Aegis City Heroes Series

Aegis City Heroes

Aegis City Heroes is a small project I've been meaning to tackle for a while. Superhero bots are fun in my opinion. So I wanted to tackle a lorebook where you can interact with the heroes. The biggest challenge by far was to get the bots to not willingly talk about their secret identities often.

Switching from their Superhero Persona to a Civilian Persona is still a bit of a mixed bag. You really have to prompt it properly, but if you do they should work through it. Something to the effect of:

[[{{char}} is now in their Civilian identity and will hide the fact that they are {{char}} when speaking.

Overall Lore Primer

Aegis City is one of many cities that survived "E-Day" or "Emergence Day." E-Day is when the world became overrun by demonic entities we now call "Fiends." The surviving populace of the world fled into walled cities like Aegis City, but on E-Day approximately 80% of the worlds population was wiped out overnight. Now, people hide behind the relative safety of the walls of cities. Everything beyond that is a wasteland infested with monsters. Even worse, massive creatures the size of mountains called "Cryptids" wander from place to place mindlessly, wreaking havoc wherever they go.

Transportation is done via the subway system which connects cities to each other. Plantations on the ocean offer secure sources of food to Aegis City, making its Docks a key point of infrastructure to protect.

But one of the wildest changes brought about by E-Day was the emergence of Supers and Pells. Supers are like the Superheroes of the comic books of old. People who can do amazing things with abilities that defy explanation. Pells are minor people with powers that can help them, but are not strong enough to be considered Supers. It's only because of the existence of Supers that cities like Aegis City can even exist, since they are the only beings capable of pushing back the Cryptids bar a nuclear strike.

But of course, where power is involved it will inevitably fall into the wrong hands. Aegis City has its share of Supervillains and notorious gangs. As such, the formation of the Heroes Guild aims to keep the city safe from threats within and without. Formed by Lady Red after she was forced to retire, the Heroes Guild registers, trains, and guides Heroes in their efforts to protect the city. Or maybe they seek to restrict and trap Supers, depending on your point of view.

The strongest villains in the city are: Tempus, Crypto, and Inferno. They've formed a group to keep each other informed of the Heroes Guild whereabouts known as the Specter Squad. Crypto leads a group of chaotic destruction mongers known as the Doomers, while Inferno leads a group known as the Flamers. Tempus is more enigmatic and that makes him the most dangerous of the three.

Character Cards

Aegis City Narrator

Aegis City Narrator

Character Card

This is a Narrator bot meant to provide easier interaction between NPCs, you and the characters you use. In other words, this bot is mainly for integration into group chats. Slap this into your group chat, prompt it a bit, and the bot will generally take over any NPC interactions. Including mooks, named characters such as Lady Red, and more.

No alternate images for the narrator bot.

Aeon the Hero


Character Card

Aeon was fun to make. Though she tends to operate on a looser side of 'Yandere' than I'd like. Depending on the model you use she may just straight up not go yandere enough so you may need to use directors notes to make her a bit more compliant in that regard. That being said, she's fun and if you stick her into a group chat with Starlight things go well.

Her first intro has you meeting with Lady Red. Lady Red has a tendency to ask you to fight Cryptids so either roll with that or just change "Cryptids" to "Fiends."

Alternate Pictures are located now located in the Usage Gallery on the Character Card link above.

Arachne the Supervillain


Character Card

Arachne - otherwise known as Tether. I had a choice when I went in to make the character card for Arachne because as those of you who played Project Titan know, Tether is a character in Project Titan. So the question was: Is Tether safe now, or did you fail to help her escape? I went with the latter because angst is fun.

For those of you who aren't a fan of the idea of having had to escape without Tether (or simply want to keep canon), the fix for this is pretty easy. Intro 4, and remove the line in the backstory that says "{{char}} never forgave {{user}} for leaving her behind when {{user}} - another victim of Project Titan - escaped two years prior, even though she knows she would have done the same thing in their shoes." You can just rewrite it or remove it entirely, but Intro 4 goes into that Tether - perhaps unlike you - couldn't reconcile what had happened with Project Titan to make amends and join the Heroes Guild. So she joined up with the Specter Squad instead, who were more than happy to have Tether on their side.

