Bull Milk Greentexts by anonymous and /bara/hmoma/Writefren

Farmhand anon
The milking machine is broken again
You have to help the bulls out manually yet again
The milking machine was found with a bunch of hoof shaped dents in it

The milking machine was found with a bunch of hoof shaped dents in it

What a bunch of sluts. Those big bastards just cant get enough of human hands squeezing and milking those fat pecs of theirs.

Farmhand anon's phone history
How to milk cow men by hand
Cow milking etiquette
Is it normal for cows to moan when you milk them
Is it workplace harassment for a bovine to ask a human to suck his nipples
Is raw bovine anthro milk healthy
What does raw bovine milk taste like
Why does raw bovine milk taste so good
How to make ice cream at home

the bulls eventually refuse to use the milking machine entirely, insisting that only anon milks them
anon has to break up multiple confrontations that break out amongst the “herd” over who gets to be milked by “farmer Anon” first
despite this, the switch to hand milking only appears to have done wonders for the bulls milk production, leaving anon’s hands full with managing an entire herd of increasingly horny bulls who are only getting milkier and milkier with each passing day

All that focus on their chest is surely making them and their nipples super tender.

For real. At this rate those bulls are gonna have to start wearing brasThe herd demanded that only you can milk them

They refuse to use any of the machines so it has to be done 100% by hand
While the overall output has dropped, the demand and quality of the milk and it's byproducts has almost quadrupled the value
With the initial anger at the bulls being replaced by dollar signs in their eyes, the head ranchers begged you to keep it up
Considering this meant a nice little pay rise and an extensive list of benefits, you had no choice but to say yes, it's not like you were rolling in cash or options beforehand
All in all it was a sweet gig, barring some exceptions
As you strode closer to the barn, empty buckets in hand, you heard an all too familiar cracking noise followed by angry mooing
This was one of the exceptions
You had to break out into a jog to quickly break up another bull fight
Inside there were two bulls with their horns locked, staring each other down as they grunted and tried to wrestle each other to the ground
It was rutting season, meaning the bovines would be producing way more milk, but they'd also have teenager levels of hormones making them act like total idiots
You threw yourself in between the two males before one gored the other's eye out
Even though they could easily snap you like a chicken bone, both of the ornery bovines backed off
Doing your best angry boss voice you asked: "Alright, let's be civilized guys. What is it this time?"
The younger of the two, a belted Galloway named Angus piped up first. "This OLD MAN keeps messing with the milking roster so he goes first! It's totally unfair!"
You had to basically attempt a rugby tackle to stop the stark white Chianina who looked ready to rush Angus for his "old man" comment
It was Caleb, one of the oldest (and by far the largest) males in the herd. "You little shit! I need to go first! Have you seen how swollen my Tits are!?" He illustrated his point by bouncing one of his massive, tender pectorals

the tension amongst the herd is so bad that anon devises a system
the system is basic: bulls with the most production not only get higher spots on the milking roster, but they also earn special “rewards”
these rewards range from things like getting extra grub, longer breaks, to more intimate things like “anon brushes your fur”, or “hanging out with anon”, etc
the most coveted of these rewards are “anon drinks drinks from your tap” (I.e. anon sucks your tits), “2 hour cuddle session with anon”, “anon massages your chest”, and “1 hour alone with anon”
with these new incentives, the bulls begin to take their own measures to boost their production
profits skyrocket, and so does anon’s workload

What happens during that 1 hour alone with anon?

Let’s just say that anon may or not be breaking the “no fucking the merchandise” rule.

Farmhand anon slowly becomes friends with one of the bulls, eventually deciding to smuggle him out by hanging a hardhat on one horn and handing him a clipboard before trying to drag a hormone filled 650 pound larval-stage cheeseburger past security

Caleb easily skyrockets past his expected quota for the week, earning an hour of "oral relief"
The massive bull smirks as he slams down his recorded output in front of you
The other bulls look on, green with envy as you congratulate him and lead him towards your "office" which is just the room the milking machine used to be kept
"Be gentle boss, I'm really tender today"
Nodding, you assume the only position that works when your partner is a gigantic slab of beef
You in his lap, reverse cowgirling so that you face his mighty pectorals
You can see that his nipples are pink and swollen from the excessive milking, he totally went overboard for this
Still, he earned it!
You rub gentle circles on one of his dinner plate sized tits, earning a gentle baritone sigh from him
Gently, you take one of the perfect pink teats and begin rolling and pinching it with your thumb and forefinger
He jolts, but doesn't stop you
The stimulation sets him off and his nipple begins to drip a thick creamy liquid
Not wanting to waste any, you dive forward, catching the stream on your tongue, his milk is used in the most expensive bottles, adored for it's rich creaminess
You lick your way up until your mouth is aligned with his nipple before latching on
"Oh fuuuuuuuck~"
You feel his dick twitching in his jeans below you as you begin to apply some gentle suction, savoring the delicious milk filling your mouth
His large hand presses you further in to his pillowy breast, you comply with a light bite, making him squirt and moan like a bitch
He huffs and puffs as he buries his snout in your hair, holding on to you like a lifeline as the brick in his jeans leaves a larger and larger wet patch
Knowing what he likes, you run your hand over his bulge, it feels like a hot throbbing iron bar even through his thick jeans
There's supposed to be a no sex rule, but some light teasing to help the milk out is a convenient technicality

