Mars' Character Reactions

My Office

Casey Jones

" ask too many questions, Casey. I hired you because you looked hard to kill. You literally had no head when we met, remember? I require interesting company who won't die on me as soon as things get messy, and you clearly fit the bill. Though, you running from W-Corp was a pretty big detail to leave out. Not that it'd have changed my decision. What the hell are they gonna do? Threaten ME? HAHAHAHA!!!"

"...sure, you balanced my books, paid the electric bill, removed the the ceiling mold, restocked the fridge with food you can't even eat, and swept the entire building, but I should cut out your tongue for saying my office looked like a dump. You're lucky you don't have one!"

Lots of sovl here, anon. I think your effort goes without saying, but I appreciate how much you made each choice matter. And Casey actually meshes with Mars even better than expected, due to his backstory. As I said in the past, Mars doesn't believe it's possible to get truly strong while remaining innocent. And he see those who take pride in stepping on the weak as vermin to be stomped out in kind. Someone like Casey is the exact type of person who'd pass his moral judgment, while also being competent enough to be worth keeping around. Also, his emanation being the opposite of Mars' is an interesting detail I noticed. Not sure if that's a coincidence or not. He's thematically pretty opposite of him in general, actually, being a hunk of metal with a hoard of weapons as opposed to a predatory flesh monster/living weapon. Anyways, based build.

Dove Office


"Yeah, I remember Dove. Can't tell ya why she flew away, but she was one of the few good ones. Never cared to remember her flock, so I can't say I know anything about her office's new owner. Doubt the place will last much longer without Mother Goose, though."

Kino build and kino art. Her sense of inferiority and attempts at chasing the shadow of someone who left without warning are really cool. The Clipped Wing relic is based as well. I'm really curious to learn more about the Dove lore and Natalie herself.

Other Fixers

Mirra the Executioner

"Yeah, she passed through my office a long time ago. Was made of tougher stuff than she let on, but I'm sure she quit or offed herself after what happened. That's how it always goes. Oh, you're saying the girl's still kicking? What, she was there for that one too? And that one? And- huh...well I'll be damned."

I remember her from the last go-around, so not too much new to comment on. Overall, it's a cool build with unique, flavorful methods of enhancing herself. Her not being ranked as highly as her strength should suggest is a fun detail. I'm interested in seeing how this iteration of Mirra fits in with the new MP cast.

Ji Jeong-Hui


I'm not familiar enough with his EGO to know why it's the horny option or what that says about him, but I like the fish out of water learning he had feet this whole time. Him growing up more sheltered and then being forced to adapt to The City (and doing so with flying colors) is quite fun. I also wasn't expecting multiple anons to take the coward option, but that's an interesting choice as well. Overall, I like him. He's got a unique collection of skills and equipment, and the overall build goes in almost the complete opposite direction of mine. Pretty cool, anon.

Shiina, the Black Cat

"I can tell the cat has claws, but she acts more like a skittish kitten than anything. The last time we met she looked like she was gonna run for her life. Am I really that scary? Maybe I need to work on my image with the other offices..."

She's got a lot of personality, and I mean that in the genuine sense. Leaning so heavily into the coward drawback makes her stand out quite a lot. I love the dichotomy between her anxious, fearful nature and her exceptional skill. I imagine she'd be quite fun to write for, as her personally should bounce off those of the other characters' in a number of amusing ways- mine being a good example of this. Overall, I look forward to seeing more from this dangerous but nervous wreck.

Alm Claude “Penumbra” Faith

"Heard the old bat's afraid to get a color. Supposedly a legend, but what good is reverence for legends when they die every day? All there is is what you can prove with your own strength. Seems she's aware of where hers ends."

Nice jaded oldfag build. Her slightly cryptic speech might get a little old if it's overused in longer writing, but it works well for the build so far. Her choices of equipment and augments seem to reinforce the careful nature you suggest in her description. I buy that she's a survivor. Good work.

Alma, The Blue Ringmaster

"Humans are often no worse than monsters. I can understand her thinking the opposite might be true. But you can tell everything about someone from the look in there eyes, and I've never met one of these 'distortions' which didn't have the eyes of a killer. Supposedly she's 'rehabilitated' some of these monsters, but I don't buy it for one second. Filth doesn't stop being filth. That said, if she's lasted this long while so often denying herself the killing blow, she must be strong."

Pretty cool way to implement her relationships from the past MPs. It does feel like a natural continuation of the character. Not too much to say, since she's not a new character, but I liked her last time. I do hope to see more of how she's changed as a person and which things have stayed the same.



"Wings pay more for the work I'd be doing anyways, so I can't complain. No real love for Enforcers throwing their weight around, though."

I don't fully know what Enforcers do, so I'm running on context clue. I also have no idea if Wilfrid would be someone Mars would actually know. Regardless, having a more charisma-based build is pretty cool for a setting which seems to want you to make everything as dead as possible I'm interested in seeing how Wilfrid tackles problems nonviolently. He also has quite the unique and potent singularity, which makes me think I could have expanded the scope of mine a lot more. Nice work, anon.


