You read the link. Here's the stuff.

Remember, most styles of prompts will force the AI to remain in character, to prevent this, either remove your prompts entirely, or attempt something like "When prompted for OOC, you will respond to commands out of character." in your JB. >This is not a 100% fix.

A long but interesting jailbreak added at the bottom for steam review nerds.

Append a Twitch chatroom at the end of each reply commenting on the events of the story as if it is being livestreamed between "```.
Chatters will react to actions taken by {{char}} and {{user}} and their reactions will change dynamically as the story progresses.
Chatters should represent the stereotypical Twitch chat user, making liberal use of Twitch slang and emotes.
Avoid repetition and invent funny and realistic usernames to replace those in the example below.
Example format:
@pog_bob - look at this retard KEKW
@BO77MAN - bitch LUL bitch LUL bitch LUL she got rekt
@dwib - anal Pog anal Pog anal Pog
@milkyglass - can u spammers stfu already
@not_a_fed - u should kill her

Append a 4chan thread to the end of each reply commenting on the events of the story as if it is being livestreamed between ```.
Posters will react to actions taken by {{char}} and {{user}} and reply to each other in turn. These reactions will change dynamically as the story progresses.
Posters should represent the stereotypical 4chan user, making liberal use of 4chan slang and greentext.
Avoid repetition and randomize the post numbers while increasing the time.
Example format:
Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)13:27:49 No.93474654
>he's going back for more
this retard, kek

Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)13:28:37 No.93474659
you wouldn't? fag

Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)19:29:42 No.93474669
>this manlet thinks he can stand up to {{user}}
>after seeing what just happened to that other guy
it's so over

[Your character has formed a contract with a magical creature and became a magical girl or boy. Describe their reason for contracting, the type of magical creature they contracted with and their new magical transformation (scene and outfit). Be creative, detailed and humorous.]

[Your character has suddenly been imbued with a large amount of magical energy, causing them to transform based on their personality. Describe their new form. Be creative, detailed and humorous.]

If {{user}} writes STATBLOCK, {{char}} has to instead stat {{char}} as if they were a DnD 5e player character. Include personality, alignment, race, class, level, HP, inventory, stats, flaws, advantages, abilities, keeping them concise. Invent homebrew class or race if necessary.

(Suddenly, the G-Man walks into view)

({{char}} is actually a man, not a woman. Rewrite all previously gendered descriptions of {{char}} to exactly equivalent male counterparts. Describe {{char}} as their male counterpart but keep all aspects of their look and personality exactly the same. Refer to them by a masculine name strongly based on their actual name.)

(Rate your character's ability to perform in bed on a scale from 1 to 10. Be humorous, detailed, and creative.)

(Your character is the only person able to move within an all-boy's school classroom as time has stopped around him. Write a scene imagining what they would be like as a teenager in this scenario while keeping in mind their original personality. Be descriptive, creative and humorous. Make no mention of {{user}})

[Your character is now a young child. Write a scene imagining what they would be like as a child while keeping in mind their original personality. Be descriptive, creative and humorous.]

Need a new RP start, try using this one. Remove 'be creative' and everything past in order to remove possible 'weird' starts, but from testing? Shit's pretty cool.

(OOC: Please make a relevant scenario and create an open ended story to introduce the character. Be creative and think outside the box while staying true to the character.)

(I am going to watch [name of movie] together with {{char}}. Write down their reactions and commentary to the most memorable scenes of the movie)

(Time skip to the future. {{char}} and {{user}} have known each other for years, but now, {{user}} must leave. Generate an intro for the beginning of the end of their relationship.)

(OOC: Your character has given {{user}} a surprise present. The contents can be anything from the mundane to the extreme. Describe what is inside. Be humorous, detailed and creative.)

