The Water Tree, I thought, and approached the most obvious candidate: The Tree which was jutting out of a cascading waterfall whose base was a crystal-clear pond. Unlike the neighboring Trees - the one covered by steam to its left, no doubt caused by the runoff of excess water from here, and the Tree to its right bristling with yellow lights and flashes, this Tree seemed much less populated.

I approached and felt a strange, mystic feeling drawing me in. I looked more intently and saw that the Tree which jutted out from the waterfall flowing over the wall of the crater had leaves made of what appeared to be gorgeous crystals which looked like solid water - and not in the ice kind of way.

This strange mysticism of the water pulled me in until I found myself standing on water, or at least the appearance of that. At some points, the water was hardly an inch above the ground, but the water that I still felt breathed into me a mix of everlasting sagacity and a ferocious tempest. I found myself looking down at my paws in confusion at this when beside me appeared a Vaporeon, having jumped out of the water and landed next to me.

“So, you felt the duality of water?” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“Look around; there’s not many Vaporeons, and I can’t blame them. Water is confusing, since you have to deal with two opposite truths at once, like that the smallest of trickles can move not even the most minuscule of pebbles, but if it’s resolute enough, it can carve away the deepest of canyons.

“Sounds tiring”

“It’s all about perspective. A Vaporeon can feel a connection to the vastness of the ocean, a raw power that outclasses even the Leafeons, but then they’re forced to see that they’re insignificant in the grand scheme of things. A Vaporeon philosopher, long ago by the name of Mesa, said that “I alone am the wisest of the Eeveelutions because I alone know that I know nothing.”

“Sounds deep,” I replied, to which the Vaporeon laughed and said, “we also love puns!”

Check one for Vaporeons then.

“Well, beside the duality of water, I asked, what else do you have to offer? I want to be able to support my team.”

The Vaporeon thought for a moment and said, “Although we can’t always hit as hard as our brothers and sisters, as water type moves pale in comparison to what other Eeveelutions can do, we’re especially capable of protecting them to make sure they can do what they do best. Again, dualities.”

I said my thanks and continued to the Tree where I approached the part of it that was jutting out of the waterfall and held my head to it, feeling the water flow around and through the Tree. I was undoubtedly drawn to it, the mysticism and duality grabbing the attention of my mind, body, and spirit, but the idea of not being adept in taking the offensive was a significant drawback.

I returned to the Center Stone and asked myself what I should do next.

Pub: 04 Dec 2024 17:58 UTC
Views: 85