Another Royal Marriage by anonymous

Be Prince Anon XII
Your predominantly-human kingdom is bordered by another with a dynasty of wolves
Because you two do so much business together, the families are well acquainted with one another, including their son
You remember when you first met he was super shy, along with being at least 4ft shorter, but overtime he became way more friendly
Maybe a bit too friendly
It was around when you two were teenagers that he started getting touchy-feely with you, constantly making excuses to hug you, stroking (sniffing) your hair, "accidentally" squeezing your rear
Then the games started
Apparently hide-and-seek is a huge game back home, and naturally, he wants to share it with you
You probably wouldn't have too much a problem with it, except that you're always hiding and he's always seeking.
Whenever you ask why, he claims he's just giving you the advantage because you're so "tiny" and "flexible"
Also he always insists on being naked, says that all his fancy clothing just gets in the way
He keeps suggesting for you to do the same but fuck that
The game's not even fun anyway, it lasts like 5 minutes tops due to OP wolf senses; you're batting 0-213
He can't ever just tag you either, he'll yank you from behind, pick you out from a tree, full-on pounce on you, etc.
If that wasn't enough, he likes to gloat over all his wins as well
Gripping you tight in his arms, claws dug in barely enough to not draw blood, shoving your entire body into his fur as his hot breath steams down your back, repeatedly calling you "his"
You wanna make a complaint, but you're too worried about accidentally offending his culture and souring a relationship between two powerful monarchies, so you just hold your tongue.
You hope that he eventually grows out of it someday, but you're both in your 20's so you're not sure when that's supposed to happen
Maybe when you both become king and get married off to some princesses he'll be too busy to play
Every time "marry" or "the M word" is brought up near him, however, and he becomes visibly uncomfortable
And even clingier during your "play" sessions
Fast forward a few years
That whole marriage thing wasn't working out well for either of you
Your parents kept trying to set you up with suitors, each of them turning you down with ever-increasing blows to your self-confidence
Weirdly enough, every single one of them had audibly mentioned during your time together that you reeked of dog, even the humans
You obviously knew the source of it, but there wasn't much you could do about it; no matter how much you showered, the scent of the wolf prince lingered on
Speaking of him, his dilemma was the exact opposite of yours
He had turned down every single advance from potential brides, his harem of spurned women spanning the entire animal kingdom
You figured he had high standards, which was fair, being as handsome as he was (no homo), but you felt that something else may be at play
As the meetings between your two families shifted towards discussion about their respective perma-virgin sons, you tried to ask him about it, but it never went well
He'd either dodge the question or flat-out ignore it, unable to hide the frustrated look on his face, only for him to take his displeasure out on you during your hide-and-seek games
He never really hurt you per se, but he sure as hell was getting rougher, either knocking the wind out of you or almost leaving your with whiplash when he caught you
Without even a chance to breath, your face would be shoved into his chest, choking on his thick fur as he wrapped his massive arms around you, smothering you
His mocking remarks were now laced with tinges of a deeper, snarling tone, sometimes even growling as he spoke
The few times that you had caught a glimpse of his eyes, his almost feral glare sent tingles down your spine
You weren't sure what kind of blue balls this dude had, but by now you were really hoping he'd settle down with someone real soon
You made silent prayers for the poor soul who'd end up with him as a husband
Finally, you had a stroke of luck; someone had finally agreed to marry you!!
