Butter ER guide

By: Butter#2252 at discord
Currently maintained by: Rafe#5610 (please pong me if there's any suggestions or things you want added)

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This is the ER FAQ
By: @!160396094717689856


Please check our builds in rentry.org/hi3er


For Butter's ER bug list, please refer to this message:

Things that got buffed in 5.6 ER:
I will be updating this list as I go along


ER eggs have been reset. This is normal

IMG enemies have more Hp.
Husk has more hp.
Storm Templars lost some hp.
Immortal blades were not nerfed.
New mobsets now allow us to see more IMG mobs paired up with QUA enemies.
Boss elyisa was buffed slightly to do more damage.
Boss mobius is the same
A lot of enemies got 20% hp increase.

Reason for the buffs is most likely because we now have a higher damage ceiling. Remember once we get signet of stars we should see this stop being a bigger issue


Raven gets stuck in the darkness.

ER locks you out of events.

Support HB does not list in its description that it will also buff other elements

Su core 1 and core 2 are bugged with targeting. Core 1 can now miss sometimes when it tries to hit an IMG mob. Core 2 may target the core of an IMG even if the core is protected leading to no extra damage.

ER changes:

Difficulties have changed and here are their values:

  • 1D Void = 90D
  • 2D Shroud = 100D
  • 3D Inferno = 110D
  • 4D Submergence = 120D
  • 5D Abstinence = 130D
  • 6D Corruption = 140D
  • 7D Finality = 150D

From: Starlight#9581

If your ER episode completion of chapter 1 and 2 isn’t 100%, despite already having played the story and unlocking all cutscenes, it’s because you haven’t done all dialogues with the flamechasers in the lobby. To trigger those, redo shallow sequence up to F5 over and over while going to the lobby to talk to them after every run
Starlight image of chapter progress
Starlight image of lobby

Major typos


The following are mistranslation or typos of signets in the game or effects: (Update: One typo still not fixed after Hoyo's post saying they were fixed)

The top one should say “enemies take less damage the further they are away from the Valkyrie starting at 5m”

Deal less damage typo

Optimal core building in ER:

ER question 1: What is the best way to build cores?
This will take optimal run pathing. By @!160396094717689856


SoDC (L): Signet of Desired Choice (letter to differentiate when building another core)

ESoDC (L): Enhanced Signet of Desired Choice (letter to differentiate what core the enhanced belongs to)

Single core building:
F1: +1 Elysia
F2: +1 SoDC (A)
F3: +1 SoDC (A)
F4: +1 SoDC & Core (A) / +2 SoDC & Core (A)
F5: +1 ESoDC (A)
F6: +1 SoDC (B)
F7: +1 SoDC (B) / +2 SoDC & Core (B)
F8: +1 SoDC (B) & Core / +1 ESoDC (B)
F9: +1 ESoDC (B) / +1 SoDC (C)
F10 Shop: buys +1 SoDC (C) (this is treated as a +0) upgrades +2 ~ +4 / upgrades +3 ~ +6
F11: +1 SoDC (C) / +2 SoDC & Core (C)
F12: +1 SoDC & Core (C) / +1 ESoDC (C)
F13: +1 ESoDC (C) / +1 ESoDC (A or B or C)
F14 Shop: upgrades +1 ~ +2 / upgrades +1 ~ +2
F15: +1 ESoDC (A or B or C) / +2 ESoDC (A or B or C)
F16: nothing
F17: nothing
Worst total gain: 16 +3
Best gain: 20 +8
Average gain range: 18 +5 ~ 18 +6
Average of range: 18 +5 (we round down)

Multi core building:
F1: +1 Elysia
F2: +1 SoDC (A)
F3: +1 SoDC (A)
F4: +1 SoDC (B) / +2 SoDC (B)
F5: +1 SoDC (A) & Core / +1 SoDC (B) & Core
F6: +1 SoDC (B) / +1 SoDC (A)
F7: +1 SoDC (B) & Core; +2 SoDC (B) & core / +1 SoDC (A) & core; +2 SoDC (A) & core
F8: +1 SoDC (C)
F9: +1 SoDC (C)
F10 Shop: upgrades +3 ~ +6
F11: +1 SoDC (C) & core / +2 SoDC & core
F12: +1 ESoDC (A or B or C)
F13: +1 ESoDC (A or B or C)
F14 Shop: upgrades +1 ~ +2
F15: +1 ESoDC (A or B or C) / +2 ESoDC (A or B or C)
F16: nothing
F17: nothing
Worst total gain: 16 +4
Best total: 20 +8
Average: 18 +6

As you can see, multi-core building just barely beats single-core building and it’s only by the shop upgrades. Now, the strength of multi-core building is that if it does fail it’s doubles, it can instead work on the other core which would be on the same effect as if they had won their double. It’s also a lot more flexible after floor 11 since you now have your three main cores.

