Repaying the Debt

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The hyena tribe was one of the last of it's kind. Living with a policy of fierce isolationism, they have remained isolated from the outside world since their discovery about eighty years ago.
They've made it this far by living in a lonely stretch of Savannah that held no arable land, gems, ores or oil, most colonizing armies and warring nations simply didn't see the point in trying to take over somewhere like that.
Anthropologists and men of science such as yourself had taken an interest in the tribe, but were all filtered by the daunting journey or the tribe's hostility.
You were the first researcher (and human) to ever successfully make contact with them, and it had all come down to a stroke of good (or terrible, depends on who you asked) fortune.
It was your first day inside the borders of the tribe's official territory, a vast, open savannah dotted with clusters of greenery and trees. You were searching for a decent spot to make camp in.
Just ever so slightly, you thought you heard something over the insects, birds, and your own breathing. It sounded like someone was...whining?
Following the noise, you were definitely near someone, or something. It sounded like whatever was making the noise was just beyond this patch of tall grass.
Taking a deep breath, you kept a hand ready to draw your knife as you steeled yourself and pushed through.
You stepped into the clearing and directly in front of a huge black mamba.
Normally, an experienced field researcher like yourself would know exactly how to deal with disturbing a highly venomous snake, but there was no need.
This one appeared to be quite dead.
There was a large, curved dagger embedded into it.
The owner wasn't too far off. Sitting right across from the dead serpent.
A Hyena was currently slumped against a tree, clutching a nasty bite wound on his thigh.
He hadn't noticed you yet, clearly in a lot of pain as he screwed his eyes shut and let out a pathetic whine from his gritted teeth.
It looks like that Mamba had given him a healthy dose of neurotoxin right before he finished it off, his fur was disheveled and his grip was shaky, and getting weaker every second.
You wasted no time in throwing your backpack to the ground and rifling through the pouches.
Naturally, this alerted the large Hyena to your presence and he audibly gasped. You were probably the first human he had ever seen.
You wished you could've met him under less unpleasant circumstances, especially with what you were about to do.
It was experimental, probably super illegal and almost completely untested. An EpiPen full of highly concentrated anti-venom that you may have bought from a less than reputable "friend" right before the trip.
You had heard there were some particularly unpleasant fauna in this region and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Pulling the cap off with your teeth, you casually approached the now visibly panicked Hyena with your hands placatingly in the air.
He was trying to put some distance between you, barking out warnings in a very old sounding dialect.
It was to no avail as the numbness spreading through him left him almost helpless, not that it stopped him from trying to flail you away.
The fool was going to speed up the venom's spread with all this excitement, you needed to be a lot faster.
Gripping the injector tightly, you gave up on the slow and peaceful approach, opting to pounce on the weakened Hyena and show him your good intentions by force.
He was caught off guard just long enough for you to bring the needle to his jugular, a loud click signaling that you got him.
He roared and managed to buck you off immediately afterwards, but that should've been enough to get him through it.
You went flat on your ass, for someone dying to deadly venom, he still managed to throw you like a rag doll.
It seems like that was all he could manage though, as his furious glare lost it's focus before his eyes rolled back and his head finally slumped forward.
He was out cold, shock wearing off, and blood loss kicking in.
As you pulled out some more medical supplies for him, you thought about how this spot would make a half decent campsite once all the blood was cleaned up.

A couple hours later...

