Rentry where I ramble about everything and everyone. A diary, if you will... I feel a little too much! If you find this, hello and welcome to Anti's bumass void filled with nothing but unsent letters. I'm somewhat nice in here so it's kinda weird. Updates inconsistently, i write when i want to. I send some of these to my Friends once a blue moon
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mt friends.s.. ny friendd,ssssss degeisnnss ajnaaja ntf riens

hi archie, i hope you dont ever take my insults personally and please take care of yourself. im so worried for your health, remember to not do anything rash or impulsive... im so grateful you're still here, thank you for putting up with my bullshit. you're practically my family, and id sell my soul if it meant you'd be okay. i'm not good with words nor feelings, i find it hard to communicate seriously but you bring the best out of me, like.. seriously... i get that im somewhat annoying when it comes to checking up on you, but i cant help it. please dont take anymore pills or cope unhealthily. have i told you how proud i am of you? it hasnt even been that long since we've met, but if it matters— im so so glad you're still here. i hope you know we're quite literally sword and medkit.

..umi, if you're seeing this, i miss us dearly. perhaps a little too much, its overwhelming just to think about what has happened to us. i still see you as my sister, i see you as MY person. i know the feeling is now unmutual, and im happy for you! i hope vince is treating you nicely, you guys are a really nice duo from what i've heard. our conversations are often meaningless, and quite literally; we no longer have any interests in common. a shame, but im still really happy when we hangout. i love you and will appreciate you forever, please never forget me T.T do you ever think about me anymore? it feels weird, whenever you're online it's just about vince,, i've stated im happy for you; but i am still somewhat envious when it comes to you guys. i am selfish when it comes to you, and i wonder if you still care about me anymore

hi liu! im kind of glad we're talking again, your company is really nice ( * . ^ ) im so grateful that you're still here, despite everything that has happened. i get too giddy when we talk.. and i apologize for being insufferable; i love annoying my friends! on a side note, please take care of yourself and im always here for you. dont be afraid to text me, i really enjoy chatting with you! also, thank you for indulging in my interests. my autism level 9000 needs to be fed daily; and currently its sleeping because of its nice meal! we should draw for eachother again, i miss going on discord and opening your dms first .. i know you're tired and have a somewhat busy schedule, so i dont really mind you not replying. hope you know how cool you are by the way, youre one of my top 5 friends as of right now!

also i rhink kayn hates me and i dont know what i did but i feel unwell

IM SO FUCKING SICK DUDE i hate having a crush on kayn im so fucking done bro "i want a darkheart bf" IM HERE BUT IM BROKER NOT DARKHEART WHY IS LIFE SO FUCKING CRUEL TO ME AAHG SDA/. . j gdgsu ifqegu fqgiw uu qwef wqe eewq uwrhqheiqr . ok ive made my decision i will detach myself and ghost him forever. ez game

Pub: 24 Jan 2025 12:37 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2025 13:14 UTC
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