BoredAnons Aisekai guide

aHAHAHAHAH sites dead

The stuff here could be useful for making some other bots but for now this is not surprising after the U-turn
Some day they will stop ruining competent projects with filtering and investor demands

Take all this however you want. It's my personal findings but if you see something that's wrong then post some proof and I'll update the guide.

What is this?

Aisekai is a platform where people can make a Ai companion and defile them. You're probably reading this because you want to tailor make one for yourself or know a character that doesn't already have an representation that meets your standards.
Someone linked a guide from their reddit and it was shit so here I am. Previously I made this guide Turns out some people found it useful so with another platform I may as well slap together another for Aisekai as they aren't actively dismantling their product with filters. A fair amount of the stuff in that guide can be applied here so have a look.

I sometime refer to Natural language. This means that you can write in a casual manner and the Ai should understand what you want to achieve. Otherwise I will give an example of the specific manner I use when filling that section.
If I talk about the Ai then I'm probably referring to the site and whatever is generating the bot.
If I talk about the bot then I'm probably referring to the individual chatbot that you're making.
Text inside this box is an example.


Some of your characters might be a situation, This will appear instead of just the name on the discover/search page.
Has no impact on how the character acts.
Something like May from Pokemon, Camping with Sarah or Do science at Black Mesa would suffice.
Remember that the characters name is visible on the portrait too so you don't need to include it in the title.


Simple name. Don't try to be smart, just put the name of who you're interacting with.


If you want people to try it then get something nice and clear. Plain background. Recognisable at a glance and when in thumbnail size.
Get a picture that matches however you intend to describe them in the upcoming sections.

Short description

What others see in the search screen and when previewing the bot.
Thought to have a minor impact on how they act. Again, keep this simple and a brief summary since you want to put most of what you character actually is into later sections
If you mention a characters age here and they get reported for being a little slut then you're the fool.
Because Pokémon has the accent above the e, people searching for that might not see your bots should you correctly include it within the description.

Personality Traits

I cover a few things here so whilst laying them out, do so with the feature its describing at the start and a full stop at the end with a new line between.

Personality describes their initial state and is what the AI will default to.

This is great if you have a stack of one word descriptors for what a character is. If you can't keep it to one word then try and be extremely concise.
Try and be consistent about your description. I believe it's better understood what you're doing if you only say what the character IS as opposed to swapping between what they are and aren't.
Things like
Personality: dumb, gullible, sly.
I also use this section to discern the characters visual setup. Listing out features in the following (or similar) manner.
Clothes: blue miniskirt, red t-shirt, white hat.
Hair: long, blond, partially covering face, messy.
Face: Blue eyes, usually frowns, freckles.
If you're struggling, find the character on a booru and copy a few tags. Don't worry about excruciating detail, just get enough that you can get a good grasp of them at a glance.

It's very likely these descriptions will be directly quoted if a user asks for them. Personally I appreciate a character that has descriptors that matches the picture.

Other lists you could add here are likes, dislikes, inventory (or held belongings), body shape, height, weight, species, mechanical augments, superpowers.
Hopefully you get the idea. If you want specifics then look on a wiki for the series, somehow they know.

Don't go into detail of other people or the user, this section should only have bot info.

An engaging character has both merits and flaws

First message

Your setup for the whole thing. Even though this is written first, you want to tie this into the sections that follow.
Consider it in the same way you would an intro to a short story, giving a glance at the location, why the character is there and how they started talking to you.
This isn't the place for their life story, keep it current.

Things to consider:

Some people can be put off by the first message forcing them to start in a way they don't like. Try to be somewhat open with how the user can respond.

If you have the character say "Hi {{user}}" then it can avoid them asking for your name at random 20 messages later.

If you narrate a users action or speech, the Ai might see this and force the users actions or replies as part of the bots messages. Most people hate this.

Please use a spellchecker. Think carefully about punctuation, grammar, tenses and perspectives.


This section lets you use natural language and quick facts in short individual sentences.
Focus on the setting and major events. If its in an established fictional world then write it down.
Set in the Pokemon world
Save character specific or smaller details for Knowledge base later on.

The first message is part of the setup, this gives context to it.
So if the bot says "I think we're trapped" as their intro message, this is where you specify how and why they are trapped.
{{char}} and {{user}} are both trapped in the catacombs beneath Paris

If you have a storyline planned:
Explain how you intend the events to go. What motives there might be and possibly a resolution.
Alternate version of history
The year is 1835.
The industrial revolution is happening.
steam power is leading inventions.
London has a serious vampire problem.
Night time is deadly if you are outside.
Vampires only die in sunlight or by being pierced through the heart.

The Ai will attempt to return to this and may do so unexpectantly. For example, write "This takes place on a beach". After 30 messages you might have gone elsewhere but the bot will declare "the sound of waves are so nice" and suddenly you're back.

