Black Metal Goat by /bara/hmoma/ writefrien
Inspired by that one metal gote bf story and the requests for more demonic gotes
>Be typical heartthrob human singer, one who's recently broken into the top 40 with an album that's doing crazy well
>Known for your sensual voice, you're the first song on a lot of sex playlists.
>You don't know what the fuck a "stan" is, but apparently they're violently protective of you on Twitter
>You end up getting a booking for a set at one of the biggest festivals in the nation, a staple in any upcoming performer's career.
>Due to a hilarious clerical error, you've been booked to sing right after DEATHKVLT, a famous black metal band
>The lead guitarist/vocalist is a Hebridean goat, at least 7ft tall (if you include those huge horns) and thoroughly intimidating.
>Heading out to the stage, he was wearing leather pants, sinfully tight to his large legs with (hopefully fake) blood artfully spattered over his pristine white fur.
>Before he stepped out into the spotlight he turned and looked right at you. Before casually giving you the finger
>"Eat shit normie, this is REAL music"
>You weren't willing to give him the satisfaction. Instead you smiled, winked and told him to break a leg.
>He looked ready to throw down with you, his handsome face twisting in anger, luckily for your security team the bassist pulled him away, it was their cue anyway.
>It was...loud
>You kind of expected it to be intense, that was the whole appeal of the genre anyway, right?
>The crowd of dudes wearing all black (holy shit in this weather?!) seemed to go wild for it.
>Props to him, the caprine he knew how to put on a good show.
>Their set was full of this cool, evil-ass energy, even though you two were from different worlds, you could recognize and appreciate the artistry and technique
>Like all good things, the set ended, the band looked totally wrecked. Full of testosterone, you got a death glare from the goat
>"Beat THAT"
>A challenge? Fuck it, you wanted to go all out for the festival anyway
>It was game time, you weren't really planning on making this too big of a deal. It was one concert you were both at, you'd probably never see the guy again.
>"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have ONE more artist for you tonight."
>There was a cheer, oh right, you were a surprise guest since you got booked in late.
>The lighting scheme and logo for DEATHKVULT projected onto the stage faded. It was just inky darkness
>The dramatic pause gave you just enough time move out and position yourself center stage.
>With absolutely no introduction, a single spotlight slowly creeped up to illuminate you perfectly
>Those dudes in black might not have recognized you, but their wives and girlfriends certainly did.
>The crowd's reaction to the surprise appearance of anon would become a social media hit.
>One video of a girl screaming, crying, fainting, getting up, vomiting, and fainting again would become a staple reaction image for years to come
>Even the guys got into it after a couple songs.
>Needless to say it was a smash hit as you pulled out your best work.
>A white shape in the corner of your eye was revealed to be the goat guy from DEATHKVLT, he was slackjawed at how popular you were.
>Deciding to humble him (just a little), you blew him a kiss during an instrumental break.
>His hackles raised, and a conflicted look washed over his face before he stormed off.
>Talk about a sore loser...
>You shook the interaction off and finished up your set.
>Eventually you finished up, waving off a still screaming crowd as you strutted offstage
>As you made your way to your dressing room to freshen up, you saw three figures hanging outside.
>They were the other band members for DEATHKVULT
>A Hyena, Badger, and Bat, all still in full makeup and costume, looked thoroughly done with life outside of their dressing room.
>Shouldn't they have gotten changed by no-*CRASH*
>Inside their room, you heard a familiar voice shout profanities, followed by more crashes
>"Oh no, don't let him out"
>The badger said that, quickly securing the door with his body as he looked over to your worriedly.
>"H-Hey dude, listen, you were great tonight, but you should probably get out of here"
>There was a worryingly loud sound of glass shattering from inside. "STUPID FUCKING HUMAN"
>The hyena joined in, looking around for something to barricade the door with
>"Yeah man, you were sick! But uh, the big guy inside got a little competitive and he's not taking the L very well"
>The bat covered his ears after that war cry. He was taking the goat's outburst as more of a mild annoyance
>"I'm pretty sure you have him questioning his sexuality after that little stunt on stage, hell, even I got kinda turned on"
>As you tried to process what the bat meant by that, the banging and crashing suddenly died down.
