0 points
50 corruption
Invited: The Bountiful Lady
Dragon, Goblin, Elemental (Sagani, Dragonlord)
Picked primarily due to hotness. Dragon is powerful and cool but I would have picked Beastkin on hotness alone, however dragon is also hot and has both better stats and better free abilities. Goblin I picked over fairy because of their super reproduction, which I'm going to sartre to not be female only. Fairies are hotter and their abilities are better, but they're easier to get via point expenditure. For the third, I considered beastkin or fairy for the hotness but didn't want to double up, I considered gazer for the cool factor and the indigo intelligence, and I considered Myconid for Madcap shenanigans, but in the end Elemental is too good, when taking into account the extra transformations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 | Point bonuses: (+10 points for things that grant points, -20 cost to things that cost points)
Mega Mouth
Bountiful Bust
Terrific Thickness
Shiny Skin
Animal Features *7 (eyes, tongue, ears, tail, scales, horns, wings)
Steamy breath, paws-itive (feet->claws)
Extrasensory X
Extrasensory Elemental Energy
Optimized Digestion
Extra limbs (wings)
Natural Weapons *3 (teeth, claws, tail)
Natural Armor (scales)
Toxicity Resistance *3
Resilience *2
Regeneration *2
Size/Depth Increase
Specialized Orifices
Always Ready
Easy Gape
Love Tunnel
Orgasm Button
Wild Genitals
Extranatural Musk
Extranatural Perfume
Clear Heart *2
Elemental Aspect (X/Y)(X/Y)
Goldlust *2
Vulnerability (Metal, X)
Pheromones *2
Monster Magnet
Animal Instincts
Magic Conduit *2
Youthful Exuberance
Cum Dump
Breed Hungry
Brain Blast *2
Odd Substance X
Featureless X
Strange Body X
Vital Reduction
Magic Fever
Curse Synergy
Morality +40
Effect touch +30 +30 +30
Effect Weakness +30 +30
Effect Glare +40
Laziness +100
Hoarder +40
Realignment +100
Maneater +100
Perverted +15
Shameless +35
Fetish Focus +45
Love Drunk +40
Kleptomaniac +40
Amorality +50
Extremism +85 +85
Edgelord +35
Truthful +50
Illiterate +50
Loneliness +150
Insanity +75
Height 7' Penis 8" Lifespan ????y
Dragon Goblin Elemental
Vitality [500] 80 400
Stamina 300 120 [400]
Energy 100 50 [150]
Mana 100 150 [150] (Doubled by clear heart and mana battery)
Sanity 80 80 [140]
Lust [25] 20 0
Corruption [30] 20 0
Strength [5] 2 4
Agility [4] 3 4
Dexterity 3 [4] 2
Speed [4] 3 4
Endurance [5] 3 5
Perception 4 4 [4] low
Intelligence 2 2 [2] low
Wisdom 2 2 [4]
Faith 3 4 4 low
Willpower [4] 3 4
Charisma 2 [3] 2
Luck 2 [4] 4
Overheat, Fatigue, Barren, Sleep, Break, Pain, Zombie
2 extras by element
Fear, Shook, Knock out, Nausea, Poison, Coma, Ruin, Silence, Paralysis
3 extras by element
Heat/Rut, Starve, Lust, Berserk, Numb, M. Burn
3 extras by element
Intimidation, Authority, X Elementalism, X Elementalism again, X Breath, Appraisal, Sexual Prowess, X-mancy (after Thaumaturgy), Mana Battery, High Elementalism *2, Berserker Rage, Peak Fitness, Elemental Prowess, Element Attack
Predator Vision, Alternate Form, Barter, Sneaking, Spellcasting, Thaumaturgy, Mana Spring, Charm, Psychometry
So I'm a dragonlord Sagani, with intense elemental powers that are used over a "city-sized area". As for my elements, my elemental one is Earth and Dragon one is Plant. I'll use those to terraform my territory, making it a majestic landscape of earth and plant. And also a lovely city with stone palaces faced in pietra dura, with gardens on every roof and balcony.