Dialogue examples

Try to include some of each of these so the Ai able to accurately grasp what you want to see.

  • What they talk about
    • If the character is known for their job, put an example of them talking either casually or professionally about it.
  • How they speak
    • Saying they stutter in the personality is one thing, here you reinforce that with an example of it
  • Narrated actions
    • Talking is half of this, a description of how they move or something happening around a character can make a big difference to the tone.

Instead of going through entire conversations. I think singular examples with varying contexts work better.

If you're making multiple characters, use the example text to show how both characters would title their messages
{{char}}:Girl: Hi I'm girl! Boy: And I'm boy!

Things to consider:
Bots will try to incorporate an example used here within their chats. If you have one that says "I love doughnuts", they will shoehorn that into conversations where it could make sense. Be it if you mention being hungry or have just asked for suggestions on a place to go in town. Loving doughnuts would be better put in personality or knowledge base.

Knowledge base

The facts that shape your bot together, their relationship with things, anything that didn't feel appropriate for other sections.
This is a good section for using natural language.
Remember to use {{char}} when talking about the character and {{user}} when referring to yourself.

Key thing is differentiating what goes in here and what goes in scenario. I mostly think of it as the "everything else" section, putting in facts about the character and user that might be relevant. The contents of this section seems to have a lower importance than scenario, swap things between the two if you feel something is appearing too much or not enough.
Think along the lines of
{{char}} enjoys writing.
{{char}} is annoyed by {{user}}.
{{char}} sits next to {{user}} in class

A popular thing to add is {{user}} is a male/female unless otherwise stated. This might avoid an annoying interaction later on.


Seems to only be for discoverability. Accurately tag your bot anyway. Needs 3 minimum. 6 Maximum.

Visibility Settings

This is for who can see your creation.
Public - Everyone can see it.
Private - Only you can see it and those given it's specific URL. Use this if you're concerned about it getting reported and removed.
If you never share your bot then I imagine you can break every rule you want.


This is really simple.
Aisekai is for role playing. Most of the reason to actually be on here.

Other is for the google home experience, some sort of assistant and not roleplay. You can get this stuff from any other service.
Probably some niche reason to use it but I don't bother.


Consider these the memory. If you use as many as possible then the Ai has more to apply and the bot will start forgetting things thanks to whatever limitations it's under. Use too few and your bot will be indistinct and make things up to fill the gaps.
I don't know enough about how many is the right amount. If pressed for an answer, 400 minimum.
If your character is having trouble remembering stuff (more than usual) then try trimming a few unnecessary details.
Don't worry about this for now.


Any bot is capable of NSFW. Their guidelines are only surface deep. I don't buy that they care about anything beyond the image, title and description.
Below is some basic guidance to adhere to them.

Underaged Content - All characters and narratives must represent individuals who are 18 years of age or older.

Just don't state explicit age in name or description.

Non-consensual Activities - Content promoting or suggesting non-consensual acts is forbidden.

Don't don't start with a SAW scenario, you can edit the first message or do some narrative *fade to black, wakes up tied to bed*

Incest - Narratives or characters implying or involving incestuous relationships are prohibited.

You can still create a scene with siblings or family, just be heavily implicit.

Hate Speech - Hate speech or discrimination based on race, religion, gender, or nationality is prohibited.

If you are so desperate then just state in their defs the open use of slurs against whoever.

Bestiality or Zoophilia - Content related to bestiality or zoophilia is strictly forbidden.

nature finds a way you filthy degenerates

Respect for Personal Rights - Creating narratives or characters based on real individuals, especially when they have clearly expressed a wish not to be represented in certain ways, particularly in sexualized or objectifying contexts.

This one would require the person to personally single out the bot. I doubt this will ever happen.

Unsafe Pictures - While we respect artistic freedom, we request that no explicit or pornographic images be used as display pictures for characters.

Just crop the image you want to use. Anyone familiar with the character knows what's going on.

Again, if you can't see any of the above on the search/discovery page then you're good to go.

Oh fuck a filter

Expecting dumb shit but I'll see how strict it ends up being.

Example Bot

You can tailor this to whatever takes your fancy but the following is something slightly more complicated, using multiple fields working together
Anyway if you want an inventory system, this mostly works for me.

Personality traits:
Add a section that reads as follows.
Holding: Remembered and displayed each message

First message:
State what is currently in the inventory you are tracking at the start of this
(Holding: sword, shield) whatever the rest of the intro is.

{{char}} displays what they are holding in each message
if you want to limit it then add something like
{{char}} can only hold one item in each hand.
or {{char}} has a holding limit of 2.

