The Ice Tree, I thought. Its location was immediately obvious, with the cold breeze I felt even at the Center Stone coming from behind me. When I turned to look at it, its white, frosted-over bark was the only one that was a shade that would be reminiscent of ice. To its left was the entrance from which the valley ran, and to its right was a massive purple Tree whose leaves seemingly fluctuated.

I walked towards it, and although I expected the breeze to turn into a harsh wind, I found that it remained consistent, alluring even, as if somehow the cold draft beheld a sort of indescribable dignity. I glanced up and saw the leaves had appeared to be a brilliant white, fluttering in the cool wind that surrounded the Tree.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the crisp air that was fresher than mountain air.I let the feelings overwhelm me, the draw to the Ice Tree, the aura of regality, the rightness of all of this, and when I opened my eyes I saw a Glaceon beholding a smirk observing me.

“So,” he said, “you feel the draw too, huh?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“No, only us. Few are able to feel it, but those that do know that it’s their fate to join us.”

I heard these words and further approached the tree, the cool white bark feeling not harsh as I would’ve expected, but rather sending a soothing jolt of certainty through my body.

I glanced to the side and I could make out Althi talking with another Glaceon before I turned back around to my own suitor.

“I feel a sort of regality here… but, it’s mixed with, I don’t know, pride maybe?”

“Hmph! Of course pride!” said Glaceon, holding his head up high, “what's there to not be pridfeul about? It’s obvious that we’re the best option of all the Eeveelutions, especially if you feel the connection with our Tree. We’re simply superior to everyone else.”

I had almost made my decision right then and there without even visiting the other Trees, but that stopped me. This feels familiar but… too familiar. Pride… maybe I resonate too well with this Tree. I don’t have to be a Glaceon to love the cold, but everything that feels right, it's for things I wish to leave behind, not embrace.

I turned to the Glaceon and said, “I do feel the connection here, strongly at that, but I wish to look at all the Trees before making a final decision.”

The Glaceon’s face betrayed a flash of disgust seemingly at the thought that I’d even dare to consider other options before returning to normal, and he said, “suit yourself” before walking away.

I returned to the Center Stone and asked myself what tree I should visit next, unable to shake the conflicting emotions of blissful attunement and the desire to change into something beyond what I already was. I don’t believe evolving into one species or another will define who I am or how I act,but I’d much rather not join in a culture where that kind of thing is espoused, especially if I want to leave that behind.*

I found myself once again at the center wondering what Tree I should visit next.

Pub: 04 Dec 2024 17:58 UTC
Edit: 04 Dec 2024 18:03 UTC
Views: 80