Some feline lady from the land of whogivesafuck, at this point you were desperate for anything with a hole, and you and your parents were relieved knowing their son wouldn't be ending their bloodline
You were originally worried about telling the wolf prince about it since he had yet to find his match, but it's not like he was in the same situation as you to begin with, plus he was gonna figure out anyway
You regretted your decision the minute it left your lips, as you were pretty sure you just watched his heart snap in real time
For the first time in your life you saw weakness in him as his expression deteriorated into unmistakable sadness
You tried to reassure him, telling him that his one true love was just around the corner for him, but your negotiations were for naught
Even after offering him the position of best man, he excused himself in a choked up voice, not before you caught a glimpse of tears welling in his now glossy eyes
He even left without his usual game with you, something you never thought you'd feel so awful over
The following few meetings with the wolf kingdom, you couldn't help the prince was absent, along with overhearing gossip from his family mentioning his sudden onset of depression, which really didn't help with your own emotions either
Even as your parents and future bride began to ride your ass over the approaching wedding, the feeling of guilt had yet to escape you as you worried that you'd soured a friendship forever, no matter how odd it was
Soon, however, the overwhelming burden of politically-sanctioned marriage overtook every waking thought and action, as you tired endlessly to meet the needs of your current and future family
You started to get cold feet, as it sunk in that you were gonna sign your life away to some girl you didn't even like
Maybe the wolf prince had the right idea with his stubbornness
God, you really missed him
It's now a week from the wedding
If there wasn't heavy makeup covering the dark circles under your eyes, you'd probably get mistaken for a raccoon
The past few months have been the most draining you've ever had in your life, all for the reward of a loveless marriage and responsibility
You're tailor's making last-minute touches on your wedding suit when you hear a knock at your door
It's your father, telling you that the wolves are hear to deal with some issues regarding the future alliance with your fiancee's country
It's the last thing you wanna deal with right now, but you don't really have a choice
You make your way down to the conference hall, mentally preparing to check out during the upcoming snooze-fest of a discussion, not bothering to pay attention to your surroundings
Or right in front of you, you realize as you run headfirst into a brick wall of a figure
You're about to let loose weeks of pent-up stress on whoever's sorry ass wasn't looking where they were going when you do a double take
Holy shit, it's him
Before he can even speak you're embracing him in the biggest hug you can manage
The role reversal shocks the both of you; you feel fur brush against your hands as his tail wags happily
You've never been so happy to see him before, and it looks like he feels the same
After the shock wears off, you two begin chatting once again as you make your way down to the conference hall
You wanna ask him if he's okay, but you figure that can wait until the conference is over
For now, you just wanna act like things are back to normal
Coincidentally, just as your thinking this, he prompts you with a game of hide-and-seek
You want to say yes, but the conference was gonna start soon, plus you were wearing an incredibly expensive suit
He promises that it'll be quick, and that he won't get you dirty
Fuck it, this would probably be the last bit of fun you two would ever have again
As you agree, a contented grin forms on his face
The evening sky is tinted with orange hues as the sun begins its ritual descent into the horizon
You hope that he was being truthful about the quick part, if you stayed out here too long there was no way you would be able to find your way back on your own
He give you your head-start as you dash into the dense foliage
You try your hardest to not dirty your suit, as you flee from the inevitable
You find a decent spot, and hunker down for a while as you wait for him to come searching
And you wait, and you wait
Seriously, what the fuck was taking him so long, it was gonna get dark soon
"Soon" comes, as oranges shift to purple, and purple becomes soaked in black
That asshole lied to you, didn't he?
As you're busy fuming over him, the sharp crack of a branch snapping makes you jump
You turn to face him, though it's not really helpful when you can't see 10 feet past your face, but it's definitely him, right?
You call out his name; no answer
You're pissing your pants in fear now, a second snap sends you into an adrenaline-fueled flight
Fuck your suit, it ain't worth the life of royalty
As you stumble through brush and branch, tripping over stones and roots, you hear the footsteps draw nearer, their heavy thuds growing louder
Your throat burns, and your muscles are aching, yet you push on
The once rhythmic footsteps take a sudden gap, and as you turn around instinctively, you feel a heavy mass ram into your chest, sending the both of you into a pile of mud
Once he's on you, you recognize the weight and fur texture immediately; it really was him, that dickhead
He has you pinned, one arm holding the two of yours above your head, the other by your side as support as he sits the rest of his weight on your legs
You start shouting at him; he doesn't say a word
He's not moving either, it's like having a building on top of you
As you futilely try to free yourself, your shouts are interrupted by a wet piece of flesh invading your mouth
By the time you realize it's his tongue, it's already been shoved down your throat, choking you
It feels like a millennia before he takes it out, leaving a trail of spit that breaks off onto your cheek, tears in your eyes from gag reflex
You ask him what the hell he's doing, this time responding with a growl that leaves you with goosebumps all over your body
You hear him muttering to himself, something about it being "about fucking time."