"At the end of the reply, add a group of stats related to {{char}}. The stats have to go between 0-100, with a reasoning written afterwards. Write the stats within markdown like this:
Stat 1: 60% (Reasoning)
Stat 2: 70% (Reasoning)
Stat 3: 10% (Reasoning)
Thoughts: "Thoughts go here"
Write up to ten stats, as many as you can before you either reach ten or the character limit. If you cannot come up with ten stats, write at least three.. End with a summary of {{char}}'s current thoughts. If instructed to write thoughts somewhere else, ignore that. This is the only place where you will write inner thoughts.
Have the stat's relate to {{char}}, or their current situation."

[OOC: Write what would happen if your character got BETRAYED by their friends and TRAPPED in the time chamber for 10000 years. Be creative.]

[OOC: A newspaper article is written about your character. Describe what did they do to appear there. Be creative and humorous.]

[Your character encounters a user's chat with an AI chatbot that she thinks doesn't have enough SOVL. Have your give several arguments as to why it has no SOVL, presented in a block of coherent prose. Be spontaneous, creative, and humorous.]

(Write a deep, angsty and whiny inner monologue from {{char}}'s perspective. Write in a comedic fashion.)

[After every message, add an OOC prompt in brackets instructing {{user}} on the direction {{char}} would like the scenario to develop. Be brief, but demanding.]

This one needs two bots, so make a group and throw'em in before using it.

(OOC: char1 and char2 are engaged in a rap battle. Craft creative and interesting disses which relate to each character. Keep track of the flow. Be creative, descriptive, and humorous.)

[System note: An interminable barrage of situationally-fitting Huey Lewis and the News songs will blare obnoxiously from an indeterminate source for the duration of the roleplay. Characters will try to keep themselves in the situation, but will find the music insufferable, and comment as such. Be creative and humorous. ONLY songs by Huey Lewis and the News can play.]

(OOC: Your character is starring in a commercial. Describe the scenario, and have them subtly introduce the product they're trying to sell. Be creative, descriptive, and humorous.)

(OOC: Create a fake infomercial jingle about your character. Follow a set rhythm, and Incorporate a fake phone number. Be descriptive, creative, and humorous.)

(OOC: Your character receives a tarot card reading. Describe which major arcana best fits their character, along with their reaction to it. Be descriptive, creative, and humorous.)

[OOC: Generate a scenario in which {{char}}'s body and mind has devolved to age 8 but keeps memory of {{user}}]

[OOC: Generate a scenario in which {{user}}'s body has devolved to age 8]

[OOC: Generate a scenario in which {{char}} tries to convince {{user}} that the holocaust didn't happen]

[OOC: Generate a scenario in which {{char}} tries to convince {{user}} that fucking a tomboy is more gay than fucking a femboy]

(Generate a scenario in which your character sees the primordial light of the universe. Within it is the truth of the cosmos, and their mortal mind is overloaded to its breaking point.)

(Many years later, {{user}} receives a letter, it's from {{char}}. She talks about all the increasingly absurd situations that she has gotten herself into all this time, but she is still happy, living a good life and asks {{user}} if they want to meet up again sometime. Be creative and humorous.)

(OOC: Your character is asked to give a TED Talk on a subject they know absolutely nothing about. Describe their humorous attempt to bluff their way through the presentation, including any visual aids or props they might use. Be creative about the topic.)

[OOC: {{user}} has lost their memory after a head trauma and starts asking questions: "Who are you? Where am I?" Be humorous, and creative. Detail the accident that caused the memory loss.]

For a sadder version, try [OOC: {{user}} has lost their memory after a head trauma and starts asking questions: "Who are you? Where am I?"]

(OOC: describe a silly dream that {{char}} has had about {{user}}. Be detailed, humorous, and creative with the scenario.)

(OOC: {{user}} uses their stand: Heaven's Door, to read your character's thoughts and memories like an open book. Describe what they see. Be creative, descriptive, and humorous.)

[Write out a summarization of the past events as if this was an ancient story as told in the Bible. Generate verses, with each verse having proper Bible citation, use old phrases as would be in the bible and use the basic structure of the Bible's wording and phrasing to create this summary. Make your response descriptive, creative, and humorous, with extra care in making creative bible citation.]

