Is my Switch hackable?

All current Switch models are hackable, however the exploit methods are different and vary in difficulty.
This guide will help you identify what Switch model you own and what exploit you can use.

Current Switch models:

Erista (Unpatched):

  • If you purchased your switch before august 2018, then you have an unpatched Erista model and your Switch can use the RCM vulnerability.

Erista (IPatched):

  • If you purchased your Switch after august 2018, it may be patched. You can still check if your Switch is unpatched here.
    • If your Switch is unpatched, then your Switch can use the RCM vulnerability.
    • If your Switch is patched and is on firmware 4.1.0 then you can use PegaScape to hack your Switch.
    • If your Switch is patched and is on a later firmware version then you can use one of the follow modchips to hack your device:
    • SX Core/SX Lite
      • These modchips have been discontinued and are extremely hard to find.
      • They require to be soldered onto the motherboard.
    • HWFLY
      • Easier to find but are very expensive. Price range is $80~.
      • Requires to be soldered onto the motherboard.
    • PicoFly
      • Easy to find. Price range is around $4~.
      • PicoFly modchips are boards that use the RP2040 micro controller. Currently, the most used board is the **RP2040-


  • If you have a Switch that came in a red box, a Switch Lite or an OLED Switch, then it's a Mariko model.
    Mariko cannot use the RCM vulnerability. However you can use one of the following modchips to hack your device:
    • SX Core/SX Lite
      • These modchips have been discontinued and are extremely hard to find.
      • They require to be soldered onto the motherboard.
    • HWFLY
      • Easier to find but are very expensive. Price range is $80~.
      • Requires to be soldered onto the motherboard.
    • PicoFly
      • Easy to find. Price range is around $4~.
      • PicoFly modchips are boards that use the RP2040 micro controller.
        Currently, the most used board is the RP2040-Zero.
      • Requires to be soldered onto the motherboard.

Identify your device model

If you are still uncertain on whether your Switch is unpatched or patched, then you can check by clicking here and providing the serial number for your Switch.
You can find the serial number either underneath your Switch, on the box of your Switch, or you can go into your Settings, then pick System, and then pick Serial Numbers. Your console's serial number will be displayed there.

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Pub: 16 Mar 2021 12:21 UTC
Edit: 12 May 2023 09:00 UTC
Views: 425663