Archduchy of Eliria during the Times of Pomerlane

Perhaps no nation in Eliria is more respected than Eliria. By marriage, Eliria has royal ties to every nation in the Empire and rules as the de-jure Emperor (now Empress) of all of the states. Her authority over other states, however, is nonexistent, and has been since the days of the Obysdian invasion and Pomeranius. When once she could muster the armies of the Empire for any purposes and use the Empire's wealth as well; now it is only by the will of the Imperial Senate that such thing could happen; which is impossible thanks to said law requiring all 20 states to agree. As such, Eliria has all but abandoned her Imperial authority and has instead focused upon Imperial splendor. Not even the triple alliance of LazuLight can stop other nations from interfering in the Archduchy at this point either, with Pomerania being fractured. Eliria is currently ruled by the young Archduchess Emylia I Antigoneia. She just came of age to rule at 13 in 1102 and prepares to rule Eliria for decades to come. A romantic at heart, who knows what will come of her reign?

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Antigoneian Mausoleum

The Capital of Eliria is Diamond City, and as the name implies, Diamonds decorate much of the city itself. Elirian Archdukes and Archduchesses focus much of their time on the arts and civil engineering rather than warfare. Many of the great artists, musicians, and poets of Ninisani have originated from Eliria. This includes some of Eliria's own rulers, such as Demetrius IV, one of the greatest poets and philosophers in all of history; considered by many to be the ideal King. Dance, festivals and religious holy days take up much of the Elirian calendar, with all Elirians participating in the "Dragon Festival", a week long event that celebrates the Goddess Elira Pendora and pays tribute to the Dragons living at Mount Pikl who are said to protect Eliria and her people.

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Demetrius IV, equestrian statue in Diamond City

Eliria, like Pomerania, is rich with natural resources and thus is one of the richest states in on the continent. Gold, gems, silver, diamonds, marble and other valuables and luxury goods come Eliria's surface. It is thus not uncommon that Eliria is the target of raids from the Dragoons or Pomudachi. While its standing army certainly can stop many of these raiders, it stands no chance against armies of powerful lords from either realm and thus Eliria must maintain strong diplomatic relations to the rulers of her neighbors for her survival.

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The Castle Pendora, which was built by Demetrius IV as a Winter Palace

Eliria is the face of Ninisani to the world, and her charm and splendor have made her legendary, but how long will this sustain her should she face a powerful enemy and could she use this to her advantage?

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Pub: 19 Jun 2022 17:43 UTC
Edit: 26 Jun 2022 13:16 UTC
Views: 517