Tourist Guide to Peninsular Warung Kopi

The purpose of this guide is to provide some basic information and semblance in the chaos that is this region.

ID Peninsula



Wilwakitka Empire

The oldest, most wealthy, most powerful and most stable of the Warung Kopi, Wilwakita has existed now since for nearly 400 years of rule (From 758) with minor interruptions. However, the have lost land in the process to Mangkutanans, Pakkati, and Bajawani states. Not to mention the loss of the vital Manipakat Peninsula (Bergazeet) to the Tsukinode Empire.

  • Powerful Army and Navy.
  • Large population supported by a strong agricultural sector.
  • Strong Fortifications
  • Lacks many of the "warlord bandit" problems that the rest face.
  • Autocracy.
  • Caste System
  • Strong economy
    • Great Agricultural sector that grows plenty of food, and cash crops
    • Great Lumber Industry which also provides some valuable goods like Rubber, Cocoa, and Fine Tropical Wood
    • Mining is limited, with a few small iron and copper mines
    • Good Secondary sector that takes advantage of its natural resources
    • Trade sector that is flourishing
    • Slavery is a backbone of the economy.
  • Diplomatic goals:
    • Bring the Kingdom of Pakka, which seceded c.a. 980, back under either direct control or vassalage.
    • Restore control over the Bungaya Region from the Bajawani
    • Subdue the Mangkutana Sultanate as a vassal with reduced lands
    • Reconquer the Manipakat after the former are accomplished.

Kingdom of Pakkat

A state in great trouble, not due to internal issues, but external forces from 3 sides. (Wilwakitka Empire, Pontianak Sultanate and to a lesser extent, the Bajawa Sultanate.) A terrible defeat suffered in 1122 against the Pontianaki resulted in the loss of Indarasabak and Nyurang. Pleading with the Zetan Republic for support as of now, but if that fails will likely try to submit to the Wilwakitkani. Became independent in 977.

  • Feudal Levy Army with small corps of professionals and tiny navy
  • Strong Fortifications guarding its capital.
  • Agrarian Society
  • Facing financial problems and potential hyperinflation
  • Feudal Kingdom with some vassals that are unreliable
  • High population density
  • Warlords are now becoming a problem along with bandits
  • On the verge of destruction, its life expectancy is less that 15 years.
  • Diplomatic Goals
    • Survive

Mangkutana Sultanate

The Mangkutana Sultanate in many ways embodies the popular image of the Warung Kopi to the world. Disorganized, chaotic, and filled with many warlords that nominally declare their ruler to the Sultan as they rape his land. The Sultans have over the years decided to embrace this chaos for his own advantage by giving the warlords legitimacy as feudal vassals and allowing them to not only target each other but more importantly the neighbors of the Sultanate, in exchange for a share of the loot. This loot is used to keep the regions around the capital of Mangkutana and Jambi stable and prosperous compared to the rest of the realm. The Sultanate has also fully embraced piracy and is the biggest haven of Pirates in the Peninsula by far. It is state sanctioned, and even the Navy itself engages it in. Founded in 1064.

  • Feudal Pirate and Raider Kingdom, that has fully embraced the chaos.
  • While the rest of the Sultanate is chaotic, the royal regions around Jambi and Mangkutana are wealthy, prosperous and well defended. "Let the warlords fight over scraps while we prosper."
  • Warlords are effectively charismatic mercenary captains and their forces are strong. The Royal Army is made up of levies with the nobles making up the cavalry.
  • The economy is based on raiding, slavery but also agriculture. Cash crops are largely absent given the lack of trading partners.
  • It's survival is dependant on its own warlords causing problems for their neighbors and the strong fleet guarding their royal regions
  • Population is dense around the royal regions but the jungles of the rest of the nation are natural barriers and help keep the Kingdom safe.
  • Allied with the Bajawani
  • Diplomatic Goals
    • Prevent the Wilwakitka and outside powers from ever threatening them.

