A Lynx Walks Into a Bar by anonymous

goes to a gay bar where he could get the fabled Human Man
doesn't get any

Interesting, though.

Let me pick it up:

One of the patrons, a Human, takes pity on the lone and dejected Anthro.
Invites him to his booth for a few sandwiches and drinks, on his tab.
Strikes up a conversation, finds out they have quite a few interests and hobbies in common.
And the sandwiches are really damn good too.
Things look up for the poor Anthro.
The Human and the Anthro sit in a booth, talking and joking for hours.
Anthro feels some real chemistry.
They exchange phone numbers somewhere during that.
Human agrees to join him on the walk back home.
The weather is pleasant and the way rather peaceful.
At the door to his apartment, the Anthro finally asks the million dollar question:
"Want to come in for a light snack?"
Human blinks, then answers.
"Oh, sorry, man. I'm straight. I just go to that place for the sandwiches."
Then wishes him a good night before heading off home, alone.
Anthro dying inside. Found a Human Man he likes, still doesn't get any.
Existence is Suffering.
A few weeks passed.
Anthro, a Lynx, has somewhat recovered from the disappointment of that one evening.
Anon, the Human, and Lynx kept contact.
Anon even went so far and apologized in case he unintentionally sent any mixed signals.
Though that wasn't necessary, from Lynx' point of view, it was still nice.
Overall, the two got on like a house on fire, and quickly became close friends, regardless of the awkward first meeting, so that chemistry Lynx felt wasn't entirely unfounded.
They still met up at that gay bar once a week, because the sandwiches were genuinely amazing, talking about things.
Even managed to hang out beyond that, like heading to the bookstore together to geek out over a new release of their favourite fantasy author.
It was another one of their usual sandwich-and-drinks evenings, in their usual booth, at their usual places opposite one another.
Well, Anon suggested they try something new for once.
Shrimp sandwiches and that Vanilla-Banana drink the bartender liked to mix.
They got served, and then Anon started.
"Well, Lynx, how is the hunt for love treating you so far? Any successes?"
Lynx buried his face in his hands sighing.
"Nothing. Only duds. And I have no idea what I'm doing wrong!"
Anon chuckled at that, patting his feline friend on the shoulder.
"There, there, man. Just stay in the game. You are one hell of a catch, and those that can't see that are either blind, straight, or both."
Now it was Lynx' turn to chuckle. Anon knew how to cheer him up.
"And anyway, on my end it hasn't been much better either. I thought my neighbor was interested in me, but she only likes me as a friend."
That, on the other hand, was a surprise. Anon was easy on the eyes himself, as well as funny and polite. He wouldn't struggle to find someone else.
"But eh, it wasn't meant to be."
Anon shrugged.
"So, you thought about next week?"
Lynx knew Anon was changing the topic, but he knew to what. The weekend they had planned.
An entire weekend just filled with video games and a bunch of cheesy movies. He was already looking forward to it.
"Of course!" Lynx piped up. "I got snacks, the extra cables, and I stocked up on booze!"
Anon gave him a thumbs up. "Great! I've got the movies and grabbed the pizza stuff."
He loved homemade pizza.
The two spent the next few hours as usual, just chatting, drinking, and eating their sandwiches.
Once more, Anon accompanied Lynx back home, until they were at the apartment door.
Lynx, feeling cheeky that moment, asked the same question he did during their first meeting.
As a joke, of course.
"Want to come in for a light snack?"
However, something was off.
Anon didn't immediately respond.
The Human sighed, staring at the ceiling.
Was something wrong?
"Know what? I'd like to come in."
Wait, what?
"Uh, Anon, are you serious? I thought you were straight!"
The Human shrugged.
"Maybe I'm not. Ever since things didn't work out with my neighbor, I've thought some things over..."
Lynx raised an eyebrow, his brush-tipped ears standing completely straight. "And?"
"Well, let's just say I think it's a night for experiments. And if you'd give me that chance...?"
Lynx thought for a minute. Then two.
Then, suddenly, he pulled Anon into a hug, eliciting a surprised yelp from the Human.
Planting a kiss on his cheek, Lynx whispered into Anon's ear. "If you want me, then you got me."
There was a risk, of course, a risk it would destroy their friendship, but Lynx didn't care.
Then he pulled back, holding Anon's hand like an excited teen, bright grin on his muzzle.
"So, Anon, do you want to come in for a light snack?"
Anon shrugged, a little smile on his lips, his eyes focused on the Anthro's.
"I don't see why not."
And with that, the two entered the apartment, and interesting night ahead.

(The End...?)

I am a bit rusty, so bear with me here. Has been a while since I wrote an actual, long greentext, and tried to make it flow well.

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Pub: 19 Sep 2022 20:36 UTC
Views: 1499