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About this Guide

The goal of this guide used to be to help people who wanted to archive VoDs but didn't know how. It's lengthy, but I tried to include all the information that I could think of to make it as comprehensive and easy-to-understand as possible. The goal was to make something that anyone, even those with no knowledge about video archiving or the proper terms, could understand. I learned everything myself through Google, but I thought this guide would be helpful to anyone who wanted to archive VoDs.

Content Link Description
Vod Archival Guide Google Docs

Ways to contact me if needed:

If you have questions or need help with anything you can usually find me in the /vt/ IRC ( under the name "nyarchivist".


Pub: 08 May 2023 15:01 UTC
Edit: 31 Mar 2024 11:28 UTC
Views: 3919