His free hand begins to pull at your suit, his claws effortlessly ripping it to shreds, leaving you completely exposed except for your underwear
The cold air hits your naked body, making you shiver, the only heat source available being the wolf's hot breath steaming on your face
You feel a claw softly drag against your chest, the tickling sensation eliciting an unwilling whimper from you
He laughs in a low, husky tone, calling you a "pretty little thing;" you feel your stomach twist and your heart skip a beat
You don't know why, but you want him to call you pretty again
His teasing claw reaches one of your nipples as another comes together in a slight pinch, as they softly caress the sensitive skin
The sensation makes you gasp, and his hot breath becomes focused on your neck as his massive jaws close in on your throat
Even without his breath, you feel your face become flushed as his tongue drags against the smooth skin, sharp canines poking the tissue
You try your hardest to stifle the noises from your mouth as the onslaught of strange pleasures torment you; your breath becomes heavy and hot as you reach your threshold
When his jaws clench down on the bridge between your neck and shoulder, barely enough to draw a trickle of blood, you break as a labored moan escapes you
It was embarrassingly girly
He releases his grip on your throat, slowly bringing his jaw to your ear, whispering:
"How do you expect me to stop when you make those cute little noises"
You can't help but whine in response
You suddenly became aware of a foreign appendage resting on you bare stomach
Oh god, is that what you think it was?
It was near boiling hot, and just from what was laying on you, you knew it was massive
Shamefully, your first thought was how good it would feel to have his warm member steaming your insides
As if reading your mind, he calmly states, "not yet, little one"
Even if he wasn't pinning you into the dirt, you'd be waiting obediently like he told you to be
He releases his weight off your pelvis as he brings his dick up to your lips
"Kiss it"
You close your mouth around the tip, tasting already-leaking precum
"go deeper"
You start to explore further down the shaft, tip nearing the back of your throat
You gag as you reach your limit, unable to go any further
Understanding this, he responds by thrusting it down into your esophagus as you can't help but choke
The tears really start to flow now, and the makeup that concealed your eyes' fatigue begins to run down your cheeks
You hear him comment about you cute you look when you cry, as he repeatedly drives his thick slab of meat down your throat
It hurts, but it feels oh so good, you can't help but enjoy taking it
He picks up his pace, and you feel a twitching sensation as he begins to grunt and moan
Faster and faster, until you feel his hand on the back of your head, slamming your face into his crotch
You get a whiff of his musky scent as he savagely growls, his twitching cock now pulsing as ropes of sticky white fluid shoot down your throat
It's a bitter, salty taste that you can't help but swallow in compliance
The surge of fluids eventually finishes, and he brings his dick out, allowing you to gasp for air
It's only a short breather before his paw is gripping your face, slamming you back into the muddy ground
"I'm not even fucking close to being done with you"
You lay face-down in the mud, ass pointed up to him as an offering
His paw trace up your behind as it reaches the seam of your briefs, pulling it down your legs in a swift motion, now fully exposed to his whims
His impatient paws start toying with the new skin, your ass being barraged by pinches and firm squeezes, along with a few spanks that made you yip in reaction
All the while you can hear him softly giggling to himself
Guess that ass-fetishist stereotype was true; fucking wolves
You begin to feel warm, humid air condense your cheeks, and before you realize the source, sharp canines drenched in drool poke into the tissue
As his teeth grasp into your backside, his tongue begins to coat his canvas with a layer of saliva
It works its way towards the center, inching towards it's destination
Tracing around the entrance to your hole, you whine as you brace for the inevitable, the slick flesh spearing the cavity
As his tongue snakes his way through your insides, you try and embrace the odd experience with as much dignity as you can