As you continue to suck, alternating between his sensitive tits, you decide to get a little rough
With one hand you tug his left nipple while his right one gets some light biting
The bull jolts "OW! Anon wait!"
Not relenting, you hold a solid grip on the pink mounds
"You gonna mess with the milking roster again?"
He looks scandalized that you're disciplining him like this
"No fair! I deserv-AAAGH"
Annoyed by his insubordination, you cut him off with a hard tug
"Wrong answer, wanna try again?"
A final spurt comes from his nips as he gets sent over the edge from your torture
His muzzle turns bright pink as he covers his face
He takes a shuddering breath, and you note that his cock's throbbing in long steady pulses, almost like he just-
Your thought's cut off as the room fills with a musky scent and there's a flood of dampness beneath you
Between pants the cow lets out soft moos before eventually calming down
The bull can't meet your gaze as he finally relents "I-I won't do it again...sir"
Gingerly getting off of his lap, you feel like you just sat in a bucket of cum
And by the size of the stain he left, a bucket would be the appropriate measurement
You're about to ask if you hurt him before he shoots up, pulls his hat down to cover his face and grunts out a "okaythanksbye!" before running away
You probably took it too far, but at least he learned his lesson
Or so you hoped...
Needless to say, the walk of shame from your office to your truck for a fresh pair of pants was pretty mortifying
If the herd was green with envy before, they're eating their own hearts out now

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting pretty concerned about how more and more ranches are genetically modifying their life-stock to be “more productive.” Like where does this end!?

Nah their bodies are simply making necessary adjustments overtime to improve production

We live in hyper-competitive times, anon, so what can ranchers do other than experiment?

It's fucked up man.

Bull friend did summer work on a farm
He came back shilling the health benefits of raw milk
Keeps joking about me milking him for some


Keeps joking about me milking him for some

Sure, he’s only “joking” now, but mark my words, sooner than later your going to wake up one day and find yourself pinned beneath a needy 650+ pound bull insisting that you drain his swollen and engorged tits before he begs you to empty your balls into his ass!

It's all a pyramid scheme bro!
Big dairy, and they're all in on it. Just like that one movie, they want us all to be "productive members" of society man!

blissful moos

You are not immune to cow men with big boobs

"Anthro liberation front" member sneaks in and attempts to free the bulls
It takes them an hour to demonstrate that they can leave whenever they want
He tries to redpill them with conspiracies about how they're enslaved
"Dude we get free dental and I get paid for sitting still while a human fondles my chest"

anon is a human collaborator in thr anthro liberation front
he agrees to “infiltrate” a local ranch to “expose” the mistreatment they think the bulls are being subjected to,
he’s greeted with a horde of genetically modified 8+ foot tall Bara daddies who are thrilled to have a new “farmer” to dote on
anon is nearly suffocated in an avalanche of giant cow men desperate to have him suck their huge, leaking tit-like pecs

Stuck working off damages to farm
Cow boys keep holding "biggest pecs" competitions with me as the judge
Can't say no because they're all 7ft tall Moöbermensch who could snap me in two


Best type of side job

What’s company policy against customers who try to cheat the system and get “free” samples?

They get an hour of milking to show how hard the bulls had to work to make the product they stole

Cat anthro, 28, who has chosen to remain anonymous, was caught stealing a gallon of premium milk from a local farm
He was forced into a milking stall by staff and not relased for 2 hours. Law enforcment were on the scene but could not interfere
Due to the technicalities of a local law from 1872 that was never abolished. The farm was well within their rights to "milk" him as recompense
A local deputy mentioned that the male feline requested that they "put him back in" after his release and that he will not be pressing charges
The sheriff commented "God, I wish that was me"

supposed to be a punishment
unexpectedly getting other species into the business for more flavor variety

Going to need more human hands soon.

The bulls have had enough of no sex rule. Farmer Anon WILL breed them, whether he wants to or not…

You WILL cum in the bulls
You WILL live in the barn
You WILL eat the breast milk ice cream
You WILL be happy

government passes laws that heavily incentivizes bull anthros to work as “life-stock” and “milk-producers”
the law stipulates that any bull anthro who applies for any sort of agricultural/farm position MUST receive specialized gene therapy and genetic “enhancements”
when asked government representatives refused to clarify why these rules were implemented, only stating that the gene therapy was “vital” to the “great plan”

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Pub: 25 Aug 2023 08:53 UTC
Views: 1825