Kaworu Nagisa carefully, gently fashioned the large adult diaper around Shinji Ikari's enormous circumference. A big bariatric diaper, he gently slid it up the wide, hefty legs, and fastened the tabs on either side. He was careful to fasten it in place underneath Shinji's belly, letting his jutting, sagging gut bloat over the edge of it.

With all the sticky tape tabs fastened, Kaworu gently guided Shinji towards the mirror. "Well, Shinji-kun," he said gently. "What do you think?"

Shinji settled his feet, feeling the soft padding of the diaper around him. He turned around, eyeing the huge spread of his colossal ass, swathed in comfortable padded white. "I look like... an overgrown baby, Kawrou-san," he said gently.

"Ah, and you are, Shinji-kun. From a certain perspective. Are you not cared for and tended to as lovingly as a newborn?"

"Kawoorruuuu," Shinji whined, "why do I have to wear this? We're not going on a long trip. I just want to go to the park."


The flatulence puttered from Shinj's anus. Kaworu laughed, and gently stroked Shinji's belly. "That is why, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. "You had lunch not too long ago, and your midday snack even less time ago. Your tank is getting rather full. We don't want you having an accident and soiling your new pants. Better to have you protected, as a precaution."

Shinji put his hands on his hips and pouted. He really did look like a huge, overgrown baby. He was so spectacularly fat, weighing more than 280 kilograms. His hoggish, bloated face, with its heavy chins and jowls, accentuated his less-than-adult appearance, as did his flabby fat arms. His huge boy boobs oozed in front of him, and his gigantic belly bulged even further out, sticking out in front of him and sagging down to his knees. You couldn't even see the front of the diaper because Shinji's belly was in the way. His infantile appearance was enhanced by his vast, wide hips, and his bloated, womanly thighs. Kaworu walked around Shinji, beholding his tumbling rolls of back fat, and his gigantic ass, on which they rested like it was a shelf.


"I'm not... ngh... I'm not going to poop myself, Kaworu, I swear!"

"Come, now, Shinji-kun, we both know you have had trouble with leaks, of late. Your bowel control is not what it once was." Kaworu patted Shinj's mammoth right buttock. "You have no one to blame but yourself, either. Your taste for lovemaking has increased. You keep wanting me inside you, and it has had the expected effect." Kaworu came up behind him and whispered in Shinji's ear: "What horny, fat hog of a boy you've become."

"Ohh," moaned Shinji, finding himself aroused. There was a part of him that even now wanted a cock in his ass. He'd become extraordinarily faggy.

"And I will never turn you down, Shinji-kun. All your desires must be met to the fullest. But it means we must have some accommodations. Now come, let me help you put your clothes on."

Kaworu poked Shinji's belly gently as he said this. Shinji giggled heftily, jiggling and rippling as he did. Then Kaworu took him by the hand, and led Shinji towards the bed, where his clothes were laid out.

"Mrnfh," mumbled Shinji, waddling for the door. He was dressed in his new clothes, made in the biggest sizes yet to accommodate his immense fatness. He wore huge khaki pants that were specially designed with added room in the seat, to better fit his abnormally large bottom. And he wore a huge polo shirt in soft, baby pink, which swathed his vast gut and clung to his big boy boobs.


"Nrgh," he grunted.


"Hff," he puffed. He'd become very gassy lately. His expanding body and engorged innards generated a lot of excess gas. He farted a lot throughout the day.

"Here we go, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, leading Shinji to the wheelchair at the door. It was extra-wide. It was a big, bariatric wheelchair, specially made for the fattest of fat people. Shinji was guided to it, and Kaworu settled him into the seat. His enormous ass spread across the cushions.

"Oof," grunted Shinji, settling in. "Ahh," he sighed contentedly. He liked being off his feet. He was very lazy and spoiled, and disliked too much exercise. His innards gurgled.


"Hmm," he hummed, absently licking his lips, "when we're at the park we can have a snack, right, Kaworu-san?"

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu, pushing the wheelchair towards the door. "Now come, let's go."

The park near their home was beautiful, full of fields and flowers and lots of nice sidewalks in which to walk. Or be rolled along, in Shinji's case. He sat comfortably in the wheelchair, hands rested lazily on his huge belly. There was actually a nice, cushioned pad at the front of the wheelchair's seat, that provided support for Shinji's belly. It kept the belly from drooping over the front of the seat, and Shinji was quite happy it was there.


A soft, silent fart hissed out of his diapered butt. There was getting to be a bit of pressure in the depths of his innards, but Shinji was confident it wouldn't be a problem on their excursion. He wasn't going to poop himself. It didn't matter what Kaworu said. He was very dependent on Kaworu these days, but he was sure that at least he was still reasonably in control of his bowels.

Indeed, as the last remnants of his big, tasty midday snack made their way through his guts, Shinji found himself getting quite peckish indeed. He drummed his chubby fingers on the big swell of his belly. An urge to eat rose to the front of his brain. "Kaworu-san," he said, glancing over his shoulder, "mmm, ah, can we have that snack? Ah, soon, please."

"Ah, Shinji-kun, my pet," said Kaworu, patting his soft shoulder. "We must keep you well fed, musn't we?"