When to visit shop:

ER runs pathing question 2: At what points do I go to shop?
By: @!160396094717689856

Going to shop in ER to upgrade signets or buy new ones may seem like a good thing to do at the soonest opportunity, however it’s not. You see, it’s highly advised that you visit shop once you have 7 signets that can be upgraded -- which usually means after floor 7. The reason why this is recommended is due to that fact that going to shop is an immediate -1 to signet trade. Now the reasoning behind this is that in the ER shop you have 7 upgrade slots for signets. If you have only 4 signets with only 3 of them able to be upgraded, you are wasting both a signet that could be gained and 3 upgrade slots, not to mention that it takes over 300 coins to upgrade a signet to max. What this basically means is that you are losing a -3 in signet trade.

So when should I go to shop?
It’s normally advised to go to shop at either floor 9 or floor 10, and then one last time at floor 14. This is because at floor 9 you would have enough to max 3 signets and at this shop here -- if you have been building right -- there is no signet loss. For floor 10 shop, it’s because you can both change your sigil to get the door you want for the floor 11 double, and also max 3 signets or +2 6 signets. Finally, the reasoning for floor 14 is because it’s the last shop stage before floor 16, and here you are able to max 1 signet full from level 0 or max 2 signets that were already +2. Another reason is if you are missing one last signet needed you can switch to home lost and try to get the last signet since this is your last shop anyways.

Phyllis random support buff:
New to 5.6: when not playing as phyllis, there is a random chance that she will appear at any shop stage and give you a 20% discount

Felis in shop dialogue

Felis in shop waiting

Felis in shop sale

What is Coring:

ER Run Question 3, What Amount of Cores Should I Have?:
By: @!160396094717689856

When doing an ER run or asking for help with ER, you might hear the word "Core" tossed around a lot. First, let's explain what a Core is. A Core or "Nexus Core Signet" is a special signet that you get for having 3 or more basic signets from the same FlameChaser. These are only given out when you complete a stage while having the conditions met above. These cores are very powerful and after obtaining a core you will unlock that core's specific enhanced signets.

As of 5.6 there are 17 cores, with some FlameChasers having 2 cores (Kevin, Eden, Kalpas, Su, Sakura, Mobius, and Hua). The only FlameChaser to not have any cores is Elysia. When obtaining a core from a FlameChaser who has multiple cores you can only choose one of the cores, and you will only receive that core's related enhanced. e.i. I pick Hua core 2 (Suffering Mass), this locks me to only getting the enhanced signets of Go With the Flow, Broken Dreams, and Worldly Troubles.

Here is a picture illustrating the naming scheme using Su as an example:
Slothkun's Su cores picture

From the photo, Su core 1 (Su 1) is the first choice. This is the nexus core called Maxim of Bodhi. The second nexus core (Su 2) is the other choice called Dictum of Bodhi.

Now let's talk about what amount of cores you should be using.

In a normal ER run you can obtain a maximum of 20 signets (Elysia, shop bought and cores excluded) this means you can effectively run a Tri-core build or a Quad-core build. Now a #-core build refers to how many cores are used in a build, with Tri being 3 and Quad being 4. As a general rule of thumb, the more cores or enhanced signets you have, the stronger a build will be. A tri-core usually runs a 6, 6, 6 with some filler while a quad-core will usually run a 5, 5, 5, 5 with less filler. This means:

  • Tri-core have more filler room, and more enhanced per core.
  • Quad-core has more core synergy and more reliable building.

These combinations (6,6,6 & 5,5,5,5) refer to the amount of signets collected on each core.