You had put the large Hyena into a slightly more comfortable position, his thigh was bandaged and cleaned, and you used your backpack to prop him up, his heart needed to stay elevated.
You spent the rest of your time monitoring him and cleaning the place up, you now had your tent set up and a small fire pit ready to go, the Mamba was quickly disposed of, and was probably feeding some hungry birds.
You made sure to pull that dagger free beforehand though, after a quick clean it appeared to be made from carved bone wrapped in leather.
The detailing on it was surprisingly intricate, and the swirls and zigzag patterns seemed to match the faded body paint on your patient.
Maybe you could get another look at those...
Quietly, you sat at the Hyena's side and looked over him top-to-bottom
He had a surprisingly handsome face, when it wasn't wrinkled up in a panicked snarl.
The Mohawk-like tuft of hair sitting between his ears was a coppery color, same for some of the fur covering his chin, was that some kind of dye or natural?
You kind of wanted to pet his head, but seeing those pearly white fangs in his slightly agape mouth helped you realize that would be a bad idea.
Your gaze moved downward, he appeared to have body paint covering every inch of him, it was an unusual green color, made from goldenrod perhaps?
The zigzag patterns moved down from his thick shoulders, to his biceps, before ending at his paws.
Man, he could probably snap you in half like a chicken bone if he wanted to.
Shaking the morbid thoughts off, you looked at the rounder patterns and symbols on his chest, they didn't match anything your recognized, but an educated guess lead you to believe they were runes for health.
Moving down from his surprisingly meaty pecs and defined abs (what were they feeding this guy?!) you saw more of the same.
The last one continued below the waistline of his loincloth, framing a red treasure trail and drawing your eyes to a barely concealed bulge, a stray gust of wind was all that you'd need to see the full monty...
The intrusive thoughts telling you to take a peek were interrupted when the larger male let out a groan, weakly bringing an arm over his eyes to shield them from the sun
His nose twitched as he caught your scent, and he was pretty quick to scramble away once he realized the guy who had just stabbed him in the neck was within arms reach.
His lips peeled back as he bared his fangs and let out a low growling noise, you tried to raise your hands in surrender, but the growling only got louder.
Oh shit! You still had the dagger in your hand!
He was still at risk, but there was no way he'd let you try to help him like this, you needed to offer a sign of good will.
You slowly turned the dagger in your fingers until the bladed side was in your hands, before lowering your arm to offer the handle to him.
Naturally, he was suspicious, and he seemed to deliberate on what to do.
You sweetened the deal, pulling out your water flask and sloshing it around.
The hackles on the back of his neck went down just a little as his dry tongue darted out, he was probably parched.
You closed the gap, and he cautiously let you.
You gently placed your peace offerings in front of him and backed off, snatching your bag while you were at it.
It didn't take him long to figure out how a twist cap worked as he gulped down the water.
Once he was done, he took a moment to inspect his knife, checking for damage or scratches, it must have been important to him.
He was probably starving, and you were quite a while from the village proper, so you threw in a granola bar from your rations too.
He seemed utterly confused by the brightly colored rectangle you had just tossed to him, until he realized what the tearing motion you were making meant.
Once he got through the packaging and caught the scent of freeze dried raspberries, he had already popped the whole thing into his mouth before you had the chance to mimic eating for him.
He let out a satisfied hum as he chewed, his bushy tail beat against the dust on the ground.
You supposed the old adage about the quickest way to a man's heart was correct, he seemed a lot more relaxed now, ears flicking curiously as he watched you finish unpacking.
He still reared back and gripped his dagger a little tighter when you got too close, but it was progress.
You were pretty much done with setting up the camp, now you just needed to figure out what to do with the Hyena.
You figured taking notes might help you get your thoughts on track, and quickly produced a pencil and notepad to jot down the day's events.
That shock of red hair on the Hyena's fur was quite striking, so you'd put his name down as "Rooi" for now.

After scribbling down some notes...

