How to listen a 4chan soundposts.

  1. Go to your browser add-on/extension download page.
  2. Install the script loader Greasemonkey or compatible, like Violentmonkey.
  3. Go to

  4. Choose the latest version and click the install link. If it ask for additional steps, accept it.
  5. After being installed, reload you 4chan tab/s or your browser.

Fix not being able to listen to soundposts with the audio hosted in pomf

This is because your adblocker or similar is blocking pomf. This fix is for Ublock Origin, the most common reason for this, but it's applicable to other blockers.

  1. Open Ublock Origin control panel.
  2. Go to 'my rules.'
  3. Write this on the 'temporal rules' side:

    no-strict-blocking: true

  4. Press the '<=' arrow to make the temporal rule a permanent rule.
  5. Close the control panel and reload the tab/s or your browser.

Love, Gramps.

Pub: 23 Jan 2023 23:41 UTC
Edit: 24 Jan 2023 07:41 UTC
Views: 342