Which is better?
Overall, a quad-core build will be stronger than a tri-core build because the quad-core build has more cores, which will synergize with the other cores collected. This does not mean a tri-core build is a bad build, as they can still compete with quad-core builds.

What is signet trading:

ER Question 4: What is signet trading?
By: @!160396094717689856

Let's first define what "signet trading means". Signet trading or Gained to Max Potential (GtMP) is a term used to represent how many signets gained versus the max potential signets obtained. If we break down an ER run, the maximum possible amount of signets obtained (shop is skipped, Elysia excluded, all doubles won and filler excluded) is 20 max. Each floor in ER (excluding shop floors, floor 16 and floor 17), are at the very least a +1 to signet trading, with winning doubles being a +2.

What does it look like?
Let's look at the following: say you building Kevin core and you have 2 signets so far from Kevin, with it now being a double floor. If you win the double, you get two signets and the core, making this a +3. If you lose the double, you get one signet and the core, making this a +2. In the scenario where you lose the double, you would say overall you lost one from GtPM.

Now lets talk about shop and its special case:

Shop is always a 0 or a negative trade since you give up the chance to get a signet and the potential to get a core. Now there are ways to make this a +1 or a neutral trade. We can do that by either upgrading owned signets to at least +2 or higher, or buying 2 signets from the shop. This will always be true -- even if you have a shop discount -- as while in shop you can never get a core. Now, the shop can be a big negative if it's taken before floor 9 or 10. The reasoning behind this is cause of low money and not full upgrade slots.

Why should you care?

The reason you should care is because the less signets you have, the less powerful your build will be. Remember, ER is a game mode that is not heavily gear dependent, instead its signet dependent. The less signets and cores you have, the worse your build will be, and it also means having trouble clearing higher difficulties in ER.

What buffs should I get from signets:

ER Question 5: What buffs should I take from signets?
By: @!160396094717689856

In ER there are many types of buffs given from signets, they range from total damage, total damage taken, breach, damage type, type counter, attack type, combo, debuffs, independent modifiers, sp regen, sp gain, cool down reduction, HP increase, HP regeneration, and coins increased. Now lets get the major thing out of the way and that is buff order.

What is the buff obtaining order?

The most rare buffs in honkai should be obtained first before the more common ones, with independent modifiers always taking priority before others. The order is:
Independent > Total damage taken > Breach > damage type > total damage = sp regen = debuffs = damage mitigation > total damage reduction.

Explaining why you should pick different buffs
In ER the most common buffs you will see are total damage, damage type increase, and breach. If you take the same buffs over and over again, you get less returns due to the damage formula. This is why independent modifiers -- buffs like total damage of burst modes increased, vulnerabilities, and type counter damage -- are all buffs that stack, as they're separate modifiers. Total damage taken is a rare buff that very few valks have in their kit, and its mostly found on stigmatas, weapons, or signets. This is why it's higher up on the list. Now you may be wondering, "Why did they put breach up so high if its a common buff?" the answer to that is due to the fact that breach is very rare to come by in base valk kits -- and even then -- it's a low amount.

Why should you care

This again has to do with damage. Even if you have 200% total damage you're going to do a lot less than having 50% total damage, 50% damage type, 50% total damage taken, and 50% breach. Again, the more different buffs you have, the more damage you have. In ER you want to do the most damage to beat floors, so if you getting the same buffs you are not doing the best damage.

What is signet synergy:

ER Question 6: What is signet synergy?
By: @!160396094717689856

Signet synergy is a term used to describe how well signets (including their cores) interact with other signets or the valk's kit. Lets go over a few examples of ways signets can synergize with others.

Ways of synergizing

Ever noticed how some signets share the same activation? Take a look at how the signet of stars lists ulting, weapon active and evasion skills. This means in addition to activating the signet of stars paint buffs, you can also activate the signet that proc via the same action (ulting with Kevin, Kosma, Phyllis, and Eden; weapon active with Vill V; and evading with Sakura, Phyllis, and Kosma).

Now, another way for synergy to happen is by one signet supporting another. If we look at Eden who revolves around sp, then any signet that gives sp would work with her. This is why whenever you see Eden, you will also see a battery for her signets (Kevin, Su, Sakura and Aponia).

