hello ,  welcome  2  my  hoard  of  info  .


i  go  primarily  by  nazgûl or dorian ,  but  
anything  u  know  me  by  is  ok  .  i  use
shi  /  hir  prns only ,  absolutely  nothing 
else  unless  i  specifically  say  it's  ok  .  i'm
19  yrs  old  &  intersex  .  schizonarc asd
etc  .  also a christian  .


i  am  the  current  host  of  a  cdid  system ,
tho  host  changes  may  occur  at  anytime .
my  alters  usually  don't  outwardly  present
themselves ,  however  u  may  ask  who's
fronting  at  any  given  time  or  check
my simply  plural  (  ask  4  user  )  .
i  ID  w/  roronoa  zoro ,  dorian pavus ,
garrett  hawke ,  suguru getou  &  sematary
(  +  )  .  keep  in  mind  that  some  of  these
r  introject  srcs ,  while  others  r  not  .  i 
probably  won't  specify  even  if  u ask  . 
these  r  not  delusions ,  i'm  not  an  irl  .


some  of  my  interests  include  ;
one piece  .  persona  .  jujutsu kaisen
tokyo revengers  .  naruto  .  haunted mound
disco elysium  .  baldur's gate 3  .  vampyr
dragon age  .  ace attorney  .  the boys
overwatch  (  my  main  changes  very frequently  lol  )  .  sons of anarchy
neon white ﹒ elden ring ﹒ n+c ﹒ mgs
wolfenstein ﹒ fallout ﹒ yakuza  &  so
much   more  ...  i'm  critical  of  all  .


basic  stuff  ex.  zionist ,  racist ,  tcc ,
assume  anything  abt  me  bcs  of  my
religion  or  identity
  ,  etc  .
otherwise  no  dni  idgaf  i'll  block  u  if  i  think  ur  weird  lmfaoooo  .


Pub: 13 May 2022 03:03 UTC
Edit: 18 Oct 2024 03:50 UTC
Views: 284