

NAI Styles Main Rentry Cute Draws
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You cannot share tokens, any attempt to share a token that you manage to see will end up in blacklist.


  1. Do not share your token (in case of being discovered you will be blacklisted).
  2. Do not demand access (I have no obligation to do this for anyone. I do this because it entertains me).
  3. It's ok to let me know that I'm out of keys, it's not ok to demand that I put in more. I will add more when I have the time to do so.


10 Slots open for botmakies~

1. Have uploaded a bot during the last month, and upload at least 1 per month. (It is possible to discuss this if your bots are high in tokens and quality.... This would be very rare unless you are making complex worlds).
2. Must meet a minimum standard of quality (things like cards that are just mommy sex with u will simply not be accepted).
3. You will be listed in my rentry as one of those who occupy a slot.

My standards for bots are not very high either.... I simply ask for bots that are made with some love, not just looking for easy downloads by taking advantage of the coomers. Also I am completely within my rights not to give you a token if I consider that you simply do not deserve it :FoxyPoutHmph:

If you want to get access or tell a friend, they just need to either DM me via Discord or send a mail to my burner (is better if you DM me... Trust me, I don't look at my burner that often lol). (Put on title botmakie proxy or smth related


Why do you open slots only for botmakers? :what:

I want to help the number of botmakers to grow and the existing ones to have a proxy in a more accessible way, even if there are few slots given.

What right do you have to say that my bots are not good enough to be accepted in a slot? :faku:

With the right that it is my proxy and I do what I want.

Can I share my token with another botmaker? :AFoxy_Loading:

No. Same rules apply to all.

Will you open more slots in the future? :DumbSmile~1:

If I see that the proxy is decently stable, yes. I can also just revoke some tokens if proxy dies lol


  1. mallie
  2. NeverBaNameless
  3. MangyMango
  4. CuriousKnight
  5. ArkBlaK3 (Spanish bots)
  6. ezekieloftheeast
  7. Zephy (Creator of Arnold)
  8. sexdroide
  9. witchfucker
  10. reduxstreet (Reformed slop maker)
  11. Milsweetie
  12. Silverado
Pub: 26 Feb 2024 01:15 UTC
Edit: 12 Jun 2024 03:13 UTC
Views: 7692