Now, not only does synergy come from other signets, it can also come form the valk's kit. For example, FK's best signets are Griseo, Kalpas, and Sakura. This is because FK will be at low HP due to her passive (same one that also allows her to heal), her evades proc their evasion skill passively, which makes Sakura easy to trigger, not to mention that when ulting to heal she would also trigger Griseo(including on her evade).

Lastly, Elfs can also synergize as well: take JWW healing for Kalpas core 2.

Does this matter?
In the end, signet synergy matters a lot in ER (unless you're Phyllis who is a special case) as its hard to win with signets that don't buff your kit at all or contradict with other signets like using discipline with Infinity, Helix, Stars, and Setsuna (Bodhi synergizes with Discipline as it makes one of the removal of load conditions unable to trigger again). A build that has more signets that synergize with each other and the valks own kit means the more damage it would do consistently.

What Signets synergize with who
As a last thing I will list the signets and who they have good synergy with (in no particular order).

  • Deliverance: Gold, Dicipline, Stars, Dawn, Empty Dreams, Bodhi.
  • ■■: Any as it depends on the valk.
  • Discipline: Deliverance, Bodhi, Gold, Vicissitude, Empty Dreams.
  • Gold: Deliverance, Bodhi, Discipline, Setsuna, Helix, Empty Dreams.
  • Helix: Gold, Bodhi, Dawn, Empty Dreams, Stars.
  • Decimation: Bodhi, Empty Dreams, Setsuna, Vicissitude.
  • Bodhi: All of the signets.
  • Setsuna: Gold, Vicissitude, Empty Dreams, Dawn, Stars, Bodhi.
  • Dawn: Stars, Bodhi, Empty Dreams.
  • Infinity: Bodhi, Summoned Entities.
  • Stars: Deliverance, Setsuna, Dawn, Empty Dreams, Gold, Helix, Bodhi.
  • Vicissitude: Empty Dreams, Setsuna, Decimation, Bodhi.
  • Empty Dreams: All of the signets.

Which support valks should I use:

ER Question 7: What Supports should I use?
By: @!160396094717689856

Each support can be classified into 4 main catagories:

Buffing: AE, SS, DP, BR
Utility: VC, BKE, LE
Hybrid: MA, HB, RC, SA

With that said, I'll now break them down into what type of damage they help with:

  • Phys: VC (ranged only), SS, SA, DP
  • Fire: VKE, MA
  • Ice: HB (gives all elemental as well, but mostly buffs ice)
  • Lightning: None (; - ; )
  • All elem: AE (buffs fire slightly more)
  • Special: BR (Total damage), RC (frozen enemies)
  • None: LE (sp only), BKE (shields you)

What to take away from this list?
Support valks in ER are helping, so its always good to take the two (or one) that helps your team the most.

Here I will list the best choices for what type you are using:
Physical - I would reccommend SS and DP if you cant impair, or BR for just more total damage. Once you unlock SA you will want to pair her with SS.

Fire: MA and AE are your best supports as they both do their ult, giving you the same effects in the regular game.

Ice: HB and AE are your best friends. The reason why we don't use RC is because it's not ice damage, but frozen enemy total damage.

Lightning: AE and HB, they apply all elemental damage which is needed here as we don't have a dedicated lightning support yet.

What about the other valks not listed?

To be fair, BKE is only used block one/some attacks for 3 seconds and to instantly fill heavy trauma. LE is used for the instant sp on use (which is great early on, but once you get a good sp battery you will switch her out). VKE is only used for her big damage. Lastly, VC -- while giving ranged physical damage -- is just used for gathering enemies.

I hope this helped you with picking your supports.

What to prioritize upgrading at shop:

ER Question 8: What to prioritize in upgrading in shop?
By: @!160396094717689856 | ER done hiatus at v5.7

This is the biggest question that we will be tackling, as this is very heavily debatable subject. So I will break each subject into its own part, with us first starting on talking about what shop has to offered

What does shop have to offer?

The shop in ER can be found on floors 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, and (in v5.7) floor 16. Shop offers a lot of things:

  • Can change your support valks,
  • Can change your support sigil & sigil of rememberance
  • Buy upgrades/signets
  • Healing

(phyllis is such a nice person) (^^).

Now while at the shop you can do some pretty cool tricks, like changing to a rate up sigil and then reset the portals and change back to the level up sigil. One last thing you can do is wait to let Empty Dream heal to full hp.