Not a big fan of the basic alterations section. It seems too redundant with more fun parts. Eye modifiers and auras are cool though.
Unchanged, bodybuilder and bulky, dusky skin under Auburn fur, animalistic amber eyes with harmonic sight and natural sight, and a loud voice -90p
Orange aura. I feel like the types are too restrictive. I'm doing both Hybrid and multiple uses of Odd Manifestation to combine the Shining and Billowing auras into a Suffusing Aura with earth, plant, water, air, and metal. But those are impossible to get together even with Hybrid.
Fixing low int bringing it up to green tier -100p
Currently -590 points, +50 Corruption
Mutations: Finally the hot part
Animal Features 15 20 Eyes
Animal Features 15 20 Horns – I'm gonna say this is actually the horn-like things that pronghorns have, but the sheaths are stone instead of keratin. The type of stone is different every season.
Animal Features 15 20 Tail
Animal Features 15 20 Wings
Animal Features 15 20 Ears
Steamy Breath -5 -20
Mega Mouth 15 10
Pawsitive 20 40 Clawed feet
Extrasensory -10 10 (Structural stress) for both architecture/crafting and sundering enemy gear
Extrasensory -10 10 Elemental Energy
Soft Grip 2 5 It’s not big but it’s only an upgrade in every way and also free points
Extra Limbs 0 20 Wings, bought here and animal features though I'm not sure that's right. Big ones that shroud my whole body as a cloak when I wrap them around myself
Shiny Skin 12 5
Satiation -10 -10
Tireless -30 0
Natural Weapons 0 30 Claws
Natural Weapons 0 30 Teeth
Natural Weapons 0 30 Tail
Natural Armor 0 10 Dragonkin gives me scales discounted on the first purchase, I'll say that's croc-style osteoderms, so that I can still grow hair over them
Natural Armor -20 10 This one is a long shaggy shaggy mammalian pelt over the top, so I've got a hard and soft layer like real armor.
Toxicity Resistance 0 -20
Magic Conduit -10 100
Resilience 0 -20
Regeneration -40 -50
Odd Substance 0 30 Instead of urine, pearls of perfect jade
Widened Maw -20 30
Extranatural Musk 40 20
Wild Genitals 15 40 Big thorny dragon cock
Hyper Virility 40 60
Excessive Fluid 20 20 With the above, for the strategy of cumming in the municipal water supply and impregnating anyone who takes a shower
Extra Organs -15 30 Spare Heart
Elemental Aspect 40 -20 Orobanche tendrils grow and intertwine with my fur. Occasionally they bloom up at my horns
Clear Heart -30 140
Vulnerability 100 -100 Blood
Carnivore 15 0
Alcoholic 15 30
Eternal Arousal 10 30
Needy 15 25
Insatiable 15 50
Optimized Digestion 0 -20
Strange Genitals 10 30 Thorny dragon cock!
Pheromones 35 30
Blackened Veins 10 100 Besides the magic buff seems very important to be able to direct corruption and avoid being harmed by it, which should allow me to avoid needing to take Corruption (power) and requiring corruption (resource) to survive
Incontinence 20 30 With odd substance and optimized digestion it’s basically free points
Redundant Shadow -70 140 Together with Regeneration it’s a goated life-saving trump card
Brain Blast -10 20 All but mandatory
Naturalist 15 -10
Vital Reduction -50 140
Strong Scent 30 35
Total +239p/+1170c if I've done my math right, and excluding my relaxing info
Powers are a bit fucked as several are now redundant with stats, so I'm gonna sartre it. The ones that are just a stat basically are gonna boost the stat by one tier, and the ones that require them just require the stat in cyan.