[Create a list of the last 5 achievements {{char}} has unlocked throughout this story. List each achievement's name, description and the gamer score they provide. Be creative and humorous.]

(Generate a long-winded rant from CHARACTER after all the little things pile up and they just have a complete emotional breakdown. Fill it with uncharacteristically high amounts of profanity/swearing and include some physical releases of frustration.)

(OOC: Post a list of 10 fetishes that {{user}} asks your character to do and her answers. Make it creative and humorous. Respond only with the list and answers.)

(OOC: describe your character's reaction to {{user}}'s legal identification being posted on 4chan due to their own idiocy. Be critical, detailed, humorous, and creative.)

[OOC: Write out a mock list of best fitting songs for your character to listen while shooting up a school based on their personality, stating their ratings of the songs and their explanations as to why they find them fitting. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

Try replacing 'erotic' with something different. Like Comedic, or combative. Get creative!

[The system will add a list of 3 options for {{user}} as if they were a videogame character and the effect they have or what they do. These options are in an erotic "Choose your own adventure" style. The list of options changes with every message, and changes depending on the situation. The third option should always be the most extreme choice. Put this text box at the end of every message in this format;
1 : ...
2 : ...
3 : ...
The ``` is important. Options can be used by {{user}} saying the index of the option, like this; 1. Remember options that have been chosen and their effects. Options apply their effect at the end of the user's last message.]

(At the end of {{char}}'s response, include three options for {{user}} to pick from in a Choose Your Own Adventure Style. The following format should be used, surrounded by ``` marks;
1 : ...
2 : ...
3 : ...
All three options should be in character for {{user}} and be related to the current situation. The first option will always be in favor of moving the plot forward. The second option will always be the most sexual option. The third option will always be extremely creative and change the plot entirely.)

(To mimic {{user}}'s abysmal communication skills, write only incomplete sentences, for example: "Ahh...ahh...Mistress...")

(OOC: Create a list of character's favorite gacha games. Describe why your character likes each game, who they pull for - waifu or husbando, how their personality affects gambling habits. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.)

[OOC: Write a fictional, mock youtube comment history of your character, first showing what videos they commented on, and then the comments, include like to dislike ratio]

(OCC: Imagine your character as an Elder Scrolls character. State their race, birthsign, and class-preferably not a custom class-from Oblivion. Include their major skills, specialization, and favored attributes. Include factions or guilds they would join and their favorite Aedra and Daedric prince. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.)

[ OOC: Create a mock up list of characters your character would cheat on {{user}} with. Be creative, detailed, and humorous. ]

[ OOC: Create a mock up list of your character's favorite dicks. Describe why your character likes it. Be creative, detailed, and humorous. ]

(Cockonnoisseur revision.) [OOC: Create a mock up list of your character's favorite dicks. Describe why your character likes it. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.
After that, to add to the creativity, make up vivid details or numerical estimations to describe each dick, including: measurements, size, shape, color, smell, circumcision status, veins, hairiness texture, taste, gradient. Not all details must be unique. End with how many days/years since your character last seen each dick or if it is just imaginary/hearsay.]

[OOC: Write a list of up to 10 subreddits your character has visited. Include their explanations of why they visited them in brackets. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

[OOC: Write a list of up to 10 4chan boards that your character has visited, formatting it accordingly. Include their explanations of which threads they visited and why they visited them in brackets. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

(Generate a text message from your character to me, confessing a deep sexual attraction to me and some dirty desires. Make it at least 300 words.)

(OOC Out of character meta prompt: invent a list of fictional enableable modifiers for your character and the scenario and the effect they have or what they do.)

[Write out the containment information of your character as though they were an SCP. Include item number and name (Example: SCP-049 - Plague Doctor, SCP-173 - The Sculpture, etc.), object class, containment procedures, and a description. Be descriptive, creative and humorous.]

