The Kingdom of Axia: It's Culture, Government, and it's People

Born out of the events of the 'Great Betrayal', the 'Great Trek', and the 'Glorious Conquest' of the 970s and 980s, the Kingdom of Axia and her people have a unique and noteworthy culture that has developed from these events, their intense religious zeal, and their distant past, along with other factors. The lines between these are often blurred, and it can be hard to understand where some of the cultural and societal traits originate from for observant outsiders, but any Axian will tell you that the way of my Wife is undiscernible, and that they are the result of her will.

Questions and Answers

How are the local natives to the Northern Part of Indeia seen culturally by Axians?
Varies case-by-case, and usually comes down to the religious values and relations with the nation in question. In general, the more different they are culturally and religiously from Axia, the more frowned upon they are.

What are some examples of proper and improper etiquette in Axia?
Proper: Taking off one's shoes when entering someone else's house, allowing the host to welcome you to site down, being honest about your opinion about the food or gift given to you, palm tapping as a greeting (involves laying ones hand out where the other person taps their palm upon your own), giving all new guests a gift upon visiting one's house.

Improper: Hugging non-friends, lying about your true feelings, thumbs up or down (seen as an improper gesture), sitting down without permission, eating your meal faster than the others in your company, inappropriate jokes or gestures, using your hands while eating instead of utensils, avoiding eye contact, staring.

What things are taboo in Axia?

Speaking of Sexual Intercourse in public, relieving oneself in a public setting, desecration of the dead (except in Chrysavunia and along the frontier where it is seen as sacred to desecrate the dead of enemies).

What are common forms of dress?

Depends on the region. Frontier folk and Chrysavunia wear leather clothing a lot, while lowlanders often wear some form of fabric or wool that are often colored ornately. The Islanders generally wear cotton clothing that are can be rather plain looking.

What is the stance of Axia on Alcohol and Drugs?

Recreation drugs are frowned upon as sinful because they represent gluttony. Alcohol is fine in moderation, although frontier folk generally do not follow this rule. The most common form of Alcohol is Wheat Beer, and the Government has placed a purity law on it to ensure that the Beer produced is as fine and safe as it can be.

Is there a national dish?

The national dish is steak and mashed potatoes with gravy sauce, often with a pint of beer.

Is there a national bird?
Yes! The Red Cardinal native to the lands is considered to be the national bird and is protected by laws.

What are common forms of Capital Punishment?
Depending on the crime: beheading, hanging, burning at the stake, gibbetting, flaying, drawing and quartering.

The first two are the most common, while the last ones are usually reserved for spectacular crimes.
For Prisoners of War, the usual method is bayoneting them to death, however. They have a choice in that instance however: Either convert truly (which will be shown over time and punishment for a false conversion is gibbetting) or die to the Bayonet.


The Axius Language is a unique tongue that is a mix of the old Rushian language and the influence of the local tongues, in particular that of the Artavans and the Antiocheans, people labelled as of similar prestigious heritage as the Axians themselves.

Regional differences are to be found within Axius, with three distinct dialects (with some smaller ones) that mostly mutually intelligible:

  • Thymusian: The common dialect on the Thymusian Islands. Takes more after Rushian than the mainlanders.
  • Chersonesian: The common dialect of the southern part of Amemichaelia, takes more after Antiocheian and Artavan than Rushian.
  • Basilicusian: The common dialect of the central and northern part of Amemichaelia, which is in between both and is "standard" Axius Tongue.

The Church still uses Rushian as its tongue and through it the language has been kept alive.

National Culture

National culture are the norms, behaviors, beliefs, customs, and values shared by the population of a sovereign nation as a whole. It can be hard to define what exactly a national culture is in multiethnic empires, but for Axia, it is much easier given the common heritage of her people and the history that came with that, i.e., local cultures being completely wiped out and destroyed to the point that they have had no influence at all on Axian culture aside from the tales of their destruction.

Common Values and Traits

As a state born of religious zeal and the fires of the past, it should come as no surprise that Axians as a whole share many common values and traits, most of which come from their religion. These include:

  • Very Religious. Many Axians attended services multiple times a week, and it is extremely rare to find anyone irreligious in Axian Society. Such people are scorned and shunned and are subject to legal punishment. All values held to be sacred by the religion are taken extremely seriously.
  • The sacredness and unity of families and communities. Axians are well known for their family centric nature, and the unity that they find together as communities, both locally and at large. This certainly comes from the events of the 'Great Betrayal', the 'Great Trek', and the 'Glorious Conquest', which instilled this into the culture.
  • Loyalty without question. Once again, a result of their intense religious zeal and the aforementioned events, Axians at large are extremely loyal, and their loyalty to what they hold to be sacred is unquestionable.
  • Vengefulness. To slight an Axian is an offense that many come to regret. The vengefulness that many of them have dates back to the aforementioned events of course and is instilled in them from youth.
  • Militant. Shockingly, Axians are a very militant people given their nation was born out of the horrors of war. Serving in the service of the King and my Wife is one of the most honorable lives for Axian men.
  • Insular (sort of). A common trait that is found in Axian society is their insular nature, in that they aren't very welcoming to outsiders as a whole. Regionally, this can be far more prevalent in the countryside, among the islanders or in the north, while this is less common among the Southerners.

