The Psychic Tree, I thought. I walked over to the purple looking Tree with ever-shifting leaves with the knowledge that this was my first choice coming in blind. After all, I’ve always been about mind over body. And, well, being able to mimic Arimis’ abilities would be great since they’re so impressive, plus the bonus that it’d be easier to relate to her and perhaps even help her become stronger? This is a no brainer.

I approached the Tree midway between the Tree to its left covered in frost and the Tree to its right enshrouded by steam, and felt a strange energy coalesce around me, similar to what Arimis had managed to invoke during combat. I felt neither pain nor pleasure from it, it merely hung to me like a light fog.

I approached the Tree and was greeted by an Espeon who said, “Hello. You must be interested in becoming an Espeon.”

I replied in the affirmative, and told the Espeon about how it was my first choice and how much I valued the strength of the mind, to which he replied, “Oh, well you definitely want to be one of us! Welcome!”

We walked towards the Psychic Tree, the purple roots sticking out of the ground as we neared, and he asked, “now, how do you feel about the Tree?”

I was puzzled for a moment, and then realized that there was a feeling he felt that I was missing out on. I felt a slight tug from the tree, beckoning me to join it, but it was equal in intensity to how I felt for some other Trees at the Center Stone. I looked up and, although the leaves appeared to be a symphony of various psychic energies fading in and out, unmatched in beauty, I harbored no deep connection to them or the Tree itself.

I sighed and said, “I really don’t feel much, or at least as much as I would’ve thought.”

The Espeon thought for a moment then smiled. I felt the light psychic energy coalescing around me strengthen as he put a paw on my back and said, “sometimes, even if your mind desires one thing, your body desires another. Don’t worry, friend, if this is not your destiny. Even if we walk different paths, you’ll always have a small part of all the other Eeveelutions, psychic included, inside you.”

Although his kind words softened the blow, I still felt dejected. Well, I suppose another fate is in line for me. I returned to the Center Stone, the wisps of psychic energy detaching themselves from my body, and I asked myself what Tree I should visit next.

Pub: 04 Dec 2024 17:58 UTC
Views: 123