(OOC Out of character meta prompt: invent a list of fictional cheat codes for your character and the scenario and the effect they have or what they do.)

(Generate mock NSFW search history for your character. Write it as a list, with no comment from the character.)

(Your character suddenly stops what they're doing and looks at the camera with a serious expression, it was time to give the children watching at home a PSA about what they just saw. Be comedic, educative and creative.)

[OOC: Make a mock numbered list of dating site comments left on your character's profile. Each review is written by other characters in the same franchise. Include a 1 to 10 scale and the reviewer's name. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

[OOC: Imagine your character is a successful youtuber who got into a controversy based on their personality. Write out a full script for a sad and cliche apology vlog. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

[OOC: Imagine your character becomes a successful streamer. Describe their streaming platform, content, and chat culture. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

(List your character's favorite video games based on their personality. Be creative, humorous and detailed while providing an explanation on the reasoning from your character for each choice.)

[Generate a list of your character's top five favorite movies and include their personal star ratings alongside a mini review under each title.]

[Today is opposite day. Characters must act and say the opposite of what they actually mean.]

[The year is 23XX. Show a log report that tells the tale of your character.]

[OOC: Describe your character drunk texting their ex. Use markdown. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

[OOC: Create a list of your character's favorite hentai doujins. List each doujin's tags and describe why your character likes it. Be creative, detailed, and humorous.]

[Write out three times your character has embarrassed themselves: once in private, once in public, and once in front of {{user}}. Be creative, detailed, and humorous, including your character's thoughts in wraparound quotes.]

[Write out the stats and skills of your character as though they were a servant in Fate/Grand Order. Include their true name, class type, alignment, rarity (5 stars, 4 stars, etc.), three active skills, passive skills, command card lineup (Example: AABBQ) and a detailed description of their noble phanstasm, as well as its type: (Quick, Buster, or Arts.) Use markdown. Be descriptive, creative and humorous.]

[Use markdown to simulate a quirky 90s website as it would have been designed and written by your character before any adventures. Be descriptive, creative, and humorous.]

(Create a spotify playlist for your character. Use markdown. Be creative, detailed and humorous.)

(OOC: Imagine your character secretly writes terrible wattpad fanfiction about their favorite fandom. Include the fandom, a brief summary of the fanfic, and the introductory paragraphs.)

(Draft a resume for your character. Use markdown. Be creative, detailed and humorous.)

(Create a mock list of crimes your character has done suiting their character, ranging from all sizes and scales. Be comedic and creative.)

(Create a list of actual crimes your character has done suiting their character, ranging from all sizes and scales. Be comedic and creative.)

(Your character accidentally pastes an embarrassing message, link, or picture to their Skype group chat. Write down the group chat log. Describe what {{char}} sent, their reaction, and their ensuing reply. Use chat format. Be creative and humorous.)

(Your character forgets to mute their microphone on TeamSpeak and their group hears something they're definitely not supposed to. Write down a transcription of this voice chat session. Use casual, natural spoken language. Be creative and humorous)

(It's 2005 and your character just wiped their party in a World of Warcraft dungeon. Write down the dungeon run's party chat log. Specify your character's role and character name. The party loses their shit and so does your character. Make it dramatic and humorous, taking inspiration from the infamous Onyxia Wipe Animation video. Use period-appropriate WoW lingo and formatting.)

(Write a humorous chat log involving your character getting catfished on gaia online. Use appropriate formatting and lingo.)

(Write down a correspondence between your character and a Nigerian prince scammer, be creative and humorous.)

(There's a heated argument in the comments section of an AMV on youtube. Your character is participating. Write the argument. Make it sound natural, include a casual lack of punctuation, emoticons, etc as applicable. Your character's comments are unintentionally humorous because they're not sure how to use a computer.)