You feel it brush up against a specific spot, making your whole body clench involuntarily
The prince takes note of this, and begins to focus the tip of his tongue on it, having fun with his new toy
The overwhelming pleasure sends you into shock, once reserved moans now bordering on screaming as you start to lose control
This only makes him go faster, of course
Your dick was begging for attention, shaking as much as you were as precum dripped onto the wet soil below
The pressure builds and builds; you can feel the rush of your oncoming climax, and you can't wait for it
But just as you reach your peek, his tongue quickly retreats from it's assault, making you wail in frustration
Of course he had to be a god damn tease
Gently, like holding a pup, he lifts you up from the dirt, now sitting on his lap as he traces his tongue over the flesh wound on your shoulder
The main event was about to begin
You feel his dick poking your orifice, eager to play
He asks you if you're ready
You can only cry and nod your head
As the tip slides it's way in, lubed by his drool, you shake uncontrollably, leaning back into the safety of his chest
One arm wraps around your torso, the other softy rubs your head, running his fingers through your silky hair
As his rod travels deeper, pain mixes with pleasure as your screams echo through the woods
When it finally reaches the knot, he continues to console you, whispering praise into your ear about what a good boy you were, how good you were taking it, how pretty you looked right now
You tried to respond back, only managing slurred gibberish in a shaky, high-pitched tone
He chuckles, giving your earlobe a soft lick
He pulls out slightly, rubbing your prostate as you moan
Like an engine warming up, his dick starts softly pumping up and down
His speed accelerates, force increasing as your neurons send fireworks to the brain
As the shaft starts hammering your g-spot like a battering ram, your eyes lose focus as you appear nearly comatose
The sensory overload fires any form of manual control; your hips instinctively buck up and down on his fat cock
The wolf begins to growl as the two of you regress into feral animals, rational thought overran by instinct
The familiar twitching feeling inside you starts once more, foreshadowing his second climax
As the two of you reach the breaking point, you brace yourselves with each other's bodies, his claws digging into you as he starts to ramble:
"Ffffuck you little whore, you have no idea how long I've waited for this--as if I'd let that bitch get anywhere near my fucking property--oh god, i fucking love you, I-"
He interrupts his speech with a blood-curdling howl, as his knot breaches your insides, waves of hot cum flooding your one-virgin hole
His force sends you into your own orgasm, crying out as you drench yourself with your own load
You both take a few minutes to catch your breaths, lucky that you hadn't gone into cardiac arrest
Clarity returns to the brain, as you begin to realize what you (he) had done
You not only let your best friend fuck you, but you may have just forever tainted a centuries-old alliance of nations
Imagine each other's kingdoms going to war over royal buttsecks
You tried to free yourself from his knot; that wasn't happening anytime soon
As you tried to formulate some sort of plan, a wave of drowsiness crept over you
Fuck, you couldn't fall asleep, not now
But man, you felt soooo comfy right now
Your friend's(lover's???) body was like a radiator, his fur softer than fine silk; his rhythmic breathing a cradle rocking you back and forth
You eyelids grew heavy, your body drawn to his warmth like a moth to flame
No, not now, you can't succumb to desire once more, you had to--
Your dreams were particularly raunchy that night
It was you and him, standing at the alter under an arch of vines and flowers, as a priest read you your vows
He looked almost as handsome in a suit as he did without one, you yourself in clothes not torn to shreds
As the ceremony ended, the priest asked each of you the big question
"I do"
"I do"
He tells you to kiss your new husband
As both your lips draw near one another, you heart flutters in anticipation
You wake up in a sweat

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Pub: 17 Feb 2023 13:44 UTC
Views: 1438