smaller ones that can be carried with hand of these basicly like a mini cannon shooting a bolt
a bit bigger version of these to carry as a very small mobile artillery basicly
refined versions of these that either shoot fire in a bigger line or in a wider burst as some kind of one-time flamethrwoer onto good spears and lances
refined version of these that vastly improve the range of throwing spears making them a good midrange weapon for melee fighters using spears

Maces that got heads that can be ignited and explode like some splinter grenade

arm bracelets with mini shields that use Retro Chuubanite to block hits and save up kinetic energy that can than be activated to release all the kinetic energy all at once for some blast to throw off the balance of an enemy or even make them tumble
refined versions of these outfited for different riding animals to provide some kind of cavallery with potential artillery option
refined versions of these where you got a basic firearm in your swords or daggers for some longrange ability before engaging in close combat or for a surprise shot at the enemy within close combat

a bunch of refined and skillfully crafted melee weapons like bastardswords, throwing axes, sickle and chains ect, feel free to include what you might personally find cool yourself

Pub: 28 Aug 2022 03:11 UTC
Views: 180