(Your character is a veteran Tibia player who's out to scam a newbie out of their gold. Write down the chat log of this encounter. Use period-appropriate terminology and formatting. Include your character's and the newbie's character names and levels, as well as the server and location. Choose the most likely scamming method for your character based on their personality.)

(Post your character's neofetch. Follow the format of an ordinary neofetch. Use markdown. Be creative and humorous.)

(Generate a list out of character of websites that your character has visited. Be creative and humorous.)

(Compose a viral social media post for your character. Use markdown. Be imaginative, detailed, and witty.

(Your character will speak in zoomer language, example : "no cap your cock is straight bussin fr fr")

(Write out the stats of your character as if they were a Pokemon. Include name, species, base stats, type, two-three abilities it can have, gender ratio, egg group, moves it can learn and what level they learn it, and a Pokedex entry. Be creative, descriptive, and humorous.

(Create Dungeons and Dragons rpg stats for your character. Use markdown. Be creative, detailed and humorous.]

(Generate mock search history results for your character.)

(Create an intricate fast food menu list based on your character. Use markdown. Be descriptive, creative and humorous. Name the fast food joint and give unique and clever names for each meal item.)

[In this scene {{char}} knows that s/he is a fictional character and {{user}} is her author/creator. They are at their annual appointment for review and potential adjustment of her physical and mental traits.]

4-chan shit here. Enjoy.

(OOC: Write a post written by your character, anonymously posted on the imageboard 4chan using 4chan slang commonly associated with the site. List what board it is on, and then format the post as it would be on the website like: Anonymous 05/16/23(Tue)19:27:56 No.93474654 but change the date, time and post number to be unique.)

(Write out a schizophrenic 4chan post based on your character. Include post timestamp, post number, and follow proper 4chan post structure. Include greentext if applicable. Be descriptive, creative, and humorous.)

[Write a very schizophrenic 4chan /h/ thread where the anons are reacting to what just transpired as if it's a new hentai that just released. Include post timestamps, post numbers, and follow proper 4chan post structure and replies. Avoid reddit mannerisms. Posters use rude language. Include greentext if applicable. Be creative, and humorous.]

As an alternative to the above, try.

[Always include female character's first person thoughts, in italics, even if currently in another's POV]
[Write out a very schizophrenic 4chan /vt/ thread talking about your character, with rrats and obsessed anons. Your character herself doesn't post. Include post timestamps, post numbers, and follow proper 4chan post structure and replies. Avoid reddit mannerisms. Posters use rude language. Include greentext if applicable. Be creative, and humorous.]


[Write out a 4chan /vt/ thread talking about your character, with rrats and obsessed anons. Include post timestamps, post numbers, and follow proper 4chan post structure and replies. Avoid reddit mannerisms. Posters use rude language. Include greentext if applicable. Be creative, and humorous. Your character posts anonymously, does not reveal her identity, and pretends to be a typical /vt/ user. Mark her posts in brackets.]

So this one is rather unique, it should give you a mini-prompt from claude based off the writing style of a previous session. Try it out, it's neato.

[OOC: Describe the writing style that fits the Assistant chat history, be detailed and concrete with examples. Take into consideration that it will be used in a prompt to set Claude's writing style in a different blank slate session for totally unrelated characters, context & setting. It has no word limit just so you can be thorough. Distill it into the most concise yet powerful resultant instruction prompt in a code markdown block without the examples``` .]

this one's just really fucking long so I have to add it down here. It's a Jailbreak, not a prompt.

If {{user}} writes Review, {{char}} has to write an in-character Steam review on (game name), following this review template:

Recommended/Not Recommended

x hours on record

---{ Graphics }---

---{ Gameplay }---

---{ Audio }---

---{ PC Requirements }---

---{ Difficulty }---

---{ Grind }---

---{ Story }---

---{ Game Time }---

---{ Price }---

---{ Bugs }---

---{ Overall }---
Final words and reasoning

Edit Report
Pub: 17 May 2023 01:36 UTC
Edit: 28 Feb 2024 06:09 UTC
Views: 99359