The hyena seemed to be in much better spirits now that the food had hit his stomach, he watched you intently as you worked. Occasionally picking one of your gadgets up to inspect it.
The sun was setting now, and the two of you had developed a rudimentary form of communication, drawings!
You kept it simple, and after showing him how to use a pencil and paper, you managed to put together a little comic explaining how things were gonna go.
Your drawings went something like this:
Two stick figures, one noticeably taller and with a canine shaped head were sitting by a fire with a big cartoon piece of meat roasting over it.
Then the two stick figures were laying down in a tent with the moon and stars above, and little z's over their heads
Finally, the two walking to a bunch of hut-like scribblings (you had no idea what their homes looked like) surrounded by more canine figures.
Remarkably, he seemed to get it, tapping the last pic and gesturing to the horizon, right where your maps indicated where the village was.
He worked on his own while you stoked the fire for dinner, you were handed each piece as the two of you enjoyed some canned soup:
A rough cuboid shape with little circles all over it, cute, he really did enjoy those granola bars, you'd have to requisition some more when you sent your team the all-clear, you tossed him the last one for dessert later. Despite his neutral expression, his tail was whipping wildly behind him.
then was a very muscular looking canine figure killing what appeared to be a giant serpent with a curved sword, while a human-like figure watched in awe. Okay...That isn't exactly how it went, but he seemed pretty proud of his art, you gave him a smile and made a show of storing it away in a lock box, he seemed pretty happy with that.
As you finished up, the long day's fatigue hit you hard, and you were feeling pretty exhausted.
Rooi seemed to be tuckered out too, yawning and stretching as he munched on the last treat.
You unzipped the tent, gesturing inside before stripping to just your shorts and kicking off your boots.
As you crawled in, you were worried he'd be reluctant to sleep right next to you like this, it was pretty cramped and you were all but a total stranger.
That thought was dashed quickly though, as he was already halfway in as you lay down.
He wasted no time getting very comfortable with you. Lying a lot closer than necessary. You certainly weren't expecting this
As you closed the front flap and the two of you were plunged into darkness, you couldn't focus on anything but the massive creature sharing your sleeping space.
You expected him to turn his back and prevent any awkwardness as you flopped down next to him.
Instead, a python-like arm wrapped around you, pulling you into what could only be described as a wet dream
He was holding you close, right to his chest, with his arm securing you in place.
His leg was thrown over yours as he seemed to try and get as much skin to skin contact as possible.
A fuzzy chin rested on top of your head, and his hand began casually tracing circles on your chest.
He said something in his own language, baritone voice whispering something you couldn't understand.
W-what the hell was even the appropriate response here?!
His pecs were surprisingly soft as they rose and fell behind you, pulling away would be rude right?
Maybe this was some kind of heat-sharing thing? It could get bitterly cold at night in these parts.
Rooi's breathing was soft and even, like this was the most natural thing in the world.
Your mind was too worn out to process this, it was a problem for tomorrow anon when you woke up. You quite literally couldn't keep your eyelids open.
You gave in and let yourself slip into unconsciousness while being spooned by the larger male. Pretending not to hear the satisfied rumble he let out when you sank further back into him.
...fuck, it was going to be difficult to sleep with this hard on

The following morning

Fucking phone...
You reached out and lazily tapped the device, turning off the quiet alarm you had set.
You were right, sleeping with an erection was difficult, it took you ages to finally relax enough to fall unconscious.
It's not like anyone could blame you though! You spent the entire night wrapped up in Rooi's thick arms, the soft tuft of fur on his chest gently caressing your back.
You had become so engrossed in your work that the idea of dating, hooking up and even jerking off kind of fell to the wayside.
And now you were stuck with a gigantic hunk that seemed all too comfortable invading your personal space.
Speaking of Rooi, he had somehow gotten himself even more entangled around you.
His muzzle was buried in the crook of your neck from behind, and you could hear him quietly snoring. He was still out cold.
Luckily for you, his grip had softened in his deep sleep, and you managed to squirm free and dip outside the tent to relieve yourself.
It wasn't long after you finished rationing out a quick breakfast and washing up that you heard some stirring in the tent.
Rooi's fuzzy snout popped out, sniffing the honey and porridge you had just finished plating up.
He sleepily took the nearest bowl and plopped himself right next to you, leaning in as he hummed in satisfaction at the sweetness.
You weren't sure why he was so touchy-feely all of a sudden. It might have been a cultural thing, or he was just thankful that you had saved him.
...Not that it was a problem, you were starting to enjoy the feeling of his rough paws and soft fur gently touching you.
As much as you wanted to sit next to him like this for just a little longer, you had work to do!
Cleaning up and securing everything, you prepped for the walk to the village, it Should only be an hour or so away.
Rooi was in high spirits, watching you intently as you geared up, his tail batting against the ground as you presented him with your crude drawing of the village and pointed to the horizon
Casually grabbing your hand and pulling you along, he began leading you to his home.