Upgrading signets

When upgrading singets, the best thing to do is to always follow the order from the buff order. Remember that most signets are good when they are either +2 or +3. Keep in mind though that it cost coins to upgrade, and to +2 a signet you need 185 coins. To +3 one signet you need over 300 coins (unless you're playing Phyllis). There are certain signets you want to max immediatly, those being: increase to a cap of some kind, more duration of a special mode, more combos, and any other signet that doesn't buff a value but instead buffs the ways of getting those buffs.

When you visit shop a second time, the 7 upgrade slots have a chance of changing. The chance decreases the more you upgrade a signet, with +2 signets having a high chance of being picked.

Buying signets

When buying signets from shop, you want to always remember that a new signet costs 229 coins and an enhanced costs over 300. It's random which signets will be in shop, but for the most part the shop will try to pick signets that you do not already own. The line-up changes each time you visit, with a small chance of seeing the same signet offered up twice.

Skipping shop

Skipping shop is actually advised for the early floors due to signet trading and you having a small amount of coins. Don't feel pressured into using up all your coins if you feel that you are good on upgrades and you know that you will visit shop one last time. You can save the rest of the coins for your second visit.

In-depth Signet trades at shop

When going to shop you always want to either buy two signets, or at least +2 two different signets or +3 one signet for shop to be an even trade. The reason why +1 signets don’t affect signet trading is that a +1 is very weak and, on its own, not worth the coins. Likewise a +3 is very expensive, and should only be done if it’s high on the buff priority list. In the middle we have +2, which cost less than buying a new signet and is one upgrade away from the max.

This was way too long just give me a summary


  • Follow the buff order from the “What buffs should I obtain?” FAQ
  • Don’t feel pressured to use all your coins
  • At least upgrade two signets to +2
  • Visit shop at least once.

How should I be leveling up my Diverging Paths:

ER Question 9: How should I upgrade my Diverging Paths?
By @160396094717689856

Diverging paths is made up of 4 Trees or "Paths". Those being Aegis, Wealth, Feast, and Combat. One thing to note is that once you have finished chapter 2, your diverging tree should be almost or completely finished. For those who just started ER, here is what to prioritize.

First Set Of Upgrades

You will want to max the first set of open upgrades with combat, then feast, then wealth, then last aegis being the priority. We max the first set of upgrades as this will allow you to get the first row of support valks and be 1 point away from the level 30 reward of getting to use 2 support valks.

Second Set Of Upgrades

When you start upgrading the second set, you will want to prioritize on maxing the upgrade in the Feast path called "Where Diverging Paths Meet" followed next by the Combat path upgrade "War: Bloodline". The reason we prioritze these two first before anything else is because they help you be able to clear harder floors easier. Going back to Feast, you next want to max "When Night Stars Shine" as your third. Returning back to Combat with maxing "War: Destruction", we then head to Wealth and you will want to either max or level both Joyous Greed and Ravenous Beacon to lvl 2. This set of upgrades help us collect our last damage type and help us save coins at phyllis shop. The last things to upgrade would be in Aegis, both "Stars, Light Our Path" and "Winds, Bring us Peace". These are needed just for us to survive longer. Now we get into the last part which is the level three upgrades.

Third Upgrade Set
Once unlocked, you will want to max Wealth "Entombed Greed" as this will help with maxing the rest of the upgrades. Now again, like the first set, you will max out all of combat, then all of feast, all of wealth, and lastly all of aegis.

I Hope this helped you as you play through ER and remember to read the rest of my FAQs.

How to use sigils of rememberance effectively:

ER question 10: How to use sigils of remembrance effectively
By: @!160396094717689856

A sigil of remembrance is a special item that provides good buffs. There are 4 distinct categories: rate up, support, core, and misc. There's over 40 sigils in the game so let's talk about each category first.

How to use rate-up sigils

Rate-up sigils were buffed in v5.6 to now double a single sigil appearance rate at the cost of lowering other sigils' rates (15% without, to 30% with and -10% for all others). These sigils are very important in early stages to help get a certain core faster. At shop, there is a neat technique to help you get a certain signet when leaving shop. You change to that signet's rate up sigil, reset the portal, and then switch back to whatever sigil you want.