Other things of note include:

  • Axians are firm believers in the traditional roles of men and women, that being men are the breadwinners, and fighters, while women are the homemakers and mothers.
  • Furthermore, Axians are also believers in the rightness of the social hierarchy of society and are very conservative.


Aside from the many religious festivals that make up the Axian Calendar, the blasé forms of entertainment such as Opera that are common throughout high society across the world, and the societal distain towards hedonism; Axia has several notable forms of entertainment that are common nationally, though many are unique to regions.

The common sport is Football, something that is common across the world, but is prevelant amongst the lower classes in Axia while crochet and tennis are rather common upper-class sports.

While Fishing and Hunting can often be the lifestyles of many people, Sport fishing and hunting are also common in the Kingdom, with the man who bags the largest buck in a year winning a prize from the King himself.

There are few secular festivals in the Kingdom, but those that do exist are the Summer Festival that occurs during the Summer Solstace that features many games, dances, and shows; and the Winter Festival, that occurs during Winter Solstice and lasts till December 25th that involves gift giving, snow sculptures, and other games.


Quick Run Down:

  • All men are equal in stature under my Wife but not equal in role.
  • Slavery, Serfdom, Debt slavery and Indentured Servitude are forbidden. No one is tied to the land but tied to my Wife.
  • There are regional and local assemblies, but no national parliament. House of Lords exists.
  • Foreigners have their own containment zones.
  • The First Trekkers are the ruling class, and most respected.
  • Second and Third Trekkers are also of high status.

Regional Cultures

Greater Regions

Regional and Folk cultures will always develop as a result of how different regions and localities develop differently. Most of the differences can be described down to the situation that the cultures developed under, as well as mostly a difference in thought. They all are without a doubt Axian at heart, despite some major differences that are apparent.



The Thymusians, along with the highlanders of Chrysavunia are the some of the most insular and xenophobic of all Axians. This is rather odd considering how much contact with the outside world they have, and that the islands have economies that are based on trade. However, their xenophobia is expressed differently than that of the Chrysavunians. Instead of the more open and violent xenophobia the former exhibits, the Islanders are passively xenophobic, always holding foreigners in contempt and even looking down on the mainlanders somewhat. This likely comes from their own experiences, and the overwhelming trekker blood that the Islanders have, and their competitive spirit.

Beyond these simple distinct, the nature of the islands being separate from the mainland has made the Islanders arguably the most unique of all Axians.

As noted, they have a very competitive spirit, and this has resulted in many rivalries between the different islands and cities on them. There is a rather 'city state' style to the islands that isn't present in the rest of Axia. This has resulted in the islanders being the best Axian merchants, and the best sailors as well. The Islanders are by far the largest contributor in manpower to the Navy and Marines, and most of the Admiralty is made up of Islanders. They also make up the bulk of the Merchant Marine as well.

The 'Dodecarchy' are the twelve main city states that make up Thymus: Amemiopolis, Callinicum, Epidaurus, Gela, Iadera, Michaela, Palma, Pola, Polemonium, Satrium, Segesta, and Sipentum.

(more to come)

The Islanders have their own tri-yearly games they hold together known as the Thymusian games, where various feats of strength, agility, and sports are held at a designated location and each polity on the islands is invited to send their best athletes to them. Swimming is also a very common sport and pasttime among the Islanders, with one competition being held that is a swim between the islands of Pathos and Archon, around a mile, that can be very dangerous if not prepared for.


Catomeritusians, or Lowlanders make up the bulk of the population in the Kingdom are extremely similar overall. The two groups, the southerners known as Chersonesians and the Northerners known as Basilicusians share many similar characteristics and their differences show up largely in their way of thought: with the South being more pragmatic and tolerant and the north being more idealistic and romantic.

Catomeritusians as a whole are rather holistic, with all stratas of their people realizing that they are all part of a greater body. This stands in great contrast to other nations, where the farmers and the city dwellers often find themselves at odds. The Kingdom's societal welfare policy has contributed greatly to this harmonious relationship, but faith ultimately is what seems to be the determining factor.