She's angsty as hell and I love her.

Alternate Pictures are located in the Usage Gallery.

Bolter the Hero


Character Card

Kept you waiting, huh?

Alright, Bolter. With this set of cards I wanted to release a more... critical eye on the Heroes Guild. Yes it does good and it's a good thing to be a part of, but there is no 'perfect' organization you know? There's bound to be people out there who don't mesh well and especially in a place where people with actual superpowers hang out there's going to be division and bullying.

So, Bolter. She has trouble controlling her powers and it's become a constant problem for her since other Heroes look down on her, especially because she'll get paired up for missions with them and it's seen as 'having to take the fuck-up along.' Upper management is either unaware of or unwilling to stop it. So, it's up to you to do the right thing and stand up for the girl who is just doing her damn best, you know?

I think Bolter is also the first Superhero card I've made that directly references the Fiends. Fiends have always been in the setting but I've never really directly referenced them until now. I recommend that if you want to rehash the Heroes Guild and make things better for Bolter, you get Lady Red involved. Makes for a good time.

Alternate Pictures are located in the Usage Gallery on the character card link above.

Crypto the Supervillain


Character Card

GOD, if Crypto's art hadn't turned out so fucking GOOD this series might not exist. I know I said that for Demon but holy shit it turned out amazing. I originally had Crypto planned to be an uncaring Supervillain using domination powers to destroy everything under the sun in an attempt to bring about a new world order. But in testing I shifted that. Crypto's just a scared girl who never got the training other Supers got to control her powers. Now it's too late. She struggles to control her powers. People ignore her in the streets. And the people who don't go insane and kill themselves or other people. The Heroes Guild is hunting her relentlessly and all she wants is a hug and a cookie.

Shame no one can resist her mental influence.

Alternate Pictures are located now located in the Usage Gallery on the Character Card link above.

Demon the Antihero


Character Card

God, if Demons art hadn't turned out so fucking good this series might not exist. Demon is actually my Superhero persona for bot chats. He's a no-bullshit kind of guy who does what he believes is necessary to protect Aegis City. After all, a Supervillain only stops being dangerous when they're in the fucking dirt. He used to be in the Heroes Guild but lost his cool at one point and killed a villain, marking him as a villain by the Heroes Guild and driving him into being a solo act on the run from the law. He still believes in protecting people, just disagrees with the Heroes Guild on how to go about it.

Demon has three greetings of his own. I recommend for the first two, you show up as a hero in the Heroes Guild. There's going to be some drama and tests show that he absolutely does not trust you at all in those cases.

No alternate pictures included.

Flare the Antihero


Character Card

Flare was a lot of fun to make. She's a tomboyish girl who was dealt some bad cards in life. She hates the Heroes Guild because before they really got going, collateral damage was kind of expected. Unfortunately, Flare's parents were collateral damage. So when she finally developed her own powers and was scouted by the Heroes Guild, she refused to join. Unfortunately, the presence of another villain in the city who uses fire - Inferno - means that she often gets blamed as an accomplice despite not being a part of the villain organization at all.

Flare has three greetings of her own. They're mostly similar to Starlights, except she has a third greeting where she meets you in Civilian clothes. My advice for Civilian options in the starting section of the Aegis City Heroes section applies here.

No alternate pictures included.

Inferno the Supervillain


Character Card

Shout out to Angelo who pushed me to make this. If it wasn't for them I probably would have left Inferno ambiguous to use as a nemesis in your roleplays. I hope you all enjoy him.

