Hime Dominatus

Hime Dominatus viewed from Luna Dominatus


A total of 9 moons orbit Hime Dominatus, 1 true moon and 8 bonbons(dwarf moon in the common dialect of Nanolish); in addition to these satellites, a thin ring of frozen ice encircles the planet known as the Ring of Pledge. The many lunar cycles and phases have each garnered a sprawling mythology and it is tradition for a luknight who plans to explore beyond the system to give reverence to Hime upon temples and castles carved out of moon rock or to make their vows of luknighthood upon one of the many moons of Hime Dominatus.
The lunar satellites of Hime Dominatus are separated into two layers, the Celestial Cradle and the Penumbral Crown. The Celestial Cradle contains the bonbon’s Luna Bebi, Luna Minoris, and Lunanora. Luna Dominatus is the largest moon in orbit and the final true moon in the Himedom’s natural planetary boundaries. The satellites of the Celestial Cradle are monitored closely in order to predict how the position of the moons might affect the weather on Hime Dominatus and to inform the Himedom of any dangerous weather patterns in formation.
Luna Bebi is the closest to Hime Dominatus and will cross the sky around four times a day with an orbital velocity of 4.41 km/sec. It sits just beyond the Ring of Pledge and has minimal colonization aside from scientific research stations and communication relaying devices. Amongst the satellites for sending mass alert and warning to the inhabitants of the planet, none is more diligent than Luna Bebi whose frequent journey around the globe can alert the entirety of the planet before it has finished its first orbit of four. Luna Bebi also excels at this role in interlunar communication and delivery within the Cradle partially because of its break neck orbital velocity, each moon within the Cradle will pass over Luna Bebi once a day and it is during this time that venturous lutradesman and lutruckers deliver resupply crates and other goods to distant lunar stations or deliver important packages to the planet.
Celestial Cradle
The Penumbral Crown differs considerably from the Celestial Cradle in several ways but most noticeably is the difference in orbital eccentricity, while each satellite in the Celestial Cradle has an eccentricity of 0 and a perfectly circular orbit around Hime Dominatus. The first bonbon of the Penumbral Crown has an orbital eccentricity of 0.363 and is a considerable distance from Luna Dominatus. The bonbons of the Penumbral Crown do not orbit around Hime Dominatus specifically, rather they orbit around the collective orbit of the Celestial Cradle and are more eccentric relative to Hime Dominatus as a result.
The lunar satellites of the Naaa System are each colonized to some degree though the purpose, extent of colonization, and lifestyle depend on the size of the moon and the primary utility for which the colony was made to achieve. Luknights will typically invest resources into the colonization and candy terraforming beneath a satellite’s crust before they make claims on the planet that satellite orbits, it is not uncommon for luknights to totally populate the moon of a civilization that has not yet attained space faring technology nor is it uncommon that a civilization live and die without realizing that its moon has been conquered by a foreign power. Luknights tend to have a hands off approach to extra-terrestrial life unless that life is in a region claimed by royal powers and the Hime-Vessel in governance.

Landscape and Weather:

The gravity of Hime Dominatus heavily affects the landscape and this is most expressed in the vast array of hills, mountains, and volcanoes which sprawl through planet's surface. Many of these dormant giants are not only visible from orbit but have peaks that penetrate through the clouds and touch the void itself in their great elevation. In addition, massive rivers, lakes, and tributaries run deep inland and branch outwards in sprawling cracks across the world's surface.
Hime Dominatus is not foreign to cataclysm, much the opposite. The gravitational effects of the many moons of Hime Dominatus effect the weather drastically and these effects have a tendency to snowball into multiple environmental tantrums. Hurricanes grow to apocalyptic proportions and move so fast and powerful that stone is sheared to smoothness by the blurring speed of the water that whips it, tsunamis grow as large as mountains and swallow hills and castle alike, and volcanoes erupt with such force that the sound barrier shatters over the sonic boom of an eruption. These factors have lead to the adoption of subterranean colonization as a survival tactic, one that has worked so well that lunaitos use it in order to colonize foreign moons and otherwise totally inhospitable environments. Below the earth, in the many caverns and caves, is a wonderland of glowing bioluminescent bacterial flora and beasts whose blood has been so far from light that they've developed sight without eyes.


Culture/Population Demographics:

Lunaitos pride themselves on a sense of assured and steady development, of growth from the ground up and a shield which does not falter under the forces which press against it. This cultural idea is generally thought to arise from their subterranean beginnings where the tantrum conditions of Hime Dominatus resulted in a mass exodus into the caverns and valleys which lay across the land. In the dark, the lumen resided amongst themselves and its denizens, carving out a realm for themselves and dwelling in a miserable way where the purpose of existence was to perpetuate for no greater purpose or meaning than to be and to remain. These times were the most bitter known to any lumen, so bitter that it is taboo to reference and is seldom done so by historians for who would hear of such a despairing era? One devoid of that which was cute or sweet or just, for some time this was the state of things, however this was not to last. The history of the Himedom truly begins with the alignment of the nine moons and a cataclysm which would mark the beginning of the luknights proper, it is said in ancient texts that the alignment of the moons caused such a gravitational anomaly that a burning comet was plucked from the void of space and sent hurtling towards the planet, where it crashed through the atmosphere and lay in a crater of its own making. There, the lumen gathered about the first Hime Vessel and marveled at her cuteness and the power that she held to change that which was bitter into that which was sweet and so the luknights made a pledge to give the newly named princess all that she should desire or want and so they came to be lunaitos and their times were bitter no longer.
For the newly crowned Hime Vessel, three candy conquests were to be had as gifts and offerings to Hime-Sama. The luknights began first with the Conquest of the World, for the tantruming storms of Hime Dominatus rendered all attempts to build a castle deserving of a princess into folly. The newly formed luknights knew that this could not be, for any princess of such a cute variety should witness her domain with her own eyes and gaze upon her royal domain with wonder and awe, so it was that the luknights began to build the roots of their castles in deep valleys and gorges and slowly but surely they began to rise and expand across the landscape. Castles sprawled in between mountains and their walls swallowed the countryside until they were so strong and deeply rooted that the great winds of tantrum storms broke against their blessed walls and the Hime Vessel could gaze upon her many bonbons and cherish the feeling of moonlite upon her pale skin.