How to use support sigils

In the game, there are 13 support sigils (14 with tin flask). These are “Forced” FlameChaser supports, which are sometimes weaker than their random counterpart. At the cost of being weaker, they are reusable and are always guaranteed. Another positive to using them is that they also give +1 level to that sigil's signets, which saves on coins for upgrades.

How to use core sigils

These are the other powerful sigils dealing with buffing or helping the signet's core. They range from a lot of effects, and they even give you +1 level when picking those signets. These are sometimes used at the start of runs to help save coins at shop.

What about misc sigils

These sigils are more or less not used, as they are outclassed by all other sigils. One can make a case for the universal sigil that gives max HP and max sp boost as a good sigil that can be used for cores.

Why should I care?

Main reason is because this is an important part in getting past stages, so if you don’t use it effectively you are hindering yourself.

Do I have to always win doubles:

ER question 11: Do I have to always win double
By: @!160396094717689856

The short answer

No, you don’t have to win every double or even all of them, it’s just better that you at least win 1 or 2 doubles per run as it will help make the run easier.

The long answer

When you complete a level you are rewarded coins based on how long it takes you, with the amount going down for each 30 seconds that pass until 2 minutes go by. Doubles essentially wants you to win within 80 seconds, which makes you get over 75 coins for beating the stage and earn two signets. 75 coins may not seem like a lot, but thats almost a +1 upgrade at shop. Remember that losing a double without getting core also makes the signet trade an effective +1 but you also lose out on extra coins. The good news: if you can at least win one or two doubles you will be able to make a netural trade in total for the run.

Which end of the run boss to fight:

ER Question 12: What end of run boss should I fight
By: @!160396094717689856

As of v5.6 there are 3 (4) end of the run boss that you can fight after battling them for the first time in story. These bosses are: Kalpas, Aponia, Elysia, and Mobius. Each of the bosses have their own special gimmicks, explained in their own sections.


Her gimmick is the crystallization bar that increases as you get hit by her. When it is full, your character will stop and cannot move while Elysia will start to drain your Hp and heal herself. It should be noted that out of all the bosses in ER, Elysia is the only one with one phase. Her attacks include summoning crystal wedges that give her a slight damage reduction until broken. These wedges also attack you, but drop an sp pack when destroyed. She also runs away a lot, and has a slowing crystal field.


She a two phase boss whose main gimmick is her summoned entities (called “creations of infinity”) that will try to either sap your HP and sp, taunt you, or just run away from you. She has powerful AoE moves and a super move where she will absorb all creations on the field to heal herself.


Angry man Kalpas fights us using the same rules we have to abide by. That’s right he will also use signets against you, so be careful. With his signet gimmick being the main issuse, you should just be careful and give it your all. After all, only a madman fights another madman. Just keep in mind that he has two phases, getting stronger the less HP he has (so make the fight quick).

From: Korath#5931

Hitcount shield
HP loss buff
Stomping speed
Iron body
Falling stars
Ghost of Decimation
Enters frenzy
Frenzy not end

From: FrediSK#5056

Kalpas gets 2 buffs depending on how many signets of one Flame-chaser you have. The 2 with the highest amount of signets will be the buffs Kalpas has. If you have 6 signets from 3 Flame-chasers, it's completly random. Doesn't follow order in which you got them, i.e. if you got 6 Mobi signets first, the buff can be the other 2 and not Mobi.

Run done on dangerous and inferno, picked Hua signet buff for Kalpas. The hitcount shield had the same amount of hits in both difficulties.

Attacks from Pardo signet buff for Kalpas:
Pardo signet buff

Griseo's signet buff for Kalpas:
Griseo's signet buff

Mobi signet buff clone for Kalpas:
Mobi signet buff

Ely lava pool signet buff for Kalpas:
Ely signet buff

Pink counter for Anguish stacks:
Anguish stacks

If you reach 10 anguish stacks, you'll get "imprisoned" similiar to Ely crystalization. You can break free by spamming evade.


This is a tough boss, she has one gimmick and that's her discipline, which will cause confusion onto you. When you have confusion, your controls will be moved around and censored so you can’t see it. Other than that, she is pretty easy, just don't get confused and you will win against this two pahse boss. Just watch out for her lightning in the second phase.