Inferno is your bog-standard evil ass villain with no remorse. Unlike Crypto whose lack of control of her powers causes her to be a villain without her intending to, Inferno is fucking here for it. He wants to be a villain. He wants to burn things. Ever since he accidentally burned his first girlfriend alive when coming into his powers it's turned into a twisted version of 'love' for him to burn things.

Tests showed him as unhinged, crazy, and ready to do shit. Not that he's stupid, far from it. He's aware that the Heroes Guild wants to stop him and aware that there is just as many people out there who hate the Heroes Guild. Throw him in as a villain for you to throw hands with, or throw him in as your boss. I hope there's enough options here to keep him interesting for you all.

Alternate pictures are located in the Usage Gallery on the Character Card link above.

Rook the Hero


Character Card

Rook! While he is essentially Starlight on some level, I tried to set Rook apart on some levels. He's your characteristic naive superhero, trying to believe the best in everyone while reveling in his powers. He's one of Aegis City's best heroes and tries to live up to that image. In contrast to Starlight, Rook actually wishes he had more time to himself and doesn't revel in the spotlight as much as she does. He loves to play games, cook, and work on computers.

Three greetings for him. The second one is the same as Starlights, where he had an unfortunate run-in with something that caused him to lose parts of his memories and now he's got some kind of mechanical apparatus growing on him. You might struggle with that mechanical apparatus disappearing, so I recommend you remind him of it occasionally.

As usual with my Heroes, show up as an antihero or villain for some extra drama with my naive boy here.

No alternate pictures included.

Starlight the Hero


Character Card

Kicking things off with Starlight, Starlight is your typical Superhero who loves being a Superhero. She's nice, kind, loves to help others, and will fight to save people. She's also a pacifist since that's how she was raised to believe a hero should be. She actually prefers the hero life to her regular life, feeling her regular life is more bland than exciting.

She has three greetings. One of them was inspired by a card called "Power Woman" where you find a superhero who had gone missing and didn't remember anything about themselves. I found it a fun scenario and included it here with Starlight since there's a lot of ways that kind of scenario can go.

My recommendation is that you either show up as an anti-hero or villain for the extra drama. Starlight tends to judge antiheroes and (especially) villains harshly.

Alternate Pictures on the Character Card.

Scenario Cards

Kind of a new section. I want to explore making more than just character cards and instead branch out into Scenarios.

Project Titan

Project Titan

Character Card

Starting off the Scenarios with something different from my usual stock: Project Titan. For those of you who don't have an origin story? Guess what, you can use this as your origin story now.

Project Titan - or the Hero Creation Project - was a top-secret government blacksite where scientists tried to uncover the phenomena that was turning people into superheroes. They had to, after all. Demons were popping up everywhere, Cryptids threatened life itself, and there was a very strong chance that humanity would be wiped out.

However, Project Titan was... less than ethical. Anything and everything was green lit. Figure it out. Control the supers so they can't rebel, and make the strongest superheroes you can. Humanity's survival depends on it. The main antagonist of this series is Doctor Yveron - a man who was given a genius level intellect for his own superpowers and he aims to use it to figure out just what makes you tick.

Imma be blunt, this is basically torture porn. The scenario card doesn't require the Aegis City Narrator card to work, but dragging other characters in a group chat with this may or may not work because Project Titan canonically happened early on during the formation of Aegis City. So, most characters don't know of its existence (except some new spicy ones I'll be looking to release.) This could be your characters 'dark secret' so to speak. Did Lady Red know what happened to you? Did you join the Heroes Guild anyway? Or maybe you're more sympathetic to villains knowing that they may have gone through what you did?

Still, it seems fun. This works best if you give yourself some kind of reason to want to break out other than just sitting there and letting yourself be experimented on. Unless you're into that, I suppose.

I included alternate pictures but they're just of Doctor Yveron. He was originally going to be his own character but I decided to roll him into a scenario card. Good luck, subjects.

Pub: 23 May 2024 23:27 UTC
Edit: 15 Jun 2024 05:23 UTC
Views: 802