Royal Lunar Navy: "The Midnight Devils"

This will be redone.

The Royal Lunar Navy is not the largest or strongest fleet in the world, far from it! But we in the Royal Lunar Navy believe that no one fleet in the whole world fights with as much vigor, with as much elan and is willing to take the most unorthodox ways to protect our freedom! Huzzah!

We, being smart, won't tell you the number of ships we have as that would be a fool's errand! Rather know that we can outfit a moderate number of ships of the line in our eastern and western fleets, along with all other common warships. But I hear you say that it's hardly unorthodox to do such things! After all, that sounds like everyone else. Calm down and listen closely.

What if I told you that we have ships that can sail under the water and blow-up other ships with just a stick? Does that sound unorthodox to you? Well, that's because it is and has been proven to be quite effective in action!

Introducing to you, our prized Submarines! You think we copied them, of course not! They were copied from us actually by all other powers at be because they proved to be so amazing. The details are TOP SECRET, but we can tell you that they are around 12 Meters long, have a crew of 6 gallant men, and can reach speeds of 4 knots. We cannot tell you our secret weapon that blows up enemy ships, but we can tell you that it is attached to the end of our Submarines and blows a large hole in things when it touches them, something that has caused many many accidents but something that we are proud to have used in battle against those blasted watermelon people to great effect. We also lost one of our boats to it once... but that is too shameful.

What is this? Too advanced? What do you mean too advanced? This sounds like northern treachery to me to hold us down, nay and I say nay shall we ever given in to this blasphemous and outrageous demands. Die we would prefer. For the Midnight Devils come, and destroy all that come towards them with elan, bravery and might!

Did I also mention we are really good at fighting in the night? Oh, it may be unsafe but damned if we don't.

The Submarine

failed experiments over a few years, but eventually results in something good?

Pub: 25 Nov 2022 22:14 UTC
Edit: 31 Mar 2023 17:13 UTC
Views: 346