Do valk ranks matter:

ER question 13: Do valk ranks matter
By: @!160396094717689856

Short Verison

Kind of. I mean, all base-S ranks can clear ER just fine as S0. Base-A rank or SP valks need S or SS to beat ER at its highest difficulty. Skills that help Base-A and SP valks' kits are unlocked at higher ranks. Overall if it's an S rank, you are fine not needing more ranks.

Long Explained Version

All base S rank valks do not need ranks to clear ER as they are able to clear it on their own with the right signets. The trouble is when we come to A rank and SP valks, who have skills that are really good for their kit locked behind higher ranks. For some A ranks, (i.e. MA) want to be SS. For MA, she gains 25% more atk in ER and also unlocks her sp generation skill (badly needed as she has awful sp gain on her attacks). So, yah, you really need those valks at higher ranks. These valks also have lower base stats so they will need more attack, which they get in ER for being at higher ranks. All in all, only A rank and SP valks need ranks.

What load buffs to pick for 5.6 first half in ER:

ER Question 14: What load buffs to pick for 5.6 first half in ER
By: @!160396094717689856

What load buffs to pick for 5.6 first half in ER:

If you are a melee valk, take the melee damage: Senti, BKE, SpA/RA, FR, DA, SN, Nyx, AkA, RC, LK, SnS, FK, HoT and TP

If you spam weapon skill, take weapon skill: MA, PV, VG, SW, AkA, MPE, RC, and BKE no AF

If you can crit (which means you are physical), take that modifer: all physical valks

If you spam time fracture, take the time slow buff: HoS, HoR, Mobius, FK, PE, SN, BKE, Nyx, SW, and PV

If you are good at fighting HoD, take HoD.

Max Sp plus is always great if you are going to use eden.

Difference between Kalpas1 and Kalpas2:

By: Butter#2252

Kalpas 2 core makes you lose 5k Hp or more to give you a 40% boost from kalpas signets (increases to 8k hp lost and 80% boost from kalpas with 25% bonus hp signet). Any healing you get turns into more hp for the hp cap, meaning more hp for kalpas core two (which can further increase the 80% boost to 100% with hp% signet)

Difference between Su1 and Su2:

Su 1 vs Su 2 enhanced only

By: Butter#2252

Su 1 enhanced signets:
Maxim of Anitya: enemies hit by karma wheels can not regenerate sheilds for 3 seconds.

Maxim of Anatman: the next attack with in 8 seconds by an enemy hit by karma wheel has that attack lose 50% total damage.

Maxim of Santam: karma wheels deal 100% bonus damage to shielded and 500% additional adaptive damage to unshielded enemies.

Maxim of Anitya does not remove shields it just makes the enemy not able to recover them which is only useful against heimdel and that it. Maxim of Anatman looks good but then you remember that it only affects ONE attack and since most enemies have multi hit moves you are still going to take the full damage of the other oh and this doesn’t work with fu hua core 2 enhanced signet worldly troubles. Maxim of Santam is the only good one as it’s more damage but that’s it.


Su 2 enhanced signets:

Dictum of Anitya: for every debuff in the enemy Bodhi open eye will deal 150% more damage

Dictum of Anatman: Bodhi open eye debuffs last 3 seconds longer and for every debuff on the enemy, they receive 5% more total damage taken from the enemy

Dictum of Santam: Bodhi open eye will apply 3 random debuffs for 3 seconds

Dictum is the king of enemy total damage taken as the trance debuff which is part of the core is a debuff it already means anatman makes them have 5% more. Then santam applies 3 random of the following debuffs (stun, paralyze, Ignite, freeze, impair, weaken, attack slow and move slow) that’s 7 more debuffs! Now anatman and anitya also counts anything that is labeled as a debuff so this includes: Trance, Intoxication (eden 1), weapon skill debuffs, shield shattered (Carole), HoT mark, Analyzed (HoR), Coma (HoS), Immobilized (jailer, AE ult), etc. with all of that said you can see how good Su 2 is with its enhanced than Su 1. Also with all 8 debuffs the enemy has gained 40% more total damage taken. And that’s level 1. At level 3 that’s 64% damage taken.

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Pub: 06 Apr 2022 02:00 UTC
Edit: 20 Sep 2022 21:22 UTC
Views: 19961