[Key People](https://rentry.org/hopechurchpcc)
[Children and Youth](https://rentry.org/hopechurchkids)
[People and Groups](https://rentry.org/hopechurchpeople)
[Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms](https://rentry.org/hopechurchweddings)
[Church History](https://rentry.org/allsaintshistory)
[Mission work](https://rentry.org/allsaintsmission)
Hello and welcome to All Saints. All are welcome to join us on the High Street in Banstead. We are a Church of England church.
We are part of the Banstead 5 group of churches - you can find out more about this here: [Banstead5](http://www.banstead5.org.uk/)
At All Saints we worship God together in different ways. We try to always make our faith and trust in Jesus grow. We want to be a loving, supportive family of all ages who make the good news of Jesus accessible for everyone.
We aim to be a community of disciples, confidently sharing the good news about Jesus through word and action in the community of Banstead and beyond. This means we will continue learning to "love God and love others as we love ourselves."
At the heart of all we do is our belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that we can know God through the Bible, and that He has revealed himself most clearly through his Son, Jesus Christ. We believe God makes himself known personally to each of us through the work of the Holy Spirit. We believe that our faith never stops growing and developing as we try to live faithful and obedient lives following Jesus, and demonstrating his love to others so that they might come to know Him too.
!!!info News
For all latest news please see our [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/All-Saints-Church-Banstead-105940061096916)
or visit our [AChurchNearYou page](https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/8081/)
!!!info Regular services and events
- Sunday morning service - Holy Communion with our RSCM choir 930am - PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SERVICE IS STREAMED ONTO OUR LISTED YOUTUBE CHANNEL - there is an area off camera for all those not involved in leading the service in any way. Communion can also be brought to you here. However if you would like to involved in any part of the service, and can't be on camera for any reason, please chat to Rev Phil or the Safeguarding Officer about this so we can make alternative arrangements.
Click here to find out more about what to expect at this service - [930 Service](https://rentry.org/hopechurch930)
- Weekly midweek said service of Holy Communion 10am Wednesdays
- Weekly prayers for peace - Wednesdays 11am in church
- Morning prayer by Zoom Monday to Friday 9am - please contact ask Anne Anthony at aantho55@gmail.com for more details
- Evening prayer in church Monday to Friday 4pm
- Teddies 10 minutes - every Wednesday from 1.45pm to 3.00pm in Church - aimed at babies and pre-schoolers with their important grown ups.
- Teddies - every Friday from 930am to 11am - a new morning session in church for parents/carers and children
- Zoom coffee mornings every Thursday 11-12pm. Contact Sofia for login details.
- 1st and 2nd Sunday of each month - BCP Holy Communion 8am
- 3rd Sunday of each month - Choral Evensong 630pm
- Last Sunday of the month - Together@3 (T@3) service - 3pm - more information here - [T@3](https://rentry.org/hopechurchkids)
- Prayer Tree Prayers - 1st Friday of every month at 4.30pm
- ASY (All Saints Youth) - our church youth group for young people of High School age. We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 5.00pm to 7.00pm
!!!info Upcoming events...
From 15th May you are welcome to fortnightly meetings on Mondays from 10.30am to 12.00 noon in the Orchard Room of the Church Institute. We'll be looking at 'Twenty Questions Jesus Asked', helped by John Pritchard's book, and discussing our ideas and thoughts in a relaxed and friendly way.
Tea or coffee provided. If you'd like to know more please contact Rosemary Whipp or Susan Major via admin@bansteadallsaints.com. Or just turn up! We are an ecumenical group and look forward to meeting people from other Churches.
It was announced on Sunday 28th May that the Reverend Philip Maudsley, Vicar of The Benefice of Banstead (All Saints) in the Diocese of Guildford, has been appointed Vicar of The Benefice of Filey in the Diocese of York.
Please pray for us all in this time of transition.
Rev Phil's last services at All Saints will be on Sunday 23rd July.
From Monday 24th July full redecoration and minor repairs to the church will start. The building is Grade II* listed, which means specialist work, and this will require fixed scaffolding inside the church. So the building will be closed until October. Worship will continue on Sundays in the Institute from 30th July. Wednesday Communion services and Prayers for Peace will be held in the United Reformed Church in Woodmansterne Lane from 26th July.
If you would like to make a donation towards the upkeep of your church please follow this link - [Donate](https://givealittle.co/campaigns/0662f132-0828-4ccf-aa22-4eef7e448caa)
Please help us to PAY FOR THE PAINT!!
!!!info Safeguarding
The parish of Banstead is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops' guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer, PSO. The Diocese of Guildford’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.
[Key contacts](https://rentry.org/hopechurchsafeguarding)
!!!info Contact details
- Email: [admin@bansteadallsaints.com](#)
- Phone: 01737 379289
- Post address: Parish Office, Church Institute, High Street, Banstead, SM7 2NG
!!!info For information about weddings, baptisms and funerals follow this link - [Occasional offices](https://rentry.org/hopechurchweddings)
!!!info Institute Bookings
Church hall bookings are arranged by the Parish Administrator. She may be contacted by phone 01737 379289 or click below to email.
Inquiries about the Church Hall to institute@bansteadallsaints.com. The policy for bookings is also available on request.
!!!info Online streaming of our services
To access our 930am service through our private YouTube channel, please get in touch for the link and password
!!!info Who we are?
*George Harcourt-Vernon*
George has been a Reader since 1984 at All Saints, Banstead. His church links have been in South Africa, particularly as a chorister at the Cathedral in Bloemfontein and a Church Warden at St. John’s, Mafeking.
He was a committee member of GRIST. He is married to Hartini, from Java, and has two children, Sarah and Ivan. George is a retired head teacher who has taught on three continents.
*Rosemary Whipp*
Rosemary has been a Reader at All Saints Church since 1990. She is a widow with three grown-up children and three grandchildren.
Apart from her role in services and pastoral care, her chief ministerial responsibility is as Baptism visitor.
*Sofia Welsby*
Sofia is currently our Children’s Worker working particularly with ASK, Teddies 10 minutes, T@3, and assemblies/quiet spaces at our local infant and junior school.
Contact Sofia on children@bansteadallsaints.com
!!!info For more details about what we offer for children and young people follow this link: [Children and Youth](https://rentry.org/hopechurchkids)
!!!info Key People in our church family:
Click here to see our churchwardens, current PCC members and other important people in the life of All Saints - [All Saints PCC](https://rentry.org/hopechurchpcc)
To find out more about some of the groups in our church, like the choir, Mothers Union and bellringers follow this link - [People](https://rentry.org/hopechurchpeople)
!!!info Donating to our church
If you would like to help us financially to keep serving Banstead in the name of Jesus you can do so here:
[All Saints Banstead](https://givealittle.co/campaigns/0662f132-0828-4ccf-aa22-4eef7e448caa)