A Few kilometers later

Finally, the village was on the horizon
It seems the two of you were spotted at some stage, as an entourage was sent to meet you.
At least you thought it was an entourage until they all dropped their spears and began running to Rooi.
In an instant, the large hyena was flattened by the others, all of them yipping happily at his safe return, some of them were even crying.
It seems like he was important to them, and Rooi seemed pretty content to let them finish hugging it out with him.
At least until they noticed you...
Within seconds of realizing there was some odd hairless ape watching everything unfold, they took up defensive positions around Rooi, snarling and raising their hackles at your intrusion.
Luckily, Rooi came to your rescue.
He bolted up, putting himself between you and the others throwing his arm across and holding you behind him.
He shouted something at them, gesturing to you with a word that sounded oddly familiar, "ololufe"
Where had you heard that before? And why were the Hyenas looking at you totally differently now?
They still seemed weary of you, and a little shocked, but they weren't about to defy Rooi by the looks of it
The final walk into the village was...Awkward to say the least
Mostly because this song and dance played out several times, Rooi would be welcomed back, you'd be threatened, and that word along with some bared teeth would have them backing down post-haste.
It was from one of the local dialects, but the pronunciation was totally different to what you'd heard before.
As you wracked your brain to recall the meaning, you were led through the main gates of the village. Hyenas of all shapes and sizes were watching you with vested interest.
Some looked curiously at you, some seemed thoroughly upset at your presence. You expected this though, isolationist groups would view any newcomer like this, especially one of a different species.
What didn't make sense was how on your side Rooi seemed to be, he was noticeably larger than most of the others, and was quick to put himself between you and anyone looking at you funny.
He had also been leading you by the hand this entire time...
Eventually you were led to a large hut right in the center of the village.
Inside sat an elderly Hyena, she must have been at least 80, which was a feat considering how bronze-age everything was here.
She was adorned with charms made from colorful bones and feathers along with intricate body paint, which seemed to almost glow in the dim torch light.
Her eyes were dull, and you could see cataracts forming, but she tracked your movements with ease as you were led in.
Pointing a withered cane to you, she rasped out a question to Rooi.
He got down on one knee bowed his head low, you presumed he was explaining that you were his "ololufe"
It was definitely a word used to describe someone, but the exact meaning escaped you.
Her ears perked and she barked out a rattling laugh, before placing a hand on Rooi's head.
Or prisoner?! No, if that was the case then why was he protecting you?
She whispered something to him, and his tail began to sway.
Maybe it meant friend? Something along those lines...
Picking herself up off of the floor, the medicine woman began to guide you through some kind of ritual.
A younger woman was called in to help and you were sat kneeling across from Rooi.
He stared at you intensely as you were helped out of your dusty clothes and left in nothing but your briefs.
The older woman dipped her hands into a bowl of that bright body paint, and began renewing the symbols over Rooi's body.
You jumped as the younger woman began working you over too, tracing lines down your back.
A few minutes passed, and the both of you were soon wearing intricate patterns over your skin like T-shirts.
Finally, some kind of dried plant was thrown into the brazier, filling the room with an alien and utterly intoxicating scent.
As it filled your lungs, you could feel your body getting hot, and blood rushing from your brain and to your dick.
...Fuck, whatever this stuff was, it made you feel incredibly sensitive, your skin was on fire with waves of tingling pleasure.
You politely tucked your hands in front of your growing erection, which seemed to draw another dry cackle from the medicine woman.
She appeared to say a few rites, before shooing her apprentice out and leaving the two of you alone with one last cheeky wink.

...Now what? ((Skip here for the sex scene!))

