Imperial Privileged Occidental Company

Company Logo

Official Name in Documents: Kaiserlich Privilegierte Abendländische Gesellschaft
Acronym: K.A.G.
Motto: Integritas, Honor et aequitas in omnibus negotiis
Global Headquarters: Suzuhara, Mononobe Shogunate, Empire of Nijisanji
Date of Charter: January 11th, 928 VTE
Type: State-Owned Joint-Stock Conglomerate
Affiliations: Mechaffyna (unknown), /2434/, /Nijimales/, /LazuLight/, /mans/, /NijiEN/, /haha/, Hudtwalcker AG, Kingdom of Mujigae, V.M.S.
Languages: Anykarian, Pomeranian, Mujigaen
Religion: Nijisanjism
Industries: Agriculture, all types of Industrial Concerns, Raw Material extraction, Consumer Goods, Finances, Shipping, Shipbuilding, Construction, Investment, Alchemical and Chemical Concerns
Wealth Level: 5.5


The Company is overseen by a board of 17 directors that come from the three main investors in the company. 11 Anykarian, 4 from Hudtwalcker AG and 2 from Mujigae.

The lands under which the company rules in place of His Imperial Majesty are under the command of a Governor-General, who can come from any investor in the company but is elected by the XVII. He must swear fealty to the Emperor of Nijisanji and the Seitō Taishōgun of the Mononobe Shogunate.


To avoid competition with their rivals in Imperial Privileged Oriental Company (Compagnie Impériale Privilégiée d’Orient or simply C.I.O.), zones of jurisdiction have been set up between the two, with a Direct Zone that both can trade in fairly under the watchful eye of the Imperial Trade Commision. Otherwise, the companies are free to conduct business as they wish in their own zones.

Every major port on the west coast of the Mononobe Shogunate has an office, docking births, and warehouses solely dedicated to the K.A.G. Furthermore, the K.A.G. tries to get an office within every port open to trade with them under their own jurisdiction for accurate record keeping and quicker dealing with trade.

From the XIX down, the Company has organized its operations by economic sectors and local charters.

Merchant Marine and Company Fleet

Many merchants operating out of the western ports of the Shogunate and Pomerania were amongst the earlier investors in the K.A.G. and have formed the backbone of the trade fleet. There are approximately 150 Indiamen of all sizes that operate under the K.A.G. Flag.


While the Imperial Navy does offer its service as escorts, some larger Indiamen have been converted into 4th Ranks when needed. Escort within Mujigae waters are also offered by the Mujigae fleet as well.

Naval Jack

The major port that the Company uses in Mujigae is Hwangryeong. Called Tsingtao by the company, the town used to be a fishing village until the Company started to invest heavily into it around 1070 VTE. Now, the sprawling port is considered to be the "Staple Port" of the Company, as nearly all company ships stop at Tsingtao either on their way to the north or on the way to the Empire itself. So important is Tsingtao that the city has practically become one of the most fortified cities in Vitubia for all intents and purposes and boasting one of the larger ports in the region.

Company Army

Unlike their rivals in the C.I.O., the K.A.G. does not have the true need for a standing army of any note, aside from the men and guns that garrison their ports. In spite of this, the Company has many volunteers and adventurers that make up what is essentially the muscle of the K.A.G. In the quest to find more gold and treasure in foreign lands in recent years.

Typical Adventurer with the K.A.G.

Furthermore, the Company does operate a force of 5,000 men from the Kingdom of Mujigae under the request of their Sovereign for the protection of the Kingdom and as part of their lease on the Mechaffyna Mountains. This force, known as the Blaue Teufel or simply the "Blue Devils" are comprised of elite Pomeranians and Dragoon expatriates, whose contract have been permanently bought by the K.A.G.

Company Army Flag

Drilled and disciplined to perfection by Pomeranian Officers that are hired by the company, these men have shown their name to be true numerous times, as they were the ones stopped the Kingdom of Mujigae from completely collapsing with their crushing victory of the rebels at Samho in 1048.

Blue Devils

Beyond their deployment to Mujigae, these men in times of need are to be used by the company to protect its possessions. There is a saying in Pomeranian that reflects this rather well „Wenn Sie in Not sind, rufen Sie die Feuerwehrleute an." or 'When in need, call in the fire fighters." that summarizes their role rather well.

Pub: 02 Aug 2022 11:06 UTC
Edit: 04 Apr 2023 14:20 UTC
Views: 763