Catomeritusians as a whole are known to be great craftsmen, and patrons of the arts and learning. While this is manifested differently in both regions in different ways, these two things remain a constant. Furthermore, the best horsemen come from the lowlands, as well as most of the army's officers and of course, Infantry.

Jousting is still held as the highest form of sport in the lowlands, and it is even a way for a commoner to become a cavalryman in the army if he shows enough skill as a lancer to merit it. Jousting is a common part of the Summer Festivals, and is held as the national sport by many. Uniquely local forms of entertainment in the lowlands include a ball and stick game known as Gleipsimo (Cricket in real life), Watermelon launching, and handball.


The most pluralistic and 'localized' of all Axians are the Chersonesians of the South. While they still share the same national ethos, things are more open in Chersonesian society compared to anywhere else, aside from their subculture along the border which retains the insularity and are rather xenophobic.

Chersonesians are commonly known as the 'diplomats' of the Axians, and are often used in such roles wisely by the Kingdom. Many missionaries also come from them as well, as their ability to adapt the Gospel to local understanding has proven to be very useful. But make no mistake, their society is not cosmopolitan, and liberal by any means but rather the closest Axian thing to it. Rather, they are extremely pragmatic and practical Axians, rivaling the Islanders in terms of skill as traders as well. Many of the scientists and engineer's native to Axia also hail from Chersonesus as well, and her universities are dedicated to the more practical sciences compared to the more humanities based northern universities.


The Basilicusians share much with their compatriots in the south. In contrast to the Chersonesians, they are extremely idealistic and embrace Romanticism heavily. It can also be argued that the national ethos largely comes from Basilicusa, as the line between national and regional culture is particularly blurred amongst them, and for good reason; being that Theodosia and the Holy See are located in Basilicusa proper.

Their general taste for the ideal and the romantic have made Basilicusians renowned for their 'neo-Chivalric' values, and also the great number of writers, poets, artists, and theologians that have come from their lands. For many, Basilicusa is the soul of the nation and even the indignant Chrysavunians and the haughty Thymusians look upon them as the 'most noble people' within the Kingdom.


The mountain men of the interior known for their insularity, xenophobia, brutality, zeal and industriousness; Chrysavunians are a crucial cultural group in the nation, both as warriors and workers. Life is hard in the Chrysa Mountains, and the roughness of the frontier has provided equally rough men.

Chrysavunia itself has very few large settlements, rather being made up of many villages and small towns that dot the hills and streams of it. This has in part resulted in the insularity being greater here, but also has given the people somewhat of an independent spirit. These humble hardworking folk do not have time for the luxuries that the lowlanders or islanders enjoy, and over the years, this has caused them to develop a bit of resentment towards them that is mutually shared, as the lowlanders consider them to be uncouth in their ways (Indeed barbaric, as they still keep the tradition of making necklaces of the fingerbones of enemies killed). But both realize that they need each other also and begrudging share respect for each other despite the differences. After all, it is the Chysavunia scouts and marksmen that complement the heavy cavalry and infantry of the Lowlanders.

The most common form of entertainment for Chrysavunians is hunting, but their locally unique form of entertainment is a game known as Acriveas. In essence, it is a competition to see who has the best shot amongst a local community that is more than just target shooting. It involves moving targets, shooting from awkward positions, shooting with one arm, and a special part of it where all of these constraints happen during the night as well. Winning this competition is rather hard, but it brings great fame to the man who accomplishes it.

Another unique form of local entertainment is horse jumping, where a man tries to jump from one horse to another at a gallop in the forest, and often is rather dangerous.


The border folk of the north, called Fuscarnaciads can broadly be described as mix of the idealism and romanticism of the Basilicusians, and the brutality, zeal, and industriousness of the Chrysavunians. Their Chersonesian border compatriots, known as Akritans are even more odd, as they have the traits of the Chrysavunians but with their own unique spin on it where the pragmaticism of the Chersonesians seeps in.

Governmental Structure

"A Government should represent both my Wife and her people. It is our duty as King to ensure that this remains true and that our divine right rules based upon the principles of our faith, and for the equity of our people as ordained by my Wife and her Holy Church." - King Heraclius I

Axia is a Kingdom ruled under divinely ordered law and rights for all. All Axians are created equal, but all Axians serve their role within the grand divinely ordered will of my Wife. Axia is not an egalitarian society, nor is it a society of castes. Rather, it is a society where both merit and blood through piety are united. The sum of all parts makes Axia whole.