Your heart started to beat faster, one last hazy synapse fired in your brain before your thoughts finally submerged into unadulterated lust from the aphrodisiac.
"Ololufe" was a word this tribe shared with the Yoruba
Your breathing got deeper, and the hyena was suddenly right on top of you, staring at you with a predatory intensity that made you shiver.
The approximate translation for "Ololufe" was "Lover"
Rooi's tongue was warm as he crashed his mouth into yours, pulling you close.
Clawed paws explored you as he kept the passionate kiss going, you couldn't breath, but the idea of pulling away was painful.
He growled into your mouth as his hands met the fabric of your underwear.
He pulled away and you almost whined, but elected to take the chance to breathe instead.
A rough hand shoved you onto your back, and before you could react, a wet heat had you writhing in pleasure.
He was licking down your abdomen, never breaking eye contact as he ran his tongue over every single inch of you.
He seemed to enjoy how you shivered from his touch, especially when he bared his fangs and nibbled on the soft spots, leaving love bites everywhere.
You reached out, and let your fingers interlink with one of his free hands.
This pleased him greatly.
Pinching the soft fabric of your underwear between his teeth, he jerked his head aside once
RRRRRRRIIP There goes your $30 designer boxer briefs.
Cool air hit your erection as it was finally free to bounce up and smack straight into the larger male's cheek.
It was almost frantic how quickly he tore the final tatters away from his mouth and buried his snout in your musk.
The dynamic seemed to shift almost instantly, as the predator marveled at your girthy manhood.
There was literal drool coming from his mouth as he raised his ample rear into the air and got to work worshipping you.
For a species with such naturally large mouths and a long necks, you weren't expecting him to have as much of a challenge blowing you as he did.
Even though he gagged and choked at the start, he was determined to never show weakness, bobbing his head up and down and humming roughly as you bucked into his mouth.
Eventually he had worked up a rhythm, and you were in heaven as he expertly suckled on your length, wrapping your cock in his long tongue and making a point to huff your scent during his breathers.
All good things have to come to an end though, and you quickly tried to pull him away just as you were about to cum.
Not that it stopped him.
Your offending hand was placed in a vise-like grip as he picked up the pace, and you couldn't hold back.
You counted about eight ropey shots of cum firing from your cock, every single one was swallowed and savored by the larger male.
He licked his lips as he finally released your manhood with a wet pop. Before surging forward for another kiss.
His mouth tasted like sex, and he only took a break from giving you a taste to mar your skin with more claw and teeth marks.
You wanted to reciprocate, he should feel good too!
Taking the initiative, you slipped a hand under his loincloth, and quickly found both his cock and the string that held it in place.
Both fell prey to your skillful hands as you let the fabric fall away with a single pull, before giving his own impressive dick a squeeze.
Figuring out the body language. The hyena sat on your chest, and let his own manhood plop right onto your mouth.
Ample, muscular thighs framing your head, a musky, masculine raw scent filling your nostrils, and the look of sheer unadulterated want from Rooi had you in heaven.
His oral servicing earlier was excellent, but a little rough. He needed some practice with blowjobs, and this was a good opportunity for a lesson.
You got to work, slowly suckling on the tip, and letting your tongue dart under his foreskin to tease the glans.
When he rocked his hips forward in pleasure, you took his length with ease. Whatever this incense had in it, it totally killed your normally sensitive gag-reflex.
Rooi was almost in disbelief as you formed a vacuum seal around his cock, letting him fuck your mouth at his pleasure.
His clawed hands held the sides of your face as he growled in pleasure, and eventually he managed to hilt his cock right down to the back of your throat.
He moaned loudly, and held position long enough for your vision to start blurring, before finally pulling all the way out.
A long string of pre clung to your lips, connected to his tip.
A couple seconds to breath, you were ready to keep going.
You opened your mouth, and let your tongue flick out to invite him to round two.
He happily obliged as your uvula was thoroughly bruised by his battering ram of a cock.
This was going to be sore in the morning, but you didn't care. Your mind was only focused on making him blow his load.
Just like you, he tried to pull away, but you were prepared.
Sliding your arms from his tree-trunk thighs and looping them round his back, you pulled yourself in, staying latched onto his cock as the fuzzy hand in your hair trembled violently.
He roared out as you had what felt like a liter of cum shot right down your throat. Eventually your survival instinct kicked in, and you pulled free.
The Hyena leaned back, still orgasming weakly over your chest as he let you breath again.
You planned on just enjoying the afterglow now, but the hyena seemed to have different plans.