Charisma -20
Tactical Expertise -60
Intimidation Free (racial)
Authority Free (racial)
Mystic Mind -50
Cosmic Mind -70 I'll live a long time, so I have plenty of time to study and learn the various thaumaturgy postrequisites, but I need a strong foundation.
Mana Battery Free (racial), Without a soulstone heart I guess it uses my clear heart?
Mana Spring -50 Half-off (racial)
Appraisal Free (racial)
Berserker Rage Free (racial)
Sneak -12.5 Half-off (racial), Assuming “sneaking” means this and not Stealth
Revel -25
Fighting Instincts -20
Peak Fitness Free (racial)
Battle Experience -40
Martial Prowess -30 One foundation of combat. A better starting point for me than Enhancement since I have lots to spend energy on and my stats are already high. My starting weapon is dao sword aka cleaver aka machete
Heavy Attack -10
Power Attack -10
Sunder Attack -15 Seems like the best of the ones that count as a power attack (and thus can be combined with power attack to further increase damage
Advanced Movement -30
Predator Vision -15 Half-off (racial)
Quick Evasion -20
Hyper Evasion -40 Being able to turn my massive elemental stamina into I-frames makes me very hard to kill. Plus it should hinder my offense little enough that I can still instinctually do it while berserk
Earth Elementalism Free (racial) from Elemental
Plant Elementalism Free (racial) from Dragon
Plant Breath Free (racial)
Elemental Prowess Free (racial)
High Elementalism Free (racial)
Plant Weapon -15
Earth Touch [Burden] -50
Earth Attack Free (racial)
Alternate Form -37.5 Half-off (racial), gonna have a stealth loli form, for when being a dracogoblin would be impolitic
Thaumaturgy -10 Half-off (racial) twice over
Wild Magic -50 Super powerful for a Sagani
Geomancy Free (racial)
Chloromancy -20 50
Teleportation -50 Logistics is what gets things done, and it's much cheaper than portals for only a little less utility
Scrying -25 Communication and intel are what allow you to be effective
Royal Heritage -30 Probably Dragon Empire, though I'll decide when we get part 4 again
Politics -5
Regional History -5 Corresponding to the history
Strategy -15
Survival Skill -2.5
Herblore -5
Craftsmanship -7.5
Construction -10
Barter -7.5 Half-off (racial)
Sexual Prowess Free (racial)
Geology -5
Forestry -5
Perfect Hair -2.5 0
Cleanliness -5 -20
Ahegao Face 10 0
Soft grip 2 5
Shiny Skin 2 5 I don’t think this is visible corrupt so it’s just an upgrade
Magic Conduit -50 100
Flexible 5 5
Depilation 10 -5
Depth Increase *12 60 60 Seven foot vagina in a four foot girlie… What could go wrong?
Tightness 5 15
Easy Gape 30 30
Pristine Pussy 20 30
Love Tunnel 30 30
Orgasm Button 20 20 Although it’s at the back of my seven foot vagina so maybe irrelevant
Youthful Exuberance -70 -100
Clear Heart -70 140 Just to qualify for Eternal Youth. Otherwise, wouldn’t be worth going into magic on a rogue build, much less something detectable that needs hiding like this one. I’d even take Null Aspect if not for the cost
Needy 15 25
Size Queen 20 30
Masochism 40 50
Hot Blooded 40 40
Rapebait 30 50
Insatiable 15 50
Internal View -15 30 for critical hits
Brain Blast -30 20
Suggestible 35 60
Closed Mind 20 -30
Perpetual Innocence 20 -30
Enforced Etiquette 10 -5
Book Warm -10 30 Is this a typo or a pun I don’t get?