>"...Who're you guys talking to?"
>They tried to hurry you off, but you weren't in any rush on this guy's account.
>"You guys did awesome tonight too"
>There was a light thud on the door
>And that was your cue to get out of here.
>You shot a smile at the band before power-walking (okay, running) back to the safety of your dressing room.
>You somehow felt like that wasn't the last you'd see of that guy
>Part of you kinda hoped so, him being huge and violent aside, it was kinda fun to wind him up
>Lo and behold, you ended up meeting him again
>The both of you had ended up booking the same photography studio for upcoming photo releases
>Headshots, album covers, glamour shots, posters. This place pretty much covered everything
>You saw the band turning a corner just before you went for makeup. Looks like they were in the same slot as you
>After about 30 mins of getting into costume, you headed out to prep for the rest of the shoot
>Right next to your setup, DEATHKVLT were working on some poses for posters
>That thing were they combined all of their hands to make a shadow puppet of a winged demon was pretty cool (wait how did they manage that?)
>"NO! This isn't right, we're missing something!"
>The goat wasn't satisfied
>"Aww come on man, we got some good shots! I wanna get brunch already!"
>The caprine was adamant
>"It's good but it's not DEATHKVLT!" (did he always shout the band name like that)
>The rest of the band sighed in exasperation
>This was also kind of inconvenient for you, at this rate they were gonna bleed into your slot.
>You casually strode up to the shot
>This time the bat was the first to notice you
>"Oh it's Anon, s'up"
>You s'upped him back, making your presence known to the other three
>The other two chimed in with polite hellos, before the goat slowly turned to glare at you
>"You might've won the crowd over at the festival, but don't get all high and mi-WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!?"
>He only just noticed?
>You were in full costume for your shoot, which happened to be following a "Ancient Greek/Narcissus" theme
>Needless to say, the silk robes draped over your body left very little to the imagination
>You actually thought it was tasteful, but the way the caprine rockstar reacted made you doubt it
>He was covering his eyes, blushing furiously
>Maybe the body oil you had on was a little too much
>You explained that you were up next, and you were willing to help them finish up if they needed it
>They were going for a "cultish" kind of vibe. But they couldn't get any satisfying shots
>That's when an absolutely evil idea popped into your head
>"How about you sacrifice me?"
>The group seemed a little confused as to what you meant
>"You wanted it to have an evil cult kind of vibe right? You guys could pose like you're about to sacrifice me, and with a little post effect magic you could get a pretty nice cover out of it"
>You had done plenty of shots before, these guys had albums but as far as you could tell they mostly did amateur shots up until now
>They seemed to be mulling it over
>"That sounds SICK!"
>The goat (still covering his eyes) was the only one who seemed reluctant
>"W-we don't need a naked dude on our cover art! C'mon let's try lighting my horns on fire again!"
>There was a resounding no from the band and pretty much every member of staff in the room
>The vote passed on doing a shoot with you 4 to 1 (you can guess who voted no)
>You even lent them some of the props from your shoot to help out
>And now the teasing could continue
>It was kind of odd that you enjoyed riling this big goat-man up so much
>He was just so cute when he got all flustered
>Things were getting tight, the deadline for your own shoot was soon so you probably had time for one set of shots max
>This pose had the goat standing over you, with a dagger that looked like it belonged to a mall-ninja raised high over his head
>You were draped over a faux marble altar, surrounded by skulls and candles
>The band just kind of had to stand there and look cool in varying edgy stances
>You of course, couldn't resist being a little shit and posing yourself in increasingly sensual ways
>The goat looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel
>"Last one guys!"
>For the last one, you decided to be more than a little bold
>Hooking your fingers around the top of your sarong-thing, you showed the goat just a little too much skin
>He audibly choked as the camera snapped
>Album cover is considered iconic
>Gay anthro mags call it a modern piece of homoerotic art
>Much to the chagrin of the goat, 90% of this discussion is because of his expression on it
>Artsy types keep saying how he looks like he wants to kill the human but also ravish him.
>Somehow this speaks to anthro men everywhere
>Discussion only gets spicier when Anon releases NARCISSVS, wearing suspiciously familiar robes on that album cover