
from Noa, HI LILI !! its been like a year since we've met atp isnt that crazy? 2 kno u were crushing on me for a few months is kind of silly, this couldve been so earlier. I think you're interesting and I like you alot, its hard to describe love, but this is a kind of love i can feel, its a nice feeling. I've been through so much with you, you're so close to me yet you live far away, why is that!!! ill go see you during the summer or something. I get really happy around you

thanks for believing in me, im excited to make more memories with you

NoaLias board

noalias (we both have autism)

Pub: 22 May 2023 21:39 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2025 01:32 UTC
Views: 938
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