Naming Conventions public resource

A question I see asked a lot is "how do you come up with names for people/places from your nation?", which is of course an important question, and is especially vital if you're writing a work that involves a character from another nation. It would be quite immersion breaking, for example, to find a KFP named "Krzysztof Kurwazyszastowicz" when you're fairly certain that KFP naming conventions don't allow for nearly that many z's.
As a result I'm creating this rentry as a joint resource where information on the naming conventions and cultural conventions to allow for ease of access.

Anyone who wishes to have their nations naming conventions, cultural dispositions, may link this rentry in a post, or reply to a post by this Rentry's author (Mountain Enjoyer) to have their naming conventions written here for public use

Naming Conventions in the Takanashi Kaisereich (/KFP/)

Standard German/Austrian. however Norwegian and Yiddish names are acceptable as well, however as a general rule they have to be adapted to sound phonetically German. If you ever feel it's not KFP enough, just throw in an ö or two.
Note that KFP names are often representative of the class of the person who has them. "von", as well as any especially long/fancy sounding surname, should be reserved for Fönixid nobles. Pölitid names are generally pretty simple, and are rarely more than two syllables in length.

Naming Conventions in the Serene Republic of Nasfaqg

In general: Victorian England style names.
However, as the citizenry is multi-ethnic, aspects of other nation's naming conventions may make their way into Nasfaqgian names.
For example, a nasfaqgian citizen who can trace their roots to KFP may have a name such as "Edward Kükenberg", and a nasfaqgian pomudachi could be named "Hans Pomu Steelwright".
The Ka-ti Mak have unique names, which take the form of Kat Nol phrases and compound words, mostly referring to nature, numbers, wealth, trading, or money. The Ka-ti Mak do not always have surnames. For example, "Serpher" translating to "Silverhand" would be a valid Ka-ti Mak name.

Naming Conventions in the Republic of Owl (/Who/)

Names should be a mix of French, Russian and British. Though more English(West Atlantic), German, or Latin sounding names should also be acceptable as immigration is a factor in the lore. Names that are constructed using the Holo-dhennet language is always welcomed, same as the conlang alphabet. As always things are subject to change, though due to factors like immigration it's relatively liberal.
Names should be a mix of French, Russian and British. Though more English(West Atlantic), German, or Latin sounding names should also be acceptable as immigration is a factor in the lore. Names that are constructed using the Holo-dhennet language is always welcomed, same as the conlang alphabet. As always things are subject to change, though due to factors like immigration it's relatively liberal.

Naming Conventions of the Yectic Teocuacayotl (/meat/)

For cultural/ethnic natives: Traditional names are of the Norse-Nahuatl pidgin. Though the system is flexible.
Some made it [Norse root]+[Nahuatl suffixes]

Aelfa+tl (ᚨᛖᛚᚠᚨᛏᛚ)
Styr+coatl (ᛊᛏᛁᚱᚲᛟᚨᛏᛚ)

While some went for [Nahuatl root] + [Norse suffixes]

Xoc+hildr (Xᛟᚲᚺᛁᛚᛞᚱ)
Zolin+iskr (ᛉᛟᛚᛁᚾᛁᛊᚲᚱ)

As for formatting it is
Name + Patronym [Mazajeger Erikson, Itzfrey Tlallidotir] (ᛗᚨᛉᚨᛃᛖᚷᛖᚱ ᛖᚱᛁᚲᛊᛟᚾ, ᛁᛏᛉᚠᚱᛖᛁ ᛏᛚᚨᛚᛚᛁᛞᛟᛏᛁᚱ)
Because of the religious activities, foreign converts and pilgrims can be found all over the land. Converts who immigrated over would keep their names as the people of /meat/ only judge based of religion, not culture. So if they have non-native names that's a sign they are religious converts or descended from them.

Naming Convention in Moriji (Morig)

Should sound Japanese, Roman, or a weird Mix of the two. Rarely, USA-esque first names may be encountered.
Unless you're close to the person, if your interlocutor has some kind of title, it will be used instead of their name. "Holy Ghost", "Captain", "Priestess".

Pub: 09 Sep 2022 12:13 UTC
Edit: 09 Sep 2022 18:41 UTC
Views: 333