Intricate DNI List!


  • Basic DNI, Zionist, You are in constant
    drama, You're a Chronic RS user who
    harasses others, idc if you think you are
    in the right, You overly hate on people
    for their interests, You are odd about
    MLM ships (Genderbends one of the
    characters to fuel your Straight ship
    agenda, Don't Piss me Off.), Anti Fujoshi/
    Fudanshi, You don't appreciate complex
    characters or media (let them be toxic,
    Who cares...), Stray Kids fans, If your
    humor is being "mean". I'll add more later.


  • If you think you like MHA more than me.
Pub: 20 Jun 2021 03:24 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2024 22:08 UTC
Views: 296