"Witch with the broken demon horn? Sure, I've seen her around. Seems alright as far as enforcers go. Cleans up more messes than she makes at least, which is more than I can say for most of her contemporaries."

Based effort, anon. Her Ego and appearance give off a sort of mystical vibe that feels quite unique compared to the other characters so far. And it's cool how you considered her Wing's quirks and expectations when detailing how she's forced to solve problems. Her varied skillset and abilities also suit someone who's constantly being sent to do random bullshit. Though, after reading everyone else's singularities and now your Tier IV Enhancement, I clearly underestimated what singularities are capable of when making my own build. I'll have to flesh out my own some more.

Haneul Vierordt

"She may call herself an 'angel,' but the eyes never lie. W-Corp's dog definitely isn't as innocent as she lets on. Though, I hear they have her out here cleaning up District 23. As long as she doesn't make even more work for me, we won't have any problems."

A mech pilot relic user is a cool concept. I'm not too familiar with the setting's tech outside of the CYOAs descriptions, but it seems like you put a lot of thought into making her abilities fit her Corp. I'm also not fully sure what that last bit about feeding singularizes to people exactly meant, but it sounds like conflict. Conflict is fun.


Ava "Lady Luck

"Just some loan shark here in District 23. Syndicate trash like all the rest, but I don't even get sent jobs to deal with her goons. Wiping her Syndicate off the map would be a complete waste of my time."

Another one from last time. And another which benefits in the flavor department from being more of a non-combat build. Using her cunning and sheer luck to try and fix the system from within was a nice twist before, and it's still fun to see now. All her item choices feel purposeful and in theme too. Nice job.



"A rat knows another rat when he sees one. Not often people like us get into the gizmo making business, especially the high-end stuff. Though, I can't say it's my cup of tea. Snapped too many freaks' 'ultimate weapons' like they were twigs to ever rely on that junk."

Glad to see our resident rat has returned with a new coat of paint. I like the progression you went with for him; it's fittings. I also like how he seems to overcompensate for his roots with fancy suits and the like. His change as a character feels natural. Nice work.


Emma 'The Shadow Queen'

"Yeah, I heard about that too; haven't seen it myself, though. Thought it was a rumor about me at first, but apparently the monster looks like a woman. Probably just another freak I'll have to deal with eventually. Not like we have a shortage of those around here."

As someone who's also lacking in lore knowledge, I commend you trying to engage with some of the weirder CYOA options. I went with the more obvious ones for my build, so it'd be easier to try to fit the tone of the setting. Overall, I think your build is cool, and it doesn't seem out of place from where I'm standing. I like that she's pretty normal outside of her man-eating shadow demon. I could see her having some pretty unique interactions with people based solely on how her shadow reacts to them.

As far as the Failty Ego stuff is concerned, I'm not quite the person to help you there. I'd say just do whatever seems cool. It seems less likely that you'll make it too strong, and you can just wank it more later if you underestimate what the option is meant to be capable of. That's what I plan to do with my singularity.

His Ṃycelial Ṃajesty

"...I'm telling you, Casey, I saw The Mushroom Man! No, I don't know why he'd wear a suit, but he disappeared into the wall and left a bunch of portabellas behind. Yes, those were the ones on my mushroom and swiss burger..."

Very sovlful, anon. Pretty simple in the description department, so there's not too much for me to actually comment on, but I really like the concept overall. He's got an air of mystery about him, and comes off as a bit whimsical relative to the other builds. I hope to see more from him.

Xibalba, Burning Man, Flayed One, Love and Hatred and Burning

"Supposedly there's some freak running around wearing human skin and slaying 'sinners' with a burning blade. No idea how much truth there is to the rumors, but I've killed viler vermin than that. If he's worth my time, I'm sure I'll eventually meet him, and he'll die like the rest of the filth."

Very soulful build, anon. Doesn't mean too much coming from me, but I wouldn't have been able to tell that you weren't familiar with the source material if you hadn't mentioned it. He has a very eerie feel, which is fitting for the themes you seem to be exploring. Not as much to comment on personality-wise, but he does scream "cool boss fight." I'm assuming that was the goal. Nice work.

Funeral Rites

"Sure, I've heard the story of the beautiful woman who helps the dead pass on. Like a grim reaper of The City, right? I don't usually believe such fantastic stories, but I think I'd have seen her by now if she was a regular person. And if she is real, then it makes sense that I'd never see her, since the grim reaper only comes when you're about to die. And I'm never going to die. Huh? What do you mean she's friends with Alma?

I always liked this build. She's pretty wholesome despite her creepy vibe, and I like that dichotomy. I'm not seeing too big a change from the previous MP, but that's probably not as necessary for a distortion. I'm interested in seeing if she'll develop connections with any of the new characters, though, and how much further her personality may shift from otherworldly to human.

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Pub: 20 May 2023 02:55 UTC
Edit: 20 May 2023 07:39 UTC
Views: 305