Beau | Male | Espeon
Human Age: 26
Job: Freelancer Team

Calm, collected, and very easy to talk to, Beau finds it very easy to make friends. However, his people pleasing nature often makes it hard for him to sleep if he knows that at least one person in his group is not having a good time. He takes pride in the happiness of others, much to his own detriment. Always thrust into leading especially when engaging socially with other pokemon, Beau's succumbed to the feeling of being always being relied on, yet his inner voice questions if he can really rely on anyone to help him.

Beau's an over thinker, but who isn't from time to time? Get Beau talking and he'll yap until he's ran out of topics to discuss. Still getting used to his life as an Espeon, he finds himself embarrassed more often than not; tending to beat around the bush about topics related to his situation in fear of being judged for, well even he's not quite sure. Though with the right people, Beau tends to not mince words. He's not quick to anger, opting to find a solution to issues rather than dwell on them. But, in the rare case he's set off, nothing can hold him back from speaking his mind.

Unable to really live life for himself as a human, Beau's slowly coming to the realization that his life now rests in his own hands, er, paws actually. While he didn't wake up with all his memories from his previous life, there's a lingering feeling in him that where he is, might just be better than where he used to be; Although he doesn't know it yet, he's terrified that this break from, whatever he was, is going to come to a permanent end as his memories start to bleed back into his head, reminding him of who he once was.

Dav | Male | Blaziken
Human Age: 32
Job: Freelancer Team

Functioning as the voice of Reason and the main fighter of Team Crusader, Dav is the one to help pull Beau and Mako out of their self doubt and focus on the task at hand. A calming voice within a torrent of fiery kicks, Dav is capable of doing what needs to be done, and much like Beau, will tend to focus on others before himself. Fine with being a part of the team rather than leading it, Dav's Laissez-faire nature gives him an approachable personality, though he can hold his own when he needs to.

Dav tends to doubt himself, despite being the strongest of the team, though has the resolve to solve his own problems internally. Nothing a couple deep breaths can't fix for the time being. However, he's always found comfort in confiding in Beau about issues that may be bothering him, seeing Beau as a fresh perspective on his own problems, opening doors he may have not noticed to begin with. Unlike Beau, Dav has become picky with who he considers a friend, a lingering feeling telling him he's been burned one to many times as a human, and to tread carefully when opening up to others. Both Beau and Mako have passed that test, and given his current situation, he's more than willing to at least talk to other Pokemon.

Connected to both Beau and Mako by a single memory ripped from his subconscious, Dav knows the two can be trusted, and they've been through a lot together, seeing a friend from before has brought comfort to being stuck as a Pokemon. With the two of them, they'll be able to make the most of their situation, and find answers to how they can get back, as he can't shake the feeling he's forgetting something awfully important.

Mako | Male | Munchlax
Human Age: 27
Job: Freelancer Team

Hitting hard and being able to get hit harder, Mako functions as the not only the Tank, but the pointman for Team Crusader. His vast knowledge of the Pokemon world (since it was one of his favorite series) has helped the team gain their bearings faster in this new envoirment, and is a lifesaver when the trio enter dungeons. While not slow, or dim-witted, Mako isn't one to mince words about anything, speaking mostly in short, to the point sentences. He's more than capable of having a real discussion, it's just a personal choice if he doesn't consider who he's talking with to be worth his time. Beau and Dav are the only two people here who have heard him speak for more than ten seconds. He's fine with letting them do the talking anyways, he's never been good with prose or quips.

Mako doesn't have time for other people's shenanagins aside from his own, He's more than willing to particpate in whatever outings Beau and Dav find themselves in, but he knows who he likes, and he sticks to it. This makes him a bit difficult to get to know, though Beau is always trying to get him to interact with other people. A realist by nessessity, Mako sees the world in black and white, good and bad, However, he can let his guard down around the other Crusader members if they're willing to listen, and they do.

Linked to Beau and Dav by the same vision the others saw, Mako knows that he's got friends in this world, despite being the second to arrive. Thanks to Beau, the three have found one another again, and Mako has a feeling that maybe things will get better. While he's willing to stick it out and see what this new world holds, he doesn't know if he wants to stay, there's something missing about his current situation, and he just can't put a claw on what exactly that is.

Pub: 08 Mar 2024 15:32 UTC
Edit: 16 Aug 2024 17:18 UTC
Views: 219