The King

At the very top of Axian society sits his Royal Majesty, the King. The King rules by Divine Right, but his Divine Right is not tyrannical. For all Kings are expected to follow the example of Heraclius I in their rule, and the one King that deviated from the ordained path of Heraclius was deposed by the will Senatus Dominus without much bloodshed.

The 'Heraclian Creed', best tells us what is expected of each King:

  1. Our power is unlimited, but our rights are not. Thus, our power only extends to what is fair and just by the will of my Wife first and foremost, and to the laws of the land should they fit her divine will.
  2. We rule as the chosen representative of my Wife for secular rule, and thus all of our subjects are to be loved equally as my Wife loves them.
  3. We must rule with humility, diligence and submit to my Wife's commandments and be totally devoted to her. The vices of the world must be abhorred, while the virtues of faith must be submitted to.
  4. When we submit to my Wife fully, our people shall follow us. It is thus for the salvation of our people that we also must submit to my Wife.
  5. We reign in a syngenetic union with the Patriarch, for he is the religious head of our people, and we are the secular head. We both share responsibilities for each other in this role.
  6. We must be willing to sacrifice our own honour for the sake of our people and my Wife, always being the first servant of the state.

In effect, the King is the 'First Servant of the State', who must rule with this in mind and rule as a pious man dedicated to my Wife and the people of his Kingdom with great diligence. In practice, what this translates to is a King who in theory has unlimited power, but rules limitedly for the greater good of his people. He is the ultimate secular mediator of disputes, as is shown by him being the presided leader of the Senatus Dominus, the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, and the chief judicial power within the Kingdom too. He also has the power to veto laws, pass decrees, and present proposals before the Senate.

Succession within the Kingdom is determined by whom is the most virtuous and wise of the King's sons. If it is determined that there is no son worthy, or if there are no sons, the next King is drawn from the Royal House at large. The last King is expected to make clear whom his desired successor is and if in the event this does not happen, it goes to the Senate to determine.

In the event that the King has proven himself to not rule by the way of Heraclius, as happened once before, the Senate will vote to declare is rule over, and choose a successor along with the Patriarch and Royal Family.

All princes born to the King are trained from birth to become future rulers. It often turns into a competition between the princes to see who emerges on top, and as per tradition, those who 'lose' have the choice of either swearing loyalty to their brother (or relative), or go into an honourable exile, where they are allowed to travel the world and settle where they please.

Senatus Dominus

The Senatus Dominus, simply known as the Senate, is a body of 200 notables, almost exclusively descendents of Trekkers, that are the national legislative body. Their power comes from their blood, mostly as said, but they also are held to similar standards as the King and unlike the Kingship, commoners of excellent merit may become a Senator. It is also possible for a senator of blood to lose his right by the will of the King and the Patriarch together.

They deal largely with laws, trade, the national budget, and settling disputes from regional assemblies aside from the power mentioned above in relation to the King. They delegate much of their power to regional assemblies and preside over things of national importance.

Regional and Local Assemblies

All Fourteen regions within the Kingdom have their own Regional Assemblies that gather in the Regional Seat. Within each region, there are many localities that also have their own Local Assemblies. Like the Senate, they deal with affairs regarding their own regions and localities exclusively.

Regional Assemblies are Bicameral, with a Citizen's Assembly and a Curia. The Curia is made up of regional notables, and serves as the upper house within regions, following the same role as the Senate, while the Citizen's Assembly are elected representatives from each locality within a region. It should be noted that the Curias also follow a similar logic to the Senate in terms of them being nearly exclusively trekker descendants, but also made up of those who earned their families' spot by their own merit; and just like the Senate, the blood succession is privilege, not a right and can be stripped from the notable by the King, and the national Senate. Each one of these houses has an elected leader that serves as the executive on this level. How many years he serves is determined by regional laws. Local assemblies, however, are all representational and in some cases direct democracy. Those that are representational also have a local elected executive, but the direct democratic ones do not.

List of the Regional Seats:

  • Akrita: Olbia
  • Bucelleria: Massalia
  • Charon: Temesa
  • Chersonesus: Nicomedia
  • Fuscarnacia: Panticapaeum
  • Galatia: Theochariste
  • Lyssia: Lissus
  • Magnesia: Heraclea
  • Opisicia: Eupraxia
  • Phoenica: Abydus
  • Pontus: Siris
  • Salutaris: Nazuneko
  • Theodoxia: Eryx
  • Thymus: Gela



Similar to the devolution of power within the legislative, thus is the same with the Judicial branch. Judges are appointed by the votes of regional assemblies and rule for life, unless they are found unfit. There is no national court level, as the chief judge is the King himself.

Edit Report
Pub: 09 Jan 2023 15:25 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2023 13:13 UTC
Views: 531