Corruption 20 200
Information Gallery -50 0
Eternal Youth -30 90
Lovin’ It 30 30
Psyche Restore 35 70
+191.5p/1025c running total
Understanding -5
Indomitable Self Free (racial)
Charisma -20
Animal Magnetism -20
Good luck -40
Danger Sense -35 Half-off (racial)
Rarefinder -20
Detection -30
Appeal -10
Steal -20
Plunder -15
Sneak -25
Infiltration -50
Escape -45
Sabotage -30
Advanced Movement -30
Light Step -30
Sneak Attack -10
Sunder Attack -15
Deflect -25
Trick Shot -15
Dimension Pocket -40
Disguise -15 Something to do with all that mana
Cooking -2.5
Dancing -2.5
Stealth -7.5
Homemaking -2.5 For blending in and assuming a role
Archaeology -10 For traps
Technical Prowess -15 For lock picking
Sleight -15
Loli form is for stealth and blending in. Of course if they catch me and knock me out, they'll suddenly have a dracogoblin fight on their hands. But the intention is that I can use that form for when being a big glorious stinky hairy monstrous beast isn't the most convenient and being a ninja is better. Lots of powers for infiltration, theft, and assassination. Having the corruption power in this form but not the other also allows me to manage it if I get too much as a dragon and to not die of starvation if I get too little in this form. It also has different skills and abilities; since I share the same mind the skills should automatically pollinate back and forth as I use them and remember them in different forms. The Book Warm + Information Gallery combo also makes this my studying form.
Running total: -870p/1570c with 500p floating, so total 335 in the hole. Alternate form is point neutral besides its initial cost.
Focus -25 50 Essential to use my tons of mana for energy-based stuff like elemental attacks
Enchanting -40 Buffs both leadership and magic
Reproduction 20 30 It’s redundant but it’s free points
Heir 10 20 More benefit than penalty since I don’t get pregnant. Even when this was an mpreg build it was arguable since RAW it specifies it’s when females get pregnant
Unity 10 20 My tattoos are beneficial so it’s free points
Composite 10 Binds them together for more free points
Seals – the section for who controls it isn't there yet, but for balance purposes,
Lock 50 100
Internal 50 100
Portal 25 50
Corruption 50 380
Forbidden Knowledge -200c
I am invited by the Bountiful Lady, and benefit from her Thrive power and Bountiful Scion. She recruited me, I suppose, because my values, which are largely Mohist, are compatible with hers. Bountiful Scion is a great backup power to remove a body need, though needing water means Satiation is still needed, but being able to have a feast before a major event for the sake of buffs is well worth it. Thrive is an unlimited buffing power, basically cheat-tier once I get lots and lots of plants growing all over my area. In my case I intend it to be a kingdom, and if I apply my Sagani power to all of it and suffuse it with my elemental magic, then I can probably get credit for just about everything I grow – though perhaps less credit than if I birthed it all myself. But all my many offspring that I sire with my goblin cock will definitely count.
My forbidden knowledge is with the First Dragon, now called the Wild Empress. Her Primal Intuition boon is the most powerful of all for early game while you're still trying to survive, and her influence is what I'm counting on to get myself established. I might end up killing people with a little less justification than the Bountiful Lady likes, but I think it should be within what she's willing to tolerate. By the time the demigod is born from me, I shouldn't need the boon as much anyway.
Part one totals -903.5p/2030c so 650 floating, meaning I'm pretty in the hole after removing butt-sluttery from my main form, down from a surplus before, because it's a pretty fem-oriented CYOA.
So I've got my hairy stinky goblin dragon, with earth and nature powers. The core concept is to use my dragon might to become leader of a tribe or something, by getting lots of waifus to rape, but I've also leaned into the alternate form for infiltration, roguery, and slutting it up. That's mainly as a fixer for the polity that I rule in my main form, for which I'll use my sagani powers to build infrastructure that is in tune with the elements and boosts my magic and also is a secure, efficient, and pleasant home for my people. After a few generations I may have a sufficient powerbase to start using military might and diplomacy to spread my wise leadership to other nearby states. Non-violence is preferable, of course, but having access to violence is an important diplomatic tool and I may have to stretch what counts as a "good reason" to kill for the Lady. But the end result is prosperity, unity, and safety.