnings. Hilda then asks when you're planning on professing your love for Dawn, insisting that you're going to be in her pants (skirt?) in no time.

At the end of the day, Dawn will invite you back to her room. If you kissed Dawn yesterday, you'll get [LEWD SCENE #3]. I believe you get the same scene whether you won the contest or not.

Day 10

If you blew off the contest yesterday to spend the day having sex, you'll start by taking a shower and then banging some more. Both of these things happen off-screen so I'm not counting it as a lewd scene.

Dawn will insist on paying for your breakfast today. If you blew off the contest, Dawn will awkwardly explain things to your pokemon. Then you decide what to do today:

A. Wanna go shopping?
If you've gotten the lewd scene(s) with Dawn, there will be some lovey dovey 'I don't wanna be apart from you for one second' stuff. You'll eventually buy a bracelet for $1000. Then you have the choice to spent $500 on a rare candy for Piplup or Scyther. You can't get both. Buying the candy only affects some minor dialog later, so there's really no point. Dawn will buy something for Scyther, depending on what contest move you planned several days ago.

B. One more battle.
Winning requires a pokeskill of at least 11, and will get you [+1 pokeskill] for all that it matters. How Piplup and Scyther respond to each other's moves depends on what you've done in the contest and in previous battles.

C. Can we just be lazy today?
Leads to you and Dawn cuddling by a hot tub. If you had sex prior to today, you will have the option to run you hand up Dawn's skirt which leads to [LEWD SCENE #4]. Nothing else happens.

Whichever option you pick, you will now invite Dawn to dinner. The game doesn't tell you how much each place costs until you're done eating and get the bill, so I'll spoil it here.
A. Somewhere cheap. (costs $1500)
You go to the coffee shop again and get... mac and cheese?

B. Somewhere average. (Costs $2500)
You get curry in what is referred to as a cafeteria. But not the one you've been eating breakfast at, based on the art. Different cafeteria.

C. Somewhere really nice. (Costs $4000)
A fancy place that serves seafood paella, which is inside some kind of aquarium. On a ship. Sure, why not?

Regardless of where you go, you'll have the same dialog options with Dawn. Your responses don't affect any outcomes. At the end of the meal, if you don't have enough money to pay, Dawn will pay for the bill. This also doesn't affect any outcomes. After the date you will go back to Dawn's room. It looks like it might be leading into another H-scene, but instead Dawn just falls asleep in your arms.

Day 11

You and Dawn disembark. If you've made it this far without properly bonding and/or banging Dawn, your dumb ass will FINALLY ask if you want to travel together. If you've been following this guide at all, you and Dawn were planning on staying together way before getting here. There are no choices to be made today.


If you blew off the contest back on Day 10, today starts with an unamused Cynthia asking Piplup if you and Dawn are awake yet. You aren't. No actual lewd scene though.

The rest of the epilogue plays out the same with just minor differences in dialog.

The end!

Typos and Bugs

I noticed that Dawn refers to Scyther being hopped up on candy even if you didn't buy him a rare candy. I think the flag may not be set properly.
In the performance phase of the contest, two options require 8 pokeskill and one requires 9. Is this is a mistake? Or is Toughness intended to be harder but only by a little bit?
There's an option on the final day to have a ping pong rematch with Dawn, which is only available if dawn_affection > 99. I'm not clear if setting this to be greater than 99 was a mistake, or if this was a quick way to just remove the option from the game.

When Dawn runs on the deck after coffee: "Where are we going. exactly?" the period should be a comma
At the third breakfast scene, "nutricious" should be nutritious. (might be considered an acceptable spelling variation though, idk)
At the end of the battle with Snivy and Tepig: "Piplup sprayed a wall of bubbles in-between our us and our opponents" shouldn't have the word "our" and I question whether "in between" should be hyphenated.
At the hot tub in the "Let's be lazy" route on the last day: "Dawn watched me me watch Piplup for a few seconds..." has the word me twice.

I am absolutely horrible at spell checking, so don't come to me if you want help finding more typos in the game itself.

My Thoughts, Critiques, and Suggestions

This section is 100% subjective so feel free to stop reading unless you want to hear me ramble.

Obviously, it would be nice if this VN had all original art. But I understand that this would be difficult and/or expensive to do. If I were writing a VN, I'm certain I'd use all stolen assets too. I can't draw for shit, but maybe some of the thirsty perverts in the /vp/ Dawn General would be willing to pitch in? Just a thought. I'd hate to see some litigious prick get this VN erased from the internet because you used their Pixiv post without permission. There's already a decent chance that the fun police over at Nine Ten Dough will attack if they get word of this thing. I'm afraid to even use their friggin' name here.

There are a lot of places where I felt the grammar and use of slang were kind of questionable. In particular I felt Dawn says words like "yer" and "get'cher" a bit too much. But I don't watch the anime, so for all I know she's supposed to sound like that.

On my first playthrough I was unclear how many days there were until the contest. I also repeatedly lost track of what day we were on. While writing this walkthrough I mistakenly inserted an extra day and didn't find my mistake until I was about 90% of the way finished. It would be nice to have a persistent or semi-persistent tracker that told you what day you were on, and/or how many days were left until the contest. I have absolutely no idea how hard this is to implement in renpy, as I know jack shit about coding.

The dream sequence with the sudden Billy and Mandy reference made me laugh out fucking loud. I had to stop what I was doing and go walk around for a bit. I don't know why RAGGLE FRAGGLE is so funny to me.

Having replayed Undertale/Deltarune recently, I'm obsessed with the idea of secret "dark" routes in narrative games. Like, what if maxing out your piplup_affection stat opened up some options where he helps you perv out on Dawn without her knowledge? Letting you spy on her changing, or cluing you in to the fact that eating a certain food makes Dawn instantly become insanely horny. Something like that. Or maybe some semi-hidden turning point where you can break Dawn's heart, causing her to go berzerk and rape you later. I don't think that would fit the theme of the game, I'm just throwing ideas at the wall here.

Why is Hilda so blatantly thirsty for Scyther? Is there a reference I'm missing? I checked Paheal and there's not one single image tagged with both Hilda and Scyther. Somebody please draw this.

I can see in the game code that there's a brief secret scene involving Hilda and Rosa, but it's disabled. I'd love to see this easter egg fully implemented, even if it's only a couple lines of dialog. It's a nice touch. (I'd also like to see an option where you get to have a four-way with all the girls, but that's asking a lot.)

Special thanks to the anon in the Dawn general on /vp/ for suggesting rentry to host this walkthrough. Pastebin can eat my entire ass.

Scyther is a lil' bitch, yeah I said it.

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Pub: 02 Dec 2021 02:04 UTC
Edit: 02 Dec 2021 05:53 UTC
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