The Ruminiad


The tale of our people shall be ingrained into the imaginations of youth for years to come. From Holy Elijah's visions to the persecution to the ultimate triumph: All of it will be etched into our national ethos for all times to come. All inspired, all true, and all known. The works of the men of this time shall never be forgotten, nor shall the glory of my Wife; for what is now shall always stand true. Rumina.

The Argead

AS the Ruminanites settled peacefully into the society of the Argeads, the King of Argead, Anthimos eyed the beautiful wife of the noble and heroic Heraclius. Despite the brave Heraclius saving the old king from a lion during a hunt, the beauty of Kassandra captivated him and with the sinful heart he possessed, he forged a most devious plan. At his palace, he welcomed the Knight and his lovely wife with all honours. At the head of his tables, he hailed them as the most honoured and beloved guests. He put all the praise on Heraclius, naming him all sort of titles and getting him drunk on wine. In his moment of weakness, Heraclius was helplessly then thrown out of the palace and the treacherous Anthimos defiled Kassandra. After this most wicked act, he had her locked in a room, but the virtuous Kassandra could not bear the humiliation placed upon her and hung herself with her sheets, the next morning.

When Heraclius woke up, he found himself back at the camp without Kassandra, and he had been further mocked by Anthimos, who had sent him a letter describing how much he enjoyed the company of his wife. Mighty Heraclius, filled with righteous vengeance, with the bulwark Ajax and the silver-tongued Satorius rallied the Ruminanites under the banner of revenge. Satorius, with his tongue of the divines spoke to them with passion: "It is time brothers, that we pay back these wretches for their treachery. Let no man sit idly by while our brother, the bravest of the brave, Heraclius, sees his wife kidnapped and raped by such vile men. Raise your swords, noble men of Rusia, raise it high, and let us give them all the reward for their wickedness: Death." The Ruminanites to a man joined the cause and ransacked every village on their way to Mount Axia, whence they get their names of Axians or sons of Axius.

For a month, they awaited Anthimos, and whence the month passes, the despot had gathered a might host of fifty thousand to destroy this foreign rabble as he saw them. He lusted for their blood as he did for the carnal pleasures of their beautiful women. His army gathered at the base of the hill, and thus: the strongest and mightiest son of Argead came forth with a challenge. It was Prince Cleander.

Cleander shouted to the noble Axians. "I challenge Heraclius, son of Antiochus, to a duel in the name of our gods before our armies meet in battle."

Heraclius was begged not to go by Elijah, Satorius and Ajax, but Heraclius had his mind made up. "Very well, may the best man win this. Do not hold back, O Cleander, for I shall not either."

"Just as I would want!" shouted back the noblest of the Agreads and the two men approached each other wielding a sword and a shield. For 10 long minutes, the men were equally matched until Heraclius saw the villainous Anthimos with a smile on his face. With unworldly power, he soon overpowered the great Cleander and chopped his head from his body. Raising the head of Cleander to the sky, Heraclius with a might shout yelled "Men of Axius, there is only one way we know how to fight! ATTACK BY RUSHIA AND MICHAEL, ATTACK!"

The fearless Axians charged down the hill and onto their prey. The cowardly Argeads broke and fled, including their craven King. To the walls of Gela they went, but the gate by providence was left open. "KILL THEM ALL!" came a shout from Heraclius in rage and soon the streets turned to blood as all things living in Gela were cut down by the Axians. Throughout the day and into the night, the screams of the Gelans could be heard until Heraclius reached the Palace. There he found the cowardly Anthimos hiding and pleading for mercy; And it was there he slew him without saying a word. He went to go find his wife and found her dead. Heraclius wept, but his tears turned to rage. For now, the Axians would show no quarter to any of these miscreants. All must die, and three months, the ten thousand Axians slaughtered the islanders of Agread.

It was mid-May when this task was accomplished, and it was in Gela that may where Heraclius was named King of Axia by unanimous decision. Word was sent back home telling the tales from Agread as the Axians settled in their new home for now. There was much to discuss, and much to divinate upon. For the will of the Trinity was now just starting to show itself upon our humble heroes. On Mount Axia, Holy Elijah spent 3 months with the Trinity and wrote down the laws of the faith. The tales of the Axians reached their brothers just in time, as the word of Elijah was starting to become true back in Rusia.

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Pub: 20 Jan 2023 17:23 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2023 18:10 UTC
Views: 224