The technological advancements of the Himedom, while space faring, take on certain traditional aspects that many cultures have left behind once they've taken the stars, lunaitos still value the essence of knighthood and a battle field that requires foot soldiers will see lunaitos with blade in hand charging into battle as was the traditional way of their ancestors. Some lunaitos are hesitant to take gene therapy or biological augmentations and many shun intensive use cybernetic implants when it isn't completely necessary, as such, there are few options for these on territory owned and populated primarily by lunaitos. This weariness over augmentations does not transfer fully towards the armor a luknight wears, it is not uncommon for the hud of a lunaitos battle helm to have biometric stats and an active communication network between lunaitos on the same squad or for the armor to take certain liberties in the electrochemical disposition of the luknight that wears it.
The lunaito standard is one which expects any luknight to be capable of defending friend and family from any threats to a reasonable degree, this is one of the many reasons that the armor of a luknight is considered extremely important and lunaitos pride themselves on never being seen without their armor on. Luknights wear a form of enhanced kinetic dispersion plate armor composed of a metal alloy known as Luunite, which is forged from steel and moon sugars gathered from the peaks of lunar mountains. This Luunite plate armor is extremely shock resistant and due to the dispersive qualities of the armor, the force of most ballistic weapons is dispersed throughout the armor making luknights incrediby resistant to ballistic weapons that don't have incredible power and armor penetration backing them, extreme temperatures can weaken the integrity of the armor and create vulnerabilities in the armor that weaken its dispersive qualities.
The standard firearm of the luknights is the Naaa Royal Protectorate: Himegwyn. The Himegwyn is a semi-automatic heavy ballistic pistol with devastating effect mid to long range. The Himegwyn is an incredibly powerful weapon but is unstable and inaccurate if used outside of its intended context however a luknight wearing gauntleted armor capable of stablilizing the kickback from this weapon will find themselves with a very deadly tool. The Himegwyn was built in order to work alongside those traditionalist who refused to rely entirely upon their firearms due to views that firearms were the less honest weapons and had no air of chivalry to them. This spurred weapon smiths into creating a series of weapons intended to be used in concert with enhanced melee and standard lunaito armor, designed so that both sword can be wielded at once when the situation requires.
For the majority of lunaitos, there is no real standard on what melee weapon one is expected to carry as long as it is effective in combat. Lunaitos typically equip enhanced swords of some variety, high-frequency song swords are common enough amongst luknights going into battle and the cutting power of a vibrational sword is unfailing against even the strongest of material, though in situations where a level of stealth is preferred mono-filament blades or blade edges are also common though require the hands of a skilled smithnaito, in addition, the two can be combined to make weapons that hit with enough cutting power and kinetic force that they can carve through tanks and peel concrete like butter. The choice of weapon for each luknight is something which their peers and supervisors often take note of and make judgements upon, for example, the sword implies a traditional fashion about a lunaito and a respect for culture while a spear indicates a preference for functionality over valor but might denote a lack of creativity.
Another unique lunaito technological power is their electone engine, a harmony based sonic energy converter capable of generating vast amounts of chuubanitrophic power through the use of musical harmony.
Electone engines usually aren't equipped for space travel due to the necessity of an atmosphere for their operation and while an enclosed environment such as a moon station or a heavy star cruiser can use electone's to generate internal energy, this energy is fairly limited and when condensed in such relatively small areas, can quickly lead to a disastrous sonic disaster. Electone engines are built for interfacing with a modified version of the electone, allowing it to access sonic conversion capabilities and engaging a link to a large circuit of chuubanite and sugar crystal circuits, the size of the sugar circuit connection directly affects the power of the electone engine and its total energy output. When symphonic harmony is achieved through the playing of an electone, these melodic tones activate chuubanite crystal nodes that cause an electonic reaction taking the form of a pink plasma like arch similar to an lightning strike. These electrone lightning arches are capable of being harnessed into focused blasts of sonic energy that can devastate an armored target and when used raw can cause rapid candyification on targets struck, electrone lightning cannons are commonly implemented on field tanks and other military equipment however the electone engine truly comes into its own when powered by a live musical orchestra. An electrone orchestra is composed of a key lunaito electone player and a surrounding orchestra to sing in harmony with the lead, generally the orchestra will be made up of small children in order to heighten the overall effects to their maximum potential which can turn whole landscapes into candyified wonderlands if conducted in a harmonious fashion or create a horrific landscape of sugar buffed hell beasts if conducted incorrectly.

Pub: 01 May 2023 03:39 UTC
Edit: 08 Jul 2023 01:07 UTC
Views: 188