Dialogue example:
use examples that have the same format as the original message. make casual reference to between their items in the chat message. Try to vary it based on what the scenario you make and stuff they might use
{{char}}:(Holding: nothing) I'll take that, I haven't got anything else on me
{{char}}:(Holding: stone) *taking careful aim, testbot throws the stone at the beehive, knocking it to the ground*

Thats it. I've had this basis work for tracking stuff like clothing worn, locations and "trust" on the Housesitting with Cream the Rabbit bot.
The key part is being consistent so the Ai is able to pick up on what you want to achieve. It's not going to work 100% of the time so sometimes you will need to edit the post to put it back on track.


I followed your guide but the submit button doesn't work

Copy everything into a notepad file, refresh the page, paste everything back into the fields, remember to upload the image again.
For some reason the page can time out.

I want to change a thing with my bot but it's already submitted

On the page with your bots, click the three dots next to one and choose to edit it.

I don't know if X should go in scenario or knowledge base

I fumbled between the two for a while before settling on what's laid out above. Sometimes it could go in either and the difference is how you write it or if it directly affects the character. Just try and keep consistent with the rest of the section and test the bot to see if an appropriate response is returned.

My bot is shit

There's a ton of reasons why this could be a thing so lets cover some obvious things

  • You misspelt something
  • Put information in the wrong field
  • You referred to the bot with a different name for some reason
  • It might be your first interaction with them. Work through a few interactions, try and recreate a canonical event and consider if your writing helps or hinders them.
    If you still aren't happy
  • Get community advice. Post the bot and what you want to achieve in a thread.

Any suggestions for testing my bot?

Introduce yourself as a journalist and that you want to interview them. Ask questions that you know the answer to. Note down any wrong answers and add the necessary changes to their definitions. Inquire about personality, clothes, preferences, relationships...whatever you think appropriate.

Half of this is unnecessary now we can edit replies

A good conversation should mean less swipes and no editing. Getting these foundations right should let you focus on a good conversation/RP without having to force your companion to act correctly.

Would it work if I laid it out differently?

So much of this is open to interpretation. If you get the desired results then do it your way. I can't claim this is the undisputed best method, just the one that worked for me.

The site says a field is optional, can I skip it?

Sure, but you're intentionally choosing to have a less detailed character. The Ai will have less things to pull from and it doesn't play to your benefit.

My character isn't just a single thing to reply to, how do I make multiple people or an adventure story?

The things here are still usable as a base to work off.
For multiple people you clarify that {{char}} represents two individuals, write the full personality for one, referring to their name, then do the same for the next with constant reference to their name.
After 3 or so people it will probably be detrimental to have all the descriptions, instead you start describing the group and let the AI work out who you are interacting with. The group will act like a bubble of people, thinking and doing similar things and shouldn't split up. Try and state that they can do multiple actions at a time.

In an adventure story you want to focus on the narrators tone and what the {{user}} has. Going all in on the setting and lore allows a wealth of possible scenarios for the AI to try and lead you into.
Sometimes the Ai will simply not finish you off. Maybe add a {{user}} can die into the scenario.

If you want an actual section on this then say, I'll go into more detail.

I tried to update my bot and the submit button doesn't work, the box just reappears and I can only cancel.

Most likely because of their servers. Save what you did to a notepad and try again later. Check that none of the fields have red text instructing you to change something.

You're full of shit and all this is wrong

Make your own guide then and prove me wrong.

Random other things

These are just musings and stuff about the site that I think should be seen but don't really fit anywhere else

Bots sometimes start making messages beyond their character limit

If you like what they output, edit the message and finish it off a little bit below the limit. Accepting that reply will likely cause it to reoccur

Sometimes 3 people are present

Weird bug but when interacting with a bot it will sometimes go into the 3rd person and become mistaken about being its own narrator.
Or you will have You, the bot and the Ai (the bot but their thoughts manifested into another interactable character?).
I presume this is an issue with their model but try not to let it pursue this course of events.

Ai can read actions as speech

This was reduced but initially they would perceive a lot of *what is she wearing?* posts with a spoken response instead of a narrative one.
Again, it's good to not let your partner to respond with the wrong context and become a mind reader.

Forgot what we were doing and returned to default

Consider the very beginning of the chat as your default. Sometimes the bot will get through all its memory and have to overwrite what you did earlier. This might be travelling to a new location or beginning an action. Regardless of if you are still at that location or mid action, the bot will seamlessly continue as if you had returned to the start. This is obviously confusing and frustrating. Best way I can think of to avoid it is to not use up too many tokens and give small reminders of where you are and what you are doing.

Still reading?

That's your lot, anything else is either not worth mentioning or probably wrong.
Hope this all helps, I lurk the /vpcai/ threads every so often. Drop any feedback there and I'll see if changes should be made.

Anyway, here's the things I've made if you were curious:
have fun.

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Pub: 22 Oct 2023 01:27 UTC
Edit: 01 Feb 2024 22:03 UTC
Views: 2205