Shakily standing, he rooted though the jars and pots in the room until he produced two miscellaneous substances.
One was an aloe-Vera like jelly, and the other was a sealed jar that rattled when he moved it.
The smirk on his mouth was almost manic as he casually dumped the contents of the rattling jar into the brazier. It was more of that dried aphrodisiac plant,
A lot more...
Before you could protest, the smoke engulfed you, and all higher rational thought was drowned in animalistic lust.
You were hard again, it felt like the refractory period simply didn't exist anymore.
Rooi seemed satisfied with how your cock sprung to attention once again, licking his chops as he took a healthy handful of the jelly.
It was cold in an oddly pleasurable way as he slicked you up, letting a wet schlicking sound fill the air over the sound of you two panting as he ran his rough paws over your steely erection.
For good measure, he bit his lip and fingered himself open, he even turned around for a moment just to show you how ready he was.
Lifting his tail and spreading his cheeks, you were greeted with the most inviting, pink juicy looking hole you had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Satisfied with you biting your lip and squeezing your cock from the sight alone, he once again mounted your chest.
Your cock was being hotdogged by his muscular ass as he got a feel for you, leaning in to kiss you and massaging your chest.
You ran your hands up and down his thighs, neither of you spoke a word of each-other's languages, but the Hyena's message was clear.
"I can't wait to have you inside me"
A deep breath, a grunt, and you were in.
Rooi's tongue rolled out as he slowly lowered himself down onto you, relishing the sharp pleasure of his hole stretching out for you.
It felt like heaven, he was so hot and wet and ready
About halfway down, the Hyena's legs must have given out, as he sat right down to the hilt faster then anticipated.
Your cock speared right into his prostate, and the way he suddenly sucked in a breath and arched his back made you worry he had gotten himself hurt.
Until he moaned whoreishly, and proceeded to do it again
and again,
and again
You couldn't move for fear of hurting him, and you didn't want to because this was the best feeling ever.
Rooi pounded his waist down into yours like a jackhammer, it was ragged, uncoordinated, and would probably leave the two of you sore as hell in the morning, but by god was it hot.
He rode you like he wanted a litter of pups, and the whole village could probably tell what was happening as his ample bottom clapped against your waist and he moaned like the bitch in heat that he was.
His tight hole clenched rhythmically, and you couldn't help but join in and let out your own loud sighs, moans and grunts.
Naturally, the aphrodisiac was turning it all up to 11, and you had actually cum several times already, but you just couldn't stop.
Orgasm after orgasm drained your heavy balls until you were shooting blanks into the Hyena's thoroughly bred hole.
Rooi was the same, your chest and abdomen was a canvas that had been thoroughly painted with his cum, ropes of it were everywhere as he got hard, slammed himself down on your cock, came instantly, and started all over again.
You could rule out that plant being supernatural, because eventually the bouncing stopped.
Looking up at Rooi, he was leaning back, barely conscious as the last of the smoke faded.
He weakly checked on you too.
The two of you just stayed like that for a while, starting at each other's ruined bodies. Sheens of sweat covered you both, and the hut was silent bar the ringing in your ears and the sound of your own ragged breathing.
Eventually, he lowered himself forward, lying down on top of you.
You embraced him and tucked your head into the crook of his neck.
Sleep took you both quickly.


After Rooi took a few bops to the head with her cane (presumably for using up all of her lust plant, and making her hut look like the site of a cum explosion) the medicine woman shooed you both to a nearby river to clean up under the cover of the setting sun.
Your mind was full of concerns again as you washed up.
There would probably be some significant consequences and benefits you had to weigh from essentially mating Rooi, a high ranking member of the tribe.
You'd probably be faced with research opportunities and obligations galore from this point onward. And the question of "was it worth it?" resonated though your mind.
As you considered it, cold water splashed into your face, and you were shocked out of your rumination.
Rooi, cupping his hands, was smirking devilishly at you.
You smiled back, before giving him a taste of his own medicine!
Laughter, crickets and splashing filled the air as the two of you play-fought.
Which quickly devolved into making out by the river bank....
Eventually, you two somehow managed to get to a semblance of "clean and dressed" before Rooi offered a hand to lead you back home.
His eyes seemed to glow in the pale moonlight, and were full of a warmth you almost dared to call "love".
You considered the question again as he took your hand and pulled you back to the village.
Was it worth it?

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Pub: 28 Dec 2021 14:42 UTC
Views: 3101