Bajawa Sultanate

A strong and powerful state that faces the greatest threat to the Warung Kopi, the Tsukiyama Kingdom, and is constantly fighting it. It's current strong Sultan, Mughayat Girilaya, has managed under his now 26-year reign to save the state from certain collaspe and turn the tables in some ways against the Tsukiyami. Over his reign, he has managed to wrangle the most powerful warlords to become loyal vassals, halt northern expansion from the Tsukiyami, rebuild the bureaucratic structure and solve some of the economic issues that the Sultanate once had. With his heir, Cakrabuana, showing great promise as a commander and a ruler, the Sultanate seems to have a good future despite many issues that still face it. Founded in 1021.

  • Semi-Feudal Monarchy
  • Plagued by warlords and bandits in large pockets deep in the jungle.
  • Large Army and Decent Navy. Army is made up of levies, mercenaries and feudal "Zamindar", which are landed men that are excellent cavalry.
  • Recovering Economy:
    • Strong Agricultural base that is steadily being brought back to life under the Zamindari system.
    • Strong Logging industry with many tropical woods and rubber.
    • Strong Mining industry that is the backbone of the economy, which in particular has a large gold, silver and gem industry.
    • In need of growth in the secondary sector, especially for iron working.
    • Slavery is a backbone of the economy.
  • Caste System
  • Large population but lacks population density.
  • Concept of Holy Wars religiously has arisen
  • Diplomatic goals:
    • Drive out the infidels to the south.

Pontianak Sultanate

A small but powerful state with a martial spirit. It has existed since 763, and despite many powers around them attacking them, they have endured while they have fallen. She is looking to fill the power vacuum emerging to the south and north with the declining Kingdom of Pakka and Rantauprapat Sultanate offering opportunities for expansion. Known as the "Tiger of the Emas", her warriors are famed for their spirit, ferocity and heart, which is why they are "Tigers". She also is known to be a menacing raider state that terrorizes the Zetans and Lusitanians from time to time, with periods of peace and trade also existing between her and those two states.

  • Stratocracy lead by her Sultan. The Sultan's skill as a warrior is what gives him authority and the son with the most martial prowess becomes the heir.
  • Doesn't really suffer from warlords considering that the state itself is practically a warlord state, bandits deep in the jungle do exist and cause problems
  • Powerful army renown for its fighting prowess.
  • Stability largely depends on two factors: the bloodlust of her warriors being satisfied and her Sultan being a warrior prince.
  • Economy that is largely self sufficent for her needs in all sectors and reliant on slaves for much of the manual labor.
    • Good Agriculture sector, based around the farms of her warriors and their slaves.
    • Good Logging Industry, sharing many of the qualities of other states.
    • Strong mining industry that provides the state with the metals it needs for its bloodlust
    • Adequate Secondary Sector, that meets the demands of her people
    • Trade between her and other powers is frequent but also depends if she is on a warpath
  • Warrior Caste System
  • Moderate Population
  • The "Righteoussness of War" is integral to the state.
  • Diplomatic goals:
    • Absorb the entirety of Pakka, and take over Rantauprapat up to Lake Merah
    • War

Rantauprapat Sultanate

The most instable state in Warung Kopi that has almost no power over the lands it controls. It is rather young, being founded in 1101, but has fallen into disunity immediately and is dominated by warlords and bandits. Her fate was sealed before she was born by the Tsukiyami, but she still struggles on. The Sultan himself is effectively the ruler of his capital and the surrounding regions, with powerful warlords known as Panglima Perang Agung ruling most of the nation. Should they ever decide to get rid of the figurehead, the state will cease to exist. It certainly doesn't help when the Tsukiyami and Pontianaki look over her with lustful eyes.

  • No real power from government, ruled by Warlords
  • The armies of the warlords keep the borders safe, but they also fight each other even more.
  • nearly total anarchy in some regions, while the most stability can be found in those that the Panglima Perang Agung control.
  • Has a good economic base with farming and mining, but this base is largely in disrepair. Famines have killed many in recent years.
  • Moderate Population
  • Diplomatic Goals:
    • Effectively none, the state exists in name only and the Sultan knows this; awaiting the day when he is overthrown and is even considering fleeing.

Pub: 01 Jan 2023 11:53 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2023 13:40 UTC
Views: 301