"Well, I mean," said Shinji, smacking his lips a bit, "I mean, it's only fair, mmm, I really do deserve a little treat. I let you put this diaper on me, you should let me have a snack."

"And indeed I shall, darling." A little further ahead, Kaworu saw a man selling churros. He pushed Shinji along until they were at the stand; Shinji's eyes glinted at the delicious smell. "Ah, pardon me, fine sir," Kaworu said to the man. "About how many churros would you say you have left?"

"Well, I started with a few hundred, and it's not been long," said the man. "So probably quite a lot."

"Well, then," said Kaworu, walking up to the counter, "Why don't you give me two dozen... no," he turned and winked at Shinji, "you'd better make it three dozen churros." Shinji made the wheelchair squeak as he fidgeted in excitement.

"Here you go," said the man, loading up the huge amount of churros into a big paper bag. The man told him the amount, and Kaworu handed over the money; then the man handed over the churros, and Kaworu plopped the big bag onto Shinji's vast belly.

"Ohmr, ohh, yessss," said Shinji with a gurgling grunt. He fished a churro out and immediately began chowing down.

Kaworu chuckled, and resumed pushing the wheelchair. Shinji ate ravenously, as though he hadn't had a bite in days. His big, fat cheeks rippled as he chewed, while his blue eyes, grown beady in the midst of his fat face, twinkled with gluttonous greed.

"Ohrm, mrrm, yum yum," said Shinji, enjoying the hot, sweet pastries.

"Is this not wonderful, Shinji-kun?" asked Kaworu. "Is this not so much better than the way your life was before? Before I saved you?" He patted Shinji's shoulder tenderly.

"Mrnf, urrp," Shinji belched softly between bites. "Ohrm, mfm, yesh, yes, Kaworu," he swallowed a big bite. "I'm so grateful! Kaworu-san, I'll always love you. This is so much more wonderful than piloting Eva." On that thought, he stroked his own enormous belly. "I wonder if I could even fit in an entry plug these days..."

"If you still can, we must change that," said Kaworu. Now it was Kaworu who stroked the vast stomach. "We must feed you and pamper you until any chance you could be taken back to your former life is gone. We must make your life nothing but pleasure and love, Shinji-kun."

"Ohhh," moaned Shinji, full of bliss and desire. "Mrnf," he then mumbled, stuffing another churro into his mouth.



"Mrmn," mumbled Shinji continuing to eat. He tended to get a bit distracted by his gluttony, and so he missed the growing pressure in the depths of his body.


He farted away, not really paying any mind.





"Mrn?" mumbled Shinji, mouth full of churro. That last fart had felt... wet. And now


"Oh, oh!" he cried, as feces began to flow from between his colossal ass cheeks. Heavy, thick turds began to empty into his diaper. He tried to hold them in. But he had far less control of his bowels than he'd actually thought. Months and months, years really, of Kaworu heavily fucking him had left him with free-flowing bowels and a very loose sphincter. He was able to hold in minor bowel movements, but not a truly large poop like this. "Ohhh," he moaned, blubbery cheeks flushing red.

Kaworu smiled tenderly. Stopping his pushing of the wheelchair, he walked around to Shinji's front. He put a hand on the big belly, his long fingers sinking into the buttery soft flab. He could feel the working of Shinji's innards. "Ah, Shinji-kun, I see the diaper was a good idea after all."

"Oh, Kaworu-san..." Shinji whimpered, cheeks burning with shame. "I... I can't believe this. I didn't think... I didn't think I would have to..."

"Shh." Kaworu tenderly leaned in and kissed Shinji on the cheek. He began to give Shinji a soft, gentle belly rub. Shinji grunted as his flow of poop seemed to increase, the defecation aided by Kaworu's ministrations. "You are truly a beautiful, special boy, Shinji-kun. You are truly cared for. You are truly loved. I love you without asking anything of you in return."

"Ohh, Kaworu-san," he moaned.

"Didn't I tell you you would never have anything to worry about again? You are cared for. You are nurtured. I will always look after you. So... relax." Kaworu continued to rub Shinji's belly, while his other hand gently tickled under Shinji's double chin. Shinji giggled, in spite of himself. "There is nothing to worry about. I will clean you up when we get home. Relax." Kaworu's red eyes stared deeply into Shinj's. "Relax, my pet."

Shinji blinked. He smiled gently.


"Ahhh," he sighed softly, relaxing what little control over his sphincter he could still muster. A big, thick flow of turds emptied heavily out of him. "Mrnf," he burbled as he stuffed another churro into his mouth.

"That's my boy," said Kaworu, moving back to the handles of the wheelchair. He once again began to push Shinji along, amid the park with its flowers and trees.

"Mmrf," mumbled Shinji. "Mmm," he hummed, plowing through the remainder of the churros. He felt so relaxed and at peace. Kaworu was right: he was taken care of, no matter what. No matter how helpless and pampered he became, it was all right, because Kaworu would always be there. Shinji felt smothered in love. His ass became smothered in shit, as the fat boy continued to take his fat poop.

Pub: 19 Jun 2022 04:11 UTC
Views: 642